Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, 6 YTBN Shot, Killed In Tuscon AZ

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  • Thread starter nismaratwork
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In summary: I then went in the front door and around customer service to the copy machine. I was in the middle of copying when I heard a series of loud pops. I thought to myself: Why are people setting off firecrackers, don't they know that they could get in trouble with a member of congress so near? Then a couple came in covered with blood and other people rushed by to help. I continued to copy until I thought that this is stupid, I should either help or get out of the way. I walked over to where the shooting took place. There were people lying around I assume dead and injured. It was just like a scene from the movies. Blood everywhere. There
  • #106
CNN right now: Doctor "optimistic" about her recovery.

The shooter is still on the loose. Maybe two people are involved??

EDIT: Sorry n@w missed your post.
Physics news on
  • #107
The shooter has had recent *encounters* with local police. I just watched a live news conference. He had a semi-automatic with extended magazine.

The shooter is in custody and is refusing to speak, there is a second *person of interest* that is loose.
  • #108
i'm with Pengwuino on this. I've been "reading" his youtube videos, and the kid just seems a bubble off to me. [STRIKE]if this ain't a call to get mental health help for war vets, i don't know what is.[/STRIKE]
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  • #109
Thanks Evo, "your" CNN seems to be 5-10 min faster than mine... :confused:
  • #110
DevilsAvocado said:
Thanks Evo, "your" CNN seems to be 5-10 min faster than mine... :confused:
It was on ABC.
  • #111
Who said he's ex military? I've heard he was not in the military.
  • #112
Evo said:
Who said he's ex military? I've heard he was not in the military.

The initial reports were that he was an afghan war veteran but the military is saying they have no record of him serving.
  • #113
Apparently the Army rejected him back in 2008.
  • #114
Pengwuino said:
The initial reports were that he was an afghan war veteran but the military is saying they have no record of him serving.
He was never in the military.

The Army has issued the following statement:

"The Army has confirmed that the suspect was never in the Army. He attempted to enlist in the Army but was rejected for service. In accordance with the Privacy Act, we will not discuss why he was rejected."
  • #115
nismaratwork said:
this man is mentallly ill aka NUTS.

No doubt about that.<object width="480" height="385">
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  • #116
Already on Wikipedia:"
Status of Giffords

Reuters, NPR, CNN, and other news agencies initially reported that the shot was fatal, but this statement was soon amended to reflect that Giffords is in critical condition.[7] Giffords underwent emergency surgery,[2] but managed to survive the attack and is recovering, reported the Washington Post.[9] According to Dr. Peter Rhee[10] from University Medical Center in Tucson, the bullet went through Giffords's brain, exiting from the other side of her head. Giffords is currently in critical care under anesthesia.[2][11]
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  • #118
Is this" ?

Friendly warning: Do NOT google for "Jared Lee Loughner" pictures, the virus hackers ARE fast!
(and they almost took my machine down )
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  • #119
arildno said:
I think Palin's ad was neither offensive or dumb, ...
Nor unusual for politics.
  • #120
DevilsAvocado said:
Ah, don’t have.

CNN: Gabrielle Giffords WAS the target.
I see no such information on CNN or anywhere else. Can you please provide a link?
  • #121
mheslep said:
I see no such information on CNN or anywhere else. Can you please provide a link?

Link?:confused:? We old folks are watching TV! (you know that "strange box" in the dustiest corner of the livingroom)

  • #123
DevilsAvocado said:
Link?:confused:? We old folks are watching TV! (you know that "strange box" in the dustiest corner of the livingroom)

Well I believe you or your source is mistaken.
  • #124
mheslep said:
Well I believe you or your source is mistaken.

Well I believe you're in some hardcore denial. The man apparently ran directly up to the congresswoman and fired at her first. Unless you're telling me the Pima County Sheriff is mistaken.
  • #125
mheslep said:
Nor unusual for politics.

Well, I can tell you one thing, if this "ad" was run in Norway (where arildno live) the career of that Norwegian politician would be over, for life, period. He/She would probably go thru a lawsuit for slander/insult/illegal threat, or something like that.

Therefore I can’t understand why our friend arildno pretends this is "okay"... because it isn’t.
  • #126
Now CNN is showing YouTube clips. PF was faster...
  • #127
mheslep said:
Well I believe you or your source is mistaken.
AZ shooting targets US congresswoman, kills 6

mheslp, where is your source saying different?
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  • #128
Jack21222 said:
Well I believe you're in some hardcore denial. The man apparently ran directly up to the congresswoman and fired at her first. Unless you're telling me the Pima County Sheriff is mistaken.
There were 16 people shot, 6 of them dead including a child, the Congresswoman fortunately is still alive. I hadn't see the Sheriff's statement. Absent that statement, it's hardly denial to conclude the killer was simply an unfocused nut.
  • #129
Evo said:
AZ shooting targets US congresswoman, kills 6

mheslp, where is your source saying different?

OMG! I was just thinking, what if he was targeting the congresswoman. :shy:
We have all had such a long day trying to understand why this would happen and even more perhaps realizing that our freedom in this free land is almost over.
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  • #130
Evo said:
AZ shooting targets US congresswoman, kills 6

mheslp, where is your source saying different?
I was questioning the previously un-sourced conclusion that the congresswoman " was the target" given the random collection of injured in addition to the murdered federal judge. Now I see the sheriff believes she was.
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  • #131
And now CNN is showing the SARAHPAC.


Pengwuino, you should call them and tell them"!
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  • #132
mheslep said:
I was questioning the previously un-sourced conclusion that the congresswoman " was the target" given the random collection of injured in addition to the murdered federal judge. Now I see the sheriff believes she was.

Eyewitnesses have been saying since this first happened that he walked directly up to the congresswoman and fired at her first. I don't believe for a second that this is the first time you've heard any evidence stating that she was the target.
  • #133
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  • #134
Pengwuino said:
They are. Anyone politicizing this is a moron. Anyone who thinks Sarah Palin caused this (as some people showing up on news reports are already claiming) is mentally disturbed themselves.

LOL! Well I must love you for your guts! One penguin against the whole world! And we are not talking OS! :D
  • #135
She could have caused it, she may not have *intended* to cause it the woman's actual death, two different things. But this kid was apparently affected by things he read according to sources close to him. A friend called him a political radical.
  • #136
DevilsAvocado said:
A terrible and horrible tragedy...

And serious guys – why all this ballistic talk...?? WTF is going on? This will keep me awake tonight:"


Pengwuino said:
Honestly, can't you morons keep politics out of even something like this? The guy was a psychotic. He didn't need Sarah Palin to tell him to do this.


100% proven Palin ordered the shooting .
The link is CLEAR


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  • #137
AZ Congresswoman and Federal Judge Gunned Down Today

I am really surprised to see this hasn't made any headlines here, particularly as so many other firearms issues have over the years." .

Bottom line is that some insane nut went ballistic on one of our Congressmen (woman in her case), killing a federal judge, and several of her staff.

No one else has responded on this particular issue, so I'll simply lay it out on the line: I feel this is a case of both murder (x6, to date) and attempted murder (x the rest who were injured).

Where the case goes from here is not my concern. As a retired veteran of 20 years, however, and I think I speak for the vast majority of vets who continue to exercise our 2A right to keep and bear arms, had I been carrying in the perp's vicinity, they may have fired a shot or two before I would have fired in response.

When a country disarms their own law-abiding citizenry, they pull the plug on their own citizens being allowed to defend themselves. A smart, well-educated populace will recognize this for what it is, reject it, and say, "No thanks. We got it." so far as the interior defence is concerned.
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  • #140
Evo said:
She could have caused it, she may not have *intended* to cause it the woman's actual death, two different things. But this kid was apparently affected by things he read according to sources close to him. A friend called him a political radical.

source? i thought i read that he said the guy was politically active but not a radical.

"caused" is a bit premature. the youtube vids are just so rambling, i think he might be a bit schizophrenic. one minute, he seems like your standard tea partier or libertarian, the next he's going on about BCE & ADE, mind control, grammar...

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