Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #6,686
Huckleberry said:
What is all this hooey about replies. I like nice round numbers like 8000. 8001 is just unblanaced and will flip over. 0's don't weigh anything so the 8 is perfectly balanced. 8001, who ever heard of such a thing being important?

Is that really what you were going for?
That was the rule set at the first milestone. It's 8000th reply, not the 8000th post that counts. :-p
Physics news on
  • #6,687
Huckleberry said:
What is all this hooey about replies. I like nice round numbers like 8000. 8001 is just unblanaced and will flip over. 0's don't weigh anything so the 8 is perfectly balanced. 8001, who ever heard of such a thing being important?

Is that really what you were going for?
Yep, an unanswered thread shows one reply, it's not a reply though, it's the thread starter's original post, so the reply number is off by "one". To get the real number of replies, you have to subtract one.
  • #6,688
In that case both Moonbear and I got what we wanted then. I wanted the 8000 right next to my name where it looks all nice and cozy. The 8000th reply says 8001 and it looks odd because it doesn't say 8000.

Must resist BToli, must resist
  • #6,689
Huckleberry said:
In that case both Moonbear and I got what we wanted then. I wanted the 8000 right next to my name where it looks all nice and cozy. The 8000th reply says 8001 and it looks odd because it doesn't say 8000.

Must resist BToli, must resist
You can enjoy it for the aesthetics, but it's not going to win you the get out of banning free card that comes with every 1000th reply. :-p :biggrin:
  • #6,690
Moonbear said:
What are you, Hannibal Lechter?

I'm just looking forward to the race for the 10000th post! :biggrin:
No, Hannibal Lechter has a warped, yet refined sense of taste. I just eat anything.

Hmm, isn't the 10000th post the 9999 reply? It seems to make more sense to go for the millenium posts than the replies. It is good practice for getting that thread killing post.
  • #6,691
Huckleberry said:
No, Hannibal Lechter has a warped, yet refined sense of taste. I just eat anything.

Hmm, isn't the 10000th post the 9999 reply? It seems to make more sense to go for the millenium posts than the replies. It is good practice for getting that thread killing post.
Darn, I was hoping to confuse the contestants. If everyone was racing for the 10000th post, I could slip in and swipe the 10000th reply without them noticing. :biggrin: :rolleyes:
  • #6,692
Moonbear said:
AAAAAACCCCKKKKk! Okay, yomamma, it's confirmed. Give him the shot, now!

( | ) --██████-|

moonbear...i think it had some side effects... :rolleyes:
  • #6,693
:smile: Oh my! Huck's butt is green! Hey, Huck, jiggle it while I get the black light. This ought to be fun! :biggrin:
  • #6,694
that has uranum in it, and I didn't tell you about my secret ingredient did I? radian. that dye is radioactive, so if huck goes near a microwave...


butt will be everywhere...
  • #6,695
Good job, you stunned the thread for a bit. :biggrin:
  • #6,696
yomamma said:

butt will be everywhere...
I hear Huck's butt is everywhere already. :biggrin:
  • #6,697
yomamma said:
that has uranum in it, and I didn't tell you about my secret ingredient did I? radian. that dye is radioactive, so if huck goes near a microwave...

Hmmmnnnn...uranum...what conjugation of yur' anus is that?
  • #6,698
Couldn't resist.
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  • #6,699
Huckleberry said:
Couldn't resist.
That's priceless, where do they find these pictures? :smile:
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  • #6,700
mattmns said:
Hmm, I should put some pants on and do some studying :cry:
I think faster standing up, I have never tested to see if I do better with or without pants on. I guess no pants would be distracting.
  • #6,701
Has anyone noticed that franzbear is facing a firing squad tomorrow? I think he's been sick because this thread is getting less and less posts per day.

anyway, what should we do tomorrow? franzbear is facing the firing squad...let's have a party!
  • #6,702
Evo said:
I guess no pants would be distracting.

To you or to every male in the room? :!) :-p :!)
  • #6,703
Evo said:
I guess no pants would be distracting.
No, I study much better when you don't have your pants on. :approve:

  • #6,704
yomamma said:
Has anyone noticed that franzbear is facing a firing squad tomorrow? I think he's been sick because this thread is getting less and less posts per day.

anyway, what should we do tomorrow? franzbear is facing the firing squad...let's have a party!
Great, it's tomorrow now! :rolleyes: Or something like that anyway.

  • #6,705
We should all take our pants off and study.
  • #6,706
Huckleberry said:
We should all take our pants off and study.
Study? What sort of lame idea is that? :-p
  • #6,707
Moonbear said:
Study? What sort of lame idea is that? :-p
Just have to find something stimulating to study. Nothing lame about stimulating study.

It all comes back to this. :biggrin:
  • #6,708
Huckleberry said:
Just have to find something stimulating to study. Nothing lame about stimulating study.

It all comes back to this. :biggrin:
How about studying stimulation? :-p
  • #6,709
:zzz: okay, it's o0ff to the freezer for me. franzbear will be facing the firing squad in 12 hours, 8 minutes
  • #6,710
Well now... I definitely vote for studying Evo or Moonbear, or preferably both, without their pants on. (And for the sake of equality, I'd be willing to part with mine at the same time.)
  • #6,711
Danger said:
Well now... I definitely vote for studying Evo or Moonbear, or preferably both, without their pants on. (And for the sake of equality, I'd be willing to part with mine at the same time.)
Well, as long as you're being fair about it.

Did anyone else catch David Letterman last night? Jack Hannah...the zoo guy...was on and brought along a couple of armadillos. The armadillos decided to go at it hot and heavy right on David's desk! :smile: Apparently it's really difficult to get them to mate, so Jack was talking about how exciting it was. At first he was going to move them, and then David said not to interrupt them if it was so rare. LOL! Male armadillos are very well-endowed too! :bugeye:
  • #6,712
Moonbear said:
How about studying stimulation? :-p
Studying the stimulation of studying? Sounds kind of kinky, kinda metaphysical. Reminds me of that song by Olivia Newton Johnson 'Let's Get Metaphysical.' Ever heard of it?
  • #6,713
Huckleberry said:
Studying the stimulation of studying? Sounds kind of kinky, kinda metaphysical. Reminds me of that song by Olivia Newton Johnson 'Let's Get Metaphysical.' Ever heard of it?
:smile: What's wrong with Olvia Newton John's "Let's get physical?"
  • #6,714
Olivia Newton Johnson

I'm saying all the things that I know you'll like,
Makin' good conversation
I got to handle you just right,
You know what I mean
I took you to an intimate restaurant,
Then to a suggestive movie
There's nothin' left to talk about,
Unless it's astrally

Let's get metaphysical, metaphysical,
I want to get metaphysical, let's get metaphysical
Let me hear your aura talk,
Your aura talk, let me hear your aura talk

I've been patient, I've been good,
Tried to keep my hands on the table
It's gettin' hard this holdin' back,
You know what I mean
I'm sure you'll understand my point of view,
We know each other mentally
You got to know that you're bringin' out
The animus in me

Let's get animus, animus,
I want to get animus, let's get into animus
Let me hear your aura talk,
Your aura talk, let me hear your aura talk
You haven't heard this one?
  • #6,715
yomamma said:
where have you all been?!

anyway, 1 hour and 20 minutes to franzbear's shooting
Nope, nobody is killing this thread but me.
*puts on drill seargent sunglasses*
Okay minions, fall in!
*paces while talking*
We need to take action. SOS, we'll need that wheelchair of yours for the ground mission. We're revving up the supersonic RV for air support and loading ammo for the roof-mounted bazooka. Get your poofy hats and capes ready. We'll be conducting intensive swooping and swooshing drills en route. Artman, get that sword polished! Any questions? Okay, we're all set. Give it a BooYah!
  • #6,716
hey uhh, he faced the squad 14 minutes ago...why are we still posting? unless...Oh my god! **** ****! stupid *****r! he found a way out of it! ****!
  • #6,717
yomamma said:
hey uhh, he faced the squad 14 minutes ago...why are we still posting? unless...Oh my god! **** ****! stupid *****r! he found a way out of it! ****!

*throws big party for minions* Woo hoo! Mission accomplished!
  • #6,718
are you crazy?!? fanzbear is alive! oh...I see, you're waiting for post # 10,000
  • #6,719
yomamma said:
are you crazy?!? fanzbear is alive! oh...I see, you're waiting for post # 10,000

Nope, I'm waiting for everyone else to get bored of this thread so I can take the kill for myself. :biggrin: I'm a very good thread stalker right now and will just continue to patiently wait for everyone else to leave.
  • #6,720
you're not getting me to leave I will take this thread to 100,000+ posts, just so you won't kill it. and I think that it's just you and me that still post here