Japan Earthquake: Nuclear Plants at Fukushima Daiichi

In summary: RCIC consists of a series of pumps, valves, and manifolds that allow coolant to be circulated around the reactor pressure vessel in the event of a loss of the main feedwater supply.In summary, the earthquake and tsunami may have caused a loss of coolant at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP, which could lead to a meltdown. The system for cooling the reactor core is designed to kick in in the event of a loss of feedwater, and fortunately this appears not to have happened yet.
  • #5,776
MadderDoc said:
I am sure you have noticed that a part of the metal roof structure is missing on the roof in the south end. That's because in the course of the blast it ended up in the yard between units 3 and 4. Fortunately its attachment to the south edge of the roof has been that much retained that one can see that one end has been torn apart, while the other end appears to have been affected by a similar heat-damage what we are talking about effect. Are we to assume three separate fire/blast events, two on the roof and one in the yard?

Detail from one end of the roof structure landed in the 3/4 yard:
Sorry, on that picture I can see nothing, I have to check that area on other pics/vids.

My point is that two rusty spots/release paths are too sharp-edged and detailed to be made before (or just in the same time) the roof had fallen to its actual place.

Otherwise, some pictures attached. The THawk.jpg is from the first THawk-releases, the other two is from the drone flyovers at 03.24. Any ideas?


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Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #5,777
Is that a lake of water?
  • #5,778
Dotini said:
Is that a lake of water?

Is there a specific image you're referring to?
  • #5,779
In the rmattila's estimate after 6 months (180 days) the decay heat seems to be somewhere near 1 MW for the 2 381 MW thermal power output:


Soon we will have so many estimates that no matter what your theory is you can always pick an approriate decay heat estimate for it. :smile:
  • #5,780
WhoWee said:
Is there a specific image you're referring to?

The attached thumbnails of post 5792. My eyes are 62 years old.
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  • #5,781
Dotini said:
Is that a lake of water?
It's the spent fuel pool of Unit 3. The pool looks a bit smaller than it should be I think - I hope the difference is partially because of the fuel handling machine, hiding under the rubble (and maybe partially submerged on the THawk-picture?).

Ps.: Sorry for the small pictures.
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  • #5,782
Rive said:
Sorry, on that picture I can see nothing, I have to check that area on other pics/vids.

My point is that two rusty spots/release paths are too sharp-edged and detailed to be made before (or just in the same time) the roof had fallen to its actual place.
Otherwise, some pictures attached. The THawk.jpg is from the first THawk-releases, the other two is from the drone flyovers at 03.24. Any ideas?

I have enlarged the third picture.

it was edited.
maybe you can see there glowing nuclear fuel rods.

one can clearly account for different pixel sizes. water would not cause this effect.

This is of course my personal opinion.

regards from germany


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  • #5,783
default.user said:
I have enlarged the third picture.

it was edited.
maybe you can see there glowing nuclear fuel rods.

one can clearly account for different pixel sizes. water would not cause this effect.

This is of course my personal opinion.

regards from germany

Oh my god default.user you're bloody right!
  • #5,784
default.user said:
it was edited.

After decompressing the original video to uncompressed size I've deshaked it with VDub, then there was two turns with VideoEnhancer, then some artifact-cleanup, contrast enhancement, cropping, and at the end it was exported as jpeg. Then you zoomed it.

It can be even Osama's clone :-)
  • #5,785
Rive said:

After decompressing the original video to uncompressed size I've deshaked it with VDub, then there was two turns with VideoEnhancer, then some artifact-cleanup, contrast enhancement, cropping, and at the end it was exported as jpeg. Then you zoomed it.

It can be even Osama's clone :-)

Sorry, my mistake.


I see an empty pool if the answer is still interesting.


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  • #5,786
Looking at the latest plant parameter data ( http://www.tepco.co.jp/nu/fukushima-np/f1/images/00_05041200.pdf), all reactor 3 temps apart from suppression chamber are continuing to climb.

And I think that perhaps they are trying to respond to this, because I note that at 11:00 today the water injection rate for reactor 3 is shown as 9.0 m3/h, up from 7.0 at 05:00 ( and 6.9 and 6.8 on previous days).
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  • #5,787
SteveElbows said:
Looking at the latest plant parameter data ( http://www.tepco.co.jp/nu/fukushima-np/f1/images/00_05041200.pdf), all reactor 3 temps apart from suppression chamber are continuing to climb.

And I think that perhaps they are trying to respond to this, because I note that at 11:00 today the water injection rate for reactor 3 is shown as 9.0 m3/h, up from 7.0 at 05:00 ( and 6.9 and 6.8 on previous days).

Yes it look like they want to cool down #3 which is now 213C from unknown reason...
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  • #5,788
SteveElbows said:
Looking at the latest plant parameter data ( http://www.tepco.co.jp/nu/fukushima-np/f1/images/00_05041200.pdf), all reactor 3 temps apart from suppression chamber are continuing to climb.

And I think that perhaps they are trying to respond to this, because I note that at 11:00 today the water injection rate for reactor 3 is shown as 9.0 m3/h, up from 7.0 at 05:00 ( and 6.9 and 6.8 on previous days).

If this is an ongoing trend, I can't understand how the government and military can stand by and agonize over this much longer. Won't they have to bring the ocean to u1, u2, u3 and u4? Or bring them to the ocean? Wait till the wind blows out to sea and take care of it? This whole thing needs to be shielded from humanity. OHHHHHHH the humanity. Best regards from Minnesota.
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  • #5,790
rowmag said:
I wrote a long, detailed reply, which got lost because my login timed out while I was writing it, and I don't have the energy to redo it.

Don't you hate it when that happens? I now usually do crtl-a and then crtl-c before I press 'submit.' That way, if I have timed out, the reply is saved to my clipboard.
  • #5,791
Can you post origin of the Number 3 Damage picture
  • #5,792
Thanks Tcup and Mad.. for the frame-by-frame and helpful feedback about explosions.

i could not come up with a scenario for criticality in fuel pool. And Arnie's prompt doesn't make sense, you got to progress through delayed to reach prompt..
Do you know whether their pool uses boron steel or that boron aluminum or Boraflex plastic, or just old fashioned geometry that doesn't need boron?

I have to think IF there was any neutron help for unit 3's self disassembly it had to come from inside the vessel. So i am awaiting a photo to see whether containment and pressure vessel lids are still in place.

I want it to be a hydrogen explosion, not a steam explosion from criticality. The near horizontal orange flame worried me - thought it was a sodium flame squeezing out from under the lid of containment.

But your video of a hydrogen balloon had same orange flash.thanks again -

old jim himself
  • #5,793
zapperzero said:
As I understand that piece of news, the "milestone" they are talking about is "just repaired cooling", indeed. Which means it was damaged before.

I have confirmed with other Mentors - you misunderstood the Reuters news:

the way I read the sentence, the cooling systems were repaired, and then after that for several weeks were maintained in cold shutdown state.

Next time please check your sources and your understanding of the text twice before accusing anyone of lying.
  • #5,794
Maybe the crack in #3 RPV (and drywell) is bigger than it was ? This could be reason why temperature jump in last few days from ~100 to ~200C, and now they injecting 50% more water...
  • #5,795
What is this? Its in front of Unit 3.
At this Point there is high Radiation.


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  • #5,796
default.user said:
I see an empty pool if the answer is still interesting.
Sorry, that's my mistake: the picture is so throughly 'enhanced' and 'focused' that out of context it has no depth-sense.

The pool is definately NOT empty, it can be checked on other videos which has some view angles.
  • #5,797
triumph61 said:
What is this? Its in front of Unit 3.
At this Point there is high Radiation.

Some people think that this is yellow reactor cap... or part of it...
  • #5,798
Inside NP Austria Zwetendorf
  • #5,799
Borek said:
I have confirmed with other Mentors - you misunderstood the Reuters news:
Next time please check your sources and your understanding of the text twice before accusing anyone of lying.

I assure you in the future I will refrain from publishing such interpretations here. In fact, I will try to restrict myself to posting information.

I must point out in my defense that I have no way to check any of the data (press releases included). All I have is the published news, my own knowledge and the opinions of people here. From these, I form an opinion of my own which I then present, hoping that others may have more information that would either contradict my opinion or reinforce it. I believe many others here are in the same position - unable to independently verify any of the published data and events.

You are telling me I misunderstood, based on conversations you had with other mentors. Can you please share the additional information you gleaned from these conversations?
  • #5,800
this sort of looks like the #3 refueling crane.. captured by that helicopter so resolution isn't that good. just below center...


definite maybe?

"Some people think that this is yellow reactor cap... or part of it... "

i down loaded that photo from Cryptome, looking for its location now to post link.
Zooming in via windows photoviewer it could pass for yellow and round and size looks not too far off -- zoom back out and compare to firetruck.
Hole in wall doesn't look big enough for it to have come through to me. but I'm a complete amateur at handling pictures .

old jim
  • #5,801
triumph61 said:
What is this? Its in front of Unit 3.
At this Point there is high Radiation.

IMHO the yellow thing is the glasswool insulation of the building roof.
It's expected to find more hi-rad concrete pieces around line between the reactor and the first one. Maybe there'll be the next.

There is that 'tour' video, linked previously: this part of U3 is recorded in good quality. And thet other video when the firetruck is spraying U3 is also might be useful.

jim hardy said:
this sort of looks like the #3 refueling crane.. captured by that helicopter so resolution isn't that good. just below center...

IMHO it's some internal catwalk of U3, preserved in surprisingly good condition. The FHM is much more massive piece of metal.

Ps.: Can somebody please confirm, that this video is about U4?
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  • #5,802
zapperzero said:
I must point out in my defense that I have no way to check any of the data (press releases included).?
In an ideal world one should not have to fact checking on press article.. In the real world one should If he really cares.. :(
Earlier I provided link to the two PR the Reuters paper was summing up. Although I did not share your understanding of the Reuters paper, I can see how it could have been misleading.
  • #5,803
Rive said:
IMHO the yellow thing is the glasswool insulation of the building roof.
It's expected to find more hi-rad concrete pieces around line between the reactor and the first one. Maybe there'll be the next.

There is that 'tour' video, linked previously: this part of U3 is recorded in good quality. And thet other video when the firetruck is spraying U3 is also might be useful.

IMHO it's some internal catwalk of U3, preserved in surprisingly good condition. The FHM is much more massive piece of metal.

Ps.: Can somebody please confirm, that this video is about U4?

Glasswool? Its a heavy Glaswool...
In the tour Video, this Place is not seen.
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  • #5,804
zapperzero said:
You are telling me I misunderstood, based on conversations you had with other mentors. Can you please share the additional information you gleaned from these conversations?

There is no additional information, not being a native speaker I just asked how to understand the Reuters news piece. I was told my understanding on the text is correct and text doesn't imply cooling systems have been not repaired on March 15th.
  • #5,806
Article about the first few days of the crisis:


Here's the thing I don't remember having seen stated before:
"Twice, radiation levels at the plant reached 1 sievert an hour. "

Sorry if this is old info. I have read the whole thread, but it has been a while since.
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  • #5,807
Caniche said:
Strangely unavailable now?

Works for me.
  • #5,808
Following on from a previous post about valid data (OK - possibly a rant) in which I asked us to spare a thought for the TEPCO Engineers that are trying to make good decisions based on woefully indaequate data.

Here is an update from TEPCO detailing the improvements they will be making for the Technicians and other front line staff.

It is comforting to know that (in the worst case) they will be getting showers by June.

I have regularly worked in a Tyvek 'lab coat' (not a full overall) in a cleanroom environment on machinery that runs at 200 Bar, 500 kN and 250°C - i.e. fairly heavy and hot work - and I know what that 'micro climate' feels like and it is not pleasant.

Boy, would I be looking forward to a shower in June...

After the accident on March 11th, we have been making every effort to
restore the status of the nuclear power stations, and we believe that
improving the living environment and productivity of the workers will lead
to earlier restoration of the condition.
Therefore, we will construct some prefabricated temporary dorms, where
workers will be entering one after another from late June, and organize an
environment so that workers can concentrate on their work.
In addition, until then, the following improvements will be carried out at
the current resident facilities.

1.Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
Due to the high radiation dose around the Main Anti-Earthquake Building,
meals are mainly limited to preservation food. Therefore, from early May,
two meals (lunch and dinner) out of three meals everyday will be served
from Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station Gymnasium as a lunch box
Further, this gymnasium will be equipped with double-deck beds before
mid May, with availability of shower.

2.Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station
In regard with the living environment at the administration office,
showers will be newly installed by the end of May, and increase the use.
In regard of meals, bread (in the morning), bento (at lunch and dinner)
is already being served from May 1st.

Also at J-Village where people and supplies are relayed, bento will be
served for two meals (lunch and dinner) out of three meals everyday. In
addition, showers will be made partly available by the late May, and
more showers and toilets will be made available by the end of June.

Spare a thought for these people.
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  • #5,809
fluutekies said:

Nancy Foust can be incredibly dumb at times. At this page
she's referencing the Physics Forums and a couple of posts in this thread specifically. She then completely fails to to understand this article at CNBC
which refers to fears that the torus could jump off the floor during a steam release. Nancy thinks it has something to do with the RPV and lateral forces. She uses all that to arrive at some sort of conclusion which she is unable to even articulate.

Be very, very careful of anything on that site other than the pretty pictures.
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  • #5,810
MiceAndMen said:
Nancy Foust can be incredibly dumb at times. At this page
she's referencing the Physics Forums and a couple of posts in this thread specifically. She then completely fails to to understand this article at CNBC
which refers to fears that the torus could jump off the floor during a steam release. Nancy thinks it has something to do with the RPV and lateral forces. She uses all that to arrive at some sort of conclusion which she is unable to even articulate.

At least now she already knows she was wrong.
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