Can You Identify These Aircraft from Limited Clues?

  • Thread starter Gokul43201
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In summary, Gokul posted two pictures of aircraft, one with a stealth plane in it and one with a paramecium. Respondent B correctly guessed the stealth plane. Respondent C guessed the paramecium, and Respondent D guessed the Northrop B-2 Spirit. Gokul posted the next clue, which was a picture of a satellite. Respondent E guessed the correct satellite, a Russian Soyuz. Respondent B guessed the next aircraft, the B-2. Respondent D guessed the Northrop B-2 Spirit again. Gokul posted the last clue, which was a picture of a person. Respondent A guessed the correct person, Kapische?.
  • #246
Gokul43201 said:
Okay, my bad then. I just automatically associate the Thunderbirds with the F-16C.

As for the thing above the X-36...

Are you saying fred is incorrect as well? (about the airplane under the x-36 )
Physics news on
  • #247
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  • #248
Okay 2 points to Fred. I'm going to look up a drawing to make better sense of that other shot.
  • #249
Bystander said:
33: Global hawk
Correct, for 3.
  • #250
FredGarvin said:
MiG 15...
The Fagot - good for 3 points.
  • #251
Gokul43201 said:
Okay 2 points to Fred. I'm going to look up a drawing to make better sense of that other shot.

Do you see what I'm saying. If that were the tail fin, then it can't be an F-22, because the entire tail fin moves as one piece.

If that were the main wing, then there should be a tail fin BEHIND it, and you don't see that.

That's why I thought it was a delta wing airplane at first.

Very ODD camera angle indeed.

Side: A classmate of mine is in the AF, he told me that when they work on the F-16, they have to hang weights off of the nose when the take the ejection seats out, because it's that out of balance.

That seems like a bit too much out of balance to me, no?

He also said the F-18's had a problem with some of the coding on the avionics software. Instead of fixing the code, they just programmed around the problem. Apparently the airplane had troubles when turning to the right.
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  • #252
cyrusabdollahi said:
Side: A classmate of mine is in the AF, he told me that when they work on the F-16, they have to hang weights off of the nose when the take the ejection seats out, because it's that out of balance.
Speaking of balance and ejection seats, there's a story I should have told earlier about the F-106 that I posted the picture of.

That plane, during a training flight, went into an uncontrollable spin that forced the pilot to eject. The pilotless plane, then recovered on its own, possibly due to shifts in the balance from the ejection, and did a gentle belly landing in a snow-covered field - all by itself!

A couple of minor touch ups, and it was back in service!
  • #253
cyrusabdollahi said:
(snip)If that were the main wing, then there should be a tail fin BEHIND it, and you don't see that.(snip)

It's there --- hiding in the shadows --- look up the aileron(?) line as 12 o'clock, and above the wing at 12:30 to 1:00 you'll see the stabilizer.

Or, directly above the back side of the 36 canopy you can see the back edge of the stabilizer.
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  • #254

That in red looks like the stab, but on the OTHER side of the aircraft. It's too small to be on the same side as the wing. The part in blue looks like the right thickness to be the stab on the same side, but it looks like the stab of another bigger airplane in the background. But if you look at the circle in blue, its getting thicker at the tip, not thinner. So I don't think its from the same airplane.
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  • #255
Talk you in from another direction --- start at upper left corner of picture, move right along top edge of picture, between .4 and .45 of the width you'll see a color transition from medium (to dark gray, or blue gray) to the buff, tan, whatever color you wanta call the building roof --- that's back edge of left stabilizer. Top edge of picture, directly above the left end of your red ellipse.
  • #256
Thats the vertical stab. I am talking the horizontal stab. I got that the first time I saw the pic.
  • #257
cyrusabdollahi said:

That in red looks like the stab, but on the OTHER side of the aircraft. It's too small to be on the same side as the wing. The part in blue looks like the right thickness to be the stab on the same side, but it looks like the stab of another bigger airplane in the background. But if you look at the circle in blue, its getting thicker at the tip, not thinner. So I don't think its from the same airplane.
Cyrus, I think you're getting confused with the angle. The thing in the blue circle is the wing of the C-124 (see the last picture).
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  • #258
Gokul43201 said:
Cyrus, I think you're getting confused with the angle. The thing in the blue circle is the wing of the C-124 (see the last picture).

My point is, the F-22 has its tail right next to its wing. You can see a big THICK wing, but a paper thin stab. And the size of that stab looks way out of proportion.
  • #259
cyrusabdollahi said:
My point is, the F-22 has its tail right next to its wing. You can see a big THICK wing, but a paper thin stab. And the size of that stab looks way out of proportion.
I get what you're saying. That's the effect of the perspective. The picture was not taken with a zoom from a distance; it was taken from almost under (well, no more than a few feet from) the leading edge of the wing. The wing being much closer, subtends a larger angle. If I'd taken ten paces backwards and shot along that same line with a zoom, you'd see the stab and wing in better proportion.
  • #261
F-4 phantom

(Actually, a very commonly used airplane around the world still).
  • #262
Rhino, F4 ----
  • #263
Gokul43201 said:
Okay, my bad then. I just automatically associate the Thunderbirds with the F-16C.
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  • #264
cyrusabdollahi said:
F-4 phantom

(Actually, a very commonly used airplane around the world still).
Probably because it was sold extensively to Isarael and about half the NATO member states.

Cyrus with the quicker draw - 3 points...though he forgot to call it "ugly"!
  • #265
well, looking at that thunderbird pic, it certainly is not graceful, that's for sure.
  • #266
Why does it have a tailhook??
  • #267
It used to land on carriers. The wings fold too. (Not the AF, but the NAVY variant. They probably just made them all w/hooks).

Edit: It was originally a NAVY fighter jet, later adopted by the AF.
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  • #268
(update, till Q35)

[u]SCORES[/u] :

Bystander                23
Cyrus                    36
Fred                     36
Kurdt's Charitable Fund   3

Down to the last 5.
  • #269
Well --- I'm out --- let the two highs duke it out.
  • #270
I really wish i were as good as you guys I look pathetic. But I have to say that boeing bird of prey was surely worth more than 3, perhaps 15 times more :wink:
  • #271
cyrusabdollahi said:
It used to land on carriers. The wings fold too. (Not the AF, but the NAVY variant. They probably just made them all w/hooks).
Okay. I thought only the Blue Angels flew the hookers, but like you say, maybe they left the hooks on the AF versions too.
  • #272
Perhaps its like the eurofighter where the Uk ordered them minus the canons and they tried all sorts of balast where the canons should be but it was too unstable. In the end they found that leaving the canons was the best option for not destabalising the plane in flight. I'm not sure the eurofighter could get any more unstable to be fair because it was delibarately designed with aerodynamic instabilities to make it more maneuvrable but inoperable without computer assistance. Weirdness.
  • #273
Sounds like the F-16.
  • #274
AF versions didn't have carrier rated landing gear; they played around with the hooks and arresting gear on short runways --- not as a regular operational use.
  • #275
Okay, here's the plan.

I've got another 8 questions or so at hand. I'm going to save 3 of those for some kind of a tie-breaker, if necessary (if there's an outright winner, I'll maybe just put them up anyways, but not for points). The 5 questions that I'm going to use for the last half-leg I'm going to put up in a single post - all 5 appearing at the same time.

So, I'm going to make sure Fred shows up. Then I take attendance, and when everyone's ready...up they come!

Are you folks okay with that are does anyone have plans for tonight?
  • #276
Yeah, he's studying his Jane's, that loser.
  • #277
Bystander can still win. And if Kurdt's around, I'd like him to join in as well.
  • #278
Who you calling loser, loser?
  • #279
Ah, welcome back loser. How was your alone time with Jane?

Youre going down. If I loose to a guy who called a C-133 a P-3 Orion, Ill hang myself.
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  • #280
Fred, did you read post#275 (and for good measure, catch up on stuff you may have missed), and are you okay with it?

Bystander & Kurdt, are you folks ready?

I'm going to give y'all about 5 minutes to get here; then I post a warning shot followed by the 5 question post within the minute.

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