PF Member : The Cryptic Clue Game

In summary: Although it is about a word...I was hoping for someone who actually knows the band. I'm not a fan of them, but I do know a few of their songs. And #10 is nothing to do with the answer. It's just a clue. A very good clue, if you ask me.Oh and I'm not sure if #11 is a PF member or not. But it is a username.5. Not a dog daySorry to have to say this, but this is wrong. The correct answer is 'Greg'. 'Not a dog day' = 'Not a D-day' = 'Not a day of the 'dog' star'. The first letter of
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
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Gold Member
In this game, I (and later, I may nominate others to help me) make up cryptic clues that reveal the usernames of PF members. Other folks guess the names (and provide the reasoning).

Here's an (medium to high difficulty) example :

Standardized test leads a free fall

Answer in white :
<< Greg.

Standardized test = GRE (there aren't too many other possibilities, are there ?)
a free fall = g; association : acceleration due to gravity

If that sounds too hard/obscure, I'll start off easier. Ready ?

Note : Answers need not be complete usernames (as in the above case)...popular contractions may be used as well.
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  • #2
Okay, here goes...let's start with an easy one :

1. The first trimester of Darwin's opus
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  • #3
Not entirely sure what's going on here, but Evo?
  • #4
brewnog said:
Not entirely sure what's going on here...
For someone who isn't too sure, that's a good start. Care to post an explanation ?
  • #5
Too easy :

2. He's vain, but all messed up
  • #6
Another easy one :

3. He's found in the zoo, by shoeshiners and ice-cream vendors.
  • #7
More easy stuff :

4. Selene Ursalis
  • #8
Ivan - mix the letters

[Edit: #2, not the others ...]
  • #9
Is nobody getting this game ? :cry: :cry: Please say something !

To help clarify, I'll post the solution to #1 (correctly answered by brewnog).

Q1. The first trimester of Darwin's opus

The answer is Evo

"Darwin's opus" refers to the Theory of Evolution. 'Evolution' is a 9-letter word, the first three of which spell Evo.

Did that help ?
  • Like
Likes gracy
  • #10
Nereid said:
Ivan - mix the letters

[Edit: #2, not the others ...]
That's correct !
  • #11
Gokul43201 said:
Is nobody getting this game ? :cry: : cry: Please say something !

To help clarify, I'll post the solution to #1 (correctly answered by brewnog).

Q1. The first trimester of Darwin's opus

The answer is Evo

"Darwin's opus" refers to the Theory of Evolution. 'Evolution' is a 9-letter word, the first three of which spell Evo.

Did that help ?
I can do #3, and #4 (duh!), but a green thread would be rather monochromatic, wouldn't it?
  • #12
Am I allowed to do one? If so, this is easy for those 'of a certain (PF) age', probably impossible for anyone else: Not a dog day
  • #13
Okay, I leave this open for anyone to post clues. Let's keep track of numbers though.

From Nereid :

5. Not a dog day
  • #14
6. The start of the year starts him; the rest is us.
  • #15
3. zoobyshoe?

Because he's found in the zoo, by shoeshiners?
  • #16
brewnog said:
3. zoobyshoe?

Because he's found in the zoo, by shoeshiners?
Right again, brewnie !
  • #17
4. Moonbear?

Because selene is the Moon goddess, and ursalis is the bear lord!?
  • #18
ooh! I'm too stupid to figure this out!
  • #19
brewnog said:
4. Moonbear?

Because selene is the Moon goddess, and ursalis is the bear lord!?
Okay brewn, time for you to take a break, or make up some new clues...I'm off for a while.
  • #20
Here's a couple more before I leave :

Easy one :

7. " . . . _ _ _ . . ."

Medium tough :

8. That's right; he's not sinister
  • #21
Heyy, you said you were going to make some harder ones!

9. Between 14 - 28 m/s, and the number from a Sheffield 80's band.

Sorry if this is too vague.
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  • #22
Gokul43201 said:
6. The start of the year starts him; the rest is us.
  • #23
10. Tastes like Turkish Delight, really!
  • #24
Gokul43201 said:
Here's a couple more before I leave :

Easy one :

7. " . . . _ _ _ . . ."

Medium tough :

8. That's right; he's not sinister
I'm not sure, but do we have members here named SOS or RightHanded? The first clue is morse code for "SOS" and I believe sinister is Latin for "left-handed", plus the clue mentions the word "right".
  • #25
Gokul43201 said:
Here's a couple more before I leave :

Easy one :

7. " . . . _ _ _ . . ."

would that be SOS2008, then?
  • #26
Okay 6. Janus...January starts the year (abbreviated Jan) and the rest is -us.

(I'll play more later, there are more clues than I can catch up with at the moment.)

Edit: just noticed there was already a second page! Okay, I definitely don't have time to play this now. Good game...I'll return to this one tonight.
  • #27
brewnog said:
10. Tastes like Turkish Delight, really!

A some what subjective clue, my answer would have to be cr@p!
  • #28
11. God starts the week from a distance!
  • #29
AKG said:
I'm not sure, but do we have members here named <blah> or RightHanded?
Correct on #7. Very close on #8...go back to the Latin.
  • #30
brewnog said:
9. Between 14 - 28 m/s, and the number from a Sheffield 80's band.
Trust brewnog to come up with a Def Leppard clue ! C'mon, at least give us an album, eh ?
  • #31
Which clues are still unanswered? (yes I'm lazy) :redface:

Good clue thread btw!
  • #32
Unanswered thus far:

5. Not a dog day
8. That's right; he's not sinister.
9. Between 14 - 28 m/s, and the number from a Sheffield 80's band, whose biggest hit was 'Temptation'.
10. Tastes like Turkish Delight, really!
11. God starts the week from a distance!
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  • #33
brewnog said:
Unanswered thus far:

2. He's vain, but all messed up
5. Not a dog day
6. The start of the year starts him; the rest is us.
9. Between 14 - 28 m/s, and the number from a Sheffield 80's band, whose biggest hit was 'Temptation'.
10. Tastes like Turkish Delight, really!
11. God starts the week from a distance!
#2 is gone - answered, prize awarded ... if brewndog hadn't nailed his feet to the thread, he'd be pushing up daisies!
  • #34
Oh, and #6 has been answered, but the clue giver hasn't confirmed if the answer is 'correct' (myself, I would have said, as a clue 'anti-Epimetheus')
  • #35
Ok, sorry, didn't see that! I've updated it just for you! I know 8 too, but only because it's a special interest of mine so I'll leave it for you lot, speshly since AKG was so close.

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