PF Treasure Hunt - Solve the Clues & Crack the Code!

  • Thread starter Gokul43201
  • Start date
In summary: The clue tells you to look for a word that refers to the loci. You should look for a word that is not found in between. This word is extremities.
  • #141
TenaliRaman said:
2 ... make a condition that one can post an answer to the clue only after say 24 hours of posting the clue .. this prolly gives everyone a chance to view the clue ...
You make a good point. Perhaps this is the best way. Unfortunately, people naturally want to compete to be the first to answer a question. If we declare that treasure hunts are just for fun and the admin will not declare winners, then perhaps this is a fine policy.

- Warren
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  • #142
chroot said:
And really, you have two mutually exclusive choices:

1) Make all discussion open for all hunters.
2) Make the competition fair for people in all time zones.

Which one is a better choice?

- Warren
Just a thought.
Could you write a script so that only responses from a particular period could be viewed.
With two threads. One with clues read only. The other with replies that can only be viewed later after the timer expires.

True this setup would require godlike powers to create :smile:
But, could possibly be made available general use.

Or mabey just one thread where the thead starter gets to post timer panels.
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  • #143
chroot said:
I wasn't anticipating actual complete C code -- I was thinking more along the lines of simple pseudocode, like this:

SET X = 1

Which I think most people can logically understand even if they don't know how to program a computer.

Okay, along those lines, I could handle it. I did learn a little BASIC eons ago. I could help you dumb down the code if that's a concern, but I'm probably the only one on this board with so little competence in programming. :smile:

There are an astonishing array of tricks I could use. I am currently devising my treasure hunt plan, and I have put some serious thought into using these tricks. I can pretty much make anything I want appear anywhere I want. I can embed hidden statements inside other people's posts without even showing an edited message, I can change people's join dates, user ids, post ids, anything I want. It would be really easy to make a treasure hunt with all those tools available to me.

On the other hand, is that fair? Should I really design a treasure hunt that no one else on the site but Greg could design? I think it might be more fair if I only use the member tools. That way, other people (besides Greg) could follow in my footsteps.

It depends on how you use it. If you're leaving a trail of clues, and we are supposed to follow the clues to find those phoney threads, it might actually be more fair than relying on current or existing threads, where the inhabitants of particular subject areas might be more familiar with thread content or accidentally stumble upon a clue without following the trail to get to it. It only wouldn't be fair if you made a thread disappear before we found the clue in it. :wink: If you make it clear from the start, as part of the ground rules, that any thread in the forum is fair game for containing clues, then it will actually help make it more challenging (I'd have never gotten that clue AS*TO=THIS if I didn't have a limited time window to search within).

Except, I can still see you. :eek:

I'm not worried about you! You'll already know where the clues are hidden. I meant to hide from other treasure hunters so they can't follow me and swipe my treasure just as I'm about to collect the last know, like always happens in the movies. :biggrin:

Time zone issues: well, like I said before, only insomniacs need sign up. :wink: But, I think if you have clues that are released at specific times, then the game won't only occur on your time zone when you're awake to supply new clues. I guess I had an unfair advantage in the last round since Gokul and I are in the same time zone.

I'd rather have one thread with the clues. I'd be honest, but it would drive me nuts not being able to peek into the other threads to see how the other teams were doing. :-p

Maybe you could work out a way that it's sort of like a relay race, where one person isn't allowed to solve the entire puzzle, but has to solve only one part at a time and then pass it on to another participant to have it count. In other words, the way I solved the final clue wouldn't be allowed. Even if I found the whole solution, I'd have to just give one part, and hope someone else playing would pick it up from there, and when the next step was solved, then I could jump back in with a third step, but not sooner. This way it's more of a passing game than a ball-hogging game.

But if you just make the clues diabolically difficult, nobody will solve it in less than 24 anyway!
  • #144
chroot said:
You make a good point. Perhaps this is the best way. Unfortunately, people naturally want to compete to be the first to answer a question. If we declare that treasure hunts are just for fun and the admin will not declare winners, then perhaps this is a fine policy.

- Warren

Honestly, not declaring winners wouldn't curb my competitive nature. I would try, but I know I can get carried away in the enthusiasm and forget. Besides, to me, this sort of treasure hunt isn't so much about competing against the other players as it is competing against the creator of the game. :wink: What can I say, I'm a mystery junkie, and to me, the treasure hunt was just like trying to solve a mystery ahead of the characters in the book. One of the best parties I ever attended was one of those murder mystery parties where everyone arrives as a character and tries to solve the crime! (I know I've warned you all I'm a geek...surely this has sunken in by now).
  • #145
Moonbear said:
Maybe you could work out a way that it's sort of like a relay race, where one person isn't allowed to solve the entire puzzle, but has to solve only one part at a time and then pass it on to another participant to have it count. In other words, the way I solved the final clue wouldn't be allowed. Even if I found the whole solution, I'd have to just give one part, and hope someone else playing would pick it up from there, and when the next step was solved, then I could jump back in with a third step, but not sooner. This way it's more of a passing game than a ball-hogging game.

chroot : ok i decoded ur puzzle Gokul, so we are looking for your Journal eh .. over to you Moonbear ...
Moonbear : ok i read through his journal ... found the answer of 1504 and then got this question find out more abt for 3 to 0 won? over to you Tenali
TenaliRaman : ok i searched abt 43201 and found out that its ohio's zip code and then i searched for ohio's famous ppl and i got Granville Woods. Over to you <insert any poor innocent participant here>
<insert the same poor innocent participant> : hmm now what am i supposed to do with Granville woods :confused:

:smile: :smile: :smile:

Moonbear said:
(I know I've warned you all I'm a geek...surely this has sunken in by now).

Moonbear Poirot Sir,
Let me introduce myself i am Captain Hastings :biggrin:

-- AI
  • #146
TenaliRaman said:
Moonbear Poirot Sir,
Ahem... That's Moonbear Poirot MADAME!
  • #147
Math Is Hard said:
Ahem... That's Moonbear Poirot MADAME!

Madamoiselle Moonbear,
Sincere apologies!

and thank you MathIsHard for your comment is all but welcome!

-- AI

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