Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #5,496
*wipes chin*
Physics news on
  • #5,497
BicycleTree said:
zooby what do you think of the advancement of 12 grain bread in your long full lifetime?
Devious, subject changing, sneaky-editing interogator.
  • #5,498
zoobyshoe said:
I never called you a dirty old man. I wouldn't. I'm older than you.
Not in so many words. :biggrin: Just the 'what a vile and disgusting comment' sort of thing when the post was perfectly innocent. o:) It was quite invigorating.
  • #5,499
Danger said:
Not in so many words. :biggrin: Just the 'what a vile and disgusting comment' sort of thing when the post was perfectly innocent. o:) It was quite invigorating.
This is the most repulsive thing anyone has ever said to me.
  • #5,500
zoobyshoe said:
Devious, subject changing, sneaky-editing interogator.
dirty old geezer. Did you know that 12 grain bread works better than towels?
  • #5,501
BicycleTree said:
dirty old geezer. Did you know that 12 grain bread works better than towels?
I keep a loaf in the bathroom at all times.
  • #5,502
So if anyone asks you where your towel is, you can answer, "in my sandwich."
  • #5,503
BicycleTree said:
dirty old geezer. Did you know that 12 grain bread works better than towels?
Only if you're a rambling, socio-political nonsence spouter who spits his words like a whale blowing.
  • #5,504
zoobyshoe said:
Last year two separate people started threads with that very paragraph within two weeks of each other. Therefore, everyone who's important here has already read it.
I never seen it before. I find it very interesting.

I've heard that when asked to remember long sequences of things people tend to remember the beginning and the end best. It seems that the same is true for words. I had no trouble reading that. I almost failed to recognize that there was even a problem with it.
  • #5,505
Evo said:
I keep a loaf in the bathroom at all times.
Last edited:
  • #5,506
zoobyshoe said:
Only if you're a rambling, socio-political nonsence spouter who spits his words like a whale blowing.
  • #5,507
Frankly, my dear, I prefer V-8.
  • #5,508
:rolleyes: *tiptoes in while everyone's busy arguing about 12 grain bread and gathers up all the copies of Moonbear Goes Camping and tosses them into bonfire*
  • #5,509
BicycleTree said:
Whale-blown gobbeldygook, yes.
  • #5,510
You misspelled both "nonsense" and "gobbledygook." What do you have to say for yourself? :zzz: :devil:
  • #5,511
BicycleTree said:
You misspelled both "nonsense" and "gobbledygook." What do you have to say for yourself? :zzz: :devil:
I am eight feet tall, covered with hair, and will therefore spell any word as I chose.
  • #5,512
zoobyshoe said:
I am eight feet tall, covered with hair, and will therefore spell any word as I chose.
Oh, that's why you need a brush shelter! :smile:
  • #5,513
zoobyshoe said:
I am eight feet tall, covered with hair, and will therefore spell any word as I chose.
Astronuc, what the hell are you doing impersonating Zoobie? :confused:
  • #5,514
zoobyshoe said:
I am eight feet tall, covered with hair, and will therefore spell any word as I chose.
Okay, wookie!

I once knew a guy named Sasquatch. He died because he hit his head on doorways. Then all the women inside tried to help him but it was too late.

Edit: This has vague sexual overtones.
  • #5,515
Which will happen first? Will this thread reach 9999 posts or 99999 views first? Posts are in the lead so far. What happens after those numbers? Y2K
  • #5,516
Danger said:
Astronuc, what the hell are you doing impersonating Zoobie? :confused:
I guess you've never bothered to find out what a "zoobie" is, have you?
  • #5,517
HAve you seen an Astronuc? There's not much difference. Easy mistake to make.
  • #5,518
BicycleTree said:
Okay, wookie!
That is correct. Chewbacca was a space-zoobie.
I once knew a guy named Sasquatch. He died because he hit his head on doorways. Then all the women inside tried to help him but it was too late.
All the zoobies know that story.
Edit: This has vague sexual overtones.
What are they exactly?
  • #5,519
Huckleberry said:
HAve you seen an Astronuc? There's not much difference. Easy mistake to make.
He's virtually bald by zoobie standards.
  • #5,520
Then the women inside tried to give him a helmet so he wouldn't get hurt so easily.
  • #5,521
zoobyshoe said:
BicycleTree said:
Edit: This has vague sexual overtones.

What are they exactly?

Apparently they are VERY vague! :-p
  • #5,522
BicycleTree said:
Then the women inside tried to give him a helmet so he wouldn't get hurt so easily.
  • #5,523
Big feet, large ... shoes.
  • #5,524
zoobyshoe said:
I guess you've never bothered to find out what a "zoobie" is, have you?
Are you trying to tell me that there is actually something called a 'zoobie'?
  • #5,525
Zoobie and moonbear, use your imaginations.
  • #5,526
Danger said:
Are you trying to tell me that there is actually something called a 'zoobie'?
Yep, not to be confused with a zooby either. :biggrin:
  • #5,527
Huckleberry said:
Big feet, large ... shoes.
Math Is Hard did a great joke once about that.
  • #5,528
If nobody had any hair we would probably drink more apple juice.
  • #5,529

Zooby = tooth.
Last edited by a moderator:
  • #5,530
Danger said:
Are you trying to tell me that there is actually something called a 'zoobie'?
Short version:

There's a story in the paper here. Police pull a guy over for wreckless driving on a rural road east of San Diego. He has a 44 magnum on the seat next to him. Cop wants to know what the gun is for. Guy says it is to protect him from "the zoobies". Cop wants to know what a "zoobie" is. Guy says its a large, upright walking, hairy creature. He says a family of them raid the fruit trees behind his house at night.