Random Thoughts Part 4 - Split Thread

In summary, Danger has a small crush on Swedish TV, and thinks that the russians are bad arses. He also mentions that taking a math class at 8:00 isdestructive.
  • #3,641
WWGD said:
It may be hard to implement unless done very carefully. Workers are either Mexicans whoo don't speak English well, or high school kids who can barely do Math.
You don't need math. You would just tell them, "When it's only one topping, use about this much, but when it's two, use a little less of each one, and then even less for each new topping."
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #3,642
zoobyshoe said:
You don't need math. You would just tell them, "When it's only one topping, use about this much, but when it's two, use a little less of each one, and then even less for each new topping."
Sorry, I need research to verify. Around $400 to buy 10 sets of pizzas from each type, then weigh amount of toppings in each.
  • #3,643
Ibix said:
True - "somewhere between 8 and 9 percent" would probably do for most purposes. And then taking a quarter of the difference between 8 and 9 percent would get me the rest of the way. The problem is that it never even occurs to me to think about it until I'm stood at the till with my $10 item and my $10 bill wondering why they're charging me $10.88.

I used to be treasurer of a student society many years ago. Student societies don't pay VAT, so if the society bought something that included it you needed a "VAT receipt", which shows the amount of VAT paid, and the university could claim it back. The books refused to balance one time, which I eventually tracked down to one VAT receipt (from a well known national chain) that showed that we had paid (for the sake of argument) £10 for something, of which £1.75 was tax. The tax rate at the time was 17.5%...

Warning: lame joke ahead. A joke that does not work in writting, only if told (and not even half-good then ).

They don't pay Vat (what)?
  • #3,644
WWGD said:
Sorry, I need research to verify. Around $400 to buy 10 sets of pizzas from each type, then weigh amount of toppings in each.
Social engineering is a cheaper way: make friends with a Papa John's employee.
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Likes Silicon Waffle
  • #3,645
Or, alternatively, get a grad student to apply for a job at a pizza restaurant and report back? You could even show a profit on your research from the grad student's wages, which you could plough into further pizza. I mean research.
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Likes Silicon Waffle and WWGD
  • #3,646
Tonight Mysteries at the Museum told an incendiary story I've never heard before. After WWII American cities had a healthy and popular public transit system: the electric streetcar. However, a conglomerate of US Auto manufacturers conspired to bring it down so that everyone would eventually turn to the private automobile. They bought up all the street car companies all over the country, took the street cars offline little by little and replaced them with crappy, smelly and uncomfortable busses. Now public transit sucked, and people did, indeed, decide to buy their own cars.
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  • #3,647
WWGD said:
... I have accidentally sent myself mail because of the way Outlook is laid out.
Yep. :oldgrumpy:
  • #3,648
dlgoff said:
Yep. :oldgrumpy:

If Bill Gates had a nickel for every bug in Outlook...

Oh wait, he does...
  • #3,649
dkotschessaa said:
If Bill Gates had a nickel for every bug in Outlook...

Oh wait, he does...
He has a nickel for every nickel he has not bothered spending in quality control for sure. There is no doubt on who has the real power: marketing and sales and definitely not engineering.
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Likes Silicon Waffle
  • #3,650
I seem to have an autistic-like disposition at times. There was this store's schedule described as: Friday: from 6 a.m. to 6 a.m. And then something in me said: it cannot be, the second 6 a.m will not fall on Friday! It is , of course, clear what they meant, but the very slight ambiguity just bothered me. Had I been further gone towards this disposition, I would have talked to the store's owner about it (pretty sure s/he would have told me to get the $%* out of there, rightfully so).
  • #3,651
WWGD said:
It is , of course, clear what they meant...
Not to me. What did they mean?
  • #3,652
zoobyshoe said:
Not to me. What did they mean?

I would say from 6 a.m. on Friday to 6 a.m. on Saturday morning. If it is an uninterrupted block of time (as displayed), that is the only way in which I can make sense of it. Maybe it is not an autistic thing if others don't see it either.
  • #3,653
WWGD said:
I would say from 6 a.m. on Friday to 6 a.m. on Saturday morning. If it is an uninterrupted block of time (as displayed), that is the only way in which I can make sense of it. Maybe it is not an autistic thing if others don't see it either.
It could have meant 6 A.M. to 6 P.M., though. It's my experience that 24 hour blocks are expressed as 12 A.M. to 12 P.M. So, I wouldn't have known what to make of the sign.
  • #3,654
zoobyshoe said:
It could have meant 6 A.M. to 6 P.M., though. It's my experience that 24 hour blocks are expressed as 12 A.M. to 12 P.M. So, I wouldn't have known what to make of the sign.
You're right, I was assuming it was a special Christmas schedule , and there were two days marked that way, so I thought it was not a mistake, but meant that way.
  • #3,655
WWGD said:
You're right, I was assuming it was a special Christmas schedule , and there were two days marked that way, so I thought it was not a mistake, but meant that way.

But a genuinely strange thing to do, I would say, is what I see some restaurants do, where they state their schedule as : Monday: 10-6 . Tuesday, 10:6 ,.., Saturday 10-6 , Sunday 10-6 . And then state _the exact same menu_ separately , for lunch and dinner every day, instead of : Open 10-6 daily, menu is ...
  • #3,656
WWGD said:
But a genuinely strange thing to do, I would say, is what I see some restaurants do, where they state their schedule as : Monday: 10-6 . Tuesday, 10:6 ,.., Saturday 10-6 , Sunday 10-6 . And then state _the exact same menu_ separately , for lunch and dinner every day, instead of : Open 10-6 daily, menu is ...
I think restaurant owners/managers are all more or less insane in that, they are completely deluded about what makes a sign intelligible.

On that note, I would also like to complain that almost no restaurant has their holiday hours posted online. For example, I could not find whether any specific Starbucks was going to be open on Thanksgiving or Christmas, only the generic information that some might possibly be open with abbreviated hours. So, I called a couple, and there was not even a recording: just endless ringing with no answer.
  • #3,657
zoobyshoe said:
I think restaurant owners/managers are all more or less insane in that, they are completely deluded about what makes a sign intelligible.

On that note, I would also like to complain that almost no restaurant has their holiday hours posted online. For example, I could not find whether any specific Starbucks was going to be open on Thanksgiving or Christmas, only the generic information that some might possibly be open with abbreviated hours. So, I called a couple, and there was not even a recording: just endless ringing with no answer.

I agree with you entirely. I don't know there , but here business owners do not include cross streets in the directions they include in their leaflets. They will say, e.g., 1650 Avenue A , and there is no good way of knowing the cross streets. And ditto for the hours of operation. I do not have a natural disposition for running a business but it seems the first thing you would think of doing is helping the customer know where you are located and your businesses' hours.
But the attitude seems to be: you want something from my business? Look it up, come here and ask me, or else. OK, dude, if I don't patronize your business, I can walk half a block and find another one, maybe a few others. Strange ways. So much for market competition creating lean, mean business practices.

Ditto for business hours during holidays, I completely agree with you. All it would take would be an entry -level employee manning a free website. Go figure, I sure don't get it.
  • #3,658
It is too bad that the Churros place closed down , just before Winter began. Perfect to have churros and hot chocolate in winter.
  • #3,659
I'm thinking I should stop lurking so much and be more active.
  • #3,660
Giant said:
I'm thinking I should stop lurking so much and be more active.
Now you brought up the feeling of guilt in me. for doing the same.
  • #3,661
WWGD said:
Now you brought up the feeling of guilt in me. for doing the same.
Apparently it adds to the load on the server. So a friend suggested I should stop lurking on all the websites and contribute if I'm using them
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Likes Silicon Waffle
  • #3,662
I love food for thought. It reminds me to always play nice, fair, sincere and be kind to all people. Otherwise I may grow a cancerous lump in the brain.
  • #3,663
Silicon Waffle said:
I love food for thought. It reminds me to always play nice, fair, sincere and be kind to all people. Otherwise I may grow a cancerous lump in the brain.
I only have low fat food for thought.
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Likes Silicon Waffle
  • #3,664
I don't know how, but Lifetime channel has achieved the ability to pull things from at least a week in the future back to the present:
Screen shot 2015-12-27 at 12.20.41 AM.png
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  • #3,665
zoobyshoe said:
I don't know how, but Lifetime channel has achieved the ability to pull things from at least a week in the future back to the present:View attachment 93709
I don't remember having seen Lifetime movies, as I surf between channels , that are easy going and light-hearted. Look at the title in your link, "Stalked by my Doctor" .Most of their movies just seem to be over the top dramas. I guess it is fitting for the radical fem crowd they cater to.
  • #3,666
Edit option disappears after sometime. :cry:
  • #3,667
Giant said:
Edit option disappears after sometime. :cry:
I think it is after around a day.
  • #3,668
WWGD said:
I think it is after around a day.
It's less than 6 hours. I can't edit my other post. I'll be reeally careful from next time.
  • #3,669
Giant said:
It's less than 6 hours. I can't edit my other post. I'll be reeally careful from next time.
If it is something you really want deleted, contact a staff member, they will help you.
  • #3,672
WWGD said:
I don't see it as a major issue, but it is ultimately up to you.
Yea, I'll be careful next time. Wont bother the staff.
  • #3,673
WWGD said:
I don't remember having seen Lifetime movies, as I surf between channels , that are easy going and light-hearted. Look at the title in your link, "Stalked by my Doctor" .Most of their movies just seem to be over the top dramas. I guess it is fitting for the radical fem crowd they cater to.
Yes, but the point is that the movie in question is labeled as having been released in 2016. But, it is currently 2015.
  • #3,674
zoobyshoe said:
Yes, but the point is that the movie in question is labeled as having been released in 2016. But, it is currently 2015.
They seem to label them that way sometimes. But maybe you ran into a gap of the space-time continuum, which I say is more plausible -- if I was one of the " alien theorists" ; ). EDIT: there may be some marketing behind it where 2015 may sound as old and outdated at this time of the year and using 2016 may make it seem newer and more exciting..
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  • #3,675
Here's a case where exact details would be enlightening:


The man's death is being laid to inattention; the assumption being he let himself be distracted by a cell phone or camera, and walked off a cliff. But seriously, we need to know if drugs or alcohol was involved, or maybe driving fatigue triggered a rare, but not unheard of, migrainous disorder of balance at an exceptionally inopportune time? Also, they haven't found the 'device'. Did he just get a text saying something unbelievably incendiary that would have distracted even the ever-so-mindful dalai lama? I find it hard to buy an explanation of mere inattention.
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