Is He the Right Match for Evo?

  • Thread starter Tsu
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In summary, Tsunami thinks that Evo needs a man, and she is offering her services to be Evo's man. She thinks that Evo is a lonely woman who needs someone to take care of her, and she is confident that she can be that person. She also thinks that Evo is a smart woman who does not need a man to complete her. She is confident that she can be a good match for Evo.
  • #246
I’m actually holding out for Enya (enchanting, in a word) but while I’m waiting for her to lose all good sense is there any chance MIH would don that cowboy hat of hers, then lasso and drag me around the block behind her horse a couple times? :-p
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  • #247
BoulderHead said:
I’m actually holding out for Enya (enchanting, in a word) but while I’m waiting for her to lose all good sense is there any chance MIH would don that cowboy hat of hers, then lasso and drag me around the block behind her horse a couple times? :-p

Drag you around behind my horse? Shoot, I'd never do that to a nice cow-poke like you. :smile: But if you play your cards right I might let you have a ride on Trigger.

Oops! That didn't come out right, did it? :redface:

  • #248
Evo said:
I love cycling! I don't get to do it enough here as the roads aren't suited to cyclists. I have lots of stamina and very strong legs although they're very thin. My aerobics instructor grabbed my leg once and told me "If I excersize 8 hours a day every day for the rest of my life, I will never have hamstrings like yours". :rolleyes:

I would like to see those legs... :!) :cool: :biggrin: To say the truth, the only strong part of my body are my legs too, due to cyclism. But your ones sure are more pretty than mine. o:)
  • #249
…But if you play your cards right I might let you have a ride on Trigger.
I fear with my thumb on trigger for going off half-cocked. :biggrin:

Oops! That didn't come out right, did it?
So long as it comes out your work is finished my friend ! :-p
  • #250
Evo said:
I was mostly thinking of my experience with my ex husband. This was rather unbelievable and I can't believe I was deceived (shame on me). He pretended to be "everything I wanted" so that I would fall for him. He pretended to love everything I loved, he pretended to be the type of person I wanted. Yes, he has a real problem with this type of "chameleon" behavior and other people have seen it over the years.

He wanted a "trophy wife", someone he could parade around at company cocktail parties. He was always tying to get me to wear low cut, tight fighting clothes. He got off on other men being attracted to me. Ok, I'm sharing way too much, let's just say he tried to make me into something I wasn't. It turned out he wasn't interested in anything I was interested in, he didn't like anything I liked, and he expected "me" to give up my interests and start liking the things he liked. It was very bizarre. There is SO much more to this that would make it all make sense, but it's not something to go into here.


As usual, is all HIS fault.Reading from this right, I don't want to be your guy anymore.
  • #251
tumor said:
As usual, is all HIS fault.Reading from this right, I don't want to be your guy anymore.
Tsk, jumping to conclusions without knowing all of the facts. I'm not going into my personal life on a public forum, so think whatever you want.

On the less personal side, he knew I loved astronomy, archaeology, ancient history, museums, symphonies, reading, tv mostly consisted of documentaries. He pretended to love all of those things until we got married. He did, however, expect me to change into what he wanted, he explained he was just trying to "improve" me.

I decided to remain "unimproved". :approve:
  • #252
Evo said:
I decided to remain "unimproved". :approve:

What is there to improve? You are going to be you regardless of the rest of the world and wether they like it or not! It sounds like your ex was a bit of a sycophant, sorry to hear about it. :frown: That seems to be characteristic of the macho nonsense that a lot of us men get feed in this culture, it's too bad that many men don't become disillusioned with it, but maybe that is because they think it works. You got me?

Evo, I could be the man for you! I meet a lot of your requirements and I am available. I too am a loner! I am available because I have not found the woman that is 'right' for me and I am not much of a 'player'. I tried the bar scene and it just didn't work for me. Besides, you just don't find many intelligent women there as well as the whole 'meat market' competition makes for a poor social forum. So I pretty much just gave up on the whole searching thing, figuring I had as good of odds on a random basis as I did trying to find that 'right' woman. Either way I still remain available!

My criteria has always been: someone that can put up with me, someone that is loyal and honest, intelligent with her own interests and willing to share, someone that I can tolerate and put up with, and finally someone to have fun with plus share some good luvin! don't worry, I am not strict in these criteria but apparently it seems to be a high standard, so I tend to be flexible. I just don't want to end up in a psychotic or miserable relationship. Life is too short for that nonsense and I can be be happy on my own, especially considering the alternative.

Some other things to consider:

I am house broken! :-p

I know how to cook, I used cook at a real restaurant!

To me having fun depends on who you are with, not where you are!

I am very good with animals, hell they are more fun than a lot of people! Just ask my cat, she is loyally devoted to me!

I am good with kids, same reasoning as animals plus they are real fun to be around, though they tend to be a real pain day in and day out. But they are worth it!

I can be kinda handy around the house, I am always willing to learn!

Did I mention that I was house broken!

One last thing, don't settle for anyone that will make you miserable, it isn't worth it!
  • #253
Evo said:
Tsk, jumping to conclusions without knowing all of the facts. I'm not going into my personal life on a public forum, so think whatever you want.
You allready did reveal most about your personnal life.
I like this :smile: "tv mostly consisted of documentaries" :smile:
Anyway, I feel sorry for that guy, you took him to the cleaners when divorcing right?
  • #254
Evo said:
On the less personal side, he knew I loved astronomy, archaeology, ancient history, museums, symphonies, reading, tv mostly consisted of documentaries. He pretended to love all of those things until we got married.

Kinda bored, isn't it?. I understand him. He pretented to be an interesting guy, but his fatal error was to continue with the actuation once you have :!) :!) :!) (you know).
  • #255
Wow, polyb, you sound almost like me! :-p Maybe there is something here... :approve:

It sounds like you are more tolerant of children than I am. :redface:

I remember when I lived in Texas, I do a lot of gardening and a little boy from down the street would always come over and STAY. He was one of those "inquisitive" children. His name was Vernon, I nicknamed him "Vermin".

A typical Vermin conversation:

Vermin:What are you doing?
Me:pulling weeds
Me:because they don't belong here
Me:because they don't look nice
Me:They also stunt the growth of the nice plants
Me:(explains soil nutrients, water, and roots)
Me:I think your mother wants you.
Vermin:No, she told me to stay outside.
Me:Smart woman.
  • #256
tumor said:
You allready did reveal most about your personnal life.
I like this :smile: "tv mostly consisted of documentaries" :smile:
Anyway, I feel sorry for that guy, you took him to the cleaners when divorcing right?
No, I made more money than he did, for two years I gave him $2,500/mo, I gave him $13,000 cash to move out and get a place and he charged all of his new furniture to my credit cards.
  • #257
Evo said:
A typical Vermin conversation:

Vermin:What are you doing?
Me:pulling weeds
Me:because they don't belong here
Me:because they don't look nice
Me:They also stunt the growth of the nice plants
Me:(explains soil nutrients, water, and roots)
Me:I think your mother wants you.
Vermin:No, she told me to stay outside.
Me:Smart woman.

Wow! His poor parents! :smile:
We do have "incredibly patient" on your list of good qualities, don't we, Evo?
  • #258
Evo said:
No, I made more money than he did, for two years I gave him $2,500/mo, I gave him $13,000 cash to move out and get a place and he charged all of his new furniture to my credit cards.

Wow ! you are rich, I changed my mind, I want to be your guy afterall :smile:
  • #259
Evo said:
Wow, polyb, you sound almost like me! :-p Maybe there is something here... :approve:

I was thinking the same thing myself! :wink: Actually that also makes me worry! Kinda of scary aint it?

Evo said:
It sounds like you are more tolerant of children than I am. :redface:

I have had some practice with my neices and nephews. Dont be fooled though, they love finding the limits and it seems to be wired into us! The little monsters pushed my limits plenty of times and I found myself at my wits end about to explode from frustration.

It is easier to enjoy kids when they are not yours because you only have to deal with them for a short amount of time. It is the day in and day out marathon that is the really hard part. Luckily I have not had that experience yet, though if some gal manages to land me I know I will have to go through it. It would certainly give my mother something to laugh about!

Evo said:
I remember when I lived in Texas, I do a lot of gardening and a little boy from down the street would always come over and STAY. He was one of those "inquisitive" children. His name was Vernon, I nicknamed him "Vermin".

A typical Vermin conversation:

Vermin:What are you doing?
Me:pulling weeds
Me:because they don't belong here
Me:because they don't look nice
Me:They also stunt the growth of the nice plants
Me:(explains soil nutrients, water, and roots)
Me:I think your mother wants you.
Vermin:No, she told me to stay outside.
Me:Smart woman.

Sounds like you missed a good opportunity to conscript him. You have to outsmart the little buggers and besides it would have been a fair exchange: a little labor for a little knowledge!
  • #260
What an outrage...

Evo said:
No, I made more money than he did, for two years I gave him $2,500/mo, I gave him $13,000 cash to move out and get a place and he charged all of his new furniture to my credit cards.
...I know men who are twice as good a deal as this! :biggrin:
  • #261
Evo said:
It turned out he wasn't interested in anything I was interested in, he didn't like anything I liked, and he expected "me" to give up my interests and start liking the things he liked. It was very bizarre. There is SO much more to this that would make it all make sense, but it's not something to go into here.

No, it makes perfect sense. So what are you interested in? What do you like? I can't determine if I'm interested in and like the same things unless I know.

I'm not close to my family at all, not that I don't like them, I'm just not close.

Do you get hell for it? Mine are on me sometimes. They seem to think I don't care about them at all. I suppose I can come off as callous sometimes, and when my dad asked me what's really important to me, I was perfectly honest and didn't include him or any other member of my family. He was really hurt, but it isn't that I don't care. I've just never had anything in common with any of them so I've never really built a bond. I've never seen the big deal, to be honest. If they need something and I have it, I'll give it to them.

That would be a tough decision. I would have to be REALLY confident that the relationship was right. I am not willing to raise kids alone again. I'd have to be certain that he wanted kids for the right reasons.

What are the right reasons? Do you just mean that he genuinely wants to raise the kids and be a part of their lives? You're not too old for this to be feasible are you (I get the impression you aren't, but you always say you're older than dirt).

I misunderstood. I thought you were asking if a man's social position was important to me. Oh, he definitely has to be stable.

Okay. Below, geographic stability doesn't seem important to you. Just to be certain: Is it? You know, are you comfortable with a guy that probably won't end up where he is currently living?

I'm not from the midwest. I've lived all over the country. I ended up here when my ex and I decided to get divorced. I had relocated to New Jersey because of a job he had and I did NOT want to be stuck there, so when he took the position out here, his company paid to move me (as his wife) and I was able to transfer my job with my company. I am willing to relocate, this is the longest I have ever lived anywhere since I moved away from home and I'm not used to it.

Would you be willing to relocate to the wine valleys of northern California? Awfully beautiful up here.
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  • #262
Good luck to all the contenders!
I'm hoping a homemade video gets leaked onto the Internet.
  • #263
BoulderHead said:
Good luck to all the contenders!
I'm hoping a homemade video gets leaked onto the Internet.

I'll give you a sneek preview of mine! :-p


Who's your hunk of man NOW, Evo! :biggrin:
  • #264
polyb said:
I'll give you a sneek preview of mine! :-p

Who's your hunk of man NOW, Evo! :biggrin:
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  • #265
Wow! Al Gore's got rhythm! :-p :biggrin:
get it? Al Gore...rhythm?? :smile:

eh..nevermind. :frown:

(I think it's time for tribdog to come back.)
  • #266
Evo said:

Am I more man than you can handle? :smile:

C'mon, a face like Al Gore plus the body and moves of Chris Farley, what more could a girl want? :-p
  • #267
loseyourname said:
No, it makes perfect sense. So what are you interested in? What do you like?
Astronomy, archaeology, ancient history, medieval history and literature, science fiction, I'm a gourmet cook, love gardening, I've won awards and considered becoming a landscape architect, I'm a decent portrait artist, love animals.

Do you get hell for it? Mine are on me sometimes. They seem to think I don't care about them at all.
My mother and siblings understand it's the way I am (father is deceased). If they have a problem with it, they don't complain about it.

What are the right reasons? Do you just mean that he genuinely wants to raise the kids and be a part of their lives?
Yes, that he'd want kids because he wanted them, not just to "pass on his genes".

You're not too old for this to be feasible are you (I get the impression you aren't, but you always say you're older than dirt).
Not yet, and after that post of Ivan's with the 67 year old expectant mother, I have a LONG time left.

Okay. Below, geographic stability doesn't seem important to you. Just to be certain: Is it? You know, are you comfortable with a guy that probably won't end up where he is currently living?
I am not bound to any area, I moved all over the country with my ex. I love moving into new areas, I actually miss moving.

Would you be willing to relocate to the wine valleys of northern California? Awfully beautiful up here.
Oooh, that would be a dream come true!
  • #268
polyb said:
Am I more man than you can handle? :smile:

C'mon, a face like Al Gore plus the body and moves of Chris Farley, what more could a girl want? :-p
You're scaring me polyb. :biggrin: But, on second thought, you did invent the internet! :smile:
  • #269
Evo said:
You're scaring me polyb. :biggrin: But, on second thought, you did invent the internet! :smile:

Mhaybe you culd help me poot it in a 'Lock Box'! :smile:
  • #270
Oh yeah...NO SMOKING!

I don't date men that smoke!

Chewing tobacco is equally disgusting.

No drugs either.

And you have to love coffee. LOTS OF COFFEE.

And no wimps that can't handle being cold at night, I can't sleep if it's warm. I control the thermostat! :devil: :devil: :devil: If you get cold, drink some coffee!
  • #271
Evo said:
And no wimps that can't handle being cold at night, I can't sleep if it's warm. I control the thermostat! :devil: :devil: :devil: If you get cold, drink some coffee!

With you in sack, i would not have any problems keeping warm :approve:
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  • #272
Love sucks.
  • #273
Evo said:
And you have to love coffee. LOTS OF COFFEE.
DAMN! I must officially remove myself from the competition with that one. If I drink coffee I become unbearable to be around. It's like I become a caricature of what people are like when they drink it, ala that guy on MAD TV. I can't even drink sodas after 3pm or I'll be awake all night.

Evo said:
And no wimps that can't handle being cold at night, I can't sleep if it's warm.
I can't sleep if its warm either. As long as I have a good blanket and can leave a "seal hole" to breath cool air its all good.

Is there any middle ground on the coffee thing?

ConcealedDreamer said:
Love sucks.
You're wrong. Love is awesome. When you can simply think about someone and walk on air...When you finally realize or find out that the person that makes you act like a Dork when you are around them feels like a Dork when they're around you...When that one person takes you by the hand and looks into your eyes and you KNOW that each of you carry a piece of the others heart...when you, for no reason at all, just say their name and giggle or smile...AWESOME!
  • #274
Jeez, none of you guys have even sent poor Evo a bouquet of flowers before stating your cases as to why she should choose you. Just pretend this is me.

cbgseat.gif that I think about it, I think the ‘Comic Book Store Guy’ from The Simpsons would be a perfect match for you! :smile:
  • #275
Evo said:
Astronomy, archaeology, ancient history, medieval history and literature, science fiction, I'm a gourmet cook, love gardening, I've won awards and considered becoming a landscape architect, I'm a decent portrait artist, love animals.

Hmm, I could go for some gourmet eating. I love gardens, but not gardening. Used to be an award-winning portrait artist, but gave it up a couple of years ago.

I have to admit my own interests have been all over the board. I used to write a ton in addition to the portrait thing. Never tried to publish anything, but I took part in a lot of workshops and did public readings, mostly of short stories. I completed about 2/3 of a novel, but lost the file (long story). I used to be big on road-tripping, especially to desert locations, but not so much anymore. God I'm boring now. I just read all the time and take part in discussions like the ones here. I've become so academic I'm barely human any more.

Yes, that he'd want kids because he wanted them, not just to "pass on his genes".

So what's your parenting style?

I am not bound to any area, I moved all over the country with my ex. I love moving into new areas, I actually miss moving.

Movement is great. There's just something about being on the move, even if I never stop. The qualities of the atmosphere shifting against the background mountains and the foreground vineyards; I think I could drift forever and be happy.

Oooh, that would be a dream come true!

Well heck, is there any particular reason that a dream shouldn't come true? What exactly are you waiting for?
  • #276
Well i don't smoke, don't do any drugs either apart from alcohol and caffiene (doesnt look spelt right to me). As for BobG's question, is it something to do with singing or is it that radio show that got bombed by the KKK?
  • #277
Andy said:
Well i don't smoke, don't do any drugs either apart from alcohol and caffiene (doesnt look spelt right to me). As for BobG's question, is it something to do with singing or is it that radio show that got bombed by the KKK?

Great. Now, the important stuff - Evo, what is the story behind that, anyway?
  • #278
Before i take credit for that, i spent much a time searching for that and still found nothing so asked Evo herself. And even the great wise (have a mentioned gorgeous before?) wasnt sure of the answer. But a thoguht seeing as nobody else had posted the right answer a mite as well use my initiative.
  • #279
BobG said:
Great. Now, the important stuff - Evo, what is the story behind that, anyway?
The singing or the bombing? Well, actually they're tied together.

When I was 15 I worked at Pacifica Radio in Houston, TX. I did comedy skits late night, news, etc... Pacifica, for those not familiar, especially back then, was a bit "liberal", or as my dad would tell me "a bunch of commies".

We were not popular with the Ku Klux Klan and they bombed our tower. Arlo Guthrie's record was playing when the station was bombed and we went off the air.

When we went back on the air many months later, the PBS show "Great American Dream Machine" did a documentary about us and had Arlo Guthrie come to the station to sing a song he wrote about the bombing. I was placed next to Arlo to "sing along" on the tv show (along with a group of station workers).

note - I found that the show has been archived in the Library of Congress. I have been immortalized. :smile: :smile:
  • #280
Hmmm. I used to listen to KPFT (90.1 FM) or K101. Good stations.

Gentlemen, be nice to lady Evo.

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