Discussing Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)

In summary: So there is no reason why we can't advance and find even more efficient and advanced ways to propel ourselves through the air. So in summation, I don't believe that UFOs are aliens.
  • #141
US NAVY; UFO research guide

Navy FAQ UFO page

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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #142
hacker update

It seems that my computer hacker is not Walmart. According to Walmart, he or she came in with a forged address; somehow. The last attack this morning was traced to Vienna, Austria; which obviously is not a Walmart address. Walmart already has the authorities involved.
  • #143
Additional CIA reports

Go to the Freedom of Information Act, CIA homepage; search UFO. Many additional reports are found.


Edit: I hit on this story some time ago; this is the second one listed after the intial search. This could be an interesting story for some follow up.

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  • #144
National UFO Reporting Center

Raw reports. Only the most obvious hoaxes are elimated.

  • #145
Hey Username,
If the CIA doesn't have your tongue, , which do you think is the lie?

DOD News conference; possibly nothing significant but a mention of another study.


Q: On the UFO study that the CIA did over the weekend, or it was released or reported on over the weekend -- as Pentagon spokesman are you concerned about a report that says that the government willfully misled individuals to conceal programs?

A: I've read the CIA study, and I have read what they said about the Air Force. It's their characterization of what the Air Force said. I have not gone back and checked what the Air Force said at the time, so I'd prefer not to comment on what the study said. It is not the policy of Secretary Cohen or any of the people who work for him to mislead the public.

Q: Were you at all aware of any misleading of the public that was done by the Air Force prior?

A: I was not aware of that. I will say that one interesting aspect of the report was that for years, UFO people have been charging that we've covered up the fact that there really are UFOs, and the CIA study confirms, as has every other study done by the government, that we have no evidence of UFOs. We have no evidence of extraterrestrial visitors to this planet. The study goes on to say that one explanation for many of these sightings might have been airplanes that were being tested at the time.

Edit: Whoops!



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  • #146
http://dbarkertv.com/UPDATE.htm(appraised by NUFORC)

The Burden of Proof is on the U.S. Government. If they have such a craft, let them produce it before the American public and show us all how it can maneuver like a bat out of hell without making a sound.

The giant flying triangles commonly reported could have some sort of electron/ion powered propulsion system, which has been around since the the 1950's developed for the navy. see http://jnaudin.free.fr/html/liftbldr.htm (just imagine a scaled up version!).

I think these people are naive about disclosure but doing a great job.

EDIT: The experiments in the 1950's were apparently classified when electricity in the range of megavolts were applied to the disks on the apparatus.
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  • #147
Hehe my tongue is still intact, call me mr smith err username :)

Q: On the UFO study that the CIA did over the weekend, or it was released or reported on over the weekend -- as Pentagon spokesman are you concerned about a report that says that the government willfully misled individuals to conceal programs?

A: I've read the CIA study, and I have read what they said about the Air Force. It's their characterization of what the Air Force said. I have not gone back and checked what the Air Force said at the time, so I'd prefer not to comment on what the study said. It is not the policy of Secretary Cohen or any of the people who work for him to mislead the public.

Q: Were you at all aware of any misleading of the public that was done by the Air Force prior?

A: I was not aware of that. I will say that one interesting aspect of the report was that for years, UFO people have been charging that we've covered up the fact that there really are UFOs, and the CIA study confirms, as has every other study done by the government, that we have no evidence of UFOs. We have no evidence of extraterrestrial visitors to this planet. The study goes on to say that one explanation for many of these sightings might have been airplanes that were being tested at the time.

Spoken like a true politician does not really say anything. When he say's "I was not aware of that" is he assuming the allegation is true?

which do you think is the lie ?
Assuming you are talking about the second question in the quote I would have to say the pentagon spokesman, but I have not read any of the other documents yet.
  • #148
Maybe some of these witnesses have been confused by a presence of strong EM fields which seems present in a lot of the cases. There is another thread about the effect of EM fields on the human brain somewhere.
  • #149
Originally posted by usernam...er...uh...Mr. Smith
Maybe some of these witnesses have been confused by a presence of strong EM fields which seems present in a lot of the cases. There is another thread about the effect of EM fields on the human brain somewhere.

I think every defense lawyer in the country should be using this against all eyewitness testimony. :wink:

This is the very point that finally got to me: After a time, after reading hundreds of similar reports and documents, to dismiss all of the evidence in itself strains credibility. What's more, eyewitness testimony aside, in the Iran event and many others multiple radar locks were made by at least two systems.

I have been aware of and actually had the documents for the Iran incident for about seven years. Only recently however did I fine the original Joint Chiefs of Staff report to confirm the episode. All of this time I did have the original, I just had no way to confirm this fact. I have always felt that if verified, Iran76 is a key event in that all elements of the phenomenon are present - high strangeness, apparent intelligent control, multiple groups of witnesses, radar tracks, multiple UFO’s, and inexplicable technological responses, in short, all of the makings of a Spielberg movie. Of course, considering that Spielberg hired Hynek as a consultant for Close Encounters of the Third Kind [a phrase coined by Hynek], this correlation is to be expected between Hollywood and the real thing. It is art imitating life in this case.
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  • #150
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  • #151

National Institute for Discovery Science
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  • #152
UFO's for PF: Chapter 1 - Review

This ends the introduction to UFO's.

Begin Chapter 1 of 50:




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  • #154
Chapter 3: The USAF position

The general position of the USAF:

Project Bluebook:

Secretary of Defense on the end of Project Bluebook



U.S. Air Force Fact Sheet

From 1947 to 1969, the Air Force investigated Unidentified Flying Objects under Project Blue Book. The project, headquartered at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, was terminated Dec. 17, 1969. Of a total of 12,618 sightings reported to Project Blue Book, 701 remained "unidentified."

The decision to discontinue UFO investigations was based on an evaluation of a report prepared by the University of Colorado entitled, "Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects;" a review of the University of Colorado's report by the National Academy of Sciences; previous UFO studies and Air Force experience investigating UFO reports during 1940 to 1969.

As a result of these investigations, studies and experience gained from investigating UFO reports since 1948, the conclusions of Project Blue Book were:

No UFO reported, investigated and evaluated by the Air Force was ever an indication of threat to our national security;

There was no evidence submitted to or discovered by the Air Force that sightings categorized as "unidentified" represented technological developments or principles beyond the range of modern scientific knowledge; and

There was no evidence indicating that sightings categorized as "unidentified" were extraterrestrial vehicles.

With the termination of Project Blue Book, the Air Force regulation establishing and controlling the program for investigating and analyzing UFOs was rescinded. Documentation regarding the former Blue Book investigation was permanently transferred to the Modern Military Branch, National Archives and Records Service, and is available for public review and analysis.

Since the termination of Project Blue Book, nothing has occurred that would support a resumption of UFO investigations by the Air Force. Given the current environment of steadily decreasing defense budgets, it is unlikely the Air Force would become involved in such a costly project in the foreseeable future.

There are a number of universities and professional scientific organizations that have considered UFO phenomena during periodic meetings and seminars. A list of private organizations interested in aerial phenomena may be found in "Encyclopedia of Associations," published by Gale Research. Interest in and timely review of UFO reports by private groups ensures that sound evidence is not overlooked by the scientific community. Persons wishing to report UFO sightings should be advised to contact local law enforcement agencies.

Requests for copies of records and general information about Project Blue Book should be sent to: Modern Military Records, National Archives, 8601 Adelphi Rd, College Park, MD 20740-6001, (301)713-7250

April 2003
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  • #155
Chapter 4 USAF on Roswell


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  • #156
Chapter 5 The CIA and NASA on UFOs

Posted earlier but worth re-posting:


Please see page 6 paragraph 2 of the NASA report above. Here we find a clear example of the disparity between one eyewitness and the scientific explanation used to dismiss the claim.

"A red and green glowing orb radiated as it hurtled across the southwestern Georgia skies that January 1969 evening. Ten minutes later, it vanished. That was Jimmy Carter's story — and he's sticking to it. Carter, then Georgia's governor, became the first major politician to risk achieving "crackpot" status by claiming he had had a close encounter."

"I don't laugh at people any more when they say they've seen UFOs," Carter said at a Southern Governors Conference a few years later. "I've seen one myself."

---Former President Jimmy Carter
ABC News interview
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  • #157
Chapter 6: Early Responses to the Government's Position

A response from Richard Hall, former Assistant Diretor of NICAP


The government's Response to Hall.

Another position against the Government
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  • #159
Chapter 8: Assorted UFO references


A beginners guide to UFOs:




One source of info:

1896 Revisited:

November 25, 1896, California, USA
"When [the mysterious light] first appeared it was seen moving rapidly from the northeast and heading in a southwesterly direction. As it neared the southern boundary of the city [of Sacramento] it turned directly toward the west and after passing the city went south, being distinctly visible for upward of 20 minutes."
-From the San Francisco Call, Nov 26, 1896--This light was observed by many prominent individuals including Deputy Secretary of State George A. McCalvy, District Attorney Frank D. Ryan, and E. D. McCabe, the governor's personal secretary.
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  • #160
Chapter 9: The Foo Fighters of WWII



CUFON - UFO Information Service Seattle, Washington

History of UFO's During World War II
During world war II the accumulation of sightings of mysterious celestial objects, finally started to worry the military authorities.

In both camps, high-ranking officials of the intelligence services started to study these strange objects and investigation committees composed of military and scientific personnel were set up in various countries. They had a double purpose: first of all to determine the nature of these flying objects and then to see if they constituted a threat to the security of the nation.

During world war II, the Allies, just like the Germans, noticed the presence of these enigmatic flying objects above their secret bases. The first reaction of each side was obviously to suspect espionage on the part of their enemy.

In 1943 the British were the first to set up a special group to enquire into the question of these object. The British set up a small organization to collect evidence. It was headed by Lieutenant General Massey and was inspired by reports from a spy who, in fact was a double agent operating under the orders of the Mayor of Cologne. He had confirmed that the "Foo-fighters" were not German devices, but that the Germans thought that they were Allied weapons which, of course, the British knew was not so.

Later in 1966, was learned from the British Aviation Minister that project Massey had been officially classified in 1944. Perhaps it was pure coincidence, but the double agent was denounced and executed at the beginning of that year. For their part the Germans did not remain inactive. But in 1944, the Wehemacht asked Oberkommando of the "Luftwaffe (aviation)" to set up a center to collect information on all the various sightings of these mysterious celestial objects.

This was known as Sonderburo No 13 which, until the time of the German defeat scrupulously applied itself to its job. The short time that this commission was in existence prevented it from coming to any definite conclusions, but it collected an impressive amount of information.

The first sighting, studied by the Sonderburo, went back two years and came from Hauptmann Fischer, an engineer in civil life. On March 14,1942, at 5:35 p.m., Fischer landed at the secret air base at Banak, in Norway. At that instant the radar picked up a luminous object and Fischer was asked to go up and identify it. At about 10,000 feet the pilot caught sight of the object, and gave a description by radio to the base: an enormous streamlined craft about 300 feet long and about 50 feet in diameter. The "aerial whale" which was Fischer's title for it stayed horizontal for a long moment before rising vertically and disappearing at great speed.

It was not a machine constructed by the hand of man, Fischer stated in his report. On reading the report, Air Marshall Hermann Goering concluded that the solitude of the north does not seem to have done much for this pilot.

The report of another interesting incident was carefully preserved in the archives of the German Investigation Committee: that of the launching of an experimental rocket on February 12, 1944, at the Kummersdorf test center.

On that day the Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, S.S. Reichsfuhrer Himmler and S.S. Gruppenfuhrer Heinz Kammler were present at the launching which was being filmed. Some days later the authorities at the base organized a showing of the film. The astonished spectators, could see very clearly a spherical body which followed the rocket and circled around it.

The authorities immediately suspected Allied espionage. However, an agent informed Himmler that the English were themselves victims of the same sort of phenomenon and thought that it was a new type of German prototype craft. However, the most convincing evidence filed away by the Sonderburo came from a military flying ace.

On September 29, 1944, at 10:45 a.m., a test pilot was trying out a new Messerschmitt jet, ME 262 Schwalbe, when his attention was suddenly caught by two luminous points situated on his right. He shot at full speed in that direction and found himself face to face with a cylindrical object, more than three hundred feet long with some openings along its side, and fitted with long antennae placed in front up to about halfway along its length. Having approached within about 1,500 feet of the craft the pilot was amazed to see that it was moving at a speed of more than 1,200 m.p.h.

Other references:





Warning: This site may be some newage garbage...I will have to take a better look. Still, sometimes these sites use legitimate references so I will leave for now:


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  • #161

You have been quite busy, Ivan Seeking !

I'll have to take some time to check those links out (well, at least so I can skim over the articles and get to the photos)
  • #162

Originally posted by BoulderHead
You have been quite busy, Ivan Seeking !

I'll have to take some time to check those links out (well, at least so I can skim over the articles and get to the photos)

Oh I haven't even gotten warmed up yet! I have fifteen years worth of stuff to get off of my chest.
  • #163
Chapter 10 Other WWII events

I will be adding to this post for some days I expect. If you are interested check back from time to time.

One potentially major WWII UFO event is inappropriately called The Battle of Los Angeles. I have some knowledge of this event since my dad was there. The newspaper reports are widely available and the only real question is at what, if anything, did the civil defenses of Los Angeles fire over 1400 anti-aircraft rounds in 1942. The following link provides mostly factual information. Please ignore any introductory hype. The reports that follow are directly from the local papers of the time. Next, a link to Bruce Maccabee's analysis of the photos is given.



Maccabee's analysis:

More from WWII:


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  • #164
Addendum to Chapter 1

I had missed this file on Iran '76. Included are the distribution list/ routing, and a brief analysis of the event. The comments read:

a) [not readable]...necessary for a valid study of a UFO phenomenon.

[not readable]

b) The credibility of the many witnesses was high (an air force general, qualified aircrews, and experienced tower operators).

c) Visual sightings were confirmed by radar.

d) Similar electromagnetic effects (EME) were reported by three separate aircraft.

e) There were physiological effects on some crew members (i.e. loss of night vision due to the brightness of the object).

f) An inordinate amount of maneuver-ability was displayed by the UFO's.

The distribution of this report from defense intelligence includes the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, CIA, NSA, White House, the CSA and others.

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  • #165
I will copy many of the references I've posted to the new UFO Napster; in addition to many new posts.

Thanks Sting!
  • #166
I think one of the things that should be done to help try and explain the UFO phenomenon is to make some sort of flying saucer then see how it compares to witnesses accounts and perceptions of a UFO, could cost a fair bit but probably still within the reaches of some researchers.
  • #167
Originally posted by username
I think one of the things that should be done to help try and explain the UFO phenomenon is to make some sort of flying saucer then see how it compares to witnesses accounts and perceptions of a UFO, could cost a fair bit but probably still within the reaches of some researchers.

Since it would be interesting to see a control group’s reaction, I have been tempted a couple of times to create a UFO hoax for just such purposes. Of course, I wouldn't do such a thing but its fun to think about.

I did make a UFO out of an 8 ft diameter weather balloon for a Cub Scout space camp once. When the alien mother ship [the balloon] was spotted rising above the camp, about 95 kids ran like wild to get a closer look; 5 ran the other way! ...we all decided that these 5 were the smart ones.
  • #169
Originally posted by username
Here is an interesting site I came across what do think?


Interesting. Some of his ideas seem reasonable as a first quick read, but in the next section he challenges Einstein; uh oh! Then he mentions Tesla; UH OH! Finally, I have no idea who this person is. I will have to do a little exploring before I can really say anymore. I do know that some of these ideas are not uniquely his.

EDIT: I saw an interesting news item a few months ago. The claim was that a particular toy plane designer [I don't know his name but I'm sure the story can be found] has for decades, consistently and without significant errors released models of real and classified aircraft before their public debut and declassification. He claims this result from simple homework and knowing people in the industry. He says that the physical appearances of new craft are not really very secret, which is why he gets is able to get this information.

The point of the story is that his newest model is a saucer.
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  • #170
Yeah I agree about that website, still it is very interesting about the anti-gravity effects the aircraft industry and scientists were going on about after the ww2 then all of a sudden nothing, I have read a number of books etc which confirm this.

For instance T.Townsend Brown's research might not be anti-gravity but it does not stretch the imagination that such a device could be scaled up, this kind of device could fit most UFO descriptions. In J Naudins continuation of researching phenonema (http://jnaudin.free.fr/lifters/main.htm) he only uses 25-40kv, T.Townsend Brown's work was classified after he applied only 150kv. Go figure...

EDIT: Ok maybe not most UFO descriptions but at least some. Why has a lifter not been made that operates on higher voltages and results released to the public, you would have thought the tesla hobbists would jump at the chance?
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  • #171
Originally posted by username
Yeah I agree about that website, still it is very interesting about the anti-gravity effects the aircraft industry and scientists were going on about after the ww2 then all of a sudden nothing, I have read a number of books etc which confirm this.

For instance T.Townsend Brown's research might not be anti-gravity but it does not stretch the imagination that such a device could be scaled up, this kind of device could fit most UFO descriptions. In J Naudins continuation of researching phenonema (http://jnaudin.free.fr/lifters/main.htm) he only uses 25-40kv, T.Townsend Brown's work was classified after he applied only 150kv. Go figure...

EDIT: Ok maybe not most UFO descriptions but at least some. Why has a lifter not been made that operates on higher voltages and results released to the public, you would have thought the tesla hobbists would jump at the chance?

Yes I have seen the early films of this stuff. But what of use is it? From what I have seen you can't go anywhere. At the same time, many people are claiming that some sort of electrostatic drive is being used by military blimps. One very common sighting is that of a silent triangular craft that seems to float and that does not move in a fashion typical of aerodynamic lift dependent vehicles. Last year, maybe the year before, the cops chased them all over Illinois; near White AFB about 60 miles out of St. Louis Mo. If these craft are not ET's, then they must be ours. The silent and rapid acceleration they exhibit, which has often been observed, seems to indicate something new or secret must be off the shelf here.
I am inclined to believe that these are military and not ET. Of course, genuine UFOs could exist in addition to these supposed military blimps. I say this because some reports do exist that seem to exclude/exceed any human technology.

I may have even seen one of these [the earthly kind] once but I can't be sure. What I saw displayed nothing dramatic other than it was completely silence as it passed over. Also, we had a difficult time making out any distinct details of the craft which appeared to be low and large. I was near Beale AFB at the time. Of course, for this reason I have always assume that this craft was something operated by the military. When I first heard the scuttle-butt about stealth blimps, the idea seemed to be consistent with what I have seen.
  • #172
To me there seems to a be a lot of real evidence that UFOS are/have been man made but no evidence that UFOS are from outer space.
Even assuming the remote possibility that some UFOS are extra terrestrial, it would make more sense in researching the extra terrestrial UFOS by first trying to explain the man made ones.

Here is an interview that gives a more down to Earth explanation of UFOS:
1 http://www.paranetinfo.com/realaudio/show211-matthews.ram
2 http://www.paranetinfo.com/realaudio/show260-tmatthews.ram
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  • #173
I guess the theory that all UFO's are man made might fall down if there was substantial evidence pointing to the exsitance of UFO's before say the industrial revolution. I mean more evidence than there is of a terrestrial origin e.g. flying bannana's erm vimana's maybe not going that far back.
  • #174
Originally posted by username
I guess the theory that all UFO's are man made might fall down if there was substantial evidence pointing to the exsitance of UFO's before say the industrial revolution. I mean more evidence than there is of a terrestrial origin e.g. flying bannana's erm vimana's maybe not going that far back.

Sorry username. I have been distracted with little annoyances like making a living, so I have not yet listened to the entire interview that you posted. I'll be back. :smile:
  • #175
Most readily observed UFO's are probably prototype military aircraft as many of you have stated. But my curiosity is peeked when speculating about UFO's that do not appear to have their origin from earth. Though I lean heavilly towards the spiritual origin of the universe I try to keep an open mind about pretty much everything -which bring me to my point. If there were UFO's of extra terrestrial origin:
1. They would not try to contact us - any species able to construct spacecraft that can clear the vast distances of space would have no interest in our species.(we would be like insects to them with nothing to offer)
2. Extra terrestrial with spacecraft to travel the vast expanses of space would be so advanced that they would just come to this planet and exploit us.(Which is why I have a big problem with organizations wasting money broadcasting our coordinates widly though space for any rag tag alien species to pick up(Where over here guys!))(If they exist this is not wise)

TO deviate from the above:
** Most UFO pics we taken back in the days. Why hasnt the number of UFO pics grown or why haven't we seen any new UFO pics - now that almost every body has a camera or a camcorder. You would think that someone somewhere would have taken some decent footage by now.

Which brings me to:
Can anyone point me to a website with Heaven's gate UFO/Comet pictures. I can't seem to find them anywhere.
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