Are You Ready to Test Your Trivia Skills and Win Prizes?

  • Thread starter Integral
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In summary, the quiz involved the question: Which Dutch actress died of breast cancer in 2001 after refusing medical help, turning to the woowoo's, how many Americans would have it right? But there is nobody over age 15 in Holland that would have had the answer wrong. But they would also probably have spelled "batting average" wrong.
  • #71
Integral said:
Do we want a speed demon day? Some of you are getting pretty fast now, I would be fine with it if that is what you want.
some of these have multiple levels

Gorsh, let me think about that...
Physics news on
  • #72
Thought about it.

  • #73
Chi Meson said:
Thought about it.
And it only took you 44,760 seconds :biggrin:

Integral said:
The list of topics include,
Animals (1 level)
general knowledge (6 levels)
geography (3 levels)
history (3 level)
hobbies (1 level)
literature (2 levels)
movies (3 levels)
music (3 levels)
people (2 levels)
religion (3 levels)
sci/tech (3 levels)
sports (4 levels)
world (5 levels)
Wow, there are a lot of topics. Another option would be to switch 1 or 2 of them around 3 or 4 weeks, but keeping at least 2 sci/tech quizzes each week. Of course, that is extra work for you Integral, so feel free to ignore this suggestion.

It may be that people are pretty okay with whatever you decide.
  • #74
It is not all that hard to change topics. With the smaller question sets it would be a very good idea to just run them for a few weeks. Not a problem.
  • #75
The current mix of topics seems reasonable. I know some days leave me thinking "What the ___?", but it shouldn't be lots of people getting 10's all the time.

Sunday: Science & Technology 2 : Intermediate
Monday: General Knowledge 5 : Difficult
Tuesday: FunTrivia Mix
Wednesday: General Knowledge 1 : Very Easy
Thursday: Science & Technology 3 : Difficult
Friday: Geography 3 : Difficult
Saturday: FunTrivia Mix
  • #76
It might be worth changing some topics for August. I have nothing against the current list, I'm thinking more for the sake of variety.

I'd be for keeping the two Sci & Tech quizzes, since we're mostly Sci & Tech people in here.
  • #77
Some are too easy and its just a test of speed. Some of us are chronicly slow. I support a rotation.
  • #78
I also suffer from a slow click. Personally I do not like the speed tests but some people enjoy that so I have kept one on the schedual.

I agree that it is time for a change, will see what I can come up with. I am very dissapointed in the lack of a true history category, when I have tried them they are called humanities and simply do not have the questions I want.
  • #79
I am sure it's been talked about somewhere in this ginormous thread so my apologies if this is a repeat but do people here know about
  • #80
Integral said:
I also suffer from a slow click. Personally I do not like the speed tests but some people enjoy that so I have kept one on the schedual.

I'm the same way. But the FunTrivia Mix is often a speed quiz as well, so with General Knowledge - Easier we had up to 3 of these in a single week.

Just noticed the new schedule. Thanks Integral!
  • #81
Still fun, thanks Integral.
  • #82
Integral said:
You can use the keyboard, Tab moves to the next question, up and down arrows select the answer.

Keep playing!

I guess I should have read further into this thread than Trivia in the first post, here I've been using my mouse pad on my laptop.
  • #83

It's Thursday. I check into the Trivia game. Lo and behold, Integral, my nemesis, has tanked. Last time this happened, I missed that day. But not today, no not today.

I planned my strategy...

wait to the last moment, wait until the kids are all asleep and everything is quiet,

wait for everyone else to play and see how fast I need to go, or whether I can take my time and score higher. It's a careful decision.

Anyway, I need to take my son to his swimming lesson and he can't find his Crocs. I get up, and help him with his things and get his swim bag all ready, and I turn back to put the computer to sleep and...


Benny is four, and he knows how to play internet games. He hit the start button and was halfway through answering the questions and a full minute into the game!


QUickly, no knowing how many seconds have gone by, I fix all the answers I can, in total panic. Arg! Arg! Arg! I hit submit, Three wrong!

Still, edged out Integral.
  • #84

That had me laughing harder than I have in a long time. Thanks for sharing.

I can't promise that I will give you another chance like that, so guess you will just have to settle for #2 again. :smile:

(What happened to all of our smileys?)
  • #85
Look on the bright side Chi. Thanks to your son, I got my first win in 2 months. :biggrin:
  • #86
Tonight is the night for all of our PF members to try our trivia contest for the first time.

Come on, see if you like it.


  • #87
Chi Meson said:
Tonight is the night for all of our PF members to try our trivia contest for the first time.

Come on, see if you like it.



HEAR! HEAR! The dozen or so of us who play have a lot of fun with it. Warning the competion is getting tough. In other words I don't win all the time any more. :cry:
  • #88
Some of you may have noticed some strange comments by me in the quiz comments box.

So I started taking these triva quizes". I have found that you need separate logons for each quiz and yet another for the main Funtrivia site.

You cannot take a quiz you are not logged into but the comment box still works. Only problem,when you make a comment it does not matter which quiz you are looking at,the comment shows up in the quiz you are logged in to.

So my last comment. I am currently #1 in the Anandtech quiz, as I was yesterday until something less then a half hour before the end, when a user named Bolomite came in and beat me out of first. He is both accurate and lighting fast, but does not play everyday. So the "B word" is Bolomite.
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  • #89
Integral said:
Some of you may have noticed some strange comments by me in the quiz comments box.

So I started taking these triva quizes". I have found that you need separate logons for each quiz and yet another for the main Funtrivia site.



Good God, man, do you do 51 quizzes every day?
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  • #90
Chi Meson said:


Good God, man, do you do 51 quizzes every day?

Not every day, sometimes more! :))

But I only have 3 user names for that site, one for each quiz and 1 for the main site. It took me several months of sporadic trying to get this quiz set up because of the necessity of separate user names.

IIRC I started using the integral51 on sites that would not accept integral when I was 51.
  • #91
I won't give the question away, but really, "a thingy..."? Take the quiz today and you'll see what I'm talking about. Really, the best they could do was "a thingy..."?? How about, "something that..."? :-p
  • #92
Giving us a head start this month, Integral?
  • #93
ArcanaNoir said:
Giving us a head start this month, Integral?

Oh that reminds me. What do you get when Integral and I end up on Jeopardy?


I met Integral one day. I'm about 5'7". He's about 7'5". So the cartoon is drawn to scale. :-p Oh! and he has a long white beard too. And I always have my hands on my hips on the last day of trivia. hmmm...
  • #94
Come on OM, it ain't that bad, I am only 7'3" (plus or minus a foot or so). :biggrin:

Seems like we picked up a couple of new players this last month, hope they stick around. I think the question selection has improved in the last couple of years.
  • #95
Seems fun :D! Even though I'll never get any questions involving literature :x
  • #96
Integral said:
Come on OM, it ain't that bad, I am only 7'3" (plus or minus a foot or so). :biggrin:

Seems like we picked up a couple of new players this last month, hope they stick around. I think the question selection has improved in the last couple of years.

I was thinking about this today. What are the advantages of being really tall or really short.

Short(advantage): All ceilings in all buildings are vaulted
Short(disadvantage): Been to about 30 rock concerts. Never really saw one.

Tall(advantage): I can see everything!
Tall(disadvantage): Stupid door-sills... Did a hobbit design this world?

  • #97
Just bumping this to the top we are still playing but it sure would be nice to get a a few more involved.
  • #98
Okay, I'm back.

(Just doing my part to help boost your points total, Integral :smile:)
  • #99
I be losin'...
  • #100
Matterwave said:
I be losin'...

Ya got to be quick. :smile:

Just a few notes to anyone who has never played:

Integral said:
Trivia quiz for all of you who like this sort of thing.

This is 10 timed questions. You get 100 points for each correct answer and lose 1pt for each second. The more people the better, so I am hoping we can get a good contingent playing with regularity.

There is a new game everyday, and the person at the end of the month with the most points wins!

It takes on average between 40 and 90 seconds to play each days game.

Over time you will collect fictitious money, with which you can use to buy very cool items.

So far, I've traded in my bucks for: A Mummy Cat and 3 Kittens, a Submarine, a Personal Aircraft Carrier, and a Personal UFO.