Starting Over: Tales of Rebuilding from the Bottom

  • Thread starter Mr. Robin Parsons
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation is about Mr. Robin Parsons expressing his curiosity about how simple or complex others think it is to start over from scratch, as he has done at the age of 43 with only $35.00 and a tent. There is also some discussion about his past contributions to the government and his current situation, with some offering constructive criticism and others misunderstanding his situation. Mr. Parsons defends his actions and opinions.
  • #36
That's a bit like one of the people I met in Calgary, good card player, good math mind, couldn't get past binge drinking though. Had had an appartement, but lost it when he lost his job from a bout of 'the drink', same cycle, repeat till, well, he may still be doing it I don't know...didn't really seem to have the coping skills needed to 'keep enough together' as to be able to handle the complexities of modern life.
Physics news on
  • #37
So how are you doing now, Mr Parsons? What are your goals for the next few days/weeks/until the end of winter?
  • #38
Originally posted by Nereid
So how are you doing now, Mr Parsons? What are your goals for the next few days/weeks/until the end of winter?
I'm surviving, thank you, and that would be my 'goal', as well, survival. (no, Not Sarcastically, truly...)

That basically entails the continuance of my "daily agenda" being established by the soup kithcen's schedules, some time at PF as access permits...(this is a rock bottom production rate, 1543 posts since end of March, for me...sorta...) and well, sleeping(?) perhaps, library napping sessions, who knowS??
  • #39
Just FYI, since I started "Camping" here in Kingston, I've been here for 25 months, take off ~5 for time in shelters and you get ~20 months, at a rate of ten miles a day, (five in/five out) thirty days a month (avg), equals about 6000 miles of riding, I have biked the equivalent of across the Country of Canada, just riding into Kingston, and back out, each day.

Since I started on PF 3.0, in late March, I have biked ~1500 miles, the last time I did that I arrived in Carman Manitoba, this time I can't seem to get anywhere, ( ) other then Kingston, ( ) sort of like "Ground Hog Day" the movie, without the woman, the money and the food, just the every morning/day like every other morning/day...sorta...

As for the rest, well it is by the Grace of God, and of the Head of State of Canada, that the work was as employable, in the world, that it apparently was/has served.

That the representation of the Peoples of Canada deems it that they do NOT reply, never correspond, hide in the wells of dark willful ignorace, little I can do about that...apparently(?).. but you can get to know them for what they truly are, by this example of them!
(The Canadian Government, representative of the Canadian Peoples)
  • #40
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
You constructive critism, isn't, you would want for me to "see a therapist", why?? do they need to learn something from me?? cause I can assure you they would NOT be able to help me, a lawyer, perhaps, but definitely NOT a therapist, OYE!
I haven't posted in this thread before and I will freely admit to not understanding your predicament, HOWEVER, I believe I understand what Artman was saying and can expand:

The way I see it you have two choices - they are the same choices everyone has regarding some bad thing happening in their past:

1. Try to correct it or otherwise deal with it.
2. Let it go and take a different path.

Choice 1 in your case apparently requires a lawyer. Choice 2 you may be able to do on your own, but if not, a therapist (or a friend you can talk to) might be able to help.

Everyone has been in this kind of situation, though obviously the magnitude varies (including me - I've moved on from mine but it still haunts me). The choice is always about the same. I realize however that that doesn't make the choice easy, nor does it make the right answer always the same (or mean there always is a right answer). Given your current situation though, I would speculate that there is a better path than the one you are taking now.
  • #41
choice #1 is (sorta/maybe) being worked upon...
choice #2 been there, done that?

"Letting it go" sort of isn't an option, not in my lifetime, if it isn't somehow resolved.

Currently, I am aware that I have choices, but not really, as all of the choices are limited, having that particular situation resolved opens up all of the choices, so much more, that it is (would be) patently stupid to attempt to proceed without it!

All I seem to be facing is an irresponcible Prime Minster who is unwilling to make "The Expression of Gratitude of the Peoples of Canada" that he is required to make, on behalf of the Citizens of the Country. His current representation of them (The Peoples of Canada) is as a bunch of un-gratefull, in-gracious, egocentric, selfish, Obnoxiously-Arrogant-Snobs, something that, (although I am rather certain that there would be one or two in the entire country) IS NOT a TRUE representation of the people of this country, probably more just of himself (his Ego!) as he has been pinned in the press as notorious for making his junior party memebers (Junior Ministers) wait upon/for him.

He (the PM of Canada) make decisions, and agree's to give them what they want/need for their riding, and then, apparently, loves to make them wait, needlessly(?), and ignorantly(?), just to press his power upon them.

Some kinda guy, probably comes up with the "Well I did it, didn't I" at the end, as to make certain you cannot say anything about him not acting, cause "he did it" in the end, right??
(doesn't care about anyones else's time, only his is important)

That was in one of the articles that I had read about this person's "Leadership style". He's retiring, well, no one seems to know just when, and he loves to do that too!

If you figure it out well, In the amount of Money that apparently was saved by the Canadian taxpayer, (by the GIFT of writing I made to/through this country) ~$40 million, I PAID for this Person's (The Prime Minster of Canada) ENTIRE 40 YEAR SERVICE CAREER, (plus retirement, PLUS CHANGE LEFT OVER, LOTS!) and as his JOB, as Prime Minster, wherein He is required, BY LAW, to make the "Representations of the Gratitude's of the Poeples of Canada" as they cannot make it themselves, nor do they ("the people" aside/outside from/of the court, and the government) even know about it, as they (The Government) will not even so little as admit to it...

This, to me, is a disgusting Man!
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  • #42
There is also the simplicty that this man was the Minister of Justice in Canada (in his fourty {40} year political history) and that his party, the Liberal Party of Canada, has (apparently) attempted this kind of legislation (restricting pedophilic artworks) before, it failed, as the problem of "Works of the Imagination" had been, unbeknownst to me, a real pernicious problem on the face of the planet in the legal speaking communities that use the English language.

Consider simply that this guy is a lawyer, and maybe he is simply ashamed/jealous/envious of the fact that he was 'Bested' by moi. (it was God's Grace that allowed me that, NOT my Ego!)

There is also the manner of history inasmuch as the government was following a pathway that many governments follow, pass the law, and then hope (and wait) till someone tries to get it changed by a challenge through the Courts. This allows the law to "stand" for as long as it takes, for citizens who care, to amass the money to go fight it, psuedo law sorta, and once it is overturned, in a legal challenge, they simply rewrite it, in another wording, to try that pathway again, cycle, re-cycle, re-re-cycle...
  • #43
Can someone translate the first post please?
  • #44
So, my stating the above, "bested by Moi" is NOT a manner that I, personally, think in, cause to me to state something like that, is arrogant because it is patently false!

Yes, I, By the Grace of God, did come up with a solution to a perniscious International legal problem respecting the "Rights of the General Public V Pedophiles" and am the 'first' one to do that.

But clearly I had/have advantages, in my ignorance of the law inasmuch as I, being outside of the field, was NOT subjected to the intimidational forces of the "Water Cooler" talk amongst lawyers, people in the legal system, that would be making very clear the extent of "other" law that such a definition would need cover, without changing any of it! a very humbling and Intimidating concept, to be sure.

Never mind the Simplicity that this man is a trained Lawyer, not a chance I could best him at the Law, not in any kind of real contest (lest it be a court case and (provable) truth is on my side) of legal Knolwedge, he'd whomp my Butt.

So, this changes little for what this thread started out to be, sorta, but it is a venue of speech, Free speech, soooo...

The solution itself is simply a "Proof", in a manner of speaking, even though, normally, a Court cannot accept the unsubstantiated testimony of one individual as a proof, ordinarily, this circumstance is, and was, different, as the work itself, when read, reveals somthing of the inside of yourself, how an "assemblage of your understanding", (words) fits together, and when sequenced out properly, illustrate the function of the flowthrough of information in a human's "Realm of the imagination", thus rendering that expression "Works of the Imagination" as a 'self description'.

This is (some) of how I
  • #45
Originally posted by PrudensOptimus
Can someone translate the first post please?
Why? don't you understand English? would it have been better if I had put it in French for you?
  • #46
OK now I'm curious as to what exactly you used to do. I've been around since before march, and I haven't a clue what your story is(granted I have periods of time where I wasn't reading here). So mayhap you could englighten us with your story so we could better know, and perhaps even offer some semmblence of informed advice?

Based on what you've said you were not a lawyer, but some kind of advocacy group activist? You seem to be intimately familiar with the legislation in Canada, so I'm definitely intrigued.
  • #47
Originally posted by Zantra
(SNIP) Based on what you've said you were not a lawyer, but some kind of advocacy group activist? You seem to be intimately familiar with the legislation in Canada, so I'm definitely intrigued. (SNoP)
Some of that gets more personal then I want to get here, but no, no advocacy group, simply one individual, me.

A friend, I had just recently met, in Calgary, challenged me one day, sort of telling me; "If you think your so smart solve this one", and then proceeded to explain the John Robin Sharpe case and how Sharpe lawyer was attempting to obtain the legal right to produce pedophilic pictures (artworks/drawings) from under the "Charter of Rights" (and Freedoms) here in Canada.

His thrust was using an expression "Works of the Imagination", and he (the lawyer) contended that the legal system was acting like the "Mind Police" in policing the (artistic) "Works of the Imagination" that Mr. Shapre had produced. He also conteded that Mr. Sharpe had the legal right to produce such works, and was attempting to get the Courts to agree to that, as to protect Mr. Sharpes rights under "Freedom of Expression", thus showing that the law, in that case, was unjust, and needed to be struck down/invalidated.

Because of the rights of the present owner of the copyrights, I cannot reproduce what I wrote, sort of anywhere, ('cept in the defence of my reputation!) so I cannot show you how that Issue, (works of the Imagination) central to that case, was removed completely by what I wrote.

Does that help?
  • #48
So you're a pedophile?

- Warren
  • #49
Originally posted by chroot
So you're a pedophile?

- Warren
Ha ha hahahahahahahahahahaha

Not a Chance! God's Grace, I am the guy who helped in stopping it!

Actually, Artist! as it is/was my knowledge of artwork that assisted in my explaining "Imaginations" functioning, flowthrough of 'words and pictures'.
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  • #50
So what is the point of this thread, if you won't even tell us what "happened to you?"

- Warren
  • #51
Originally posted by chroot
So what is the point of this thread, if you won't even tell us what "happened to you?"

- Warren
I have told what happened to me, NOTHING, (Government has never responded!) that is what I protest, but that is followed by the simple reality of employment, and the consequential details of all of that, and as I put it in the beginning of this thread, someone seemed to think that all I needed to do was to get a job, doing just that isn't anywheres near as simple as they seem to think, that was what I had wanted to help them to realize, it ain't so easy to get back up from some places...along those lines
  • #52
So you had some bright idea about pedophiles, and the government didn't respond. And? Somehow this led to you living in a tent?

- Warren
  • #53
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Why? don't you understand English? would it have been better if I had put it in French for you?

OK, type your first post in French, and I'll let Babelfish to translate it into English.
  • #54
Originally posted by PrudensOptimus
OK, type your first post in French, and I'll let Babelfish to translate it into English.
As I had suspected, your request was redundant, you already have the services of a translator, (well suited to you, I would Imagine) "Babelfish" you call them, isn't it?

Salute! (French, means BYE!)(...sorta)
  • #55
So, onward...but only if you want to read it

So, the Employment part/aspect, how the heck could I ever get a Job, as something like, "a writer" perhaps(?) if everything, and anything, that I write, NEVER-EVER sees the Light of Recognition public OR private?


As for the Prime Minster 'Whomping my Butt' at law, Humm, well he is 69 years old, been a Politician for Fourty (40) years, I am 48* so I was Eight years old (8)* when this guy started out his career in the 'crafting', and 'enacting', and 'adminstrating' of the "Living Tree of the Law", so when it comes to 'Legal knowledge", if he can't "Whomp my Butt" somethings wrong!

It has been here, at PF, that I got my first "Public Accreditation" actually, the 'Humor Award' that I got...

I've mentioned the distances that I bicycle before, and there is some discrepancy 'tween the last time, and this time. Simple, sorta, my inability to accertain to any more accurate degree that actual distance, short of counting the rotations of the Crank, and ensuring pedalling pressure all the way...the pedal pressure part I have had to do, (insert small statement about air/wind resistence...Ignore it? WHAT?) as when pedalling "Into the wind" all of the force that you apply to forward motion is immediatly applied in a counteracting measure of wind resistence. (A ten Kph cycle speed, into a ten Kph wind, gives you the equivalent of riding into a twenty kph wind, faster you push forward, more you increase the resistence)

Ahhhh yes, the "I can't tell you that/those part(s)", Humm, lived with other people in my life, and have a requirement of respecting their privacy rights, not to publish a "one sided story" on the internet, even if, By the Grace of God, I can do Justice to their side of it, it just isn't fair without there prior consent...soooo

But I can tell you things like this, see, when you do something like this, (The Sharpe Case thing) are ignored by the responcible party in Government, then attempt to seek the attention of 'Said' Government, you need to tell people what you have done in order to be able to go about it, in doing that, some of those people will believe you, (as the truth is convincing) and some of them, in believing, will attempt to turn you into their prey...soooo, when you get to that point, in your own life, you will know what I mean, if Not, Praise God!

*Edit 47 years old, see 'end' (not for long) post for answer!(?)
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  • #56
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Actually, Artist! as it is/was my knowledge of artwork that assisted in my explaining "Imaginations" functioning, flowthrough of 'words and pictures'.
Actually, it is more like Artist/writing/science...or an Artistic person, who writes his thoughts down, (better @ talking) and thinks in a "Scientific Manner" seeking Accurate Knowledge through Judiscious Observation of Reality(ies), and reporting on it, that's the 'un-accredited' writer part...Hummmm, makes me wonder, sometimes...??!??
  • #57
Originally posted by chroot
So you had some bright idea about pedophiles, and the government didn't respond. And? Somehow this led to you living in a tent?

- Warren

Yes I helped in a Constitutional challenge that went through the Supreme Court of Canada concerning a Pedophile seeking to gain "legal right", assisting to stop that by offering Proof (sort of) that "Works of the Imagination" was, well, "self descriptive", (in the end) as a legal defence.

Some of the rest I cannot (can, should NOT!) tell, see the posting above as to why.
  • #58
*ignore this post*
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  • #59
Originally posted by wasteofo2
*ignore this post*
  • #60
I actually wrote this for 'somewhere's else', as posting, but can use it here just the same with minor alterations that you will never know about (*Insert Evil laugh*here*...just kidding) so that the points of it are still relevant, hopefully.

Loren Booda had a" asking if anyone in the forums had ever done something 'noteworthy' sort of, thing/type, I had watched it, to see if anyone said anything, nothing... Hummmm....

Just in case you aren't quite to certain what a "Previously Unrecognized, Self evident Truth" look(s/ed) like, there is a thread in"* that was titled "The Proof of the Cause of Gravity" (Caps? the "the"...Idaknow!) in which, after taking a 'Newton' (or two) over the head, we finally arrived at their understanding of Gravitie's activities, within the planet, thus we came to my explaining, to them, the measure of mechanical pressure, and the manner of numerical explanation (R=5, R=2) that resolved the reality such that it was clear enough that their method of 'perception' was in-operable as to create the known, and proven, pressurization, and that was (had been) the question that needing explanation.

Basically the current theory says that gravity lessons towards the center, the R=5 R=2 explanation 'demonstrates' how that cannot give rise to the already observed/know pressurization of the core...

That fact of 'mechanical pressure' that I used, is "Currently Known Knowledge", just that it seems that I was the first to point it this application, Previously Unrecognized/Self Evident Truth

There are some others in there, from Myself, God's Grace! you see, not a function of ego...self.

So this is/was something that goes against currently recognized convention, (Current theory) is provable, (and proves "current theory" must be wrong!) but is ignored as per reactions from people.

It is along the lines of "instructions to a game" that had been played upon me, wherein everone is instructed to act as if "they had known it all along", as to not look stupid, (in front of me) and to make certain that I didn't think to highly of myself as to become 'egotistical/egocentric' about my knowledge.

Kinda 'dumb/idiotic' Game to play inasmuch as I had remarked to people that getting to this level of abiltiy requires that you admit to what you "don't know" similarily to admitting to "what you do", from that point of perspective you can more easily know whether (or not) the knowledge you diseminate (at that time) is Currently "known knowledge" (or not) such that, you simply end up with people, openly, (and known to me) lieing to my face.

It can be fun playing with an open faced liar...especially whn it is provable that they have just lied...

Ain't life fun!?

BTW, I had even included a Hint at more in the signature that I had used at that time...this one;
Originally formulated by Moi
¤Spark le and ¯Shi[COLOR=#aoaoao]n[/COLOR][COLOR=#eoeoeo]e[/COLOR]!

Anyone (ShhhGreg) got a guess at just what that really means...Huh?

*If you want only what you "need to read" (Sorta) Start and cause and gravity&pagenumber=23" (sixth post down, cause your at page 28 now!)
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  • #61
Originally posted 12/01 by Moi
As for the Prime Minster 'Whomping my Butt' at law, Humm, well he is 69 years old, been a Politician for Fourty (40) years, I am 48* so I was Eight years old (8)* when this guy started out his career in the 'crafting', and 'enacting', and 'adminstrating' of the "Living Tree of the Law", so when it comes to 'Legal knowledge", if he can't "Whomp my Butt" somethings wrong!
(Sans SNIP/SNoP as I cite myself...)

* Wrote this Monday, had biked 'out and back' to the tent, twice, on Friday, missed the only meal on Saturday, cause of Friday's rain, Sat's snow, then Ate Sunday evening, (first that day) biked 'in and out', then biked in Monday (tired, walked a little) and had noticed late Monday that I had experianced some "Head Rushes" from in-adequate dietary intake...not enough food, affects the brains workings, so I slipped at the age thing, then again, generally, my mind tends to start thinking of my approaching age change well before it happens.

(as to acclimatize myself to the change?)
  • #62
So let's see, recent history, Biking in the snow and the rain, of recent, driving blizzard the other day and I had to go back to the tent to get the "laundry" off of the line, ("laundry" here means wet blankets) as the field had had opportunity to freeze, (the ground froze) after we had had some rain, so the rain that fell after the 'freezing' couldn't penetrate the saturated 'frozen' ground, and resulted in a slight flooding of my tent, wetting the 'bedroll' that I keep there.

It got colder again so everything froze, (the wet blankets) but the wind , with the stuff out on the line, will subliminate the ice out of the blanket ("freeze drying") and I will eventually get back to drier apparatus and the aditional bonus of the possibility that the freeze drying of the 'items' might result in a lower, (or a ridance{?}) of the mold that has been a plague to the air in the tent, for some time now.

I'll tell again, as I have said it before, it you don't think that air resistence counts? ride a bicycle! Want some really good exercise (that stimulates circulation!) as to enhance cranial performance? Ride a the snowbank! InTo the Wind!


Gotta go back out there again, sort of daily ritual of riding a bike (as long as it holds up, in winter's abusive 'clime) as I haven't gotten anything really dry yet. The forecast for the Kingston area includes a rising temperature that is coming with rain, so I "bagged" all of the stuff in the tent, sort of in plastic, and hope that, if it floods, again, that the frozen blanket (that I cracked in two to get into the bag, yesterday) doesn't get even futher wet.

Least I don't need to ride in the snowbank, the sides of the roads are cleared now, (takes a day) and aside from that I have "shelter time" so inside, in a bed, breathing warm air (like everyone else) while I a room with 'X' other people...
  • #63

Well, been out, (and back) 'couple' more times, frozen Blanket in a bag becomes wet blanket in a plastic bag, noting that the humidity in the tent now seems less then outside (cause it's raining outside) and the humidity that develops on the inside of the tents sides is still "wetting my back".

Forecasts are sort of 'cold' now, 'warming', but 'raining...coming', so no chance to dry out anything, and no real opportunity to get it to a washing machine, least not yet...(Uggh the smell!)

Gotta go, (back out too) make sure it doesn't collapse under the weight of any snow that falls, cause it will...
  • #64
You are still staying in that tent.. aren't there shelters where you could go to? Hang in there..
  • #65
Originally posted by Monique
You are still staying in that tent.. aren't there shelters where you could go to? Hang in there..
Thanks for the concern, but I am in a shelter at present.
(Mentioned that, above...)*

The reason for the tent report is because that is where I need return sooner or later, that and all of my clothing (what little I have left is there) so it is getting "aromatisized" (self generating at this point) and 'whatever else' occurs in all of the shifting temperatures, (soon to occur, again) and today I need to go back out (maybe) to remove the snow that is falling...ever live in a shelter with X + other people?? Not exactly the "social situation" that I had been, from my life's history, accustomed to...nevermind the one(s) who would wish to use this opportunity to 'force' themselves upon me as "My friend(s)" do you tell people that you do NOT want to talk, without talking?

EDIT *Ooops! thought I had mentioned it before, guess not...sorry
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  • #66
Just came in from walking around, found out today (as I haven't been keeping up with the schedule changes) that there is NO food today, nor tomorrow, and probably not for the day after that too, but I don't know that far ahead just yet.

The early (AM) meal only returns on the 5 of Jan, the other place, I haven't a clue what has happened there...Hummm this oughtabe fun!

P.S. (Don't really doesn't help...worrieing, that is) I'll know better tomorrow, I guess(?)!*%
  • #67
Ahhh got food at the shelter, and cereal this morning, so it ain't so far...

Wanted to tell it yesterday, Happy New Years, but two sort of problems, one is that if I celebrate all of the festivals/rituals/religous ceremonial events that are available in a year, well, it is every day, all of the time, the other was the timing of it in conjunction with telling you I wasn't finding food.

I had wanted to tell you it yesterday cause I wanted you to realize that in my character I could still do that, even in light of that kind of news, in my own life, cause that kind of news isn't really all that bad it's is still not a death sentence, plus respecting everyone else's right to still enjoy their own lives, is kinda nicer, I think/thought...just had wondered if I cuold have pulled out the emotive in type, looked inside and found it, just didn't try typing it out cause of the other restraints upon me, presently.

Yikes is this looong...not "Instant Messaging" now is it..."Sup?"/
  • #68
Originally posted by Artman
Along the lines that Monique just said, have you thought about writing a book about your experiences? I've read several of your posts. You can write, and your experiences on the street could make for interesting reading.
J.K. Rowling, the woman who wrote "Harry Potter" was divorced and living on public assistance when she outlined the entire H.P. series.
I know that her story is the exception, not the rule, but writing would be a productive use of your time until some other avenue opens for you.
Sorry for the looooong wait for a responce (musta missed this one) but have done that already, back in 1991 and that is what precipitated some of the problems that ensuied...

But what I had recently noticed (in Canadian News) was the police Raid on a reporters home, and all of the newspeople, up in arms about "their Rights", how their right to report on the things that the government does, that are wrong, and how they and there sources are to be protected...Weeeehoo is this a reek of double duplicity if I ever had to tolerate a maloderous aroma, the stench of "We protect you, so protect us" just arises from the kinds of discourse that comes out of events like this, and all the while I get to remember the Person on the Phone whom, after I had explained a little of just what it was that I had accomplished, asked me "Oh and what's newsworthy about that?" ahhh how I would like to send in the Swat team to raid that idiots brain (not really) see if there is anything there other then the ongoing Conspiracy of Canadian society to further my imprisonment and my deprivation of accreditation by willful Ignorance...and they wonder why I end up in the place where I want to tell people how much is SUCKS to live in this country...(The {Imagined/heard} retort: Oh no! you can't say that! just look at all you get, you get to eat and you get to stay in shelters and stay warm, why aren't you grateful?)

BTW that is what had been going on in my life, a form of 'Identity theft', and it is now in the hands of the "Representatives of The poeples of Canada", and they do...? (Nothing!)

It's been in their Hands before, offical, legal complaint,...politic'd
  • #69
Mr Robin Parsons, can you fill me in on the missing information prior to the first post on this thread?

You really are an enigma...
  • #70
You mean the 43 years prior?

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