Starting Over: Tales of Rebuilding from the Bottom

  • Thread starter Mr. Robin Parsons
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation is about Mr. Robin Parsons expressing his curiosity about how simple or complex others think it is to start over from scratch, as he has done at the age of 43 with only $35.00 and a tent. There is also some discussion about his past contributions to the government and his current situation, with some offering constructive criticism and others misunderstanding his situation. Mr. Parsons defends his actions and opinions.
  • #176
e-mail them and ask for yourself, (I don't blame you!) but wouldn't you think they would know, they knew I posted on this site and they have seen some of what I have posted, with furthered explanations, sooo, you would tend to get people's interest, at least you would think that, unless of course everyone you ever contacted, or tried writing to, with was comletely apathetic and ignorant...

Aside from that, I don't mean to knock Science 'funding' but, they just spent $33 million, on a computer, hummm guy tells of belief in ability to produce a T.o.E. shows evidence thereof ,as both, abilities, and knowledge, proves himself further, and explicitly, by volonteering assistance to the Supreme Court, of His Country, surrendering a Work Earned as knowledge of his lifetime...and Not a damn sound outa anyone! (except the Courts Letter of acknowledgment)

Not one person in Canada is interested in talking to me, No media people, No educators, not a single person in the Government of Canada, but and/or except, of course, the homeless/dis'enfranchised that I must live with, because of the Direct, and overt, and obvious, ignorance of me!...Nothing could be clearer!

What a place to live, in trying to prove to me how safe it is, you are ingorantly endangering me...real "bright lightbulb" 'whomever' thought (HUH??...NAH!) of that one! (That's you missed it...)
Physics news on
  • #177
But you see the most disgusting of elements pieces of evidence is the reason why they are buying researchers a $33 million dollar computer, because after upgrading it should have 4 teraflops of RAM computing power, 4,000 GigaBytes Per sec (Anyone tell me how long to count an Avagadroes number, at that rate) is because the don't want to waste the researchers time...They don't want to waste their time ever hear that expression from anyone else? know where they learned to recognize that element from? Disgusted yet?
  • #178
OH BTW, jimmy, you might not need think (or do) of anything to do, there are elections coming up soon, in Canada. and the person who is 'Prime Minister' might change (never know!) perhaps they would be the one that gives me a letter "Thanking" me, on behalf of my fellow Canadians, and then i can go out a sue the Liberal Party of Canada right into Bankruptcy!/Extinction!

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  • #179
so things could be looking up then :) i never see the point in money spent on computers... like this "deepthought" computer that plays chess... BIG WHOOP. I still get beaten by the chess cpu on my computer... People are so lazy nowadays, i admit I'm guilty of being lazy too, but spending that much money on a computer seems like a lot of a waste...

hope you sue them for every penny...barstewards..
  • #180
Thanks Jimmy, but the computer is a good investment for them, and should serve the researchers well...

...Can only do that if the currently ruling party loses in the next election, AND the new PM gives me a letter, (the Proof!) otherwise I am still stuck with the "same old, same old" stupidity that is currenty (apparently) the new 'Norm' in my life, not in accordance with God's Will for me I, am rather (quite!) certain, but they don't really care bout that none, either...sooooooo

God's Will Be Done!
  • #181
So in a recent conversation I heard that in the recent interview given by President Bush, he was asked what was his greatest mistake to date, apparently he admitted to having made "No mistakes" (Please correct me if this is wrong, please!) to which it was pointed out that the reality in Politics is such that admiting to mistakes can cost a Country money inasmuch as there are Fiscal responsibilities involved in running a Country, the Taxpayers purse is to be gaurded from those who would use Honest admission of error as advantage to make themselves richer with the Taxpayers there is a sense of the reasons for the pretensciousness of political lives/life...but there is room for admission of personal error/failure, if any can be found, as that would not entail unforseen restitutional costs to the taxpayer...

This is applicable to the situation, in my own personal life, with respect to my current position repective of the Government of Canada...

But something else struck me, personally, as it was something that I had been reminded of, recently, in passing, by someone who 'sheltered', (At the shelter I stay in, recently, briefly) the Axiom of the Bible that tells of God telling that he (God) "Stays Distant from the Proud", begging the question of President Bush's position as a Born Again Christian, with respect to his personal relationship with God, is he in error?, or being Kept Distant? By God Because of Pride?, as that would be an error, and one that is not politically irresponsible inasmuch as there is NO cost to the Taxpayers purse for such a degree of Honsety, simple Christian Honesty, but there is a cost, to someone who willfuly self decieves, themselves, thinking that they are close to God when actions speak waaaaay louder then just about any Words you can find, cause actions always speak Truth, words? well...

This is applicable to my own suituation, in the idea of the responsibility of the Taxpayers purse, for at this moment in time, for the Government to give me a letter of proof, is to supply me the means to sue the people of Canada for the lack of reciept of that very same letter, in a timely fashion, and what it has now cost me to get to a point wherein, I can get them to respond? this need to "go public" about myself, and the Work(s) that I have, and can, do...the Homelessness is involved in that, soooo

The last (previous) Prime Minster is known for having stated that; "In Politics, the Perceptions are sometimes more important then the reality" which has some truth to it (politically speaking) but an astute politician needs to know when the reality is actually more important then the perception, and act accordingly...

Clearly there is a need for some form of restitutuion to me for what I have had to endure in this endevour, clearly for me to go the Court route is time consuming and costly to the Canadian peoples, but worse is the potential political costs to the Counrty itself, am I acting responsibly, myself, if I can get an investigation of the Government of Canada Launched by the Supreme Court of Canada as to accommodate my right to the accreditation, hence Quite possibly disrupting the operations of the Country itself, possible causeing great damage to the political structure(s) of the Country, possibly changing the politcal landscape and nature of Canada, foreever, and what is that to cost? cause that might just be too much... to me, much safer they admit the error, we fix it, and go on...but it is their move now, not mine...

Have a nice evening! :cool:
  • #182
So I am just a little curious, about this writing, too...cause I would appreciate feedback, if at all possible...I cited myself, for a reason, carried the explanation, further? do you know the range of knowledge required to know the depth of knowledge that this kind of writing makes evidence of, as being within me?

Originally Posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
*Ok then you would like to know the "relativity of light intensities", hence shadows, because even in the shadow, there is light...and one last (perhaps) insight, if you deal with "light" as what it really is, EMR (Electro-magnetic radiation) and stop dealing with it simply on the level that we see, (visually) then the entire Universe is flooded with light, everywhere! no exception, just 'relative light intensities' due to travel times, and paths...


Just to be certain that the emboldened is understood well enough, try to realize that when I stated "everywhere", I meant e-v-e-r-y-where, as light looked at, as EMR, operating in the Universe, gives us EMR right down into the Core of a Neutron Star, permeating into the Stars very core, from the without (outside) of the star...that gives us EMR, EMR in areas of greater activity, then more so, extreme activity, (and activity rates) while amidst the appearance of 'centers'...comes from the Bible actually, my sourced inspirational thought, "There is NO darkness in Him..." and there is, in truth, no darkness (absence of EMR) in the Universe, anywhere!

The second one, and the first one are both posted at/on this page:

Don't know if it does it for you, (did/do you understand it all?) as it can change your perception of solid things, like rocks, or boulders, they are simply an accumulation of 'Centers' and EMR, binding itself according to rules, means that the Rock/Boulder is really made of, or composed of, 'light'/EMR...that's how "Solid" it is, and how it gives that appearance, and that reality...(too!)

* If you really want to understand shadows you need understand sourcing of light, as all Natural Light (from Stars) is cast Omni directionally, (3D) hence, no matter where you would be, you are in a directional "streaming of light", it is then assured that one side will receive more light, then the other side, hence Shadows, as not all of the light is 'blocked' (although it would seem way more appropriate to say The "medium of it's presence" is/seems more fluid about it, in it's behavior, then it would necessarily be seen, or known, as) sooooo...
  • #183
So on the 19 of April at about 10 AM EST Chroot/warren had started trying to goad me into a further post war, after the lovely one with him, and Tom Mattson, to which end, he Cut off my account, as to ensure that I could no longer respond to him, censorship...he then started a thread in Theory development; "More MRP misunderstandings" which is now Google linked to either spelling of my name, Mr. Or not.

Please, tell them all! (I had asked Greg to do that But, he no longer accepts my e-mails, something about this site trying to slander me)

So, know the people you are dealing with.

For myself I no longer will post in these forums, have NOT since the above date, you can be sure this account will be shut down just as quickly, if I could sue the little **** I would...

Thanks for the time Mr. Robin Parsons

BTW chroot, I lied, I had finished Chemsitry Physics Biology and the maths back in 1972, Oooops that's BEFORE you were BORN! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha
  • #184
hmmmm, what a predicament.

Take Care
  • #185
Still there Mr. Robin Parson's?? Was just wondering how things have been going lately. I always tend to go over and read this thread again again so it would seem that I am displaced by your absence.
  • #186
I wonder too... especially since the "what would you do if" and "ask a stupid quetion" threads went quiet.
  • #187
The username AlsoKnownAs is also MRP, perhaps he left permanently.
  • #188
Mr Robin Parsons informed me in a PM that he HAS left permanently. He managed to get on as AlsoKnownAs, sent a few PM's posted that last message and said "For myself I no longer will post in these forums".

A pity really, he was a nice guy. Eccentric, but mostly harmless :biggrin:
  • #189
Stark Raving bonkers. his wife was quite nice though.
  • #190
his wife??
  • #191
Long story, one time MRP and Andy were having an argument or something so Andy created a new user called Mrs Robin Parsons. Most amusing.

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