Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #5,461
Evo said:

It's too late. We have acheived mind control. Didn't you read the warning when you joined about how addicting this is?

I thought everyone already knew it's the :smile:
Physics news on
  • #5,462
icvotria said:
Did someone put MSG in this thread? It's very moreish. Like grapes and heroin, as my mum would say.
No one blames you, kid. Brewnog warned me before he sent me in here, and I still got stuck. :redface:
  • #5,463
Thud thud t hud.
  • #5,464
And on that note.. Night night all, sweet dreams.
  • #5,465
icvotria said:
And on that note.. Night night all, sweet dreams.
Good night. I'm afraid the dreams will have to wait until I see your picture.
  • #5,466
Danger said:
Good night. I'm afraid the dreams will have to wait until I see your picture.
dirty old man :-p
  • #5,467
Read: The Blind Idiot God for Fun and Profit for Dummies.
  • #5,468
The object of one's life is to pack things into as small a space as possible. Hence, modern industry and modern culture.
  • #5,469
Cool, looky what I found. How long does it take you to read this anagram?
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
  • #5,470
This is old news and the blind idiot god whose inhuman followers run the world from the top room of an old house in a small European town in the 1930s will so do something.
  • #5,471
I could barely read that... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  • #5,472
CELL phone, SEX culture, MOTORcycle, DIET book, APARTment living, VIDEO tape, COMPACT disc, BOOK shelf, SUSHI bar, FRIED liver, BRAIN power. What do all of these things except the liver have in common?
  • #5,473
Huckleberry said:
Cool, looky what I found. How long does it take you to read this anagram?
Surprisingly enough, it took me no more effort to read that than if it had been spelled correctly. All of that exposure to Hypatia's posts appears to have paid off.
  • #5,474
BicycleTree said:
CELL phone, SEX culture, MOTORcycle, DIET book, APARTment living, VIDEO tape, COMPACT disc, BOOK shelf, SUSHI bar, FRIED liver, BRAIN power. What do all of these things except the liver have in common?
They're typed in CAPS.
  • #5,475
NO evo you got it wrong sorry. All these things EXCEPT liver! FRIED liver is also with the caps. LIVER is the odd one out!
  • #5,476
I sitll don't tihnk tihs is vrey lgeible. :rlloyees: see? the cmotuper deosnt lkie it ethir. :mad:
  • #5,477
Huckleberry said:
Cool, looky what I found. How long does it take you to read this anagram?
Last year two separate people started threads with that very paragraph within two weeks of each other. Therefore, everyone who's important here has already read it.
  • #5,478
I have a compass with a hammer on it attached on a spring to go DING DING DING.
  • #5,479
BicycleTree said:
CELL phone, SEX culture, MOTORcycle, DIET book, APARTment living, VIDEO tape, COMPACT disc, BOOK shelf, SUSHI bar, FRIED liver, BRAIN power. What do all of these things except the liver have in common?
They all relate to moonbear?
  • #5,480
zooby I have already read it.
  • #5,481
BicycleTree said:
NO evo you got it wrong sorry. All these things EXCEPT liver! FRIED liver is also with the caps. LIVER is the odd one out!
FRIED is in caps, liver is lower case. :approve:
  • #5,482
?OHO but evo BRAIN power the power is in lowercase only the BRAIN is uppercase so then it is not common with all!
  • #5,483
BicycleTree said:
What do all of these things except the liver have in common?
They were all posted by some sort of frenzied, anarchic malcontent.
  • #5,484
OKEEE HERE is the hint it is either the blind idiot god or compressing much into a small space
  • #5,485
yomamma said:
I sitll don't tihnk tihs is vrey lgeible. :rlloyees: see? the cmotuper deosnt lkie it ethir. :mad:
Not only is yours just as easy to read, it doesn't even matter that you left one of the e's out of either. :-p
  • #5,486
ZOOBY has insulted me because I am not frenzied or malcontent or anarchic. Actually the razor blades prevent me from this fate. All around me.
  • #5,487
Evo said:
dirty old man :-p
Danger, are you getting points or something everytime someone calls you a dirty old man tonight?
  • #5,488
BicycleTree said:
?OHO but evo BRAIN power the power is in lowercase only the BRAIN is uppercase so then it is not common with all!
You didn't ask about the brain, you asked about the liver.
BicycleTree said:
What do all of these things except the liver have in common?
  • #5,489
BicycleTree said:
OKEEE HERE is the hint it is either the blind idiot god or compressing much into a small space
  • #5,490
Moonbear said:
Danger, are you getting points or something everytime someone calls you a dirty old man tonight?
I certainly hope so. It's not just tonight, though. Zoobie and Cronxeh started it a couple of days ago. Anything to further my reputation... :rolleyes:
  • #5,491
yomamma said:
They all relate to moonbear?
LOL! Wow, you're right! All except liver, because I don't like liver. Wow, again! :smile: : (I'm still trying to collect all those videos and destroy them. :rolleyes:)
  • #5,492
Evo said:
You didn't ask about the brain, you asked about the liver. :wink:
the Majority of the modern land is pushing much stuff into as small a space as possible. This is what the objects except :approve: evil liver :approve: have together.
Last edited:
  • #5,493
Danger said:
I certainly hope so. It's not just tonight, though. Zoobie and Cronxeh started it a couple of days ago. Anything to further my reputation... :rolleyes:
I never called you a dirty old man. I wouldn't. I'm older than you.
  • #5,494
BicycleTree said:
Screetching, hysterical, anarchic malcontent!
  • #5,495
zooby what do you think of the advancement of 12 grain bread in your long full lifetime?