- #71
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Maybe it's my lack of English that we are running in circles. First of all let me again stress that one cannot describe ANY entanglement-swapping experiment at once, but one has to concentrate carefully in any specific case. So let's discuss the experiment by Zeilinger again in detail, because that's what we are pondering for most of the time in this thread by now. You started with another one, where also time delays are involved, and we can analyze this too again. Also in this experiment there's nothing I can find contradicting my very standard minimal interpretation of local relativistic QFT point of view either (though I don't agree with some jargon in this paper indicating some "retrocausality argument" and at the same time stating this interpretation doesn't contradict standard relativistic QFT, which is for me a contradiction in itself).DrChinese said:I don't get this, where do I say the paper I cited is fake? I realize that English may not be your first language, but this is a bit extreme.
Post selection identifies the 4-fold events to be analyzed. What I said is that the post selection process itself does NOT create the entanglement. Zeilinger says nothing different, and if he does, feel free to point that out.
And I again call for a narrative from ANY entanglement swapping experiment that describes the swapping action as you do. Specifically: your opinion that it is local and causal, nothing happening at the BSA that causes the swap.
Entanglement swapping IS due to the Bell state cast which non-locally affects photons 1 & 4 (changing Product state stats to Entangled state stats), and the entire process lacks any semblance of a causal direction. Ordering has no bearing on the outcomes.
So let's first concentrate again on the paper by Pan, Zeilinger et al, i.e.,
Since it seems not to be available from free legal sources, I'll try to summarize it completely. In quotation marks I write literal quotes from the paper, which I may also comment to make my terminology clear again.
First of all let's quote the abstract:
"We experimentally entangle freely propagating particles that never physically interacted with one another or which have never been dynamically coupled by any other means. This demonstrates that quantum entanglement requires the entangled particles neither to come from a common source nor to have interacted in the past. In our experiment we take two pairs of polarization entangled photons and subject one photon from each pair to a Bell-state measurement. This results in projecting the other two outgoing photons into an entangled state."
Maybe my English is too bad, but for me it's clearly stated that at the end of some manipulations two "particles" (though the authors use photons, but that's usual jargon and not too critical) ARE (sic!) entangled though they have never interacted nor are from a common source.
Now let's describe the experiment in mathematically clear ways (taken also from the paper). The authors create two polarization entangled photon pairs in the following state
$$|\psi_{1234} \rangle = \frac{1}{2} (|H_1 V_2 \rangle-|V_1 H_2 \rangle) \otimes (|H_3 V_4 \rangle-|V_3 H_4 \rangle).$$
Note that here the labels 1...4 can be interpreted to indicate the momentum part of the state which translates by geometry to the places where the various interactions with optical elements like beam splitters, polarizers, and photo detectors etc.
Defining the complete CONS of Bell states of photon pairs (with momenta labeled by a,b)
$$|\phi_{ab}^{\pm} \rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (|H_a H_b \rangle \pm |V_a V_b \rangle),\\
|\psi_{ab}^{\pm} \rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (|H_a V_b \rangle \pm |V_a H_b \rangle),$$
there's a typo in the paper concerning Eq. (3) which should read
$$|\psi_{1234} \rangle = \frac{1}{2} (|\psi_{14}^+\rangle \otimes \psi_{23}^+ \rangle - |\psi_{14}^- \rangle \otimes |psi_{23}^- \rangle - |\phi_{14}^+ \rangle \otimes \phi_{23}^+ \rangle + |\phi_{14}^{-}\rangle \otimes |\phi_{23}^{-} \rangle). \qquad (3^{\text{corrected}})$$
This of course doesn't change anything concerning the outcome of the measurement, i.e., projecting the pair 2&3 to the Bell state ##|\psi_{23}^- \rangle## leads necessarily to a preparation of the pair 1&4. Note that this projection only acts on photons 2&3, i.e., the corresponding projection operator on the four-photon state is described by
$$\hat{P}_{\psi_23^-}= |\psi_{23}^- \rangle \langle \psi_{23}| \otimes \hat{1}_{14},$$
i.e. NOTHING (sic!) happens to the pair 1&4.
Applying this projector to the corrected Eq. (3) above we get
$$\frac{1}{2} |\psi_{23}^- \rangle \otimes \psi_{14}^- \rangle. \qquqad (\text{Projector})$$
This implies, by the way, that only 1/4 of the four photons are left in the ensemble after this SELECTION.
To verify that pair 1&4 in this partial ensemble is indeed in the expected entangled state the authors verify by doing the coincidence measurements on polarization states of the photons in the pair 1&4 and they precisely verify the expectation.
The authors emphasize all the very points I'm making, particularly that you have to measure coincently the four photons:
Concerning the measurement of the pair 2&3 enabling the wanted projection:
"One, therefore, has to guarantee good spatial and temporal overlap at
the beam splitter and, above all, one has to erase all kinds
of path information for photon 2 and for photon 3."
Then the authors describe how they achieved this goal (here and in the following I do not explain this in detail; if necessary, I can try to do also this, but it's all standard textbook stuff concerning standard optical elements like half-wave plates, polarizers, (coincidence) photo detectors).
Concerning the measurement on the pair 1&4 for state verification after the projection
"According to the entanglement swapping scheme, upon
projection of photons 2 and 3 into the ##|\psi_{23}^- \rangle## state, photons
1 and 4 should be projected into the ##|\psi_{14}^- \rangle## state. To
verify that this entangled state is obtained, we have to
analyze the polarization correlations between photons 1
and 4 conditioned on coincidences between the detectors
of the Bell-state analyzer."
Thus, indeed the authors state that by this procedure of coincidence measurments, i.e., the projection of the pair 2&3 to the said Bell state necessarily leads to entanglement of the pair 1&4 in the corresponding partial ensemble (which is the case in 1/4 of the cases, neglecting real-world inaccuracies of the equipment), and I agree with them. Note that the projection acts only on the photons in the pair 2&3 and NOT on those in the pair 1&4, as shown in Eq. (Projector). On pair 1&4 nothing at all is done in the analysis, as indicated by the unit operator in the second factor of the Kronecker product in Eq. (Projector), and this is so provided the locality of interactions is as described by standard QED based on the microcausality constraint, and thus the experiment indeed precisely verifies the predictions of QED (note that in the description above the authors as well as I never have used anything contradicting standard QED). Nowhere is a causal action at a distance which would be violating the very principles of relativity and also standard QED!