Is it time for Random Thoughts - Part 4?

In summary: No, I'm not going to finish that.Some guy tried to sell me eh.. recreational tools today while I was getting groceries.I guess setting up a trashy website was too costly for him, so he just sold them in the frozen foods section at walmart.
  • #1,506
hahaha @Evo... Loled at that guy that's posting questions in his profile..
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  • #1,507
Time to burn.

  • #1,508
DataGG said:
hahaha @Evo... Loled at that guy that's posting questions in his profile..
I couldn't let him keep wondering what was wrong.
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  • #1,509
Enigman said:
Time to burn.

I wish I could say the same. Hey pal, it's Sunday! I have trouble remembering, but isn't Sunday supposed to be reserved for relaxing with family and friends, enjoying a breath of fresh air, watching butterflies and smelling the roses...? :oops:

Maybe you can be the team player who gets out and reports back so we can remember what it was like (or how it should be!).
  • #1,510
Uff, I'm alive! The pitiful flavivirus could not handle my awesomeness and left my body. I'm just kidding, that was actually very dangerous. *serious* To think such a small thing could cause me so much damage.

I'm going to buy some plants with strong odor to keep those nasty mosquitoes away.
Sources (plant):
(That last link full text is located at (I don't know if everyone can access it, I can access it thought, through my uni's database portal)
  • #1,511
Psinter said:
Uff, I'm alive! The pitiful flavivirus could not handle my awesomeness and left my body. I'm just kidding, that was actually very dangerous. *serious* To think such a small thing could cause me so much damage.

I'm going to buy some plants with strong odor to keep those nasty mosquitoes away.
Sources (plant):
(That last link full text is located at (I don't know if everyone can access it, I can access it thought, through my uni's database portal)
Will nepetalactone in catnip keep my cats away too ?
  • #1,512
Medicol said:
Will nepetalactone in catnip keep my cats away too ?
Nooooooo! Hehe. I think it will attract them. But who knows.

Argh, struggling here with quotes... wait, I'm getting the hang of it.
  • #1,513
When the lady in the table next to mine mentioned she wanted fish, the helpful waiter offered to teach her how to fish*

* I intentionally avoided mention of the waiter 'taking out his rod' and teaching her how to fish, to avoid overloading the joke **

** I also avoided mention of a bizarre conversation I overheard of a guy telling a bartender that " his friend's wife

did not let him put his fishing rod in her back yard" ; can't tell if it was meant as a joke or not. ***

  • #1,514
Something is seriously wrong if Jon Stewart and John Oliver are my principal sources of news about current events...
  • #1,515
My new neighbors are not Malaysian. They are Micronesian.

I asked.

Though, their command of the local language, and customs, seemed very limited, so I did not ask the obligatory question.
  • #1,516
Enigman said:
Something is seriously wrong if Jon Stewart and John Oliver are my principal sources of news about current events...
I disagree.

See my latest favorite quote.

hmmm... On the other hand, what is, "news"?
  • #1,517
OmCheeto said:
My new neighbors are not Malaysian. They are Micronesian.

I asked.

Though, their command of the local language, and customs, seemed very limited, so I did not ask the obligatory question.
91.1% of Micronesians 15 and older are overweight. The main cause of this is their love of Spam. Bring them some Spam and they'll answer any quetion.
  • #1,518
zoobyshoe said:
91.1% of Micronesians 15 and older are overweight. The main cause of this is their love of Spam. Bring them some Spam and they'll answer any quetion.
100% of Micro*nesian children are very, very tiny. They've been running up and down the street for weeks, terrorizing the local automotive speed demons.

*I'm assuming this is how they came about having the name.
  • #1,519
OmCheeto said:
100% of Micro*nesian children are very, very tiny. They've been running up and down the street for weeks, terrorizing the local automotive speed demons.

*I'm assuming this is how they came about having the name.
*wonders what macronesians look like*

*realizes they're probably called "Alabamans" here*
  • #1,520
Strange recent influx of men joining, using their apparent real first and last names as usernames and apparent real photos as avatars.
  • #1,521
OmCheeto said:
100% of Micro*nesian children are very, very tiny. They've been running up and down the street for weeks, terrorizing the local automotive speed demons.

*I'm assuming this is how they came about having the name.

The part "nesia" means island. Just like in Indonesia. Micronesia stands for small island.
  • #1,522
WWGD said:
The part "nesia" means island. Just like in Indonesia. Micronesia stands for small island.

So Paul Simon was forgetful?

He claimed to be an island.

I am a rock, I am a neee-eee-eee-eee-z-ah


And a Nesia never cries...
  • #1,523
I expected my first tests in grad school to be pretty bad. I didn't expect them to be so...blank.
  • #1,524
zoobyshoe said:
Strange recent influx of men joining, using their apparent real first and last names as usernames and apparent real photos as avatars.

I don't expect them to last long.
  • #1,525
If nobody knows I'm doing math, is that discreet math?
  • #1,526
dkotschessaa said:
If nobody knows I'm doing math, is that discreet math?
Well, you are being only somewhat discreet about it (we know :D ), I suspect no :P
  • #1,527
OmCheeto said:
So Paul Simon was forgetful?

He claimed to be an island.

I am a rock, I am a neee-eee-eee-eee-z-ah


And a Nesia never cries...

No (wo)man is an island/nesia. Catchy .
  • #1,528
There is a kosher Dunkin Donuts near my school. They don't carry bacon, so I have disguised myself as a Rabbi a few times, gone to DD and tried to convince them that the rules of Judaism have changed , and bacon is now kosher. It has not worked so far. I will try it once more, and if it doesn't work, I will just have to walk two extra blocks to another DD that carries bacon.
  • #1,529
Borek said:
I don't expect them to last long.

How so?
  • #1,530
WWGD said:
How so?

If I tell you, I'll have to kill you.
  • #1,531
Borek said:
If I tell you, I'll have to kill you.

Wow, PF's new Mentor job duties are pretty extreme.
  • #1,532
I wonder if Ricky Lake, Joan Rivers and Mel Brooks are part of the Wat(t)ers family.

It seems there are still some tickets left for the Petty Cash tour ( Tom Petty , Rossane Cash); maybe I'll get one.
  • #1,533
  • #1,534
We can't really discuss Micronesia without reference to it's most important island, Ponape (now Pohnpei), which has the distinction of being one of the wettest places on earth:

Pohnpei "upon (pohn) a stone altar (pei)" (formerly known as Ponape) is the name of an island of the Senyavin Islands which are part of the larger Caroline Islands group. It belongs to Pohnpei State, one of the four states in theFederated States of Micronesia (FSM). Palikir, the FSM's capital, is located on Pohnpei Island. Pohnpei Island is the largest, highest, most populous, and most developed single island in the FSM. The islanders of Pohnpei have a reputation as being the most welcoming of outsiders among residents of the island group.[citation needed]

Pohnpei also contains a wealth of biodiversity. It is also one of the wettest places on Earth with annual recorded rainfall exceeding 300 inches (7,600 mm) each year in certain mountainous locations...
  • #1,535
zoobyshoe said:
We can't really discuss Micronesia without reference to it's most important island, Ponape (now Pohnpei), which has the distinction of being one of the wettest places on earth:

Good info! I was thinking that the "toilet bowl" on Kauai was the wettest. Perhaps inaccurate - just a tasty info-nibblet for tourists...
  • #1,536
Yay! Color burn and multiply.
  • #1,537
zoobyshoe said:
We can't really discuss Micronesia...

I agree. We shouldn't.

ps. I thought you were just joking about the Spam.

  • #1,538
OmCheeto said:
I agree. We shouldn't.

ps. I thought you were just joking about the Spam.


Ha! The young lady I was grooming as my replacement, at my former place of employment, is of Micronesian decent.
Specifically, the island of Yap.
Smartest person I ever met in my life.
They have big money on that Island.

ps. One of the ladies I used to work with, had the surname of Yapi. She is from Côte d'Ivoire.
I know a lady from Yap, and a lady named Yapi, from opposite sides of the world.
I always thought that was a very random coincidence.
  • #1,539
OmCheeto said:
I know a lady from Yap

Sounds like a beginning of a limerick.
  • #1,540
Borek said:
Sounds like a beginning of a limerick.

I think you're confusing it with 'Yaptucket'.

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