Getting Started with Maxwell 3D (ANSOFT)

In summary: You can also use magnetic fields to excite the coil, set up fields in Maxwell 3D (in 'fields' tab -> add -> external -> select your coil).I hope this helps, if not feel free to ask more questions.Thanks in advance!Hello, I need help with a problem with my electromagnetic simulation. I have successfully created a model of a coil, with 5 layers and 354 turns, but when I try to simulate the coil, I get the following message: "There is no solution data to display". I have tried five times to run the simulation, and the results are always the same. I am using Maxwell 13 for 3D modeling. Can you help me?
  • #71
Fuxue ;

i have already calculated the induced current on coil but i want to calculate power on this coil now. do you know anything else ?*
Engineering news on
  • #72
You need go to Results, then plot loss vs time.

emredemir said:
Fuxue ;

i have already calculated the induced current on coil but i want to calculate power on this coil now. do you know anything else ?*
  • #73
hi fuxue:

i want to ask you that. how can we solve this error do you know?
error: object 'part 1' and 'box1' intersect.

Do you know anythin about this.? in addition i import the file on this project. may be it caused this error or not?
  • #74
As the message says, two objects intersect each other. They cannot overlap.

emredemir said:
hi fuxue:

i want to ask you that. how can we solve this error do you know?
error: object 'part 1' and 'box1' intersect.

Do you know anythin about this.? in addition i import the file on this project. may be it caused this error or not?
  • #75
thanks fuxue;

but i have a new error but this is killl me :))

ERROR: unable to create simulation working directory within temp dir:...

Do you know anything about thet.??
  • #76

is there anybody who know how to change the default value of stator winding conductivity (resistivity) in RMxprt design in case of 3 phase induction motor...?
As I know the default material of winding is copper...but i need to change it...

Thank you very much for you reply,

  • #77
Dear all
I am Working with Maxwell 3d, to simulate Linear induction motor,my email is
When setting up a transient solver problem in Maxwell 3D, the following error occurred when running the simulation:

"Could not find the face. There might be an isolated hole in the band"

Does anyone know what this means? When I use the magnetostatic solver the simulation runs fine.
sorry for my English
Thank you
  • #78
Hi, I'm trying to learn the basics of this program (V13) and haven't had luck with the user's guide. Can anyone explain how I might model the magnetic field of a wire with a current of 1 A in Maxwell 3D? It would be greatly appreciated!
  • #79
I want to simulate an electric motor. I have one broken down and I know what they look like individual parts. It is important to perform simulation of the Maxwell 3D, not the "Rmxprt" because I have a lot of ideas for different rotor designs, and I sketched them in 3D. For three months I look through the documentation and tutorials with ansoft. In no case is similar to the embodiments of my model.
I need your help.
It shows in the Annex, where is my problem:

Generally, I know that I need to simulate: magnetic-transient or transient Electric. I suspect that the two simulations to connect in some way. Maybe someone will tell me if I'm wrong?

In the case of transient simulation Electric-like state on the ends of the coil voltage. The input impedance and resistance is needed. Where can I calculate this data? I can generally count on a paper but I doubt that all engineers as the problem in this way.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to start the simulation?
  • #80

I am using Maxwell 13 and I am trying to simulating a 3 phase 4 pole permanent magnet machine, so far I have managed to get reasonable results however I am still not sure about certain things.

#1 problem that I have is that I managed to excite the winding with a 3 phase current input however I am getting results that do not make sens when I tried to excite the winding with a 3 phase voltage input.

#2 another question that I have is how to determine weather the machine is extracting or absorbing power? ie what is the software's conventional equivalent circuit of a generator/ motor?

Thanks a lot
  • #81
For the voltage excitation, you need input the coil resistance. The simulation will not model the resistance if the conductor coil is specified as stranded.

annalisemalta said:

I am using Maxwell 13 and I am trying to simulating a 3 phase 4 pole permanent magnet machine, so far I have managed to get reasonable results however I am still not sure about certain things.

#1 problem that I have is that I managed to excite the winding with a 3 phase current input however I am getting results that do not make sens when I tried to excite the winding with a 3 phase voltage input.

#2 another question that I have is how to determine weather the machine is extracting or absorbing power? ie what is the software's conventional equivalent circuit of a generator/ motor?

Thanks a lot
  • #82

i did fill the coils resistance and inductance, and the voltage as a sin input with each phase shifted by 120 degrees... However the current waveforms include kind of a DC offset and I got two of the phases shifted upward and another one shifted downwards. I tried to invert the excitation of the winding shifted downwards to at least get the same DC shift in all the phases but did not work out as well...

I thought maybe I need to set other parameters that maybe are disabled when the coils are excited with current...
  • #83
annalisemalta, this phenomena You are observing is transient state in electromagnetic circuit.
This is pretty similar to inrush current in transformer. Voltage and flux waves in core are shifted by 90 deg. Now imagine what happends when You switch on voltage. If voltage waveform isn't at it's peak (flux is then at zero crossing - current too) current will have some disorder component in it. It will decline in time with some time constant, and only main component of waveform will remain.

You can check if it's true - just set up voltage excitation in one phase to be at it's peak in t=0 (other phases shifted +/- 120deg).
  • #84
Yes there is kind of a transient but even after almost 0.5s the waveforms are very far away from a normal 3 phase without a dc shift. I attached my current results for the time I simulated


  • voltage excited machine.jpg
    voltage excited machine.jpg
    45.4 KB · Views: 740
  • #85
Rearrange excitation like I said. See if it helps or not. If not.. maybe try with external circuit from Maxwell Circuit Editor ? There are some more possibilities with it.
  • #86
Hi everyone,

Need you guys help with Ansoft Maxwell 13. I am currently working on electromagnetic linear actuator as a vehicle suspension system. My design should look like below:
| s |
| h |_____ ____ ______
| a | N | | C | | S |
| f |_____| |___| |_____|
| t |

It will be in cylindrical shape. Hope you understand.
N = north pole (magnet material, Neodymium)
S = south pole
C = coil winding

I already design the geometry in Ansoft. But I do have some question related to Maxwell:

1. How to assign magnetic pole (N/S) to my design.
2. How to assign coil polarity during current excitation.
3. Can we create external force to excite the shaft downward or upward?
4. What type of solver should be used for this kind of design?

Sorry for my english. Appreciate your help.
  • #87
eddyrooney87 said:
1. How to assign magnetic pole (N/S) to my design.
2. How to assign coil polarity during current excitation.
3. Can we create external force to excite the shaft downward or upward?
4. What type of solver should be used for this kind of design?

Ad. 1: Assign material (permeant magnet) to object. In it's properties You can select how magnetic coercivity vector is oriented
Ad. 2: by altering current direction. Coil polarity depends on direction of current
Ad. 3: Yes, there is such a posibility (assigning a band with mechanical transient)
Ad. 4: Transient (Magnetic)

One more thing, I suggest reading some tutorials and searching Maxwell On-Line Help for vital information about preparing simulation. If You do not have tutorials write me a PM with your e-mail adress and I will send them.
  • #88
  • #89
You don't necessarily input extra inductance. The simulation will use the modeled inductance of the coil. Induced current will have 90 degree phase shift from the input voltage.

annalisemalta said:

i did fill the coils resistance and inductance, and the voltage as a sin input with each phase shifted by 120 degrees... However the current waveforms include kind of a DC offset and I got two of the phases shifted upward and another one shifted downwards. I tried to invert the excitation of the winding shifted downwards to at least get the same DC shift in all the phases but did not work out as well...

I thought maybe I need to set other parameters that maybe are disabled when the coils are excited with current...
  • #90
Hi gerbi,

Ad. 1: Assign material (permeant magnet) to object. In it's properties You can select how magnetic coercivity vector is oriented

It is we change the magnitude value to negative(-)/positive(+). Not really understand what you are suggesting.

Ad. 3: Yes, there is such a posibility (assigning a band with mechanical transient)

I did try to assign the shaft as a band but error come out. "Invalid object selected for band. No objects within the band". How could I assign the shaft in mechanical transient?

Appreciate if you could share with me some tutorials for Maxwell 3D for my reference. Please send to
  • #91
You can change Magnitude but X-Y-Z components aswell. Field with orientation (1x,0y,0z) will be perfect opposite to (-1x,0y,0z).

About band.. You need to close moving object inside other object to which You'll asign a band.

Please, read the tutorials (especialy about Toyta Prius motor) - all basics are explained there.
  • #92
"You don't necessarily input extra inductance. The simulation will use the modeled inductance of the coil. Induced current will have 90 degree phase shift from the input voltage."

I know that... my problem is that the shift is a dc shift between the currents of the phases not between the voltage and the current, as in the attached screenshot
  • #93

regarding the transient plots in Maxwell... What is the Moving1.Toqrue? and when exciting winding by current what is the voltage that is available for plotting? the induced voltage or the terminal voltage?

  • #94
Hy Everyone!

I would like to ask for your help. There is a transformer transient tests on which I am doing.
I want to calculate or measure the amount of heat loss in [W] occurs in the core.

How do I do this?
  • #95
annalisemalta said:
What is the Moving1.Toqrue?
Don't know. There is no info on it in help. Try plotting it and see how it behaves.
annalisemalta said:
when exciting winding by current what is the voltage that is available for plotting?
it's voltage induced by the current, across the considered element

cimopata said:
I want to calculate or measure the amount of heat loss in [W] occurs in the core.
In transient solver there is a possibility to define core loss model. Go to material properties, from menu choose "core loss type" -> "electrical steel". Some more coefficients are now avaible in your window. At the bottom from the menu choose "calculate properties for" -> "core loss at one frequency". In new window enter data You have (frequency, thickness etc.), You should have it from core material manufarcturer and transformer design data. If You don't know sheet material conductivity, which is not so easy to obtain, go with ~2 MS/m.

Ok, with material properties setup ready go to Maxwell2D/3D -> Excitations -> Set Core Loss. Pick core element (if material props are fine, there should be check in right column).
Make mesh refinement in core (accuracy of losses calculation depends on calculated flux distribution) and solve model.
For results plot core loss vs time in results -> create transient report-> rectangular plot.
  • #96
gerbi said:
Don't know. There is no info on it in help. Try plotting it and see how it behaves.

it's voltage induced by the current, across the considered element

In transient solver there is a possibility to define core loss model. Go to material properties, from menu choose "core loss type" -> "electrical steel". Some more coefficients are now avaible in your window. At the bottom from the menu choose "calculate properties for" -> "core loss at one frequency". In new window enter data You have (frequency, thickness etc.), You should have it from core material manufarcturer and transformer design data. If You don't know sheet material conductivity, which is not so easy to obtain, go with ~2 MS/m.

Ok, with material properties setup ready go to Maxwell2D/3D -> Excitations -> Set Core Loss. Pick core element (if material props are fine, there should be check in right column).
Make mesh refinement in core (accuracy of losses calculation depends on calculated flux distribution) and solve model.
For results plot core loss vs time in results -> create transient report-> rectangular plot.

Thanks for your help!

Yes, I found this options and I adjusted the core losses in 25°C(by the "power ferrit" core loss type).
Actually I'm using N87 ferrit core. I already can measure the core loss. The results is very nice :)
The next step what I would like to do is the "Thermal modifier".
By the core loss type I have Power ferrite. There is 3 value (Cm, X, Y). Every value have "Edit thermal modifier" option. In this window how can I adjust the loss for example 100°C?

Best Regards!
  • #97
Other quoestion:

The simulation is very slow. 50us transient (0.5us step) takes about 20 hour. I would like to speed up. My toroids dimension is about 50mmx16mm. What is the recomended mesh size (faster simulation/precise caltulation).

My compure:
Intel core i7
6GB 1333mHz RAM

  • #98
cimopata said:
[..] how can I adjust the loss for example 100°C?

I'm sorry, but I have no expierence in this field. It appears that You'll need to read some articles about material properties of power ferrite. Maxwell help contain no detailed information on this one.

cimopata said:
The simulation is very slow. 50us transient (0.5us step) takes about 20 hour. I would like to speed up. My toroids dimension is about 50mmx16mm. What is the recomended mesh size (faster simulation/precise caltulation).

It depends. For some crude calculations (to get familiar with model, results etc) mesh shouldn't be very fine.
For this first few simulations and 3D model about few thousand elements ? Thats my guess. For more detailed calculations few times more, but do not create monstrous mesh because it won't help accuracy much.

Some more hints on mesh:
1) Observe calculated energy error in solution data. If it is below 0,5% You can assume it is quite accurate (very accurate below 0,1%).
2) Do some simulations in static solvers (like Eddycurrent). Mesh is done adaptively then. You can observe which areas have increased meshing and do similary in transient solver manually.
3) Observe results (mostly flux distribution). Field details like increased density (if present) should be visible and look natural.
3) Meshing is one of most important things in FEM, it's better to learn how good mesh looks like.
Last edited:
  • #99
hi gerbi,

i have difficulties on assigning current to my coil as it is wounded on cylinder core. When I want to assign current, this error occur "Excitation 'Current 1':Cannot apply Current Excitation to non planar entity". Any tips and help from you.

  • #100
Some more hints on mesh:
1) Observe calculated energy error in solution data. If it is below 0,5% You can assume it is quite accurate (very accurate below 0,1%).
2) Do some simulations in static solvers (like Eddycurrent). Mesh is done adaptively then. You can observe which areas have increased meshing and do similary in transient solver manually.
3) Observe results (mostly flux distribution). Field details like increased density (if present) should be visible and look natural.
3) Meshing is one of most important things in FEM, it's better to learn how good mesh looks like.

Thanks gerbi!

I am going to try it!

Maybe have you any experience the distributed mode computing between computers?
I tried, but there is something error message:
"Error: Unable to contact AnsoftRSMService, Reason: ANS_CANNOT_CONNECTTO_ANSOFTRSMSERVICE
Testing Completed.
Error: Some tests have failed.
  • #101

hello frnds..
hoep you all doing good.
i am a mechanical engineer but works in electrical engineering. my work is electromechanical interactions in induction motors. so i started working in ansoft. so kindly anyone help me in the modeling of induction machine in ansoft. i am working with 3 phase 4 pole induction machine and it will me helpful for my work.

with regards
  • #102
i'm new user and I've studied ansoft maxwell for three months..
i need some help : i want to do calculate second harmonics in a magnetic material (for examp. between 2 magnetic rings center)
how can i calculate that by field calculator ??
thanks with regards
  • #103
cimopata said:
Maybe have you any experience the distributed mode computing between computers?
I have no expierence with this. One is for sure, You'll need more than one Maxwell license to do this :cry:

siva0707 said:
i am a mechanical engineer but works in electrical engineering. my work is electromechanical interactions in induction motors. so i started working in ansoft. so kindly anyone help me in the modeling of induction machine in ansoft
Sorry to say that, but it's not that easy. If You have no expierence in EE or in Maxwell then this is really long way.. You need some professional help, not just question-answer discussion like here.

nautylus said:
i want to do calculate second harmonics in a magnetic material (for examp. between 2 magnetic rings center)
how can i calculate that by field calculator ??
Try performing FFT on this signal. If signal is implemented in Maxwell go to Results-> Perform FFT on report.
If signal is not defined:
1) define a line on which You want to observe signal
2) go to results -> create rectangular plot
3) in left window you pick name of solution and geometry (your created line) and number of sampling points on it (pick some reasonable number, depending on mesh)
4) pick quantity to plot (some are ready to use, to have more go and create defined expression in calculator)
5) create new report and do FFT on it (Results-> Perform FFT on report). I have no big expierence with this FFT module.

This can be done in Maxwell v14 3D Transient.
  • #104
Thanx Gerbi,
i've some experience abut your suggestions (i had created a line and rect. plot etc.) but i want to see some definite equations in the center area if it works, i mean how can i load a spesific formula actually?
thanx again
  • #105
nautylus said:
but i want to see some definite equations in the center area if it works, i mean how can i load a spesific formula actually?

Please be more specific. What equations do you want to see (in caluculator, right?) ?
If you mean FFT equations - this is not possible. To define FFT analysis other that implemented in Maxwell - you need to perform FFT in program outside Maxwell (with data outputed from Maxwell).
If you mean defining in calculator a expression to plot.. You need to work with calculator.
How to define a expression for further use ? Quick example:
Add->(pick a name, like Bx or so)
This viariable (Bx) is visible in calculator now (named expressions window, top of calculator) and you can plot it on defined geometry (rectangular plot, on model etc.).
Is this an answer to your question ?