Are You Ready to Test Your Trivia Skills and Win Prizes?

  • Thread starter Integral
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In summary, the quiz involved the question: Which Dutch actress died of breast cancer in 2001 after refusing medical help, turning to the woowoo's, how many Americans would have it right? But there is nobody over age 15 in Holland that would have had the answer wrong. But they would also probably have spelled "batting average" wrong.
  • #36
I am pretty disappointed in the History category, that will be changed for next week. Perhaps another Sci/tech day?

I will be experimenting with different question categories as we go. Some of them do not have a lot of questions so you get a pretty high rate of repeats.

I tend to like harder questions to make it less of a race and more knowledge based. I the other quiz I participate in there are days when you have to finish is less then 60s to get in the top 10!

Physics news on
  • #37

Come out and play-ee-ay!
  • #38
I was quick today but my wireless cut out :cry:
  • #39
Kurdt said:
I was quick today but my wireless cut out :cry:

of course it did.
  • #40

OW! no WAY! TRIB! No... you can't... NO!

OW! Jeez!~
  • #41
I think I'm going to take a few days off. Maybe cool down a bit. Let the others catch up and all. I need to lie down.
  • #42
Seems like every time I play, I lose standing. Even though today I got 9/10...

Tomorrow's theme - World: Europe.

Uh-oh, us North Americans better hunker down!
  • #43
Notice that the number of points awarded the top player corresponds to the number of players that day. The more people that play, the more points you get. I am hoping to get some more people involved.

Do you think it would help to unsticky the thread to let it float in the active theads?
  • #44
I think I'd completely forget this thread if it was not stickied. Not that I remember with it sticked either. :rolleyes:

Sorry about the spoiler earlier. Grumpy about today's bio questions though (they sure do seem heavily weighted toward bio, don't they?) I lost time staring at one question because none of the answers was really right. :frown: I guessed right which one the writer thought was the right answer, but sometimes knowing too much doesn't help with questions like these. :rolleyes:
  • #45
Integral said:
I tend to like harder questions to make it less of a race and more knowledge based. I the other quiz I participate in there are days when you have to finish is less then 60s to get in the top 10!

I played this type of quiz with another group, and that was always the problem there too. I can't even get in the 60s if I click randomly without reading the question! I don't know how people can scroll and click so fast.
  • #46
I simply do not understand how you can finish one of these in less then 40s. In my other quiz the top 6 10s were under 40s!

I am thinking part of it is just having seen most of the questions before. It is surprising how many repeats there are.
  • #47
Definately keep it stickied.
  • #48
Integral said:
I simply do not understand how you can finish one of these in less then 40s. In my other quiz the top 6 10s were under 40s!

I am thinking part of it is just having seen most of the questions before. It is surprising how many repeats there are.

Two words:

Sock puppet.
  • #49
Something's screwed up with today's game. it says I've already played. It is carrying over the 9 people who played yesterday.
  • #50
tribdog said:
Something's screwed up with today's game. it says I've already played. It is carrying over the 9 people who played yesterday.

Yes. Same here. However, when I created a new account, I was able to open today's (World Europe) quiz.
Last edited:
  • #51
Something's not right with the site, I think. It froze up on me.
  • #52
Seems like it is working now. This is a good one for French speakers.
  • #53
Is there a way for us to create questions to send to fill up the science & technology question bank?
  • #54
I think that they draw their questions from the bank of quizzes in the various catagories. If you poke around the funtrivia home site you can find lots of quizzes in prehaps 10 different catgories, you don't even have to register to play them.

Any hope of adding questions would have to be done on the triva site, I have not explored that side of things.
  • #55
Tonight (Sunday) was the second time a question was answered in a They Might be Giants song. Tonight it was from Mammal: "As the warm blood flows/with the red blood cells/lacking nuclei/through the large ____ _____ _____ ..."
  • #56
Why are the Europe questions so hard for Europeans? :confused:
  • #57
Kurdt said:
Why are the Europe questions so hard for Europeans? :confused:

Because evidently "Europe" also includes Brazilian football teams.
  • #58
Top players for Jan 09

16 players played during the month.

1. neutrino (196 points, 0 wins)
2. yebvas1 (192 points, 3 wins)
3. neu (190 points, 3 wins)
4. Chi_Meson (189 points, 6 wins)
5. cristo (181 points, 3 wins)
6. bonnas91 (177 points, 4 wins)
7. dntstpbelieving07 (170 points, 3 wins)
8. Integral51 (155 points, 5 wins)
9. Kurdt (136 points, 1 wins)
10. NBAJam100 (123 points, 0 wins)
  • #59
Daily System Maintenance
We are currently performing our nightly maintenance and backups (4:00 to 4:20 CT). We should be back shortly.

What a lovely message to receive when you submit your answers. I hope this doesn't compromise my score today.
  • #60
Kurdt said:
What a lovely message to receive when you submit your answers. I hope this doesn't compromise my score today.

... I think it will...
  • #61
Only slightly longer than usual.
  • #62
I haven't played in a while, its still fun!
  • #64
Eh Gads, playing blindfolded really did not help.
  • #65
hypatia said:
Eh Gads, playing blindfolded really did not help.

Cool, I just found this thread and took my first quiz!

(I followed hypatia's advice and removed my blindfold before playing.)
  • #66

The more the merrier!
  • #67
er, i think you already annoyed at least one mentor . . .
  • #68
I can't submit. :cry:

I wonder if I'll have 24 hours worth of time penalty tomorrow.
  • #69
At :
Integral51 said:
should I replace one of the geo days with sci/tech?

We could try that. To space out the sci/tech days, perhaps World Trivia could be moved to Monday, and have sci/tech on Sun-Tue-Thu.

Out of curiosity, what are the choices? Besides the obvious bias toward sci/tech, I like the Fun Trivia days as well.

The current schedule is

Our Category Schedule:
Sunday: Science & Technology 2 : Intermediate
Monday: Geography 2 : Intermediate
Tuesday: World Trivia 2 : More Difficult
Wednesday: FunTrivia Mix
Thursday: Science & Technology 3 : Difficult
Friday: Geography 3 : Difficult
Saturday: FunTrivia Mix

What do others think? (I shouldn't be the only voice in changing the categories.)
  • #70
I like your suggestions, and if no one objects, will implement them.

The list of topics include,
Animals (1 level)
general knowledge (6 levels)
geography (3 levels)
history (3 level)
hobbies (1 level)
literature (2 levels)
movies (3 levels)
music (3 levels)
people (2 levels)
religion (3 levels)
sci/tech (3 levels)
sports (4 levels)
world (5 levels)

One issue is the number of questions, the default mixed bag has 100000 questions, some of the levels have less then 1000. I try to pick categories with several thousand questions, even then there seems to be lots of repeats. The smaller and easier categories turn into speed contests. Since I am slow, I tend to avoid those.

Do we want a speed demon day? Some of you are getting pretty fast now, I would be fine with it if that is what you want.
some of these have multiple levels

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