PF Member : The Cryptic Clue Game

In summary: Although it is about a word...I was hoping for someone who actually knows the band. I'm not a fan of them, but I do know a few of their songs. And #10 is nothing to do with the answer. It's just a clue. A very good clue, if you ask me.Oh and I'm not sure if #11 is a PF member or not. But it is a username.5. Not a dog daySorry to have to say this, but this is wrong. The correct answer is 'Greg'. 'Not a dog day' = 'Not a D-day' = 'Not a day of the 'dog' star'. The first letter of
  • #71
20. An Ohio zip code.
For a bonus point, name the OTHER "member" who fits the same clue.

Physics news on
  • #72
Evo said:
20. An Ohio zip code.
For a bonus point, name the OTHER "member" who fits the same clue.

Evo got the real member. Anyone know who the "other member" is? :biggrin: (Hint: he also likes scavenger hunts. :smile:)
  • #73
abhishek said:
Gale17. Wasn't that hard, really. :-p

Thank you!
  • #74
21. Swiss plant, part thereof
  • #75
22. A bird? I don't think so..
23. Rug dirt
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  • #76
[b said:
23. Rug dirt[/b]

<<Matt Grime>>
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  • #77
That's correct, mansi (write your answer in white)
  • #78
24. He's not a sweet cat after all
25. More porn?? Quite the opposite..
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  • #79
24. We don't have anyone called sourpuss, do we ?

25. <<Saint ?>>
  • #80
Gokul43201 said:
24. We don't have anyone called sourpuss, do we ?
Not that I know of..

<<Saint ?>>
  • #81
26. Walks sideways
  • #82
27. unity is mightier than his eccentricity
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  • #83
26:Is it
  • #84
That's correct, siddharth.
  • #85
24: This is easy
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  • #86
#22.<Pengwuino>(not true but I always think it's penguin!
  • #87
That's correct!
  • #88
siddharth said:
24: This is easy
Correct, siddharth.
  • #89
Gokul43201 said:
#13 is real easy...I'm surprised no one's got it.
heh.. I was stumped on that one! :blushing:

Good game idea, Gokul! This is a fun thread. :smile:
  • #90
Thanks, MIH

28. O darlin', you're a mess !
  • #91
29. Fast, Ron; U can hide him.
  • #92
Gokul43201 said:
29. Fast, Ron; U can hide him.
29. Astronuc! :biggrin:
  • #93
Right ho ! No takers for 28 ? And what else is still standing ...?
  • #94
Gokul43201 said:
Thanks, MIH

28. O darlin', you're a mess !

Arildno? An anagram. Clever!
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  • #95
Brewnog, maybe you want to get his name right...before he sees your post ?
  • #96
I knew it was wrong, but couldn't find him anywhere!

Anyway, the letters are all in there somewhere aren't they...!

Edit: Whew, think I made it...!
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  • #97
Gokul43201 said:
Right ho ! No takers for 28 ? And what else is still standing ...?
#5: not a dog day
  • #98
Nereid, you must tell us how "old" we need to be to have a chance at cracking that.
  • #99
30. 'e's lost from our tribe, that cur! :cry:
  • #100
30. tribdog
  • #101
#30 is right, AKG. He's gone but not forgotten. :smile:
  • #102
31: He can't change part of a famous equation to the variable
  • #103
Gokul43201 said:
Right ho ! No takers for 28 ? And what else is still standing ...?
21. Swiss plant, part thereof
  • #104
Gokul43201 said:
Nereid, you must tell us how "old" we need to be to have a chance at cracking that.
At least a year, maybe 18 months (or more??)
  • #105
Here's a review till now

1. The first trimester of Darwin's opus
Answer: Evo by brewnog

2. He's vain, but all messed up
Answer: Ivan by Nereid

3. He's found in the zoo, by shoeshiners and ice-cream vendors.
Answer: zoobyshoe by brewnog

4. Selene Ursalis
Answer: Moonbear by brewnog

5. Not a dog day
Answer: Not answered

6. The start of the year starts him; the rest is us.
Answer: Janus by AKG and moonbear

7. " . . . _ _ _ . . ."
Answer: SOS2008 by AKG and zannazi78

8. That's right; he's not sinister
Answer: dextercioby by Moonbear

9. Between 14 - 28 m/s, and the number from a Sheffield 80's band.
Answer: Gale17 by abhishek

10. Tastes like Turkish Delight, really!
Answer: Honestrosewater Evo

11. God starts the week from a distance!
Answer: Not answered

12. Now blank it with cell transport and protein synthesis
Answer:Not answered

13. Elma, this hardly contains her !
Answer: Math Is Hard by abhishek

14. Northern mashing tooth, all mashed up
Answer: Not answered

15. Appear to make sleeping sounds, without a ...
Answer: Not answered

16. MD Albert ?
Answer: Doc Al by Nereid

17. Scottish John who hammers metal.
Answer: iansmith by AKG

18. ærlig rosa eau
Answer: Honestrosewater by Evo

19. This boy cat is the child of a rug.
Answer: Tom Mattson by Gokul43201

20. An Ohio zip code.
Answer: Gokul43201 and ?? by Evo

21. Swiss plant, part thereof
Answer:Not answered

22. A bird? I don't think so..
Answer: Pengwuino by Lisa!

23. Rug dirt
Answer: Matt Grime by mansi

24. He's not a sweet cat after all
Answer: saltydog by siddharth

25. More porn?? Quite the opposite..
Answer:Not answered

26. Walks sideways
Answer: krab by siddharth

27. unity is mightier than his eccentricity
Answer:Not answered

28. O darlin', you're a mess !
Answer: Arildno by brewnog

29. Fast, Ron; U can hide him.
Answer: astronuc by Math is Hard

30. 'e's lost from our tribe, that cur!
Answer: tribdog by AKG

31: He can't change part of a famous equation to the variable
Answer:Not answered

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