Is it time for Random Thoughts - Part 4?

In summary: No, I'm not going to finish that.Some guy tried to sell me eh.. recreational tools today while I was getting groceries.I guess setting up a trashy website was too costly for him, so he just sold them in the frozen foods section at walmart.
  • #141
I have to eat chicken curry almost every day, and I'm fed up with it. :(

Anyone want to trade places??
Physics news on
  • #142
Vahsek said:
I have to eat chicken curry almost every day, and I'm fed up with it. :(

Anyone want to trade places??
I have never had an authentic curry, they look and sound delicious, someday, I will try to get to an Indian restaurant, the last time I attempted to go to one nearby, it had closed and the space had become a nail salon. :frown:
  • #143
Evo said:
I have never had an authentic curry, they look and sound delicious, someday, I will try to get to an Indian restaurant, the last time I attempted to go to one nearby, it had closed and the space had become a nail salon. :frown:

LOL :smile:

Since you've never had an authentic curry before, I have one advice for you: make sure that it's not too spicy! :-p
  • #144
Vahsek said:
LOL :smile:

Since you've never had an authentic curry before, I have one advice for you: make sure that it's not too spicy! :-p
I've heard that they can get quite hot, I can't tolerate too much heat.
  • #145
Evo said:
I've heard that they can get quite hot, I can't tolerate too much heat.

Just tell'em that when you order the food.
  • #147
Vahsek said:
Just tell'em that when you order the food.

Only if you know what the staff mean by "hot" :smile:

There are plenty of Indian dishes that aren't "hot" at all. But the chef might be from a region where "mild" means "90% ghost peppers and 10% meat", compared with "hot" meaning "99% ghost peppers and 1% meat".
  • #148
AlephZero said:
Only if you know what the staff mean by "hot" :smile:

There are plenty of Indian dishes that aren't "hot" at all. But the chef might be from a region where "mild" means "90% ghost peppers and 10% meat", compared with "hot" meaning "99% ghost peppers and 1% meat".

Ah.. I have to admit that I wouldn't know what to do in that case. However, I can handle hot spicy stuffs (even though I not a fan of it).
  • #149
Only humans would deliberately make eating painful.
  • #150
leroyjenkens said:
Only humans would deliberately make eating painful.
So true!
  • #151
leroyjenkens said:
Only humans would deliberately make eating painful.

  • #152
HomogenousCow said:
What, aren't microwave microwaves extremely localised?
Check the date on the blog. :-p
  • #153
AlephZero said:
Only if you know what the staff mean by "hot" :smile:

There are plenty of Indian dishes that aren't "hot" at all. But the chef might be from a region where "mild" means "90% ghost peppers and 10% meat", compared with "hot" meaning "99% ghost peppers and 1% meat".

I experienced this first hand -_- chettinad mutton khumbuzu and chicken bhariyani
  • #154
Just getting over another bad cough/cold. Second one this season (which is unusual for me). I also just made a mistake of converting time in one time zone to another*

*(but that's not particularly unusual. Our representation of time, in terms of time zones, daylight savings time, and whatnot, has always been confusing to me).
  • #155
It never fails to amaze me what the human body can survive - if you're lucky enough to miss a major artery.
Note: Just an X-Ray but might not be for the squeamish.
Tree trimmer hospitalized with chain saw in neck.

That's going to leave a mark. :eek:
  • #156
Borg said:
For the highbeams, I usually adjust my side mirrors so that they point directly back at the offender. If they're just clueless, that usually wakes them up. If they're rude, then they get bothered by high beams in their face and pass. Either way, it works.

I once managed to convince a rude driver to rear end the car he was following. He was only doing 10 mph, so I'm sure no one was physically injured. It took all my will power, sitting next to him at the red light, not to burst out laughing.

Oh dear. It appears I've already shared this story. :redface:

And after going through that thread, I'm surprised that "driving styles" isn't a banned topic. :-p
  • #157
The friction i get from my mouse cable is driving me insane.
Getting a wireless one first thing tomorrow, right after i feed this mouse into the shredder.
  • #158
wireless mice ftw
  • #159
OmCheeto said:
I once managed to convince a rude driver to rear end the car he was following. He was only doing 10 mph, so I'm sure no one was physically injured. It took all my will power, sitting next to him at the red light, not to burst out laughing.

Oh dear. It appears I've already shared this story. :redface:

And after going through that thread, I'm surprised that "driving styles" isn't a banned topic. :-p
I had one stupid woman tailgate me in stop and go traffic, she was literally inches from my rear bumper for over half an hour, I was driving a stick shift, and was having to make sure that I instantly applied gas to move forward without rolling back even a couple of inches each time traffic moved, I got so fed up after the hundredth time, that when traffic started to move forward again, I just let off my clutch and allowed my car to roll back a few inches so that our cars bumped, that's how close she was staying to me. She got the message and backed off.
  • #160
E gag gab y ar no I tu love.
-to be read backwards.
  • #161
I bookmarked another link today. :smile:
  • #163
drizzle said:
I bookmarked another link today. :smile:

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


too true, but for some reason, so many people cannot do it :<
  • #165
That was just posted:


Perhaps I should change my avatar to the right part of that image?

(And don't ask me what I see on the left, or I will have to ban myself).
  • #167
Borek said:
(And don't ask me what I see on the left, or I will have to ban myself).
Anything like this?

  • #168

My wife sent me this and asked if it was true. I told her it was. :smile:
  • #169
Borg said:

My wife sent me this and asked if it was true. I told her it was. :smile:

LOL! "Did she ever own a horse?" :smile:
  • #170
$600? Scumbags.
  • #171
lendav_rott said:
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


too true, but for some reason, so many people cannot do it :<
They don't realize you can only do it by not doing it.
  • #172
I just found out that in some parts of the world milk is sold in bags.
How exactly does that work?
  • #175
When I lived in Taiwan we used to (not sure if we still do) buy hot soup from stalls and we carry them in very thin transparent plastic bags.

For cold beverages, it's not that unusual is it? I thought this is a popular thing

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