Smart or Attractive? Biology's Debate on Selection

  • Thread starter Evo
  • Start date
In summary: The easy choice obviously would to have looks and intelligence.which one says no most often?How dumb? and How homely? :biggrin:How dumb? and How homely? :biggrin:Let's say 5 on a scale of ten for both, so average.Intelligence == beautyI just realized I'm somewhat shallow. :redface: I want at least a 6 on my scale of attractivess with DD being a 10.I voted for intelligent but homely. If my wife finds out that I voted at all, it will be the end of me. After all, she's no dummy. I doubt I could even go 5 rounds with someone stupid.

If made to choose, what would be your choice?

  • your mate would be intelligent but homely

    Votes: 63 65.6%
  • your mate would be beautiful but dumb

    Votes: 33 34.4%

  • Total voters
  • #141
jim mcnamara said:
Are you medium or rare?
Both rare and yet well done.
Physics news on
  • #142
Evo said:
This is from a pop up poll on OKC.
On dating websites, how much would you be willing to pay for a bio-chemical test, which measures your match quality with other people? Listing prices from $10 to $200.
No option for ZERO.

Uhm, ok.

I thought you could just smell each others sweaty arm pits and if you weren't grossly offended by the smell then you were a chemical match. Thats the cheap option, plus you have fun getting close enough and sweaty enough:biggrin:
  • #143
Doc Al said:
Both rare and yet well done.
<sigh> Just the way I like them.
  • #144
Kurdt said:
I thought you could just smell each others sweaty arm pits and if you weren't grossly offended by the smell then you were a chemical match. Thats the cheap option, plus you have fun getting close enough and sweaty enough:biggrin:
So, I should have men send me their soiled t-shirts? What about old socks?
  • #145
Evo said:
Since I have your real e-mail address, yes, I slipped you a mickey, your e-mail account wasn't the only thing you confessed...muwahahaha.


Evo said:
If no one else volunteers, I'm afraid you're stuck with me until Red Rum returns to unburden you. After all, he did almost become a priest. Patience of a saint, he has.

see,.. now...---I don't know whether to take that as a compliment---or a threat to my sanity
  • #146
Evo said:
So, I should have men send me their soiled t-shirts? What about old socks?

I wouldn't go for old socks, but T-shirts shouldn't be too bad.
  • #147
Kurdt said:
I thought you could just smell each others sweaty arm pits and if you weren't grossly offended by the smell then you were a chemical match. Thats the cheap option, plus you have fun getting close enough and sweaty enough:biggrin:

one of the ex's used to go to sleep with her head in/on my armpit-----she told me she had read that it helped (supposedly) stabilize her period.---(anything to help her in that area)
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  • #148
Evo said:
Hair's too short.

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  • #149
Astronuc said:
:smile:[/URL] Better. Can you get it over the tips of his ears?
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  • #150
rewebster said:
one of the ex's used to go to sleep with her head in/on my armpit-----she told me she had read that it helped (supposedly) stabilize her period.---(anything to help her in that area)
What? Where on Earth did she read that? :bugeye:
  • #151
Evo said:
:smile: Better. Can you get it over the tips of his ears?

Front or back?

I guess you can't see the ponytail from this angle. :frown:

Umm - work with me here, Evo - use some imagination. I'm so close. :approve:
  • #152
Astronuc said:
Front or back?

I guess you can't see the ponytail from this angle. :frown:

Umm - work with me here, Evo - use some imagination. I'm so close. :approve:
:-p Sides, facing front.
  • #153
Are we there yet?​
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  • #154
Astronuc said:
Are we there yet?​
Oh,[/URL] OH. We're talking now baybee. Put a copy of the Heimskringla in his hands, a glass of sherry in the other. (wait, can you dress him in a silk smoking jacket and an ascot? :!)
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  • #155
Ok, Evo, you've complained about the guys whom you dated were not romantic.​

Well how about flowers, and basket of goodies including dark chocolate, chocolate with nuts, and champagne?
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  • #156
Evo said:
Oh, OH. We're talking now baybee. Put a copy of the Heimskringla in his hands, a glass of sherry in the other. (wait, can you dress him in a silk smoking jacket and an ascot? :!)
You're not asking for much are you?

If you give me enough time. I've got to finish clearing the driveway of 10'' of snow.

OK - the Heimskringla is in the basket.

I'm working on the smoking jacket (but he doesn't smoke) and ascot. :rolleyes:
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  • #157
turbo-1 said:
I I told him that he should start doing his laundry in a coin-op laundromat in our town (county seat with lots of smaller towns on the periphery), and when women were coming in the door with loads of laundry, go open the door for them. Then, as he was loading his machines, he should ask harmless things like "how much detergent do you put in these big commercial washers?" etc. If a woman was slightly interested in him, she would help him get squared away, and if she was more interested, she might strike up a conversation. A laundromat on a Saturday afternoon is pretty neutral territory, doing laundry takes time, and talking to somebody who might be interesting can be a whole lot better than thumbing through 2-year-old copies of People magazine. It didn't take him long to meet some good potential dates/mates.

That really can work for a guy, not such a good option for women to meet men though. The reason is that there are SO MANY MORE women than men in the laundromats! So, a guy who actually heads there to do his laundry might have quite a lot of women to talk to (though many will have husbands and children...though the children are usually tagging along, so pretty easy to spot them). Back when I used laundromats, there was a consistent pattern that any guy who looked like he might be an eligible young professional (as opposed to being a too young for Moonbear college student) would just walk in, head straight to the back office, drop off his laundry at the counter with the person who did laundry by the pound, or pick up the finished laundry, and then head right back out the door...not a moment spent looking around the room, or stopping long enough to even say hello and make an introduction. Dangit! If they just stayed to DO their laundry, I would have struck up a conversation with them and found out if they were eligible, but rushing in and out like they did, there was no chance (I assumed if they could pay extra for someone else to do their laundry for them, they were either employed in a good enough job to afford extras, or they were just totally hopeless about doing their own laundry...the former would have been nice, the latter I could do without).
  • #158
Doc Al said:
Both rare and yet well done.

Ooh, now that's what I like! Though, are you the right vintage? :biggrin:
  • #159
Evo said:
Yes, I have. I met a great guy and he was so shy that he had trouble looking at me, getting close to me, one night I finally grabbed him at the curb and kissed him to make it clear I was interested. It took his best friend 3 weeks to get him to call me and ask me out after that. And this was a very well known, powerful attorney here, he was in charge of a few of the most popular charitable dances and social functions in town due to his social status. I couldn't pry words out of his mouth.

How can you like someone that barely speaks? How do you get to know them? How do you make the connections?

Honestly I don't get it. I can meet a very pretty girl but turn her down in 5 minutes because she hasn't made me smile yet (using words or doing something playful which is something shy people can't do). Although all my guy friends are still into it, I'm not. If I don't get value in a positive sense and see quality, then I'm out.

There is no way a shy girl would cut it because they don't have the social ability to do it. I'd have to literally get to know them for a long time for them to get comfortable around me enough for me to get to know them. Hence, why I would never go on a date with a shy girl if I just met her.

Honestly, all I see are excuses after excuses.
  • #160
Astronuc said:
Are we there yet?​

Elvis lives!
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  • #161
Moonbear said:
So, a guy who actually heads there to do his laundry might have quite a lot of women to talk to (though many will have husbands and children...though the children are usually tagging along, so pretty easy to spot them). Back when I used laundromats, there was a consistent pattern that any guy who looked like he might be an eligible young professional (as opposed to being a too young for Moonbear college student) would just walk in, head straight to the back office, drop off his laundry at the counter with the person who did laundry by the pound, or pick up the finished laundry, and then head right back out the door...not a moment spent looking around the room, or stopping long enough to even say hello and make an introduction. Dangit!
Why would you want to say "hi" to such an uppity snit in the first place? Remember that construction workers, contract workers, and technical sales/service people can easily be stuck in your town over the weekend. They will not be hooked into the $/# bulk service and will be mostly unfamiliar with the washing machines and with the dryers. Ladies need not be shut out by the laundromat ploy. There are a lot of guys who are " on the bounce" that are suddenly using coin-op laundries too, so choose well, ladies. His ex may have tossed him for a good reason, but he may well be out there clean and free.
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  • #162
turbo-1 said:
Why would you want to say "hi" to such an uppity snit in the first place?
Why do you assume they were uppity? They may have simply been very busy and in a hurry dropping off clothes before running off to a meeting.

Remember that construction workers, contract workers, and technical sales/service people can easily be stuck in your town over the weekend. They will not be hooked into the $/# bulk service and will be mostly unfamiliar with the washing machines and with the dryers. Ladies need not be shut out by the laundromat ploy. There are a lot of guys who are " on the bounce" that are suddenly using coin-op laundries too, so choose well, ladies. His ex may have tossed him for a good reason.
It's a nice thought, but there weren't any men at all coming into the laundromat to actually do laundry. I don't know was even next to a pizza parlor, so you could grab a pizza and watch whatever game they had on while waiting for your laundry (and yes, I would sometimes do that too...sometimes had nice conversations with folks in the pizza parlor, though none were ever eligible or sufficiently interesting).

It could just be that most single, eligible people were living in the nicer apartment complexes that had their own laundry rooms, so they didn't need to head to the laundromat. The married couples with kids living in small houses without a washer and dryer may have been the only ones using the laundromats. Or, maybe the guys went to the other laundromats in seedier locations because they don't care while us single women chose the one that was in a safer neighborhood with an attendant present at all times.

I wouldn't have minded meeting a guy in a laundromat, because at least I'd know he knew how to do his own laundry and wasn't bringing it all home to mom still.
  • #163
Moonbear said:
I wouldn't have minded meeting a guy in a laundromat, because at least I'd know he knew how to do his own laundry and wasn't bringing it all home to mom still.
  • #164
Astronuc said:
You're not asking for much are you?

If you give me enough time. I've got to finish clearing the driveway of 10'' of snow.

OK - the Heimskringla is in the basket.

I'm working on the smoking jacket (but he doesn't smoke) and ascot. :rolleyes:
Oh, no smoking, just the jacket.

Wait, he has a beard now. :-p
  • #165
Evo said:
Oh, no smoking, just the jacket.

Wait, he has a beard now. :-p
At least you got Dilbert, and not Wally!
  • #166
Evo said:
Oh, no smoking, just the jacket.

Wait, he has a beard now. :-p
Slight variation on the theme. :biggrin: You prefer clean shaven? If so, I'll arrange an appointment with the barber - for him - not me.

BTW - you did mention 'silk smoking jacket'. I not up on all the terminology for fancy duds, since I avoid such attire as much as possible.
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  • #167
turbo-1 said:
At least you got Dilbert, and not Wally!

She wants Mr Spittle the boss, spikey hair and all. After all money is where is at :smile:

I really don't know the boss's's's' (grammar and spelling abort) real name in the comic strip, we just call him Mr Spittle because he reminds us of the Principal at Calvins' elementary school.
  • #168
Astronuc said:
Slight variation on the theme. :biggrin: You prefer clean shaven? If so, I'll arrange an appointment with the barber - for him - not me.

BTW - you did mention 'silk smoking jacket'. I not up on all the terminology for fancy duds, since I avoid such attire as much as possible.
No beard or mustache.
  • #169
Why beautiful people are more intelligent

  • #170
That explains the PF sisters then.
  • #171
From the paper:

"While theory and research in evolutionary psychology usually confirm, and elucidate the mechanisms
behind, most stereotypes, common perceptions and aphorisms, such as ‘‘Men like young and attractive
women, and women like rich and powerful men’’ (Buss, 1994), they have disconfirmed two aphorisms
about beauty: ‘‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’’ and ‘‘Beauty is skin deep.’’


"In his replication of Elder (1969) and Taylor and Glenn (1976), Udry (1977) demonstrates that,
among both blacks and whites, upwardly mobile women are more physically attractive than others.
Women’s physical attractiveness has a significant effect on both their husband’s occupational status, and their upward mobility (the difference between their father’s and husband’s occupational statuses)."


"Finally, Hamermesh and Biddle’s (1994) analysis of the
1977 Quality of Employment survey finds that, relative to average-looking women, below-average looking
women are married to men with significantly less education, concurring with Udry and
Eckland’s findings."

(maybe that's why I'm not filthy rich--I've been dating average looking to just above average looking women!)


" However, there is also
empirical evidence to support the claim that beautiful people are more intelligent."


"It goes without saying that our contention that beautiful people are more intelligent is purely scientific
(logical and empirical); it is not a prescription for how to treat or judge others."


An eye-opening paper---thanks
  • #172
In fact I haven't read it myself. I read the abstract probably year ago or something like that, and this thread just reminded me of it, so I decided to post a link.
  • #173
Tough crowd, Evo. Smarts and beauty do not float my boat, sacks of cash attract my vote . . . a little known Irish proverb.
  • #174
I went for the looks over brains. That's because I tend to get along better with girls that are stupid. Why? I don't know.
  • #175
I'd like to put the question more like you meet it in everyday:

Would you like your mate to be quite intelligent but rather homely?
Or, quite beautiful but rather dumb?

I would choose the upperone. Most of all of course I would like her to be nice.

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