Is it time for Random Thoughts - Part 4?

In summary: No, I'm not going to finish that.Some guy tried to sell me eh.. recreational tools today while I was getting groceries.I guess setting up a trashy website was too costly for him, so he just sold them in the frozen foods section at walmart.
  • #561
Borek said:
I would have nothing against $1 for every hair I lost.

And even when you have lost 90% of your hair, you still have to comb the remaining 10% every day, not once every 10 days.
Physics news on
  • #562
I cut them so close to the skin, there is no need to comb.
  • #563
Glad people enjoyed the graphs. I liked them too :smile:.

Totally unrelated, making a small note to myself:
The next time I hear someone say we only use 10% of our brain, I must remember to ask that person which 90% he/she would like to have removed.
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  • #564
If Bill Gates had a nickel for every time Windows crashed... oh wait..
  • #565
When I die, will I see a bluescreen?
  • #566
dkotschessaa said:
If Bill Gates had a nickel for every time Windows crashed... oh wait..

his riches probably come from Windows Millenium Edition a.k.a Windows More Errors.
  • #567
I did my good deed for the day. I just stopped a young boy from trying to climb into a curb sewer with a 10 foot drop inside. He wanted to recover a superball that went in.
  • #568
Borg said:
I did my good deed for the day. I just stopped a young boy from trying to climb into a curb sewer with a 10 foot drop inside. He wanted to recover a superball that went in.

Wow! You probably saved that kid's life!

Darwin is rolling in his grave, btw :-p.
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  • #569
It is still frustrating to try to precycle , i.e., to avoid using bags, paper, etc. when it seems unnecessary. Every time I return a bag, paper, etc. to the people at the store, say a large bag that contains something I can carry in my pocket, they just take it and throw it in the trash. So I often end up with my backpack full of napkins, plastic bags, etc. which I throw out (just kidding) recycle at home.
  • #570
I've learned that Jack has bone cancer starting in his shoulder. :frown:
  • #571
drizzle said:
I've learned that Jack has bone cancer starting in his shoulder. :frown:
Sorry to hear that. Make the best of the time that he has.
  • #572
Pretty sure my neighbor is up to something illegal.
  • #573
Pretty sure it s none of your business :P
  • #574
lendav_rott said:
Pretty sure it s none of your business :P

Debatable. Some crimes are "victimless", but many aren't. If there's a victim, it's your business, IMO.
  • #575
drizzle said:
I've learned that Jack has bone cancer starting in his shoulder. :frown:
:cry: Give him a hug from me.
  • #576
drizzle said:
I've learned that Jack has bone cancer starting in his shoulder. :frown:
That is so sad.
  • #577
drizzle said:
I've learned that Jack has bone cancer starting in his shoulder. :frown:

:cry: I'm sorry to hear this, drizzle!

I had a dog once who had a terminal illness. We knew he was not going to last long but we wanted to let him go as long as he could, without suffering. One afternoon, on a Saturday, he showed signs of being in pain. The vet didn't open until Monday morning, so the last days were tough for him.

Now I don't wait so long :frown:. It's the most difficult part of having a pet.
  • #578
When Chacha had her heart attack, I called the animal emergency clinic to get an emergency euthanasia once I realized it wasn't just a passing thing, they do that. She passed away within 5 minutes of my calling them, thankfully she went quickly.

So, call your vet that will have the emergency number to call on their voicemail. In the past this wasn't an option, but nowadays it should be.
  • #579
About 10 years ago, I helped a young coworker find his way in the world. He didn't have a lot of direction and was pushing against his parents. It took about 6 months but I finally got him to find motivation and stop seeing his parents as monsters just because they wanted him to go to college. A few years later, we ran into each other and he said that he couldn't thank me enough.

Through no fault of my own, I've been put in the role of College Whisperer again. This time I have 3 months to succeed before the fall semester starts. The first conversation last week went very well and I spoke with his mother today about what we spoke about. BTW, his mother is my wife's boss. :rolleyes:
  • #580
Borg said:
About 10 years ago, I helped a young coworker find his way in the world. He didn't have a lot of direction and was pushing against his parents. It took about 6 months but I finally got him to find motivation and stop seeing his parents as monsters just because they wanted him to go to college. A few years later, we ran into each other and he said that he couldn't thank me enough.

Through no fault of my own, I've been put in the role of College Whisperer again. This time I have 3 months to succeed before the fall semester starts. The first conversation last week went very well and I spoke with his mother today about what we spoke about. BTW, his mother is my wife's boss. :rolleyes:
Doing good deeds, you've made a difference. Good job! :approve:
  • #581
Maybe it's something to do with my "agricultural" ancestors, but I often misread the word "coworker" as starting with "cow".
  • #582
Borg said:
About 10 years ago, I helped a young coworker find his way in the world. He didn't have a lot of direction and was pushing against his parents. It took about 6 months but I finally got him to find motivation and stop seeing his parents as monsters just because they wanted him to go to college. A few years later, we ran into each other and he said that he couldn't thank me enough.

Through no fault of my own, I've been put in the role of College Whisperer again. This time I have 3 months to succeed before the fall semester starts. The first conversation last week went very well and I spoke with his mother today about what we spoke about. BTW, his mother is my wife's boss. :rolleyes:

Amazing how sometimes a bit of guidance can do wonders. As long as it's not from a parent :biggrin:.
  • #583
Evo said:
Doing good deeds, you've made a difference. Good job! :approve:
Thanks, Evo.
AlephZero said:
Maybe it's something to do with my "agricultural" ancestors, but I often misread the word "coworker" as starting with "cow".
lisab said:
Amazing how sometimes a bit of guidance can do wonders. As long as it's not from a parent :biggrin:.
I think that's part of it but, I'm not sure how it's going to work out. I don't like the odds even though he is enrolled and just has to show up in the fall.
  • #584
I find it impossible to study with friends or in public places.
  • #585
Where is Enigman?? He hasn't been here since May 20th. Hasn't posted since may 7th when his post count reached 555.

There has long been a curse on the winner of "best humor/Funniest member", they don't last out the year. :eek:
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  • #586
For a cute story to cheer you up, watch this :smile:
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  • #587
Evo said:
Where is Enigman?? He hasn't been here since May 20th. Hasn't posted since may 7th when his post count reached 555.

These has long been a curse on the winner of "best humor/Funniest member", they don't last out the year. :eek:
It's an enigma. :-p
Nikitin said:
For a cute story to cheer you up, watch this :smile:
We have different ideas on cheerfulness.
  • #588
HomogenousCow said:
I find it impossible to study with friends or in public places.

It is not as impossible as you may think. If you are intersted in studying with them, try establishing some ground rules. Be honest about why it is impossible for you to study with them. I find 50 minutes of quiet study followed by 15 minutes of collaboration and then a break to goof around for about 10 minutes to be a good starting baseline. Setting a timer on a phone makes it quite easy to keep the time frames.

I get lonely and bored studying without anyone.

Edit: It is easy for environments to distract me. People talking and lots of movement can pull my attention away from my work. I usually face my back to all the visual and audio noise while I study. Earplugs are good for public places.

All of this being said, I do have a favorite place to work in the library. Whenever the librarian makes announcements, I just about die from shock because I'm so deeply engrossed in my studies.
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  • #589
My wife and I are going to be reincarnated as dolphins.

  • #590
Nikitin said:
For a cute story to cheer you up, watch this :smile:


Speaking of cheerful, my boss started playing the following last week at work. We both laugh when she sings, "sleep and death", as it sounds like she's trying to cough up a hair ball.
Huntress - Sleep And Death
  • #591
AlephZero said:
Maybe it's something to do with my "agricultural" ancestors, but I often misread the word "coworker" as starting with "cow".

coworker (caw - oar- kur)
A person involved in orking cows.
  • #592
dkotschessaa said:
My wife and I are going to be reincarnated as dolphins.

  • #593
ChiralWaltz said:

I'm in the mood for a krilled cheese sandwich now.
  • #594
That sounds jawesome.

I need to get out of the lab for a little while. It has been pouring rain for the past few days. The creeks should be flowing nicely.
  • #595
Laser safety lecture #2:
"Do not look into the laser with your remaining eye."
(don't worry, it was just a joke)

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