COVID-19 Coronavirus Containment Efforts

In summary, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is closely monitoring an outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel (new) Coronavirus named 2019-nCoV. Cases have been identified in a growing number of other locations, including the United States. CDC will update the following U.S. map daily. Information regarding the number of people under investigation will be updated regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
  • #5,076
StevieTNZ said:
I see now Biden has ordered an intelligence report into the lab leaking of Covid-19 from China.
Biden in a statement said the majority of the intelligence community had “coalesced” around those two scenarios but “do not believe there is sufficient information to assess one to be more likely than the other”. He revealed that two agencies lean toward the animal link and “one leans more toward” the lab theory, "each with low or moderate confidence".

Low or moderate confidence means they are clueless.
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Biology news on
  • #5,077
Vanadium 50 said:
[vaccination card] doesn't really fit anywhere. I was instructed not to laminate it.
Here in the US, the two large Office Supply chain stores are offering FREE LAMINATION. At least one of them will make the laminate longer with a slot in it like a luggage tag. They will not laminate the original because it may need to be updated for booster shots.

As for fitting in a wallet, some women carry larger wallets that the full-size card will fit. The Office Supply stores can photo-reduce the copy size to the width of a credit card. If you do that, the card will be slightly taller than a credit card, making it easy to find/grab when needed; else reduce it more for a fit to the height.

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  • #5,078
StevieTNZ said:
I see now Biden has ordered an intelligence report into the lab leaking of Covid-19 from China.

nsaspook said:
Low or moderate confidence means they are clueless.

It appears to be partly from reports like WSJ's "Report says researchers went to hospital in November 2019, shortly before confirmed outbreak; adds to calls for probe of whether virus escaped lab". If those researchers are still alive, an antibody test before they got vaccinated would check or deny SARS-CoV-2 as the reason for their hospital visit. Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute reported that that institute had done sera testing (presumably antibody testing) on all its staff, and none were positive.
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  • #5,079
Amazing how public perception changes with circumstance. The highly contagious Indian variant is loose in Melbourne and is now in lockdown. Vaccine hubs have recently been opened to complement getting it from your GP as I did. Many were twiddling their thumbs with just a few people coming in. It was so 'bad' they were doing even low priority 40-year-olds that just walked in. It was from vaccine hesitancy with people worried about the 1 in a million chance of dying from blood clots even though testing and treatment have improved:

Now they're all booked up, and the number vaccinated is increasing - it is now 111,000 a day. Hopefully, this is the wake-up call people needed to understand the risk vs reward. We have hit the 4 million mark, about 20% of the population (excluding children). The new 'target' is to get it done by years end.

Added Later:
It is amazing what a good scare will do - about 122,000 vaccinated today, the 28th.

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  • #5,080
Tom.G said:
Here in the US, the two large Office Supply chain stores are offering FREE LAMINATION.
Thanks. Just had mine done. (But Brand S may not be doing in anymore. Brand O is still doing them)
  • #5,081
Scientists claim to have solved Covid vaccine blood-clot puzzle
German researchers say side effect is caused by adenovirus vector and can be fixed
Vaccine-Induced Covid-19 Mimicry” Syndrome: Splice reactions within the SARS-CoV-2 Spike open reading frame result in Spike protein variants that may cause thromboembolic events in patients immunized with vector-based vaccines
Eric Kowarz, Lea Krutzke, Jenny Reis, Silvia Bracharz, Stefan Kochanek, Rolf Marschalek
"Here, we present data that may explain these severe side effects which have been attributed to adenoviral vaccines. According to our results, transcription of wildtype and codon-optimized Spike open reading frames enables alternative splice events that lead to C-terminal truncated, soluble Spike protein variants. These soluble Spike variants may initiate severe side effects when binding to ACE2-expressing endothelial cells in blood vessels. In analogy to the thromboembolic events caused by Spike protein encoded by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, we termed the underlying disease mechanism the “Vaccine-Induced Covid-19 Mimicry” syndrome (VIC19M syndrome)."
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  • #5,083
mfb said:
You are not free to use a car in any way you see fit. You need a license, you need to follow traffic rules, your blood alcohol content needs to be below some limits, and many more requirements. Similarly, the risk to infect others makes some behavior a risk to everyone, not just the person being infected. Things like mask requirements are "pandemic traffic rules".

Where you draw the line, of course, is a matter of debate. But the details of any particular issue will often take us into politics that we do not discuss here. In a democracy, if you do not like a rule, it can be changed.

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  • #5,084
StevieTNZ said:
I see now Biden has ordered an intelligence report into the lab leaking of Covid-19 from China.

I remember a study early in the pandemic that tried to trace the origin of the virus. One thing in paticular was that the variant B found in Wuhan was not the same virus A found in Europe or the Americas. That study seems to say that root virus A actually started being circulated long before a possible lab leak or local infection happened near Wuhan from variant B that stayed main in China.

In a phylogenetic network analysis of 160 complete human severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2) genomes, we find three central variants distinguished by amino acid changes, which we have named A, B, and C, with A being the ancestral type according to the bat outgroup coronavirus. The A and C types are found in significant proportions outside East Asia, that is, in Europeans and Americans. In contrast, the B type is the most common type in East Asia, and its ancestral genome appears not to have spread outside East Asia without first mutating into derived B types, pointing to founder effects or immunological or environmental resistance against this type outside Asia. The network faithfully traces routes of infections for documented Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases, indicating that phylogenetic networks can likewise be successfully used to help trace undocumented COVID-19 infection sources, which can then be quarantined to prevent recurrent spread of the disease worldwide.

This viral network is a snapshot of the early stages of an epidemic before the phylogeny becomes obscured by subsequent migration and mutation. The question may be asked whether the rooting of the viral evolution can be achieved at this early stage by using the oldest available sampled genome as a root. As SI Appendix, Fig. S4 shows, however, the first virus genome that was sampled on 24 December 2019 already is distant from the root type according to the bat Coronavirus outgroup rooting.
  • #5,085
Another data point in the virus origin story.
Kumar’s group estimates that the SARS-CoV-2 progenitor was already circulating with an earlier timeline — at least 6 to 8 weeks prior to the first genome sequenced in China, known as Wuhan-1. “This timeline puts the presence of proCoV2 in late October 2019, which is consistent with the report of a fragment of spike protein identical to Wuhan-1 in early December in Italy, among other evidence,” said Sayaka Miura, a senior author of the study.

“We have found progenitor genetic fingerprint in January 2020 and later in multiple Coronavirus infections in China and the USA. The progenitor was spreading worldwide months before and after the first reported cases of COVID-19 in China,” said Pond.
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  • #5,086
nsaspook said:
I remember a study early in the pandemic that tried to trace the origin of the virus. One thing in paticular was that the variant B found in Wuhan was not the same virus A found in Europe or the Americas. That study seems to say that root virus A actually started being circulated long before a possible lab leak or local infection happened near Wuhan from variant B that stayed main in China.
That study by Forster et al (2020) is controversial.
Mavian et al (2020) Sampling bias and incorrect rooting make phylogenetic network tracing of SARS-COV-2 infections unreliable
Sanchez-Pacheco et al (2020) Median-joining network analysis of SARS-CoV-2 genomes is neither phylogenetic nor evolutionary
There is also a tweet from Trevor Bedford concurring with the letter by Mavian et al.
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  • #5,088
atyy said:
That study by Forster et al (2020) is controversial.
Mavian et al (2020) Sampling bias and incorrect rooting make phylogenetic network tracing of SARS-COV-2 infections unreliable
Sanchez-Pacheco et al (2020) Median-joining network analysis of SARS-CoV-2 genomes is neither phylogenetic nor evolutionary
There is also a tweet from Trevor Bedford concurring with the letter by Mavian et al.

Does this paper (from the scitechdaily link) that makes much of the same conclusions have the same issues?
Global sequencing of hundreds of thousands of genomes of Severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2, SARS-CoV-2, has continued to reveal new genetic variants that are the key to unraveling its early evolutionary history and tracking its global spread over time. Here, we present the heretofore cryptic mutational history and spatiotemporal dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 from an analysis of thousands of high-quality genomes. We report the likely most recent common ancestor of SARS-CoV-2, reconstructed through a novel application and advancement of computational methods initially developed to infer the mutational history of tumor cells in a patient. This progenitor genome differs from genomes of the first coronaviruses sampled in China by three variants, implying that none of the earliest patients represent the index case or gave rise to all the human infections. However, multiple Coronavirus infections in China and the USA harbored the progenitor genetic fingerprint in January 2020 and later, suggesting that the progenitor was spreading worldwide months before and after the first reported cases of COVID-19 in China.
  • #5,089
nsaspook said:
Does this paper (from the scitechdaily link) that makes much of the same conclusions have the same issues?
Do you mean the evolutionary tree, or just that the first case may have been in October 2019? The latter seems roughly the same as common sense and many other analyses. It could be confirmed if patient samples in the Hubei region were analyzed. Unfortunately, there are no details, but SCMP reported it had seen government data consistent with a case in Hubei as early as 17th November 2019.
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  • #5,090
I found this preprint (now published in Science) by looking for papers that cite pointed to by @nsaspook in post #5085.
Timing the SARS-CoV-2 Index Case in Hubei Province
Jonathan Pekar, Michael Worobey, Niema Moshiri, Konrad Scheffler, Joel O. Wertheim

If they use the SCMP report, they estimate a first case around late October. But if they reject the SCMP report, and use the official first patient date, they estimate a first case around late November. So there is uncertainty, and obviously it would be nice to know whether the SCMP report can be confirmed (they are usually a very good newspaper, which is why they are given some weight)
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  • #5,092
re post #5090 above by @atyy
I found this preprint (now published in Science) by looking for papers that cite pointed to by @nsaspook in post #5085.
Timing the SARS-CoV-2 Index Case in Hubei Province
Jonathan Pekar, Michael Worobey, Niema Moshiri, Konrad Scheffler, Joel O. Wertheim
From the figure on page 24 of the article, it looks like they can stop looking for Wuhan lab creation.
If I read it right, the figure seems to show there is/was a common progenitor to the Bat and the Human versions.
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  • #5,094
Tom.G said:
re post #5090 above by @atyy

From the figure on page 24 of the article, it looks like they can stop looking for Wuhan lab creation.
If I read it right, the figure seems to show there is/was a common progenitor to the Bat and the Human versions.
That's conjectured. I think the lab creation or accidental lab release can be assigned a very low probability for a few reasons.

The reasons against lab creation are given in Additionally, the Wuhan Institute (WIV) reports that although it has "isolated live" viruses, these have only about 80% similarity to SARS-CoV-2. The virus with the closest sequence is RaTG13 (about 96%), also in the samples of the WIV. The 96% similarity is too far for RaTg13 to be the direct ancestor of SARS-CoV-2 (estimated about 30 or more years apart), but one may consider the exotic possibility that WIV did experiments on RaTG13 and hastened the evolution. However, that is unlikely because the WIV reports that it did not have RaTG13 "isolated live".

Another possibility that can be considered is that SARS-CoV-2 was among their samples, and although not isolated live, did infect one of their staff. For example, they collected many viral samples, including RaTG13, from a cave, because in 2012 some workers who were preparing the cave for copper mining got sick with pneumonia potentially due to an unknown virus. So while the WIV staff collected the samples or handled them, they may have gotten infected in a similar way as conjectured for the workers. However, this possibility is also unlikely based on WIV reports that they had tested their staff for antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, and there was no evidence of any previous infection. Incidentally, after the discovery of SARS-CoV-2, they went back to serum samples from the mining workers who were conjectured to have been infected with an unknown virus to check if that conjectured virus could have been SARS-CoV-2, and it was not.

The above information about the WIV was drawn from an interview with Shi Zhengli, as well as an addendum to her group's paper on RaTG13.

The same information is in the WHO report on SARS-CoV-2 origins, with a little extra detail.
"The three laboratories in Wuhan working with either CoVs diagnostics and/or CoVs isolation and vaccine development all had high quality biosafety level (BSL3 or 4) facilities that were well-managed, with a staff health monitoring programme with no reporting of COVID-19 compatible respiratory illness during the weeks/months prior to December 2019, and no serological evidence of infection in workers through SARS-CoV-2-specific serology-screening."

The WHO report says the lab release theory is unlikely, but it does not rule out revisiting the lab release theory if more evidence comes to light.
"What would be needed to increase knowledge? Regular administrative and internal review of high-level biosafety laboratories worldwide. Follow-up of new evidence supplied around possible laboratory leaks."
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  • #5,095
bhobba said:
Human stupidity is a bottomless pit, it seems.

On the positive side, vaccine hesitancy in the UK seems to be very low - perhaps less than 10%. The Indian variant is giving people a fright and a further incentive to get vaccinated. Currently about 75% of the adult population has had at least one jab and almost 50% the second. We have another two weeks of mostly second jabs before we'll begin to see how many of the remaining 25% will come forward.

A hair salon in the UK that refused vaccinated people would have a dwindling customer base!

On the negative side, the highly-infectious Indian variant has come just in time potentially to induce a third wave, especially as things have begun to open up. It may be in the balance but, you know, a third-wave would make life very difficult for the anti-vaxxers here.
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  • #5,097
That headline would be much less newsworthy if they reframed it as: crystal healer believes in woo.
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  • #5,098
Whenever I hear about healing crystals, I think claymore. Same IQ I think. :oldbiggrin:
  • Haha
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  • #5,099
I know regular Covid has an R0 of 2-3. The R0 of some newer strains must be off the charts from media reports:

Melbourne is in total lockdown. Some doctors think even that will not lower the R0 of the Indian strain enough to eliminate it - we will need to wait and see. It's on a knife-edge:

Finally, people here in Aus are showing urgency in vaccination. Some have been saying it is not a race - we have time. IMHO it is a race, and a race we must win. In the US where there have been over 100 million vaccinations. Of those, about 500 ended up in the hospital, and about 100 died from Covid. Deaths and hospitalisations likely will be even better once everyone is vaccinated as less transmission will cut the virus spread. Our vaccination rate has jumped from a 7 day average of 60k to 90k per day - and increasing. But logistical distribution is still a problem:

With producing over a million doses a week and keeping a vaccination for the second dose, we can do about 500,000 a week which is what is happening now. We are closing in on 25% of the population having at least one Jab, but that means we need to get our finger out to be fully vaccinated by years end. We are getting some overseas supplies; year-end is possible if managed properly IMHO. But this has really shown just how inefficient our 'bureaucracy' is in Aus. Far too much shifting the blame instead of getting on with it.

At the moment, I would vaccinate only those that want it, but eventually, we will have to confront what to do about those that do not. Whooping Cough vaccine is mandatory here in Aus. If you do not get it, government benefits and services, even enrolling kids in school, are gradually removed. That seems the most likely 'penalty'. Beyond that, I have no idea. We may be lucky. The numbers refusing vaccination may be nothing to worry about - but that has not proven the case with Whopping Cough.

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  • #5,100
PeroK said:
On the positive side, vaccine hesitancy in the UK seems to be very low - perhaps less than 10%.

It is higher in Aus - maybe 30%. But with the lockdown in Melbourne, people seem to be scared into getting it. Hopefully, it is lower now. I try in my posts, such as comments on stories in the paper, to give people the facts. For example, we are getting about twice as many thromboses from the AZ vaccine, but the death rate is lower than overseas. Here it seems to be 4% rather than 20%. The conjecture is we are detecting and treating better :

Interestingly it turns out to be about the same as the risk of dying while driving to get the vaccine. When that is pointed out, the responses you sometimes get are, how to put it, interesting, e.g. that is too glib, you do not understand the hesitancy.

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  • #5,101
bhobba said:
I know regular Covid has an R0 of 2-3. The R0 of some newer strains must be off the charts ...
I really doubt that this works like that. According to the linked article so far there are just sporadic cases which may accounted for some mysterious far-contact phenomena, but I don't think it's conclusive so Occam is still in effect at this point.
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  • #5,102
Rive said:
I really doubt that this works like that. According to the linked article so far there are just sporadic cases which may accounted for some mysterious far-contact phenomena, but I don't think it's conclusive so Occam is still in effect at this point.

I pray you are right.

  • #5,103
bhobba said:
I know regular Covid has an R0 of 2-3. The R0 of some newer strains must be off the charts from media reports:

Melbourne is in total lockdown. Some doctors think even that will not lower the R0 of the Indian strain enough to eliminate it - we will need to wait and see. It's on a knife-edge:
The stealthy destroyers have arrived.
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  • #5,104
Hope over fear
When the C.D.C. reversed its Covid-19 guidelines last month and said that vaccinated Americans rarely needed to wear masks, it caused both anxiety and uncertainty.

Many people worried that the change would cause unvaccinated people to shed their masks and create a surge of new cases. On the flip side, a more optimistic outcome also seemed possible: that the potential to live mostly mask-free would inspire some vaccine-hesitant Americans to get their shots.

Almost three weeks after the change, we can begin to get some answers by looking at the data. So far, it suggests that the optimists were better prognosticators than the pessimists.
Shots have stopped falling
On the other hand, the C.D.C.’s change has had a noticeable effect on behavior in a positive way.

Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the agency’s director, announced the new mask recommendations at 2:17 p.m. Eastern on Thursday, May 13. Almost immediately, the number of visits to — a website where people can research their local vaccination options — spiked, CNN’s Elizabeth Cohen has reported.

Traffic to the website rose even higher later that afternoon, after President Biden celebrated the change and encouraged Americans to get vaccinated so they could remove their masks. In the days that followed, traffic to remained higher than it had been before the announcement.

More important, the vaccination trends also changed after Walensky’s announcement. For the previous month, the number of daily shots in the U.S. had been falling, as the country began to run out of adults who were eager to be vaccinated. With a few days of the mask announcement, the decline leveled off.

The CDC vaccinated mask guidance seems to have been the right thing at the right time.
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  • #5,105
nsaspook said:
Hope over fear

Shots have stopped falling

The CDC vaccinated mask guidance seems to have been the right thing at the right time.

One confounding factor in this analysis is that the Pfizer vaccine was given EUA for use in adolescents at around the same time as the change in mask guidance. The authorization to use the Pfizer vaccine in adolescents is probably the primary driver of increased vaccinations, so one would have to look at the rates of vaccinations in adults specifically to disentangle these effects.
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  • #5,106
Ygggdrasil said:
One confounding factor in this analysis is that the Pfizer vaccine was given EUA for use in adolescents at around the same time as the change in mask guidance. The authorization to use the Pfizer vaccine in adolescents is probably the primary driver of increased vaccinations, so one would have to look at the rates of vaccinations in adults specifically to disentangle these effects.

The first dose chart here from CDC data shows the bump from adolescents but it also shows at least a temporary leveling in the decrease of adults.

The more important data for me is that national daily cases are at the 'safe' level. We have some level of Containment here finally from vaccination.
For now, though, the U.S. has finally gotten the virus down to a level that just about every expert agrees is safe. Fewer than 20,000 cases per day, spread across the U.S. population of 331.5 million people, is a relatively low number of cases, and that number continues to improve across the board.

  • New York, which bore the brunt of the virus’ arrival in the U.S., is now averaging about 800 new cases per day, in a state of some 20 million people.
  • Washington, D.C. has about 28 new cases per day.
  • Florida has more total cases per day — about 1,800, on average — than any other state. But again, that’s spread over a state with over 20 million people, and its numbers are improving just like the rest of the country’s. Florida’s daily case counts fell by 25% just this week.
The bottom line: The vaccines work. They’ve brought cases to their lowest point yet, and because that improvement is the result of vaccines, there’s no reason to believe the virus will start gaining significant ground again any time soon.

  • Cases in the U.S. are low, and they’re likely to stay low — which is why, after 56 weeks, this will be the end of our weekly map. Thank you for reading.
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  • #5,107
nsaspook said:
The bottom line: The vaccines work. They’ve brought cases to their lowest point yet, and because that improvement is the result of vaccines, there’s no reason to believe the virus will start gaining significant ground again any time soon.
There could be some increase in the number of cases with new viral variants, but hopefully the vaccine will mean that symptoms remain mild, and ICU cases won't increase even if case numbers increase. Perhaps there will be a booster jab some time next year that at least the vulnerable population will be recommended to take.
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  • #5,108
atyy said:
but hopefully the vaccine will mean that symptoms remain mild, and ICU cases won't increase even if case numbers increase.

The UK variant is the dominant variant in the UK and now in the US. The stats on those vaccinated is actually stunning. Of over 100 million vaccinated in the US, those vaccinated had only about 500 hospitalisations and 100 deaths. That is about a 1 in a million chance of dying. Better than the chance of dying from the flu when vaccinated. @Ygggdrasil will likely know the exact figures. Once everyone is vaccinated, and it may require regular shots each year or something similar, fingers crossed, getting both the flu and the Covid vaccine, we may be better off than before the pandemic. The reason is more people are aware of getting the flu vaccine.

  • #5,109
New York, which bore the brunt of the virus’ arrival in the U.S., is now averaging about 800 new cases per day, in a state of some 20 million people.
In the state of New York, as of June 3, there have been 56,176,812 persons tested for Covid-19 in a population of 20.20 million (2020 est.) with 2,086,577 cumulative positive cases (reported on the NY State website). The cumulative deaths are 42,745 according to the state's number. Others have estimate a greater death toll. For example, the NY Times reports 2,102,003 positive cases cumulatively and 52,811 deaths, or more than 10,000 additional deaths. The state may be reporting 'confirmed' cases, while NY Times may include probable with confirmed cases.

Positive Covid-19 cases in NY State:
  Date   Cumulative  New
         Positive    Pos.
5/28/21   2083911    870
5/29/21   2084696    785
5/30/21   2085190    494
5/31/21   2085581    391
 6/1/21   2086012    431
 6/2/21   2086577    565

The numbers of new cases is declining, however deaths attributed to Covid-19 continue at a level of between 12 and 20 per day. The NY Times reports that 47% of the NY population is fully vaccinated.
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  • #5,110
Oregon Gov. Kate Brown announced Friday that she’ll lift all capacity limits on restaurants, gyms, stadiums and other businesses and abolish mask requirements for even unvaccinated people in nearly all public settings when the state reaches 70% of its adults vaccinated against COVID-19 with at least one dose.That’s a mark the state could reach by June 24, according to an analysis by The Oregonian/OregonLive of current daily vaccination rates. The governor, however, initially provided no date for when she believes the state will receive this vaccination threshold.
The governor also will lift all physical distancing requirements statewide -- although, again, it’s unclear if special rules will remain in place for schools.

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