Getting Started with Maxwell 3D (ANSOFT)

In summary: You can also use magnetic fields to excite the coil, set up fields in Maxwell 3D (in 'fields' tab -> add -> external -> select your coil).I hope this helps, if not feel free to ask more questions.Thanks in advance!Hello, I need help with a problem with my electromagnetic simulation. I have successfully created a model of a coil, with 5 layers and 354 turns, but when I try to simulate the coil, I get the following message: "There is no solution data to display". I have tried five times to run the simulation, and the results are always the same. I am using Maxwell 13 for 3D modeling. Can you help me?
  • #176
sorry, I am new here, , how to display the value of the flux Intensity of each point from a position to another position?
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  • #177
if you want to plot it; just draw a line in air gap and follow
results>create field report>rectangular plot>geometry>select the drawn line>plot
  • #178
hussain_aamir said:
if you want to plot it; just draw a line in air gap and follow
results>create field report>rectangular plot>geometry>select the drawn line>plot

thanks , but after I tried it, the value (mag_B Tesla) was too high , there are any another setting to do to get precision value??
  • #179
creactivee said:
thanks , but after I tried it, the value (mag_B Tesla) was too high , there are any another setting to do to get precision value??

based on my knowledge there is another method; that is using calculator but for getting this you go through maxwell guide that has complete how to use calculator explanation
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  • #180
I want to see how my B field changes with changing Ampere with respect to the coordinate.
Therefore i use an rectangular plot along a non-model line to see the change of my B field.
Is there a way to calculate my B field with respect to my coordinate and several Ampere values?
Since i don't have the time to set an ParametricSetup up for all Ampere combinations with all the other changing geometrical components, i am glad for any hint.
  • #181
Hey guys,

im currently doing a project its about "numerical estimations of induced and contact current in human body in contact with a car". I am in need of a Human model to use as an example for maxwell and also how do you import drawing/designs to maxwell? Thanks in advance!

ps. sorry about my english
  • #182
Is it possible to import a MATLAB mesh into Ansoft? If so, what is the method to do this? Thanks in advance
  • #183
regarding exporting field data for further use in matlab, i would like to ask for your help.
To compare accuracy of two same geometrical models, but different settings for the mesh and error%,
i need to generate a data sheet of all the scalar quantities of my B field (probalby a lot of data) and their
location in the coordinate system.
Afterwards i like to calculate the differences of each value in the matrices in MATLAB to find my delta of the field values of my two models.

Thanks for any help!
  • #184
Regarding a transformer-like structure:
If I have two coils in the "Eddy Current" analysis i see that it is possible to define a specific current in the first one (with a specific peak current and frequency). Then Maxwell can calculate the current passing through the second coil (after setting on the eddy effects selcetion for this coil). Is it possible to define the phase difference between the two currents...?

Thanks a lot for any help!
  • #185
No, the difference comes (when the second current is induced) from configuration of your model.
If you want to change phase difference between currents you have define both currents.
  • #186
Gerbi thanks a lot for your quick answer.
In the case where I just define the current in the first coil, the current in the second coil is considered to be in phase with the current in the first one...?
  • #187
In case of Eddy Current solver ? Phase of current depends on how you define it - please take a look at Assign->Current Excitation (you define there name, value, phase, solid or staranded and direction).

Note one more thing: if you want to observe currents induced in secondary winding there is no need to activate "eddy currents" setting for secondary winding.
  • #188
What I would like to do is to observe the current induced in the secondary winding after applying a current in the primary winding (let's say a current with a zero phase and amplitude of 50A). In this case, I can obtain the amplitude of the current in the secondary (after setting the eddy effects on for the secondary winding). Yet I cannot see any way of obtaining the phase of the current in the secondary... (I think that a phase difference might be expected between the current of the secondary and primary winding)
  • #189
Hey jerrard,
as i work on a similar problem, i can tell you for the case of a fully compensated system for coil number two, the induced electric voltage is U= M* dI(1)/dt.
Therefore the phase in the difference in current phase is 90 degree, because you simply derive the sinusoidal current in the first coil.
This information might be good for further investigation. Unfortunately, I cannot help you with your specific problem directly
  • #190
Hello everyone

I'm a new user.
I would like to share experiences with someone who is in software Maxwell analyzed magnet motors where the rotor and stator permanent magnets.
Question: Is it possible to be permanent magnetic excitation circuit (not current or power) and how to parse.
  • #191
Simulation of core and coil of a transformer

Hey everyone,

I am beginner in Maxwell. I am trying to plot the flux distribution in a transformer core. For starters, I am just trying to simulate a very simple geometry of a core and a single coil in the Transient solver,

I try to solve the problem by using the steps from the Maxwell user guide [Transformer Core loss example] but I am unable to plot either the mesh or any other field overlays once the design has been solved.

I am attaching the geometry for reference.

I use following steps:

So i create a section of the coil and make it a coil terminal with 3 turns
Then I add a winding and attach the terminal to it.
I give the winding a voltage excitation, in a stranded form. The expression is Vpeak*(1-exp(-50*time))*cos(2*pi*50*time)


  • mesh plot (outer core) coarse mesh.jpg
    mesh plot (outer core) coarse mesh.jpg
    23 KB · Views: 851
  • #192
the maxwell

can the maxwell work the simulator electrical coupling thermal and magnitic
  • #193
Copper loss procedure

Hi Everyone,
I am working on synchronous generator, i want to know the procedure of how to calculate copper loss in ansoft maxwell (transient solver). Please explain me. Thanks
  • #194
How to find frequency of any signal in Ansoft Maxwell

Hello Everyone,
I want to know in Ansoft Maxwell how we can determine the frequency of any signal or waveform.
Please describe me.
  • #195
In transient solver, the mesh is only initial mesh. The field is not saved unless you specify to save them in the Analysis setup.

When you want to plot field overlays, you have to specify the time moment that has the field saves as defined in the above Analysis setup.

isha said:
Hey everyone,

I am beginner in Maxwell. I am trying to plot the flux distribution in a transformer core. For starters, I am just trying to simulate a very simple geometry of a core and a single coil in the Transient solver,

I try to solve the problem by using the steps from the Maxwell user guide [Transformer Core loss example] but I am unable to plot either the mesh or any other field overlays once the design has been solved.

I am attaching the geometry for reference.

I use following steps:

So i create a section of the coil and make it a coil terminal with 3 turns
Then I add a winding and attach the terminal to it.
I give the winding a voltage excitation, in a stranded form. The expression is Vpeak*(1-exp(-50*time))*cos(2*pi*50*time)
  • #196
Hello everyone,
I am really new to Maxwell and I'm having problems simulating a simple transformer for a junior university project. :confused: - a simple drawing for reference. I made the actual drawing in AutoCAD 3D and I want to simulate some things in Maxwell.

Steps I take:
1. Import the 3D model
2. Assign all materials (copper and steel with custom B/H graph)
3. Create an external circuit in Maxwell Circuit Editor (actually there I create 3 separate circuits in one drawing with the windings and other elements and voltage sources - I don't connect them magnetically (mutual Inductance) because the coils are 3 and the block for inductance is 2 windings only but they import successfully in Maxwell).
4. I create sections for the coils on my drawing via Modeler > Surface > Section and Modeler > Boolean > Separate Bodies
5. Select all sections and right click > Assign Excitation > External Circuit (and I add the circuit)
I saw these steps in a tutorial.

My problems:
1. How do I specify the number of turns for the coil (for example 300?). Since I am using an external circuit do I have to click the sections and 'Add Coil Circuit' to specify turns to different coils?
2. Do I have to set up any currents because I give the voltage and some resistance elements in the external circuit and Maxwell should calculate as needed?
3. I get this error for the transformer body (probably about it or because of wrong coil design in external circuit?):
Do I have to specify anything else for the body other than material and that it is laminated? Maxwell doesn't give me the option to create a section. When I try it creates a section in the same plane as the section of the coils and it looks like a lamination sheet instead of a cross-section of the body?

Would really appreciate your help! There are not many tutorials and some are not full. :cry:
  • #197
Simple thing first,

For the error message, second one is normal. You are using transient solution, so it tells you that only initial mesh will be used, meaning the mesh may not be fine enough, the result may not be that accurate, but, generally acceptable.

For the first error, do you have a region defined?

For others, I recommend not using the external circuit, just specify the excitation source as current. Run the simulation and see if it works. Once you sort out all the bugs, you can then introduce the external circuit as the excitation source.

For transient solution, you specify the turns on the terminal (number of conductors). For Magnetostatic, you specify in the Matrix properties.

blueiced said:
Hello everyone,
I am really new to Maxwell and I'm having problems simulating a simple transformer for a junior university project. :confused: - a simple drawing for reference. I made the actual drawing in AutoCAD 3D and I want to simulate some things in Maxwell.

Steps I take:
1. Import the 3D model
2. Assign all materials (copper and steel with custom B/H graph)
3. Create an external circuit in Maxwell Circuit Editor (actually there I create 3 separate circuits in one drawing with the windings and other elements and voltage sources - I don't connect them magnetically (mutual Inductance) because the coils are 3 and the block for inductance is 2 windings only but they import successfully in Maxwell).
4. I create sections for the coils on my drawing via Modeler > Surface > Section and Modeler > Boolean > Separate Bodies
5. Select all sections and right click > Assign Excitation > External Circuit (and I add the circuit)
I saw these steps in a tutorial.

My problems:
1. How do I specify the number of turns for the coil (for example 300?). Since I am using an external circuit do I have to click the sections and 'Add Coil Circuit' to specify turns to different coils?
2. Do I have to set up any currents because I give the voltage and some resistance elements in the external circuit and Maxwell should calculate as needed?
3. I get this error for the transformer body (probably about it or because of wrong coil design in external circuit?):
Do I have to specify anything else for the body other than material and that it is laminated? Maxwell doesn't give me the option to create a section. When I try it creates a section in the same plane as the section of the coils and it looks like a lamination sheet instead of a cross-section of the body?

Would really appreciate your help! There are not many tutorials and some are not full. :cry:
  • #198
I just started to experiment with this software and this is probably a dumb question.
I've played a bit with maxwell 2D, and was able to draw the flux lines of the resulting solution (I'm using magnetostatic) in the field overlay section.
But when I moved to maxwell 3D I wasn't able to do this, the option was missing in the field overlay menu.
Isn't there an option to draw flux lines along a given plane in maxwell 3D? I may be missing something, but after a good amount of searching both in the software options and in the internet, I found no clue.
This threat was already useful to me, thanks everybody!
  • #199
You need first select a plane (xy, yz or xz), or create a plane and select it. Then go to Field Overlay to plot H B filed distribution on that plane.
  • #200
Yes, I know I can plot H or B fields. But the thing is, if I am on maxwell 2D, and I go to Field Overlays>Fields I can choose from A H B J Energy or Other. The option I want Flux_Lines is under the A fields.
On the other hand, if I am in maxwell 3D and if I go to the same menu Field Overlays>Fields the options are H B J Energy or Other. No A fields and therefore no Flux_Lines option... I hope I'm making myself understandable.
  • #201
Pedro Almeida said:
Yes, I know I can plot H or B fields. But the thing is, if I am on maxwell 2D, and I go to Field Overlays>Fields I can choose from A H B J Energy or Other. The option I want Flux_Lines is under the A fields.
On the other hand, if I am in maxwell 3D and if I go to the same menu Field Overlays>Fields the options are H B J Energy or Other. No A fields and therefore no Flux_Lines option... I hope I'm making myself understandable.

A is not available in 3D. You may try B_vector or H_vector instead.
  • #202
Are you sure it's not available in some other way? Because it sounds strange to me that the option exists in 2D and not in 3D...
  • #203
Pedro Almeida said:
Are you sure it's not available in some other way? Because it sounds strange to me that the option exists in 2D and not in 3D...

Well, that is what stated in the HELP, A is only available to 2D.

In the HELP, look for Post Processing and Generating Reports -> Plotting Field Overlays -> Plotting Standard Field Quantities.
  • #204
Yes, that was the confirmation that I was looking for. Thank you very much for your help.
  • #205
Hi All,

I'm mainly interested in Permanent Magnet (PM) Simulations with MAXWELL and having some questions that i would appreciate if someone can help me with:-
1- is it possible to simulate 3D Transient with only PMs (excitation by Magnetic Forces) such that i can see a motion due to attraction/repulsion forces between magnets and measure force/speed,...
2- I have problems with Magnetic Materials(NDFE35 for ex) magnetization direction (i understand it's done through Magnetic Coercivity Vector), i assign a given material with a given direction to a body, then if i make rotated copies of that body the direction stays the same (not aligned to the new rotated geometry), do i need to assign different material with a new Coercivity vector for each body, and how do transient solver behaves if the objects are rotated as a result of motion

I'd much appreciate if any help understand these issues
  • #206
This is a simple tutorial I followed when I was first introduced to Maxwell, in which I had to simulate a 2D magnetostatic solenoid. In page 39 there is a step in which you assign the material to the core, and then change it's direction of magnetization. I hope that helps.
I actually never worked with permanent magnets, but I think that what you want is possible.


  • Tutorial 2D Magnetostatic Solenoid.pdf
    2.4 MB · Views: 19,401
  • #207

probably stupid question, but in 3D eddy current solver, in what format is the result? I mean I set current excitation as peak value and then frequency for all fields. So the results are made for sinusoidal current with the peak value and the frequency. Are results (lets say E fields or B fields) also peak values with the same frequency or average (rms)?
  • #208
Nobody knows? If I make the same example (same geometry, same excitation, same frequency), values of fields are approximately 21/2 smaller in eddy current solution (in comparison with peak values in transient solution). Is that correct?
  • #209
Hi guys,
I'm writing to ask for some help with designing an ellipsoid shell (like in the first attachment) in Maxwell 3D. I did the same thing with a sphere - the second attachment, and it worked, but I'm difficulties in drawing the 3D ellipsoid. I tried to start from an ellipse and sweep it around the main axis, but in gives an error. Could anyone give me some hints on how to deal with it?


  • invelis_elipsoidal.png
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  • proiect_sfera.png
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  • #210
Dear all

I am quite new in the use of Maxwell and looking for some good exchange of ideas and suggestions

I have built and run a 3D model of a Transient Magnetic solution type. the model is interfacing with an external circuit which I have built with maxwell circuit editor

I have setup the analysis as follow:

Type: linear step
Start time 0s
Stop time 0.04s
Time step 0.002s

Save fields:
Step size 0.002s (and added to list)

when simulation finished I cannot see any result!
For instance I cannot read any J field or other values on the "results" or "Field Overlays" when I select them from the object

Can anyone help how I can see results?

Thank you in advance for any useful information / suggestion

Best regards
