Random Thoughts Part 4 - Split Thread

In summary, Danger has a small crush on Swedish TV, and thinks that the russians are bad arses. He also mentions that taking a math class at 8:00 isdestructive.
  • #946
Literally 15 minutes into harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1 I already find too much 'fun' details' from the book missing.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #947
Maybe I read what you write because I am worried you may be ruining my farms.
Yesterday my mom just embroidered me a scarlet letter H and I would want to sew it into my T-Shirt to tell people "I am a homophobia". :oldsmile:
  • #948
JorisL said:
Literally 15 minutes into harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1 I already find too much 'fun' details' from the book missing.

One of the reasons I didn't watch part 2.
  • #949
Silicon Waffle said:
Maybe I read what you write because I am worried you may be ruining my farms.
Yesterday my mom just embroidered me a scarlet letter H and I would want to sew it into my T-Shirt to tell people "I am a homophobia". :oldsmile:
What? Maybe it's a language thing. What do farms and being opposed to gay people have in common?
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  • #950
Evo said:
What? Maybe it's a language thing. What do farms and being opposed to gay people have in common?
I met a cowboy who is a homophobia and just couldn't get his behaviors off my mind. o0)
  • #951
Just three hours away from a 90-95% eclipse... will it be cloudy or clear? It looks ok now, but the sky has got some clouds :frown:, I hope for the best :woot:. I will try to take some photos (I've made my own cheap sun filter) and post on PF if it turns out alright. (I've witnessed a total eclipse in 1999, really bad weather, but interesting experience)
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  • #952
Will that help censor the ignorant's mouths ?
  • #953
Ugh hate workplace politics... I'm ALWAYS the diplomatic one whether everyone else tends to lose their heads.. especially in the service industry where STEM graduates are desperately needed it just seems petty for people to argue/steal (it happens a lot and imo is a systemic proollblem) over 20-40 dollar tips...

Poor girl today was stiffed on a 400 dollar order... I'm getting trained/groomed for management ALREADY (ugh) by another douchebag manager FML
  • #954
DennisN said:
Just three hours away from a 90-95% eclipse... will it be cloudy or clear? It looks ok now, but the sky has got some clouds :frown:, I hope for the best :woot:. I will try to take some photos (I've made my own cheap sun filter) and post on PF if it turns out alright. (I've witnessed a total eclipse in 1999, really bad weather, but interesting experience)
One hour left... and it is cloudy! :cry: And my tripod broke :biggrin:, so I had to improvise and build a crappy camera stand. My photos will NOT be of any Hubble quality, that's for sure! :DD

EDIT: It was very cloudy but I did get a couple of shots through the clouds, not spectacular, but I have posted some of them in the eclipse thread.
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  • #955
I know well I am being scientifically blessed to have been made up for what I once lost. I am thankful for that.
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  • #956
Happy new year and happy spring!:)
  • #957
Lisa! said:
Happy new year and happy spring!:)
Navroz Mubarak!
(Had to google that.)
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  • #958
Kill who ever is responsible for the weather.. they just couldn't let the sky be clear yesterday, could they?? Missed my eclipse -.-. The sky did turn dark, but I wanted to see it :s
  • #959
Lisa! said:
Happy new year and happy spring!:)

Seems like a smarter idea to start the year towards the beginning of Spring (specially in latitudes with Winter ) than in Winter. Mood-wise, to associate a beginning of the year with Spring seems much better than beginning in Winter. Besides, "analogically" there seems to be a better match between Spring , with flowers blooming, and beginnings than Winter, where natural life is suspended, and beginnings. Wonder if that was the reason Persian New Year is in March. Is it, Lisa(Lisa-1)(Lisa-2)...2.1 ?
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  • #960
Yesterday, I decided I didn't know how to properly cover one of my boats:


as the rain had obviously messed up my plans.

But today, I came up with a new theory:


Which also answered another question: Where did they come up with the term 'Catenary'?

IMNO, you can ignore the standard etymological answer:

Catenary: History
The word catenary is derived from the Latin word catena, which means "chain". The English word catenary is usually attributed to Thomas Jefferson, who wrote in a letter to Thomas Paine on the construction of an arch for a bridge:
Thomas Jefferson said:
I have lately received from Italy a treatise on the equilibrium of arches, by the Abbé Mascheroni. It appears to be a very scientifical work. I have not yet had time to engage in it; but I find that the conclusions of his demonstrations are, that every part of the catenary is in perfect equilibrium.

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  • #961
OmCheeto said:
That looks like a sizable hole in your boat. :wideeyed:
  • #962
Borg said:
That looks like a sizable hole in your boat. :wideeyed:

It's a woody.
It don't care.

Honey badger of boats. :-p

  • #963
Broken boats often bring back good memories.
  • #964
OmCheeto said:
It's a woody.
It don't care.

Honey badger of boats. :-p
It's amazing how that boat blends in with the environment...
  • #965
Hesperus? Queen Anne's Revenge?
  • #966
Verizon is advertising half-fast internet, which sounds like half-assed internet. Wonder if it is intentional.

Seems no one celebrated square root 10 day on 3/16, arguably a better approximation to ##\sqrt 10 ## than 3.14 is to ##\pi ##.

BTW, the ref. to Lisa(Lisa-1)..2.1 was a reference to the factorial at the end of the name Lisa!.
  • #967
I've been watching my Chuuk neighbors for the last week.
They have many, as I've mentioned, tiny children.
They play.

Last week, we had a nasty windstorm, and I ended up with about a bazillion Doug Fir cones in my yard.

Now, I'm old, and can't bend over well, so the cone mess, and the Chuuk kids, being tiny, struck me as being a win-win situation:
I'd pay them a penny a piece, for the cones, and they could cash it in for candy.

I was hesitant to ask the Chuuk parents, to hire the Chuuk kids, as people might get the wrong idea.

Providence though, sent me three kids today, aged 6, 8, and 9, from my best estimation, knocking on my front door, asking for nickel cans, about an hour ago.
After I gave them my 40 cents worth of cans, I asked if they'd like to make some real money.
They looked at me, with wary eyes, as all well trained children should, and I explained the situation.

Nice things:
They collectively made $16 in about 30 minutes, didn't cheat me at all when I dumped my piggy bank out on the front porch to pay them, and trusted me.

Creepy things:
It reminded me of @edward 's comment:

edward said:
...the missing Joad families

They live down the block.
  • #968
DennisN said:
It's amazing how that boat blends in with the environment...
You see, the very old boat is submerging, only some of the last broken parts on top are afloat on water surface.
  • #969
Silicon Waffle said:
You see, the very old boat is submerging, only some of the last broken parts on top are afloat on water surface.
a submarine in its infancy xD
  • #970
WWGD said:
Verizon is advertising half-fast internet, which sounds like half-assed internet. Wonder if it is intentional.
I'm sure it's just a coincidence just like this one. :biggrin:

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  • #971
Bystander said:
Hesperus? Queen Anne's Revenge?

I really should finish that thread.
  • #972
Borg said:
I'm sure it's just a coincidence just like this one. :biggrin:

Haha, that's pretty good. I just shipped my pants laughing ;).
  • #973
I am such a tough dude that I had a bad trip ...on store-bought Chai mix and almond milk. Beware.
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Likes Silicon Waffle
  • #974
OmCheeto! Look at this ship, it's making a wheelie! :oldlaugh:
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  • #975
Psinter said:
OmCheeto! Look at this ship, it's making a wheelie! :oldlaugh:
Have you ever tried becoming someone he may hate or like instead of poking fun at tiny unarmed laymen like me ? I think you're a real good joker. :oldsmile:
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  • #976
Psinter said:
OmCheeto! Look at this ship, it's making a wheelie! :oldlaugh:
I so shouldn't laught at that, but I can't help myself...that is just hysterical :D
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  • #977
This job is literally killing me and is scaring me back to school (looking for PhD programs in the next tab)
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Likes Silicon Waffle
  • #978
wukunlin said:
This job is literally killing me and is scaring me back to school (looking for PhD programs in the next tab)

I saw the next tab and didn't see you there ; ).
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Likes Silicon Waffle
  • #979
DennisN said:
It's amazing how that boat blends in with the environment...

Even stranger, is that is was over 9 years ago, and I've still got that hunk of wood sitting in the back yard.

But anyways, all of my friends, were noticeably upset that week.


She was one of 3 people on the beach I was with the day it happened.
I was just happy no one died.

Tsunami's are freaky, powerful things.
Even on a small, cargo vessel powered, river scale.
I think the wave was only 3 meters high, so I could really appreciate the big scale version, that occurred just 4 years ago:

  • #980
wukunlin said:
This job is literally killing me and is scaring me back to school (looking for PhD programs in the next tab)

Fortune's best 100 companies to work for just came out. I don't know if they are based where you live though, but if they are, maybe a good idea to give them a try?

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