Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #5,076
I am so lost right now...I don't get this at all
Physics news on
  • #5,077
You feel lost in the thread-killer-champions-thread?
Don't worry; that just means your brain has not been made into a complete mush yet..
  • #5,078
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  • #5,079
arildno said:
You feel lost in the thread-killer-champions-thread?
Don't worry; that just means your brain has not been made into a complete mush yet..
I've got a hemispere of solid left.
  • #5,080
The left half is the best one, you know. You've only lost your artistic and social skills, that's all!
  • #5,081
After reading that I went into a state of brain loss. I'm at 40%
  • #5,082
I'm sorry; you won't be able to learn about cohomologies and Clifford algebras now.
  • #5,083
My brain's still there. It's just not solid... :rolleyes:
  • #5,084
You can still have a distinguished career in fluid mechanics, though..
  • #5,085
I'll freeze my head!
  • #5,086
I think that's a great idea Ted.
Drink a dozen 7/11 slushies while standing on your head and spinning counterclockwise and singing the national anthem. Your head will freeze solid.
  • #5,087
yomamma said:
My brain's still there. It's just not solid... :rolleyes:

All the better for the slurping spiders to drink it. :biggrin:
  • #5,088
Arghhhh! Oh No! I've lost the instruction booklet to my new digital camera. Now I won't know how to use all of it's special functions. I feel just like The Greatest American Hero.

Believe it or not,
I'm walking on air.
I never thought I could feel so free E E
Flying away on a wing and a prayer
Who could it be.
Believe it or not,
It's just me. :blushing:
  • #5,089
Huckleberry said:
Arghhhh! Oh No! I've lost the instruction booklet to my new digital camera. Now I won't know how to use all of it's special functions. I feel just like The Greatest American Hero.

Believe it or not,
I'm walking on air.
I never thought I could feel so free E E
Flying away on a wing and a prayer
Who could it be.
Believe it or not,
It's just me. :blushing:

:smile: Hopefully it won't be quite as disastrous for you as it was for the Greatest American Hero at times!
  • #5,090
Huckleberry said:
Arghhhh! Oh No! I've lost the instruction booklet to my new digital camera.

C'mon franzbear, I've got a job for you. It seems that Uncle Huck has lost his digital camera instruction book, he probably threw it away in the garbage. Let's go check. Ohh noo, that raccoon beat us to the trash! franzbear, get in that dumpster and wrestle him outta' there. It's OK, he looks kinda weak and scrawny. What?...oh that foam in his mouth...he must have gotten into some Alkaseltzer, go on get him in a head lock, buddy! Hey franzbear, here comes the trash collector, duck down so he doesn't see you, you'll like this ride! Weeee, that was fun, I'll just jump on back here to keep you company. Now back to the book search. franzie, why don't you rip open that red bag, yeah, the one labeled medical waste. I know it's pointy, but Huck really likes this camera and he just can't make it work, now dive in there. *Clank...HHHHHmmmmmmmm...crunch-crunch* Ooops, I guess I slipped and pulled this lever, I wonder what it does...franzbear... FRANZBEAR! Oooh, hey a reptile store. *Uncle Toxyn jumps from truck for a little window shopping*
  • #5,091
DocToxyn said:
*Clank...HHHHHmmmmmmmm...crunch-crunch* Ooops, I guess I slipped and pulled this lever, I wonder what it does...franzbear... FRANZBEAR!

Hey, pretty cool how franzbear just blows on this thumb and reinflates! :-p
  • #5,092
Moonbear said:
Hey, pretty cool how franzbear just blows on this thumb and reinflates! :-p

Yeah, he must have recycled some of those used bandaids to patch all the needle holes. :eek: :smile: What a smart kid...
  • #5,093
I am still very confused.
  • #5,094
Screeeech! Thunk!
Vrrrrrrooom nneeeeoooow...

Oh No! A hit and run poster just knocked down Franzbear while he was reinflating in the middle of the road!
  • #5,095
Have you tried a bucket with ice cubes?
  • #5,096
I do not know what everyone's talking about! AAAAAGGGGHHHHH!
  • #5,097
The usual killing franzbear stuff
A reference to an old tv show, The Greatest American Hero
slurping spiders are search program thingies. okay, I don't know exactly what they are, but I think they have something to do with search engines.

What aren't you sure about?
  • #5,098
What aren't you sure about?

I'm confused about this!

Huckleberry said:
The usual killing franzbear stuff
  • #5,099
DocToxyn said:
C'mon franzbear, I've got a job for you. It seems that Uncle Huck has lost his digital camera instruction book, he probably threw it away in the garbage. Let's go check. Ohh noo, that raccoon beat us to the trash! franzbear, get in that dumpster and wrestle him outta' there. It's OK, he looks kinda weak and scrawny. What?...oh that foam in his mouth...he must have gotten into some Alkaseltzer, go on get him in a head lock, buddy! Hey franzbear, here comes the trash collector, duck down so he doesn't see you, you'll like this ride! Weeee, that was fun, I'll just jump on back here to keep you company. Now back to the book search. franzie, why don't you rip open that red bag, yeah, the one labeled medical waste. I know it's pointy, but Huck really likes this camera and he just can't make it work, now dive in there. *Clank...HHHHHmmmmmmmm...crunch-crunch* Ooops, I guess I slipped and pulled this lever, I wonder what it does...franzbear... FRANZBEAR! Oooh, hey a reptile store. *Uncle Toxyn jumps from truck for a little window shopping*
Hmmm, you and Moonbear may be competing for a couple of guru titles. :biggrin:

icvotria is starting to show some promise... :-p
  • #5,100
SOS2008 said:
The guy in the middle is franzbear. See how happy he is! We make sure to take good care of franzbear. Hmm, we should make a nice little lymerick describing exactly what franzbear is.
  • #5,101
I am one of you now... :bugeye: 0%-.1% solid brain
  • #5,102
hmm, i read yomamma's post... and i was like, gee.. poor thing, its really hard to keep track of this thread unless you actively post in it, yomamma doesn't even know who franzbear is... and then i realized how sad i am... cause i do know... and i don't post here... i lurk in this thread!
  • #5,103
AAHH! *looks around nervously and shudders*
  • #5,104
Gale17 said:
hmm, i read yomamma's post... and i was like, gee.. poor thing, its really hard to keep track of this thread unless you actively post in it, yomamma doesn't even know who franzbear is... and then i realized how sad i am... cause i do know... and i don't post here... i lurk in this thread!

Lurkers! Oh no! *pulls back curtains and watches lurkers scurry out* We really need to fumigate this place! *starts flipping over sofa cushions and vacuuming* Darn, they're everywhere!
  • #5,105
Franzbear is the ugly red-headed step-child that nobody wants to admit to. It's the dirty magazine under the mattress. It's the laundy that boys do early in the morning and the things sisters hide from their brothers. It's the accident that nobody caused. But everybody knows it's there. :eek:
  • #5,106
Huckleberry said:
Franzbear is the ugly red-headed step-child that nobody wants to admit to. It's the dirty magazine under the mattress. It's the laundy that boys do early in the morning and the things sisters hide from their brothers. It's the accident that nobody caused. But everybody knows it's there. :eek:

franzbear has red hair?! Oh well, after all those tattoos, I guess I can hardly complain about him dying his hair red too. :rolleyes:
  • #5,107
Moonbear said:
Lurkers! Oh no! *pulls back curtains and watches lurkers scurry out* We really need to fumigate this place! *starts flipping over sofa cushions and vacuuming* Darn, they're everywhere!
You can buy some Lurker-B-Gone at your local home depot

There are also professional lurker exterminators.
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  • #5,108
you know.. they say wooing the wooable is an easy job

Gale proves a hard catch :biggrin:
  • #5,109
sheesh, you're all trying to get rid of me eh? hmm... or perhaps you're just trying to get me to stop lurking in here... in which case i could avoid the thread... or attempt to kill franzbear meself... hrmm...
  • #5,110
you hear that Moonbear, an assassination plot

finally someone got the ba.. guts to do it