82-year-old who claims he has not had any food or water

  • Thread starter phyzmatix
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    Food Water
In summary, this man claims to have had no food or drink for 70 years, and may be able to survive without food or water for much longer.
  • #71
zomgwtf said:
For an 82 year old? It definitely could be.

That's beside the point though. My point is that this is not something that should take place in hospitals or with doctors etc. administering.

This is very true. An old man's kidneys could fail very rapidly, during starvation and dehydration this would occur in ways that are difficult to predict. There is a reason of course, why most people are stuck with saline IV.

Let us not pretend that this is a scientific endeavor, but I don't understand the disgust that this is being medically supervised in India. Their laws are different from those of Canada, Europe, the US, and other countries. Likely that this man will not die or suffer damage, but it is a pointless exercise. If this man and Indian officials wish to waste time in this fashion, it is no riskier than Phase I clinical trials, or even Phase III. This isn't a smart use of time or effort, but it isn't criminal I think.

This man can stop at any time, which he probably has. If it is a hoax on the part of the so-called scientists involved, then there is no risk at all, yes? If it is not, then an 82 year old man might die, but I don't see that as anything unusual. Unfortunate, and immoral I think, but not vivisection of twins either.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #72
eveo said:
what if you've simply nothing to live for? exhausted all possibilities, no interests, friends and the like.
This is depression.

It is artificial. Humans are social and active creatures. If they have no friends, no livelihood, no interests, no supprt network then it's because they have slipped off the rails somewhere. They can be set back on the rails.

eveo said:
that's just unfortunate, not a sign of psychological imbalance. hmm I still think if the individuals will to live is depleted it's up to them. living in depression and medication is no life
You are suggesting that people can achieve a state of utter worthlessness (no value to anyone or anything). As well as that it is possible to achieve this state with no hope of recovery even with the best resources.

I think that, if people felt it were possible for our world to be so bleak that this can be accepted, there would be a lot MORE suicides.

No. Most of us choose to believe we live in a world where there is never no hope.
  • #73
DaveC426913 said:
This is depression.

You are suggesting that people can achieve a state of utter worthlessness (no value to anyone or anything). As well as that it is possible to achieve this state with no hope of recovery even with the best resources.

I think that, if people felt it were possible for our world to be so bleak that this can be accepted, there would be a lot MORE suicides.

No. Most of us choose to believe we live in a world where there is never no hope.

Eveo, if you are feeling this way, you should be helped you know? Depression is an often fatal mental illness, which is treatable in a number of ways. Why rush to death, when it comes for us all in time? "Where there is life, there is hope."

Dresden Files by Jim Butcher said:
From Summer Knight by Jim Butcher: Aurora: "Wait, you don't understand! I just wanted it to stop, just wanted the hurting to stop."... response from Dresden: "The only people who don't hurt, are dead..." Aurora, "I don't understand..." [dies] DRESDEN [speaking to her lifeless body]: "Neither do I..."

Unless you've discovered that you have contracted Ebola Zaire, or something equally dire, there is no sane reason to commit suicide, outside of war perhaps, but is that sane?
  • #74
Wow, i just read this whole thread :S
  • #75
DaveC426913 said:
For Pete's Sake what's wrong with you people? Are you being [doublyitalicized]deliberately[/doublyitalicized] obtuse?? :grumpy

I wholeheartedly agree with you Dave, don't get why there's even a discussion about it.

BigFairy said:
Wow, i just read this whole thread :S

And you didn't even mouth the words! :biggrin:
  • #76
Hopefully someone will post here when the results are announced. Is he still without food and, mor importantly, food?
  • #77
I've looked, but no luck so far. Seems as if no-one's bothered to check up on the guy in the mean time...Wonder if it will be worth contacting the Telegraph newspaper?

Any of you British perhaps? *nudge nudge*
  • #78
phyzmatix said:
I've looked, but no luck so far. Seems as if no-one's bothered to check up on the guy in the mean time...Wonder if it will be worth contacting the Telegraph newspaper?

Any of you British perhaps? *nudge nudge*

What difference would that make?
  • #79
motoroller said:
What difference would that make?

You would be able to deliver the news in a crisp accent, with excellent grammar? Perhaps he is thinking that the British get a first run of all telegraph and BBC programming. I find this very funny!
  • #80
IcedEcliptic said:
You would be able to deliver the news in a crisp accent, with excellent grammar? Perhaps he is thinking that the British get a first run of all telegraph and BBC programming. I find this very funny!

Perhaps you should give it some thought before you make assumptions about me and/or how I think. It would probably be easier/more beneficial for a Brit to contact them since

1. They might never respond to a query made through their website's contact forms, whereas a phonecall makes for direct contact with their operation. Now, how much do you think such a phonecall would cost from within the UK as opposed to from without?

2. Should you decide to go for the contact form in any case, the Telegraph requires a phone nr...do you think it will help if I provide them with my contact details in Africa?

3. Even if I do go for a contact form (with my contact details in Africa) then I think it reasonable to conclude that they receive hundreds (if not thousands) of requests through their site. This possibly results in massive delays in response time meaning our friend the 82 year old's story (maybe even body) could already be cold by the time they get around to it, thereby ensuring no follow-up article worth publishing...so we're back to point (1).

Now does my reasoning, although perhaps not entirely foolproof, manage to stand up to the scrutiny of your phenomenal deductive prowess? Maybe even carry away with it a minor concession or hint of approval?
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  • #81
Someone walked into his hospital room today and saw the old guy munching on a double Whopper with cheese, and a milk shake.

The old guy looked up and said, "No, no, no... this is not food or water...

...I call this stuff richalomas and tolamenis...

...so you see, it is NOT food and water!"
  • #82
Maybe he´s only russian, they can easily survive on vodka alone, they even make a soup with it... :smile:
  • #83
rewebster said:
Someone walked into his hospital room today and saw the old guy munching on a double Whopper with cheese, and a milk shake.

The old guy looked up and said, "No, no, no... this is not food or water...

...I call this stuff richalomas and tolamenis...

...so you see, it is NOT food and water!"

Yeah, right? It's FAST food, it's not real food and it doesn't count. . . the shake isn't water either.
  • #84
libath said:
Yeah, right? It's FAST food, it's not real food and it doesn't count. . . the shake isn't water either.

Heh, the shake is agar-agar and rat turds. =) Oh, and vodka!
  • #85
what all you guys are talking about
read first few lines of the news.

Prahlad Jani is being held in isolation in a hospital in Ahmedabad, Gurjarat, where he is being closely monitored by India's defence research organization, who believe he may have a genuine quality which could help save lives.


look at what IDRO work:-
India's Defence Research Development Organisation, whose scientists develop drone aircraft, intercontinental ballistic missiles and new types of bombs.

Think Again Before Commenting.

  • #86
hobbiest_2k3 said:
what all you guys are talking about
read first few lines of the news.

Prahlad Jani is being held in isolation in a hospital in Ahmedabad, Gurjarat, where he is being closely monitored by India's defence research organization, who believe he may have a genuine quality which could help save lives.


look at what IDRO work:-
India's Defence Research Development Organisation, whose scientists develop drone aircraft, intercontinental ballistic missiles and new types of bombs.

Think Again Before Commenting.


Ever heard of a http://www.thefreedictionary.com/joke" ? If people are serious, they will post a link. Do you have one that has the current status? It's been over two weeks since he started his fast and no updates have been posted on his status. Makes people wonder what's going on.
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  • #87
Borg said:
Ever heard of a http://www.thefreedictionary.com/joke" ? If people are serious, they will post a link. Do you have one that has the current status? It's been over two weeks since he started his fast and no updates have been posted on his status. Makes people wonder what's going on.

Possibly the IDRO realized that they were merely gullible, and the man was the fraud? :)
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  • #88
Borg said:
Ever heard of a http://www.thefreedictionary.com/joke" ? If people are serious, they will post a link. Do you have one that has the current status? It's been over two weeks since he started his fast and no updates have been posted on his status. Makes people wonder what's going on.

Here is the latest(link)


The medical experts of Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS) undertook an intense medical observation of 'Mataji'

Giving preliminary details of the exercise to mediapersons, Dr Ila Vazgan of DIPAS and Dr Sudhir Shah of a local hospital confirmed that Mr Jani had not consumed any food, or had any water or passed any urine or stool during the 15-day exercise from April 22 to May 6.
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  • #89
rtved said:
Here is the latest(link)


The medical experts of Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS) undertook an intense medical observation of 'Mataji'

Giving preliminary details of the exercise to mediapersons, Dr Ila Vazgan of DIPAS and Dr Sudhir Shah of a local hospital confirmed that Mr Jani had not consumed any food, or had any water or passed any urine or stool during the 15-day exercise from April 22 to May 6.

Article said:
Challenged to prove that he could survive without food or water, in 2003 he underwent his first hospital investigations. Then, as now, he was placed under the care of Dr Sudhir Shah, a consultant neurologist from Ahmedabad who specialises in studying people with seemingly ‘supernatural’ powers.

Question the source.
  • #90
IcedEcliptic said:
Question the source.

I get the feeling you're assuming he's pro-supernatural. He may well be an avid debunker.
  • #91
You know, for all those readers who have dismissed this as nonsense, it appears the claim does have some legs after all. It does seem to occurring in the light of rigorous and adequate observation under the eye of a doctor. I'm not suggesting there's anything to it yet, there's no mention of testing him to see if he's still healthy, but if he has gone 15 days without water, that alone is noteworthy.
  • #92
DaveC426913 said:
You know, for all those readers who have dismissed this as nonsense, it appears the claim does have some legs after all. It does seem to occurring in the light of rigorous and adequate observation under the eye of a doctor. I'm not suggesting there's anything to it yet, there's no mention of testing him to see if he's still healthy, but if he has gone 15 days without water, that alone is noteworthy.

I would like to know more about this doctor before I believe such amazing claims.
  • #93
DaveC426913 said:
... it appears the claim does have some legs after all...

The claim has had legs since its birth: - precisely two of them with webbed feet. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it's a duck. - A big fat fraudulent duck.
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  • #94
IcedEcliptic said:
I would like to know more about this doctor before I believe such amazing claims.

Perhaps you could have read the link which you have asked for.It is a team of doctors and other supporting medical staff and overseen by a biologist from defence research organisation of Government of India .

From the link:

So, on April 22(2010), Mr Jani re-entered the hospital for 15 days of tests. They ended on Thursday afternoon with doctors admitting that they were baffled by what they had seen.

and ...

Presenting their preliminary findings, Dr Shah was joined by biologist Dr Ilavashagn, director of the Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS)http://www.drdo.org/labs/dipas/index.html" , a heavily-funded department of the Defence Research and Development Organisation.

The doctors announced that despite apparently living on thin air for two weeks, the holy man was more healthy than someone half his age.

Blood tests, hormone profiles, MRIs and angiographs (imaging tests of the blood vessels) all pointed to the conclusion that Mr Jani had not needed to eat, drink or use the toilet once.


Notes: Dr shah is the one who did the study in 2003 he is now helping the Defence (Military) organisation.
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  • #95
rtved said:
Notes: Dr shah is the one who did the study in 2003 he is now helping the Defence (Military) organisation.
‘Dr Shah has been in charge of three similar investigations over the past ten years, and he has never allowed independent verification.

'In 2000, he was asking for funds to investigate a man he claimed got his energy from the sun, just like plants do.

‘In 2003, he even approached NASA for funds to investigate Mr Jani, claiming astronauts might benefit from the research. This particular hospital, led by this particular doctor, keeps on making these claims without ever producing evidence or publishing research.’

Mr Edamaruku is convinced that Mr Jani must have had access to food and water at the hospital, and does not believe that he was kept under strict supervision around the clock.

He says that whenever the Rationalist Association has investigated individuals making similar claims, all have been exposed as frauds.

In 1999, they investigated a woman who claimed that she was the reincarnation of another Hindu goddess. For five years, she had remained alone in a small closet where it was claimed she had not eaten nor passed any urine or faeces.

In co-operation with the police, investigators from the association searched the room, finding a toilet hidden behind a shelf and a disguised hole through which she received food. Blood tests revealed the presence of glucose, indicating the intake of food.

To further prove the case, a gas was released into the room that made the woman vomit. The contents of her stomach were found to include pieces of recently-eaten chapatti and potatoes.
Looks like work by Dr Shaw is very questionable.
  • #96
What is interesting is that, in fact, the man did clearly have access to water. It says so explicitly. He was given water to wash his mouth out. The trick is so obvious. The water was measured afterwards to be sure that he didn't drink any. Can anyone guess how a magician could fool you in these circumstances? Gee, maybe the disappearing urine has something to do with it. I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

Also, I'll point out that a good magician always has more than one trick up his sleeve, and often has an assistant.
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  • #97
stevenb said:
What is interesting is that, in fact, the man did clearly have access to water. It says so explicitly.

In the latest study he was allowed access to Water after 5th day.

He was given water to wash his mouth out. The trick is so obvious. The water was measured afterwards to be sure that he didn't drink any.

Not so obvious to many.Perhaps in the next study somebody can rope in criss angel or david blaine or... Even James Randy.
  • #98
Lock him in a room for a month. Will he be Schroedinger's Fakir? The superposition of states in this case will be ouside the box between beleivers and skeptics.
  • #99
Evo said:
Looks like work by Dr Shaw is very questionable.

Quite possible.BUT in the new study He is not In charge of the investigation.
  • #100
Unless his vital organs are bionic, there is no way they can continue to function without chemical sustenance.
Having no outside source, the human body will start feeding on itself; the human fat for the carbohydrates and the human muscle for amino acids/proteins. Thus, he would surely be skin and bones in just several months. Then he would die.

As for water, if he were in an extremely humid air environment AND immersed in water up to his neck, his lungs and skin "might" absorb enough water to survive. But not likely for very long.

In short, I call this claim BOGUS.
  • #101
Copuldn't someone that has been training his body for 60 years to go for prolonged periods of not eating or drinking easily go 15 days?
  • #102
rtved said:
Quite possible.BUT in the new study He is not In charge of the investigation.
Dr Shaw is in charge of this one too.

Challenged to prove that he could survive without food or water, in 2003 he underwent his first hospital investigations. Then, as now, he was placed under the care of Dr Sudhir Shah.

Also this sheds real doubt on the "test".
Sanal Edamaruku, the association’s secretary general, told the Mail: ‘I asked to be allowed to send an independent team to survey the room where this test is taking place, but I was repeatedly turned down.
  • #103
pallidin said:
Unless his vital organs are bionic, there is no way they can continue to function without chemical sustenance.

If it is so it will show up in Imaging instruments like MRI.
  • #104
Evo said:
Dr Shaw is in charge of this one too.

Nope.The Dipaps(http://www.drdo.org/labs/dipas/index.html ) is in charge.Dr shaw is a facilitator.

The person from dipaps has this to say:

Dr Ilavazhagn said: ‘Clinical, biochemical, radiological and other relevant examinations were done on Prahlad Jani and all reports were within the safe range throughout the study. He is healthy, his mind is sharp.

'What is truly astonishing, and something we have no explanation for, is that he has not passed stools or urine. To my knowledge, that is medically unprecedented.’

One can hide food under his robes but you cannot hide the stinking sh*it :-p

Any how one has to wait for the detailed report from Dipaps.

Evo said:
Also this sheds real doubt on the "test".

Sanal Edamaruku, the association’s secretary general, told the Mail: ‘I asked to be allowed to send an independent team to survey the room where this test is taking place, but I was repeatedly turned down.

This claim was for the tests done earlier by Shah.For the present test Involving Dipaps Sanal Edamaruku didnt make any claim.
Check Indian rationalists association site

This association apparently did a good Job in exposing many frauds.
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  • #105
rtved said:
Nope.The Dipaps(http://www.drdo.org/labs/dipas/index.html ) is in charge.Dr shaw is a facilitator.

The person from dipaps has this to say:

Dr Ilavazhagn said: ‘Clinical, biochemical, radiological and other relevant examinations were done on Prahlad Jani and all reports were within the safe range throughout the study. He is healthy, his mind is sharp.

'What is truly astonishing, and something we have no explanation for, is that he has not passed stools or urine. To my knowledge, that is medically unprecedented.’

One can hide food under his robes but you cannot hide the stinking sh*it :-p

Any how one has to wait for the detailed report from Dipaps.
If he fasted a couple of days first and cleared his bowels with a colonic, he'd have no stool. Even *I* know that and I am not a doctor. In cases where there is very little water, there won't be enough to urinate, or so little to just barely wet his clothing.
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