Can You Identify These Aircraft from Limited Clues?

  • Thread starter Gokul43201
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In summary, Gokul posted two pictures of aircraft, one with a stealth plane in it and one with a paramecium. Respondent B correctly guessed the stealth plane. Respondent C guessed the paramecium, and Respondent D guessed the Northrop B-2 Spirit. Gokul posted the next clue, which was a picture of a satellite. Respondent E guessed the correct satellite, a Russian Soyuz. Respondent B guessed the next aircraft, the B-2. Respondent D guessed the Northrop B-2 Spirit again. Gokul posted the last clue, which was a picture of a person. Respondent A guessed the correct person, Kapische?.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
I recently took a bunch pictures of various aircraft, munitions, engines and a few space thingies. Thought I'd put them up, and make something of a game out of it, since it seems like there's a not too small aircraft enthusiast gang here.

The Rules:

1. Each question consists of no more than 3 clues, at least one of which will be photographic. The quest is to identify the thing based on the clues.

2. The clues will be posted sequentially, with at least a 2 hour gap between clues for the same question. The gaps may be much longer. For instance, near the other extreme, I might post the first clue in the morning, the next one at night and the third one, the next morning. As soon as each clue comes up, you may guess no more than one answer. If something is unclear about the clue, you may ask for a clarification. All clues (other than pictorial ones) will appear in bold text. Additional comments or clarifications of questions will appear in normal text.

3. First person with the correct answer to any question gets points according to the which clue they solved it on. A correct answer after the 1st clue gets 3 points, after the 2nd clue, 2 points and after the last clue, 1 point.

4. I may have more than one question up at the same time. For instance, I might post Q1 Clue 2 and Q2 Clue 1 and Q3 Clue 1 at the same time. So, when asnwering, please write down the Question number that you are responding to.

5. Guesses may not be edited later than a minute after posting. Posts where I can see the "edited..." comment will be disregarded. So, if you edit late, it is better for you to delete than have the answer up for someone else to steal. If you make more than one guess (in multiple posts) for any clue, all guesses by that person for that particular clue will be disregarded.


Example (posts appearing in chronological order):

Gokul: Q1, Clue I {picture of B-2 as posted in Ivan's recent thread}

Respondent A: Looks like a giant slipper

Respondent B : Stealth plane

Respondent C : E-3 Sentry

Respondent D : o-ring from Challenger

Gokul : Q1, Clue II {another picture, maybe an oblique top-view}

Respondent E : Paramecium

Respondent B : B-2

Respondent D : Northrop B-2 Spirit

Gokul : Respondent B has the first correct answer after clue #2 and earns 2 points.


Note : I do not require more detail than is given in B's correct guess (but B's first guess didn't cut it). While D's answer is preferred, I will not be anal and penalize B. This is not a game of psychology.


I'll give folks time to read this and ask any questions. The first question will not appear any sooner than an hour from now, and no later than a half-day.
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  • #2
Bring 'em on! Of course, by the time you start posting, I'll have to be giving the little one a bath.
  • #3
FredGarvin said:
Bring 'em on! Of course, by the time you start posting, I'll have to be giving the little one a bath.
Yeah, just let me know when it's bathtime! :devil:

NOTE : Typically, the first clue will be pretty hard, like an unrevealing camera angle. If it comes to a third clue, and no one's close, I'll make that one pretty easy, if I can.
  • #4
Fred and I are going to make your little game a

Now I'm going to the gym, see you in an hour if Fred don't answer them all by the time I get back!
  • #5
All right. Bathtime is over. Bring 'em on again!
  • #7
{not a clue}

Note : I'll try and have at least a couple of questions open everyday, so pay attention to the question numbers.
  • #8
U-2 spyplane.

You need to use flash when you take photos Gokul.
  • #9
How the heck do you view a full size image? I get some stupid Image Shack screen that only talks about uploading.
  • #10
cyrusabdollahi said:
U-2 spyplane.

You need to use flash when you take photos Gokul.
Gah, too easy!

Cyrus - 3 points

No, it's not about using a flash. A flash would have been almost useless over such distances. Naturally, I didn't want to use the clear-as-day pictures in the first clue.
  • #11
FredGarvin said:
How the heck do you view a full size image? I get some stupid Image Shack screen that only talks about uploading.
Can't you see the picture in the post window?

We must get this sorted out before proceeding. You can't see any more than I've posted. I didn't want to use attachments and take up PF bandwidth, so I'm using Imageshack for all the pics.
  • #12
I can see it when you post it, not when you click on it.
  • #13
I can see it in the post. I was just thinking that it was a link to a larger format pic. If that's what you get then I have no problems. NEXT!
  • #14
FredGarvin said:
I can see it in the post. I was just thinking that it was a link to a larger format pic.
No it's not. I've sized the pictures to adjust the difficulty of identification.
  • #16
That would be the apollo space capsule. (after re-entry, duh).

There is one down the road from here :biggrin:
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  • #17
It looks like a space capsule.

Damnit! He beat me again.
  • #19
Thats an F-82. It's a korean war era airplane where they chopped the wings off a P-51 mustang and put two of them together.
  • #20
Ahhh.. The twin fuselage P-51...The P-82
  • #21
Am I going too fast for you Fred?
  • #22
Hey. I am connectively challenged.
  • #23
Excuses, Excuses. Save them for Pengwuino.
  • #24
One more before I have to feed the wee one.

You're going down chump boy.
  • #25
cyrusabdollahi said:
That would be the apollo space capsule. (after re-entry, duh).
Correct again. I was looking for the word Apollo and capsule or command module. The one in the picture is Endeavor, from Apollo 15.

Cyrus - 6

Here's a better picture, and from the other side.
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  • #26
Yeah, feed him at 11:19 at night, sure thing...right...go get your Janes book on aircraft identification, looser.
  • #27
cyrusabdollahi said:
Yeah, feed him at 11:19 at night, sure thing...right...go get your Janes book on aircraft identification, looser.
You've obviously never been around a newborn. Janes is for wimps.
  • #28
I don't know, I am in a game with you arent I??
  • #29
cyrusabdollahi said:
Thats an F-82. It's a korean war era airplane where they chopped the wings off a P-51 mustang and put two of them together.
Okay, Cyrus is making a killing here. Yes, that is the F-82 Twin Mustang, famous during the early part of the Korean War. But contrary to misconception, it is not a conglomeration of two P51s.

Read this:
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  • #30
I figure I'll give you 4 or 5 more as a head start. Then if Gokul stops handing out the easy ones...
  • #31
Okay, I'll try and make them harder now. I've got lots more coming, but I want to space them out.

Cyrus - 9 points
  • #32
But how will fred get any points?
  • #33
cyrusabdollahi said:
But how will fred get any points?
Get used to the only scoring you'll ever do, nerd boy.
  • #34
If I were you, I would be too ashamed to play any further. You know, designing jet engines and all for a living...

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