Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

  • Thread starter tribdog
  • Start date
  • Tags
In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #351
Was the same rhino which underwent "collecting"...??:-p That explains a lot.

Physics news on
  • #352
Ok, time for breakfast
  • #353
*to the tune of The Song that Never Ends*

this is the Thread that never ends,
it just goes on and on, my friends,
some people started posting here not knowing what it was,
and now they'll go on posting here forever just because...
this is the Thread that never ends,
it just goes on and on, my friends,
some people started posting here not knowing what it was,
and now they'll go on posting here forever just because...
this is the Thread that never ends,
it just goes on and on, my friends,
some people started posting here not knowing what it was,
and now they'll go on posting here forever just because...
this is the Thread that never ends,
it just goes on and on, my friends,
some people started posting here not knowing what it was,
and now they'll go on posting here forever just because...
  • #354
:smile: Great! :smile:
  • #355
Did you ever see "Shari Lewis and Lambchop", Moonbear? I think that's where I learned that song. That TV show might have been too far before your time though - it was almost before mine! I think every once in a while they run it on the cable channels, though, just for the nostalgic value.
  • #356
Yeah,quite a crisis of inspiration...16 lines repeating the same thing 4 (sic) times...:eek: :-p

  • #357
It's actually an infinite loop, but I wasn't sure how to use LaTex to express that.
  • #359
ok, how 'bout
for(i=0; i < i+1;i++){
cout<< "this is the Thread that never ends,"<< endl;
cout<< "it just goes on and on, my friends,"<< endl;
cout<< "some people started posting here not knowing what it was,"<< endl;
cout<< "and now they'll go on posting here forever just because..." << endl;
  • #360
Do you think it can be compiled just like that,only the cycle...?Who knows,maybe...:confused:

  • #361
I think a While loop would have been better for this.

while(threadIsNotDead == true)
blah blah blah..;
  • #362
Well,let's ask Warren for a C-built-in compiler too...:-p We have to test our theories and CREATE THE NEVERENDING THREAD :devil:

  • #363
Great idea! chroot needs a new project.
We should have a lime green Compile button at the bottom of each post. :approve:
  • #364
Not so fast,first he must finish his major project of his life:finding a name for his girlfriend's imaginary pet tiger...Let's be patient...Good days are on the horizon...:-p

  • #365
could you all keep it down. some of us have a headache
  • #366
Too much vodka,huh...?I hope you're doing better now...I won't scream,i promiss...:shy: :-p

  • #367
you all do not want to know what I did last night
  • #368
Now,that u made us curious (actually me),do tell,if possible with as many details...


P.S.You may start (yet another) thread...:-p
  • #369
well, I poured myself another glass of vodka, watched Dodgeball "Arrgh, loved the pirate" put in I,Robot and fell right asleep. wasn't even 7pm
  • #370
actually I cried myself to sleep because no one wanted to put me up for the weekend.
  • #371
I liked that movie...Mainly because i wasn't alone while watching it :wink:
Yep,it was something in the vodka,alright...I hope u're cured and never buy it again...

  • #372
Franz turned you down...? : That good-for-nothin'-weasel...He ain't going to kill this thread...:devil:

  • #373
Math Is Hard said:
Did you ever see "Shari Lewis and Lambchop", Moonbear? I think that's where I learned that song. That TV show might have been too far before your time though - it was almost before mine! I think every once in a while they run it on the cable channels, though, just for the nostalgic value.

No, it wasn't quite before my time...her actual show might have been, but she still made guest appearances on other shows, like The Muppets and the Tonight Show.
  • #374
tribdog said:
could you all keep it down. some of us have a headache

Hi tribdog!
I just wanted to let you know your Excedrin and coffee are in the thread you started last night
We'll just pretend we never saw all those photos you posted that Evo had to delete. Just what were you doing with that burrito?
  • #375
Moonbear,for 18 consecutive hours the thread was literally yours.I believe it was enough.I'm taking it back...:devil:

  • #376
dextercioby said:
Moonbear,for 18 consecutive hours the thread was literally yours.I believe it was enough.I'm taking it back...:devil:


I thought we put on a 12 hour time limit to hold the title and the thread! I win! :biggrin:
  • #377
No,the limit is nonexistant...The last name for an indefinite amount of time wins...:wink:

So don't open the champagne yet,this one will go for a long way...:wink:

  • #378
Well, I'm opening the champagne anyway. But because you won't let me celebrate a win, I'm not going to share any with you. :-p
  • #379
:cry: But I'm alcoholic,i LOVE champagne...:-p Take care with it,not to end up like Trib,drunk & asleep at the early hors of the evening...

  • #380
Math Is Hard said:
Did you ever see "Shari Lewis and Lambchop", Moonbear? I think that's where I learned that song.
Oh, I thought you were doing a Morrison impression.

Okay, I've decided to annouce that I'm leaving this rotten thread for good.

This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end

Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your posts ... again

It hurts to set you free
But you'll never follow me
The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of trying to make you die

This is the end.
  • #381
Yeah Moonbear won. I went to bed thinking I had forgot to do something, and I did: I forgot to post in this thread, blahhh!
  • #382
that's hilarious, if you wrote it, bravo :clap:; if someone else wrote it, then :spanking:, but still i love it...
  • #383
mattmns said:
Yeah Moonbear won. I went to bed thinking I had forgot to do something, and I did: I forgot to post in this thread, blahhh!

NO!She never will...:devil:

  • #384
hahaha u ppl are hilaroius, well one of the reasons i don't post that much is almost 20% of my posts where "thread killers" still the concept itself is so -baised:

IS the last post a thread killer or just a thread finisher by an expert finishing move ...

Ohhh no! i am in the dager now if being the thread killer again, some one post quickly, PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASE! :cry: :smile:
  • #385
Moonbear has won.
No thread-killer champion thread survives 18 hours all by itself; reanimation of dead threads is simply ghoulish.

Congratulations, Moonbear!
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