Musical Chills: Do You Experience Them?

  • Music
  • Thread starter fuzzyfelt
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In summary: Some music that gives me the chills:Conquest of ParadiseEt les oiseaux chantaientMay it bedeliver meEt les oiseaux chantaientMay it bedeliver me
  • #36
I wonder how different the experience is between different people.

this has a strong chill factor for me too. Anybody else?
Science news on
  • #37
I know this song (don't judge me) used to give me pretty strong response. And I did get a small chill from it. Probably mostly due to connection with the show; I do tend to get chills from "awesome moments" in movies, shows, video games and the like.

[Oh yes, this one too. Especially the intro.

Those are two that spring to mind.
  • #38
BB King once said of another guitarist that "his tone gives me the cold sweats". The guitarist he was talking about was Peter Green - founder of Fleetwood Mac - a young British blues guitarist formerly with John Mayall.
  • #39
Danger said:
I think (with no medical or biochemical background to support it) that the ears might be connected in a fundamental way to the limbic system. Scent evokes incredibly complex memories that are otherwise buried in the subconscious mind. Perhaps sounds have the same effect.

Nice thoughts, Danger. This thread is a bit of an off-shoot from a thread about synaesthesia in the Medical Sciences (which is very long, but begins here- ) and there was mention of musical chills there.

Quoting wiki, synaesthesia “is a neurologically-based condition in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway.[1][2][3][4]” . Musical chills might be related, considering a type of sound stimuli seems experienced by the skin, although there are other considerations. The definition has sometimes been qualified as “atypical” instances of the above. I started this thread because I had previously thought this experience was typical, and was surprised to learn it might not be.

I agree with you (and Proust and others) about how evocative the olfactory sense is, and agree there may be similarities.

On a note slightly about musical emotion or uses, I think I mentioned here years ago the Bata drum as religious discourse,
and might have mentioned the Kaluli sung cartography,
  • #40
Thanks for all the replies. I think that makes 18 respondents, including the gentleman beside Om Cheeto, and reports about BB King (thanks Turbo) and only one who doesn’t experience this, although I probably worded everything with bias toward those who do.

I’m pleased to hear TubbaBlubba’s chills have returned.

Minnie Riperton and all the other induces are fascinating.

I wonder how the experiences differ individually too, Andre. Personally, I’ve been listening to a song I first heard a few weeks ago quite a bit. There is a slight change in the melody at one point and when I first heard it struck me as inspired, and that then is accentuated by accompanying brass. The goose-bumps haven’t diminished with familiarity, yet, as long as it has my attention. I get it while I’m driving, but not if someone is talking to me at the same time.
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  • #41

Maybe it's just me, but certain songs by Pink Floyd, Nickleback, Rolling Stones, Rare Earth, (there's an old one), Dave Matthews do it, usually when I am riding my bicycle, motorcycle, walking or running, or sometimes driving with no distractions. Also, I can get the same chills (endorphin rush) just imagining these songs the in my head, and finally, yeah I know I am a bit weird, from thinking about a problem with science/math and coming up with a possible solution (I know that is not music), just wanted you to know that music is not the only form of mental stimulation that causes it. Sometimes when I read something that is surprising or I have never heard of before causes it too. You have seen this happen in the synesthesia thread.

To sum up:

listening to certain music
imaging listening to certain music
realizing a possible solution to a problem
reading about surprising information

Rhody... :wink:
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  • #42
rhody said:

Maybe it's just me, but certain songs by Pink Floyd, Nickleback, Rolling Stones, Rare Earth, (there's an old one), Dave Matthews do it, usually when I am riding my bicycle, motorcycle, walking or running, or sometimes driving with no distractions. Also, I can get the same chills (endorphin rush) just imagining these songs the in my head, and finally, yeah I know I am a bit weird, from thinking about a problem with science/math and coming up with a possible solution (I know that is not music), just wanted you to know that music is not the only form of mental stimulation that causes it. Sometimes when I read something that is surprising or I have never heard of before causes it too. You have seen this happen in the synesthesia thread.

To sum up:

listening to certain music
imaging listening to certain music
realizing a possible solution to a problem
reading about surprising information

Rhody... :wink:

Yes, thanks, the second paper notes some other situations, too, and I also feel it in other situations. I just thought it would be safer to keep this thread musical. I was unsuccessful at experiencing musical chills by just thinking of music, but maybe need to give it a better chance. That reminds me, one post mentioned control over it, which might raise questions of it being automatic.
  • #43
fuzzyfelt said:
Yes, thanks, the second paper notes some other situations, too, and I also feel it in other situations. I just thought it would be safer to keep this thread musical. I was unsuccessful at experiencing musical chills by just thinking of music, but maybe need to give it a better chance. That reminds me, one post mentioned control over it, which might raise questions of it being automatic.

Thinking of music I like doesn't cause it to happen automatically, I have to be calm, relaxed, not stressed and have my mind basically open and in an idling state, Does that make sense to you ? BTW, this never happened till reading, "The Brain that Changed Itself", I can't put my finger on the exact cause or causes, I just know for sure it is happening now and has never happened before. I guess my brain is changing somehow. I kind of like it but find it a bit weird at times.

Rhody... :biggrin:

P.S. When I get chills from realizing a problem solution or from reading surprising information I find a side benefit of being able to concentrate better for a longer time because my motivation increases.
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  • #44
Yes, it may not be related at all to the medical sciences thread, but still interesting and it is very interesting that this is new to you.
  • #46
Andre said:
I wonder how different the experience is between different people.

this has a strong chill factor for me too. Anybody else?

Definitely :smile:. Partly because I love the ocean and diving. But it also gives me a "path I didn't choose" kind of regret.
  • #47
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  • #48
lisab said:
Definitely :smile:. Partly because I love the ocean and diving. But it also gives me a "path I didn't choose" kind of regret.


What lisab just said reminded me of a similar emotion a couple of times as of late, while walking alone with music, thinking about personal family issues, the sense of chills can be immediately followed by a profound sense of sadness to the point of tears, which was surprising.

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  • #49
haael said:
This performance:" gives me goosebumps no matter how many times I listen to it.

That was nice, very middle-east flavor. It didn't give me chills but the suit the pianist was wearing made me shudder.
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  • #51
  • #52
rhody said:
while walking alone with music, thinking about personal family issues, the sense of chills can be immediately followed by a profound sense of saddness to the point of tears, which was surprising.


I know this feeling well and had avoided mentioning it because it might make the thread too complicated. I remember writing a long time ago here that Beethoven’s 7th symphony makes me cry- it still does, and other pieces do too.

I haven’t been able to pin-point the emotion, sometimes I think it is just awe, other times it seems to accentuate an emotion I’m already feeling, especially sadness. It seems cathartic.

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  • #53
fuzzyfelt said:
I know this feeling well and had avoided mentioning it because it might make the thread too complicated. I remember writing a long time ago here that Beethoven’s 7th symphony makes me cry- it still does, and other pieces do too.

I haven’t been able to pin-point the emotion, sometimes I think it is just awe, other times it seems to accentuate an emotion I’m already feeling, especially sadness. It seems cathartic.


That reminds me of the game we played years ago

hmmm, I see that I never got to post Figlio Perduto by Sarah Brightman over there, borrowing the melody from that movement from the seventh.

But I would definitely agree to a statement that Beethoven is the all time king of chills
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  • #54
That was nice, very middle-east flavor.
Middle-east? :eek: :eek: :eek:
That was a jazz cover of a polish folk song. I don't understand where you hear any middle-east in it.

the suit the pianist was wearing made me shudder
The pianist is Leszek Możdżer, Minu Cinelu on percussion, Pat Metheny on guitar. The angel singing is Anna Maria Jopek.

19 affirmatives!
Yeah :). I'm high about 2:50.
  • #55
Another old(er) favorite. Jigsaw Puzzle Blues, written by Fleetwood Mac's baby-faced kid guitarist Danny Kirwan. I was just blown away by this tune when it came out. The tight control and over-the-top vibrato were quite impressive to this young (16 at the time) guitarist.

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  • #56
turbo-1 said:
Another old(er) favorite. Jigsaw Puzzle Blues, written by Fleetwood Mac's baby-faced kid guitarist Danny Kirwan. I was just blown away by this tune when it came out. The tight control and over-the-top vibrato were quite impressive to this young (16 at the time) guitarist.

Let's see, 1968 you were 16? You are an old fart. :devil:
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  • #57
dlgoff said:
Let's see, 1968 you were 16? You are an old fart. :devil:
I'm old, but my dog can out-fart me any day!
  • #58
turbo-1 said:
I'm old, but my dog can out-fart me any day!

:smile: Labs can be that way.

Anyway. Back to the chills.
  • #59
I experience it as well.
  • #60
Yes---I am writing a book about it and my beliefs.
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  • #61
I believe so. I have never noticed literal "goosebumps" on my skin (though I will pay closer attention to this in the future), but that profound and immediate experience, yes.

I believe this is the origin of the expression "the music that gets you off."

I am not personally a muscian, although I do run a music club and do sound. I get this sensation almost (but not quite completely) exclusively from punk.
  • #62
The consensus appears to be that some people find some music a sufficiently profound experience to cause a physiological reaction.

But we knew that already. :biggrin:

The question in my mind is whether the reaction is measurable. I should imagine a polygraph would pick it up easily.
If so - do any animals (or plants!) react in a similar fashion?
  • #63
If so - do any animals (or plants!) react in a similar fashion?
They do. In particular, bees react differently to the frequency of another bees wings waving slowly (normal reaction) and fast (stress reaction). When an another bee does it best to fly quickly, then it means that something bad is happening.

Human can also have (bad) chills from hearing another man's scream. I believe musical chills is the other part of the same phenomenon.
  • #64
haael said:
They do. In particular, bees react differently to the frequency of another bees wings waving slowly (normal reaction) and fast (stress reaction). When an another bee does it best to fly quickly, then it means that something bad is happening.

Human can also have (bad) chills from hearing another man's scream. I believe musical chills is the other part of the same phenomenon.

Well, I was thinking specifically of music.
  • #65
I tend to experience "musical chills" rather often, i also play guitar and listen to rock (ex: Green day, Beatles)
  • #66
Andre said:
That reminds me of the game we played years ago

hmmm, I see that I never got to post Figlio Perduto by Sarah Brightman over there, borrowing the melody from that movement from the seventh.

But I would definitely agree to a statement that Beethoven is the all time king of chills

That was a fun game. Yes, I’d thought Gokul had used an emoticon. Seems he didn’t- oops. I think it gives me chills as well. I think I remember likening it here to his “ Waldstein” once, too, and subsequently read an Adorno essay about it and “mourning”.
  • #67
AJ Bentley said:
The consensus appears to be that some people find some music a sufficiently profound experience to cause a physiological reaction.

But we knew that already. :biggrin:

The question in my mind is whether the reaction is measurable. I should imagine a polygraph would pick it up easily.
If so - do any animals (or plants!) react in a similar fashion?

Sure, I’m happy with this thread taking whatever course now. I think there were 24 responses, thanks everyone!

It seems pretty clear that if this experience is mentioned there is a good understanding of what it is. The only person who reported not experiencing it still seems to enjoy music a lot. Wolram had just been listening to favorites.

As far as music and animals go, birds might be good candidates, e.g. Snowball and Frosty :smile: -

Nice information about bees, hael.
I wonder what chimps experience it during their rain dance and waterfall displays, or fire dance-
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  • #68
rhody said:

Maybe it's just me, but certain songs by Pink Floyd, Nickleback, Rolling Stones, Rare Earth, (there's an old one), Dave Matthews do it, usually when I am riding my bicycle, motorcycle, walking or running, or sometimes driving with no distractions. Also, I can get the same chills (endorphin rush) just imagining these songs the in my head, and finally, yeah I know I am a bit weird, from thinking about a problem with science/math and coming up with a possible solution (I know that is not music), just wanted you to know that music is not the only form of mental stimulation that causes it. Sometimes when I read something that is surprising or I have never heard of before causes it too. You have seen this happen in the synesthesia thread.

To sum up:

listening to certain music
imaging listening to certain music
realizing a possible solution to a problem
reading about surprising information

Rhody... :wink:

Hi Rhody. Fascinating. I know exactly what you mean. To add to your list, above;

- when internally reciting profound (imo) poetry
- when in a sleepy state, and pushing the mind to think about infinity .. lol ..

You mentioned Pink Floyd. You must have heard 'Shine On You Crazy Diamond'. About 7 minutes into the first track, after the slow sleepy melancholic organ, that SHARP, distotred guitar rift that leaps in .. does it to me every time - every time !
  • #69
Interesting that some instruments seem to induce it for some. Guitar, like alt says, and trumpets often work for me. Btw, I liked Jigsaw Puzzle Blues, too, Turbo.
  • #70
alt said:
Hi Rhody. Fascinating. I know exactly what you mean. To add to your list, above;

- when internally reciting profound (imo) poetry
- when in a sleepy state, and pushing the mind to think about infinity .. lol ..

You mentioned Pink Floyd. You must have heard 'Shine On You Crazy Diamond'. About 7 minutes into the first track, after the slow sleepy melancholic organ, that SHARP, distorted guitar rift that leaps in .. does it to me every time - every time !


One more thing, the chills may run down one side of my body and not the other, or just the middle of my back when the endorphins are released, they may or may not result in "real" goose bumps, the feeling is the same nonetheless.

Next time you listen to that Pink Floyd rift that causes it, about 10 seconds before it happens, slowly turn the volume off, and let your mind produce the sensation, works for me EVERY time :cool:. Which goes to prove something profound about how your brain maps then reconstructs reality. To some degree familiar things such as songs, the real world have been absorbed, cataloged, and then replayed when that song is played for real.

How may times has someone close to you asked a question in a sentence say 15 words or so, and after the first three words (you pick up on subtle details, inflection of voice, pitch, speed of delivery, etc...) and you know their behavior so well you simply answer the question before they have a chance to finish. I do it all the time and it bugs people to no end, hehe.

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