Getting Started with Maxwell 3D (ANSOFT)

In summary: You can also use magnetic fields to excite the coil, set up fields in Maxwell 3D (in 'fields' tab -> add -> external -> select your coil).I hope this helps, if not feel free to ask more questions.Thanks in advance!Hello, I need help with a problem with my electromagnetic simulation. I have successfully created a model of a coil, with 5 layers and 354 turns, but when I try to simulate the coil, I get the following message: "There is no solution data to display". I have tried five times to run the simulation, and the results are always the same. I am using Maxwell 13 for 3D modeling. Can you help me?
  • #141

I am working on modeling in Maxwell an inductive charger for electric vehicles. The whole concept is quite similar to a transformer, though instead of simple windings or coils, litz wire is used. Would it be possible to design litz wire like a normal coil? Would it be all right if I drew a circular or rectangular conductor with a specified diameter? And if so what would be the size of the cross section of the conductor?
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  • #142
If I state that: A solid circular or rectangular conductor would be a good approximation to a litz wire, IF you specify that eddy-currents are NOT induced in the conductor. Would you agree? And can you give a reasoning behind the statement?

As for the cross section, it depends on the effects you want to model. In reality a coil, and especially a litz wire would give a "copper fill factor" of less than 1, due to insulation. If you are unsure if the radius and fill factor has a effect on the solution you can try using different radii and see if there is a difference in your "answer".
  • #143
SirAskalot thanks a lot for your answer.
I agree that if I specify that eddy-currents are not induced in the conductor, a better approximation of a litz wire can be achieved. Considering the radius, I will try using different radii and see how my answer is affected.
Yet i am unsure of how to model the litz wire considering the number of turns: For my application I need a litz wire of two turns for the "primary" of my charger (for a transformer the litz wire would be a coil of two turns) carrying a current of 200A at 20kHz. I also need 16 turns of litz wire for the "secondary".
Would it be OK to define the conductor as stranded and specify the number of conductors as 2 for the "primary" and 16 for the "secondary"? Or would it be a better idea to draw two connected conductors for the primary and 16 conductors for the secondary and define them as solid?
  • #144
It again depends on what effects you want to model, but most times its not necessary to draw each turn.(most times are when eddy currents like proximity effect, skin effect etc. are neglected in the coil/winding) So I would agree with you regarding defining the conductor as stranded, and use a multiplier like 2 and 16 (number of turns or similar in a dialog box).

The reason for neglecting these effect in coils are due to the complexity of drawing and meshing such small elements. Analytic formulas may be used instead for calculating the neglected phenomena, like resistive losses etc.
  • #145
SirAskalot said:
It again depends on what effects you want to model, but most times its not necessary to draw each turn.(most times are when eddy currents like proximity effect, skin effect etc. are neglected in the coil/winding) So I would agree with you regarding defining the conductor as stranded, and use a multiplier like 2 and 16 (number of turns or similar in a dialog box).

The reason for neglecting these effect in coils are due to the complexity of drawing and meshing such small elements. Analytic formulas may be used instead for calculating the neglected phenomena, like resistive losses etc.

Although I could obtain a value about the output voltage similar to the one expected (the radius of the conductor does not seem to affect this value), the self-inductance of the two coils as well as the mutual inductance is different from the ones expected. Is it possible to accurately measure the inductance of a litz wire using the method described above...?
  • #146
Royerconverter - inductive coupling of to aircoils

hi guys!

i try to calculate the efficiency of a Royer converter with two air coils (wireless power transfer) and the effects of steal or iron near to the coils. I have got a transmission frequency of 100 khz.

Which solver is the right? Magnetostaic or Eddy Current? (without steal, the coupling coefficient is nearly the same, but with a steal core it is half that.)

are the core losses included in the calculated inductive coupling coefficient?
  • #147
How to establish motion on two different material

Hi Guys,

Need your help here. I intend to simulate linear motion on my linear actuator design. In my design, there are few multiple objects move along together with different type of material. In order for the design to work, all moving objects must be included in one-all inclusive object which I do not know how to do it. For your information, my design moving object include of a aluminum cylindrical shaft and multiple sets of permanent magnet ring. In reality, both objects are attach together.

1.The problem is how do I attach both together in simulation so they can be an one-all object?
2. Is there any way for me to simulate linear motion for both object in single motion?

Appreciate your quick feedback on this.

Thanks & regards,
  • #148
To do this you need to add a "band object" that encloses the moving objects in your model, and then assign a motion setup for that band object. If you search the help, it will explain how to do this. If the model is 2D, the translational motion will need to be approximated by a large radius rotational motion, as motion setup for 2D translation is broken in Maxwell since v12.

Good luck!
  • #149
Hi pkelecy,

Many thanks for your feedback. As for the band object, I already did it. The band cover all moving objects. I have no issue with "band object". My concern is more towards how you combine different object into a single-motion simulation? I did read the tutorial but there is no clue on having two different objects to moving together under one single-motion. If I unite both objects, it will going to have a single type of material which I did not want. I need those two objects with different material to moving together. Any solutions on my problem? Will be really grateful if you can help.

Thanks & regards,
  • #150
this is why you create box to which you assign motion. Any object inside it will be affected by motion setup. (i.e.: rotor of synchronous generator - there is a shaft + coils, but you create only one cylinder which contains all moving objects - and they move simultaneously).
  • #151
Thanks gerbi,

I already did the band object. I have no idea where it goes wrong with my simulation. I give it another try. Many thanks for you help.
  • #152
Double check it. Verify if the band object is big enough to contain all objects during motion.
  • #153

Just to be clear, the band should enclose all the moving objects, but none of the stationary objects. Also, since models with motion use the transient solver, you may (probably will) need mesh operations to get a good mesh for good results (the adaptive mesher only works for static models). What type of phenomena are you trying to simulate? Is the model 2D or 3D?
  • #154
Hi pkelecy,

Thanks for your advice. I am simulating a linear actuator in vertical motion. This is a 3D model simulation. As for mesh, I have set the mesh operation as suggested. But, still no-go for my simulation. Need to figure out what the problem.

  • #155
What is the error code ?
  • #156
Hi guys!

I have tried to do the analysis of Magnetic Rotational Actuator, described step by step in Maxwell's example files. I am using Maxwell 14.
I have completed the whole process, but when i try to do the simulation i get:

[error] Failed to load 'Matrix1' solution. (12:24:29 AM Sep 09, 2013)
[error] Failed to evaluate calculation 'Matrix1.L(Current_1,Current_1)'. (12:24:29 AM Sep 09, 2013)
[info] A variation (ang='15deg') has been requested on machine Local Machine (12:24:29 AM Sep 09, 2013)

I first thought that I made the mistake in the process, however, i noticed that there is a file in maxwell's examples that already had this model done by ansoft, and all the parameters were identical to the file i made. I tried to run a solution but i got the same errors. Failed to load matrix1 solution.

Can anybody please help me with this error? I am quite new to maxwell.
  • #157
I tried the same file on the PC with new version of maxwell, and it was working just fine.
So, i guess it might have been a bug in the software.

On the different note, I wish maxwell would give some more info on the errors it gives out, not just, "failed to evaluate calculation". That might actually be useful, but then again,they might not be able to charge an arm and a leg for 3 hours seminar. Their training prices are nuts...
  • #158

I have a question about Maxwell 2D Transient. If you choose the Core Loss, Maxwell Core Loss calculated via:

Kh is the hysteresis core loss coefficient,
Kc is the eddy-current core loss coefficient, and
Ke is the excess core loss coefficient.

Obviously then calculated losses due to eddy currents (Kc).

If I am under the Set Eddy Effects, select the same part where I count Core Loss, Shall I then get double losses due to eddy currents
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  • #159
Where do you get these info? I don't think Maxwell do any of those Kh, Kc and Ke.

WaXy said:

I have a question about Maxwell 2D Transient. If you choose the Core Loss, Maxwell Core Loss calculated via:

Kh is the hysteresis core loss coefficient,
Kc is the eddy-current core loss coefficient, and
Ke is the excess core loss coefficient.

Obviously then calculated losses due to eddy currents (Kc).

If I am under the Set Eddy Effects, select the same part where I count Core Loss, Shall I then get double losses due to eddy currents
  • #160
In Material Properties these coefficients can be entered.

Setting: Set Core Loss and mark eg stator, and mark Defined in Material.

According to this, Maxwell Core Loss calculated as determined coefficients.
  • #161
I see it. This is for steel. I guess you need to Set Eddy Effects in order to have the correct current distribution, but I am not sure.
  • #162
Hi guys,

I am new to here. I am trying to use transient solver for a inductive power transfer simulation. The simulation time and save field was set from 0 to 0.2 ms. The simulation was finished, however only data between 0-0.104 s were saved, the data between 0.105-0.2 ms were shown n/a. Does anyone what might be the reason for this situation? Thanks!

  • #163
I think that simulation is not converged. Check the number of finite elements and settings of Solver
  • #164
Thanks, There are 69873 meshes. What can I do with the setting of Solver?
  • #165
hye all

im a new,, i have a some problem in ansoft maxwell 3d,,

1) what mean about this error when I am analyze the program

Maxwell3DDesign1 (Magnetostatic)
[error] There are multiple disconnected solution domains. This is not allowed in magnetostatics. (11:17:49 PM Nov 14, 2013)
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (11:17:49 PM Nov 14, 2013)

2) i need to use the permanent magnet in my project,, so to assign material what is the name for the permanent magnet i need to select? then, how to assign boundary, excitation, parameter for this material,,

hope anybody can help me to solve my problem,, :( tq all

im also attach my project picture


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  • #166

"Multiple disconnected domains" means that you need to create a region (Draw->Region). This operation creates a space where your experiment will take place.
You need to assign a permeant magnet.. well.. there are multiple materials. This is up to you to select one of them depending on design (yes, NdFe30 is one of them).
The only thing you need to select for permeant magnet is polarisation of magnet (after you select a material go into its properties - you'll find there XYZ components of magnitute that describes polarisation of magnet).
  • #167
ok tq so much bro gerbi,, now i have solve the problem,, tq
  • #168
hello all

i still have a new error about 3d coil,, i don't know how to setup excitation/boundary for current or else,, so what need i do for this part ( 3d coil )

this is my error when I am try to setup excitation

Maxwell3DDesign1 (Magnetostatic)
[error] Verify conduction path 'Path1': For any conduction path that has current density excitation(s) specified, current density terminal(s) should also be specified and vice versa. (11:44:05 PM Nov 17, 2013)

pls help me,, tq all :)
  • #169
helo all,, pls help help me,,
  • #170
hi i need to design a transformer with carbon nano tube wires instead of copper wires..can anyone say how can i do using ansoft maxwell
  • #171
ansoft maxwell 2d

I am designing a switched reluctance motor with double layered winding using ansoft maxwell 2d.Can anyone help me with connecting an isolated supply in between each phase windings in the circuit editor part.
  • #172
Help Required

I want to design a linear generator with square shape;
Based on previous work i have found that finite element analysis of tubular (circular shape) is done in cylindrical (2D RZ plane). But when the shape is square in what coordinate system we can do finite element analysis. Please help me regarding this.
  • #173
[Error] Failed to evaluate calculatoin Matrix1.L(...)

Hey guys,
by solving a parametricSetup, the error
[error] Failed to evaluate calculation 'Matrix1.L(Current_0,Current_0)'
appears in the Message Manager.

I am using Maxwell 16 and simulating a model with two flat coils.

Using Maxwell on a different computer doesn't solve my problem. Though, the licenses are being distributed by a central server.

The problem occures whenever i copy a model in the Project Manager and add it to the same and/or different opened project to use the same settings but alter the number of turns of the flat coils.

On my way to find the error, i discovered that the problem occures whenever i run the original simulation to check the first parameter steps and use clean stop. After the completed abortion, the copy of that model always happens to have the Error mentioned above.

By a non-aborted model, the problem hasnt accured, so far!

Since i am going to use many altered copies of one orginal one, i want to reinsure the problem will not appear troughout all the copies.

Does anyone has had the same problem and can confirm my suggested error´s source?

I appreciate your help.
  • #174

I don`t know if I`m in the right section to explain my problem..
First of all, I would like to visualize eddy currents. So I create 2 solids (coil and solid looks like a `U` compose od ferrite) in solidwoks and I imported them in MAXWELL 3D.

When I decided to apply a current on a surface in the coil, I had an error when I created a surface... The operation is in the tutorial is : Modeler»Surface»section..

I attached 2 pictures to show my problem..



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  • #175
Hi everyone,
I want to plot cos waveform in maxwell. can anyone give me the formula. Thanks