PF Treasure Hunt - Solve the Clues & Crack the Code!

  • Thread starter Gokul43201
  • Start date
In summary: The clue tells you to look for a word that refers to the loci. You should look for a word that is not found in between. This word is extremities.
  • #71
Gokul:I didn't have to go to your journal to read the third clue. It was posted right here in this thread, in Chroot's reply and yours. Oh, wait, I think I see where to look. Be right back! Okay, found the journal at least!
And this clue: You're very close, but not really there yet...think about how you'd start to greet a Frenchman - that might help

comment allez vous ?
We're back to the Bonjour clue, aren't we?
Physics news on
  • #72
Wow ! I've been thinking all along, that other's have been following the trail.

If not, go back and read the posts carefully.
  • #73
If it's any help, I finally just figured out how Chroot found the third clue:
"Look not in Science or Nature, but mine." Science and Nature are journals, so you were telling us to look in your journal. That second clue was harder than you thought!
  • #74
I was going after the red text thing but

It reads, "Find out more about for 3 to 0 won": ie., find out more about 43201.
"Columbus" its the right day any way :eek:
  • #75
Okay folks, Big Announcement (pay attention) : The clues are sequential, or the solving of a given clue may require knowledge obtained from a previous clue.

So make sure you go through previous clues' solutions (and follow the trail) before trying to solve any given clue
  • #76
Hmmm, more thinking:
Find out more about For 3 to 0 won. A sports score perhaps? I tried thread #43201, and nothing there...too old for you to have gotten to it with clues. Grr. This clue started out so well, and now I don't know where else to go with it.
  • #77
Moonbear, this round goes to you...even if it takes someone else to figure out this last part.

And let me say this one last time : Follow the trail of the clues completely, else you will miss out essential details.
  • #78
Gokul43201 said:
Moonbear, this round goes to you...even if it takes someone else to figure out this last part.

And let me say this one last time : Follow the trail of the clues completely, else you will miss out essential details.

I've gone back through. Found the one post I missed from Chroot that explained the journal. I didn't realize that one had white text in it. I'm working on making sure I didn't miss any others.

One more thought:
You keep telling us to hold onto the keywords. We have extremeties and caesar in our collection of keywords now. I'm just not seeing if I need to use those again yet, but I'm holding onto them.
  • #79
The first keyword (extremities) has been used - by Tenali, to get me to release the second clue. It's not needed anymore.

His first message (PM) to me was responded to in the negative. He recovered and asked again, this time providing the keyword in his message. That was when I revealed the second clue.

The second keyword may or may not be needed in the future. But if it is, you'll know for sure, at that point, that you have to use it.

PS : And when I ask you to follow the trail of the clues, I mean actually go to the places where the clues are located, and read them for yourselves.
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  • #80
Hmm...I may have gotten it. Hopefully I've sent a PM to the right member name, and it isn't Gokul!
  • #81
Unless you actually read the previous clues in their original locations (NOT in this thread, starting from clue #3), you won't be able to go further.

Okay, here's clue #4 (it's pretty straightforward if you've been following my repeated rants)

Find out more about for 3 to 0 won
  • #82
So, here's what I have new to add:
Our "new" member for3to0won lists as activities "practising LaTeX" I've PM'd for3to0won and am hoping for a response so we can get to know him better :wink:

Oops: spelled that wrong the first time!

And just wanted to add how I found this new fellow has joined us. In Gokul's journal, you have to notice the discussion entry with clue #3 isn't posted by Gokul, but by for3to0won.

Note, I've edited for a critical mispelling!
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  • #83
I'm going to bed now, folks...more clues will be up tomorrow.

Sorry :redface:

PS : Don't stop posting, if you've got anything to add.
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  • #84
Gokul43201 said:
I'm going to bed now, folks...more clues will be up tomorrow.

Sorry :redface:

Awww. Okay, goodnight. Get your rest so you can come up with more good clues for us!

By the way, I got a PM:
"What ? I'm only be visiting to this sight for the learning up of some fysiks. I not be hunting for any treasures. Please do not to be confusing me ! If you are wanting to be find out more about me, please do read in my profile. It be saying there.

Sorry for treasure today. Patience is virtue ! Good night.


Getting a PM made it much easier to get to his profile. It was tough catching the character online to view his profile...there's no other way I know of to view a user profile if the user has never posted and is offline. I guess that's the technical detail that was supposed to make this tough, you sneaky devil! :devil:

Um, one question...did I break the rules? I realized part-way through that you posted Clue #4, which is what I was still trying to track down as part of Clue #3. Sigh. Now I'll take my time-out while drooling over my next chance to play! This is a fantastic treasure hunt! :approve:
  • #85
Whoa! too many things happened before i could even come here :

Wowee Moonbear! Bravo!
Not to forget chroot who got things going very fast it seems!

Now let me see if i can string together something to end this but believe me its no more than a long shot guess ...

1st clue : Gokul says he has a technical advantage
Interpretation :
the answer is something that he is bound to know prolly??
*suddenly tenali is hit with random thoughts*
he should know more abt the place he lives and ofcourse he know more abt physics atleast more than me ...

one thing in the original clue which seems to not have been solved is "buried not praised"..

and ofcourse the now infamous for 3 to 0 won?
so i googled 43201 to find out more abt it and it seems to be the zip code of ohio ...

then i googled for ohio's famous ppl and among the inventors i found ..
"Granville T. Woods"
(knows as Ohio's forgotten inventor)

Hmm this is where i am drawing a blank right now ... i'll see if i can make any heads or tails of the whole ordeal ...

-- AI
  • #86
I'm almost ready to start again, but I'd like to make a few announcements first :

1) Moonbear's now out (Moonbear, I'll give you a last chance to clearly convey your findings to other folks before you retire...please tell them where to look, if that's possible.)

2) Chroot, you're back is Tenali.

3) I'm running out of ideas and time, so I'll say that at this point, the game is nearly done...there's just a little bit left.

3) The next clue will be up in a few minutes - I'll inform you when it's up.
  • #87

PS : Tenali, you're looking too deep, again. (the "buried not praised" hint has been solved and it pertains only to that clue; read carefully)

For those that have been out of the action, I suggest you read Moonbear's posts. I believe she last found clue#4.
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  • #88
Gokul43201 said:
I'm almost ready to start again, but I'd like to make a few announcements first :

1) Moonbear's now out (Moonbear, I'll give you a last chance to clearly convey your findings to other folks before you retire...please tell them where to look, if that's possible.)

2) Chroot, you're back is Tenali.

3) I'm running out of ideas and time, so I'll say that at this point, the game is nearly done...there's just a little bit left.

3) The next clue will be up in a few minutes - I'll inform you when it's up.

Okay, I'll try to summarize my findings all in one place:

First, solving the puzzle:
The third clue was found in Gokul's journal, which took me a long time to find. I didn't do the simple thing of just click on "view my journal" under his name over there on the <---Left, I went to the journal page where it is hiding. Since the clue was posted there, I didn't know I needed to find it myself to move forward. So, the key was to notice we were told to go to this "quetion" not "question". This is a clear reference (at least to me) to the "Ask a Stupid Quetion, Get a Stupid Anser thread", which intentionally mispells question.

"Which quetion?" meant I needed to look for a specific post in that thread. Then, "Figure it out. AS*TO=THIS" "THIS" is the number of the post to go to, so it was necessary to solve the cryptarithm: the letters substitute for numbers and is explained in another brainteaser in this section. The solution was 94*16=1504 (there are other possible solutions, but they are not the RIGHT solution, because they don't take you to a post containing any clues...I reasoned it had to be one of Gokul's posts and relatively recent, so narrowed down possible solutions from there.

When you find the correct post in that thread, #1504, highlight the text and find the hidden message in white (the other clue that I had found the right post was that Gokul replied to himself in a fairly blatant way that sounded a bit suspicious). Hidden in the text is the message, "Find out more about for 3 to 0 won." For a while, I was headed along the wrong path, thinking it referred to Gokul's nickname 43201.

Then, we started getting all those repeated warnings to follow the path of the former clues, so I went back to Gokul's journal and looked more carefully. It was so obvious and I nearly missed it. I actually didn't notice until I went to "discuss" one of the discussion entries (you have to go to the discussion of the first entry to find the clues). When tried to quote it, I noticed the title did not include all the text on the title bar. That's when I realized the discussion entry including clue 3 was written by a different username, "for3to0won." So, I PM'd for3to0won, and asked. I posted the reply I got above. That told me to look inside the user profile for for3to0won for the last part of the puzzle. Once I got a PM from him (I posted it above...just in case it contained any other clues I missed that were necessary to continue), that made it easier, because then I could easily access his user profile by clicking on his name in the PM. Otherwise, you had to catch him online (which I actually did while he was READING my going to the list of currently active users).

In for3to0won's user profile, his biography says: Practising LaTex. So I think that was the final thing I was supposed to provide. I didn't see anything else suspicious in his user profile, but I'd suggest the other scavenger hunter's keep an eye on it just in case new information appears there!

Okay, did I cover it all?

Happy hunting! I'll take my break now.
  • #89
Thanks for the recap, Moonbear.

Any questions, folks ?
  • #90
I'm getting there. :devil:

- Warren
  • #91
chroot said:
I'm getting there. :devil:

- Warren

You know the thread you closed last night ? Could you not have waited just a little longer ? :mad: It messed up all my plans.

Anyways...if you've found something, post it here before you set about cracking it.
  • #92
for3to0won has posted twice. One post dealt with "practising latex" and contained the transliterated english phrase

"turn back sig and eliminate the repeating key."

I have reversed your new signature (as well as performing a simple histogram on it), and am trying to figure out the repeating key business. It appears to begin with the word 'if' and end with the word 'others,' but I'm still trying to figure out the exact pattern.

- Warren

p.s. Sorry about closing the thread!
  • #93
Remember the unused key, from before...
  • #94
Okay've done enough. You have solved another clue, so I'm shutting you down again.

Moonbear may get back in at 9pm ET and Chroot gets activated again at midnight ET (9pm PT).
  • #95
Chroot, if there's anything you wish to say, short of solving this last clue (yes this one's the final clue), you may say it now, and then hold your peace for another 8 hrs.
  • #96
*bites tongue*

- Warren
  • #97

*bites tongue really really hard*

Bravo, Gokul, Bravo.

- Warren
  • #98
Thanks chroot, I take it you've...

Anyway, put some ice in your mouth - you'll be okay. :biggrin:
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  • #99
Glad Chroot found that because I saw it earlier and was having a hard time keeping my fingers off the keyboard! :smile:

9PM, okay...I guess local time, since we're both on the same local time? I guess I better wrap up what I'm working on in the next three hours so I can jump back into the game! Or maybe since the prize is a membership upgrade, and I don't need one of those, I might just give some other folks a chance and just help out with hints as I find stuff.

Oops, just realized you did specify the time zone. I better get my game cap back on!
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  • #100
Gokul43201 said:
Thanks chroot, I take it you've...

Anyway, put some ice in your mouth - you'll be okay. :biggrin:

Try scotch! It's better at numbing the pain. :wink: :biggrin:
  • #101
Moonbear said:
Try scotch! :biggrin:

Is there any other way to have ice ?? :confused:
  • #102
Moonbear : you're ON. Looks like you're the only one playing, anyway.
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  • #103
And I'm late getting back. I need to catch up.
  • #104
I know I'm close, but am not certain of the final detail:

Reverse Gokul's new signature and remove the repeats of the key "Caesar"...we were told to keep it, and I did, but took a while to see how it was used.
This gives the phrase:
"if u factor hardy’s cab#, the unlucky one is the __ of the others"

Not being a mathematician, this took a little Googling to figure out.

I found out that 1729 is known as the Hardy-Ramanujan number, based on some anectdote about an unlucky cab ride for Hardy in cab #1729.

The factors are: 7*13*19 (this figures, we know Gokul's fondness for prime numbers).

So, remove the 13 (the unlucky one). But I'm still not sure how to fill in the blank. Do I just multiply the remaining two? That's 133. Or is the blank supposed to be a word, the middle. It's the average as well (I hadn't thought of that until I wrote middle).

I'd have posted as I worked through it, but it just all struck me at once, so there wasn't much work to show until I suddenly cracked the code.
  • #105
Moonbear, check the clue again, carefully. "if u factor hardy’s cab#, the unlucky one is the __ of the others" You are missing a very tiny detail here...but I'm not sure that'll help.

Do you see any pattern between the numbers ?

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