Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

  • Thread starter tribdog
  • Start date
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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #6,826
The Norweedish word for "armadillo" is "Beltedyr".
Physics news on
  • #6,827
SOS2008 said:
So I'm pulling into my garage and I see a large armadillo by the walk. Cautiously I walk toward it to take a closer look. Then it runs into the garage and I think into the house, but I can't find him now. Hey, where's Danger been lately!
Male or female (of course I mean the armadillo, not Danger)? :biggrin:

From what I hear it's easy to tell because he's very well-endowed (of course I mean the male armadillo, not Danger) :biggrin:
  • #6,828
Moonbear said:
Owww! I'm not sure if armadillos bite or what they even eat. They were too busy mating to be fed anything. :biggrin:

Armadillos generally eat inverts, mostly soft-bodied, but some insects as well. I'm sure they can bite and probably do. That makes me think of all the people who used to come into the pet store my wife worked at in college and ask "will this animal bite?"- it has a mouth doesn't it? If you don't want to get bit, get some worms. :biggrin: As far as other defense mechanisms for armadillos, I remember reading about a naturalist who caught his first armadillo and upon rolling it over to examine it, he was sprayed with feces , pretty effective defense.
  • #6,829
DocToxyn said:
Armadillos generally eat inverts, mostly soft-bodied, .
Do gay men know this?
I'm sure they would like to be warned..

Or did you mean invertebrates??
  • #6,830
arildno said:
Do gay men know this?
I'm sure they would like to be warned..

Or did you mean invertebrates??

Yes, I did mean invertebrates. :smile:

Is that a term used to describe homosexuals? I've never heard it, is it local to Norway or European countries? Is it generally an accepted term or does it have any derogatory tone? If so I apologize for any misinterpretation.
  • #6,831
It is an old-fashioned word; the common "scientific" term up to the 1950's, when "homosexual" became the preferred word (or at least, the terms where equally common up to that time).
(The term is coupled to the concept of "sexual inversion", so it certainly had a some derogatory content)

However, I can't see how anyone could be offended by your spelling error, although some might be offended by my silly joke..
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  • #6,832
Huckleberry said:
When will those silly armadillos learn not to play in traffic? Don't their parents teach them anything?

*tucks in Moonbear* Goodnight Moonie. *hides handcuffs and waits quietly in the dark for Moonbear to fall asleep*
That's the last time I let you tuck me in! I had nightmares last night! A giant red clam was eating people's heads! (And, no the Freudian implications have not escaped me, but it was still a scary dream; I woke up with my heart racing!)
  • #6,833
Here is a great site that mentions armadillos: :biggrin:

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  • #6,834
Artman said:
Here is a great site that mentions armadillos: :biggrin:

Evil! Just evil!
  • #6,835
Artman said:
Male or female (of course I mean the armadillo, not Danger)? :biggrin:

From what I hear it's easy to tell because he's very well-endowed (of course I mean the male armadillo, not Danger) :biggrin:
It was a male, and as I said he was large. But I thought I saw a quick glitter in the sun as it ran, and thought it even more odd...maybe a zipper? But Danger is back, so I guess it was just my imagination. Seriously, in the U.S. there are no armadillos in Arizona--I believe only in Texas and maybe New Mexico.

BTW, Evo, I keep forgetting to tell you this. I was reading news online and noticed a blip regarding horoscopes and pets that are supposed to be compatible. For Taurus, turtles are considered compatible. Hmmmm...
  • #6,836
Artman, I saw your armadillo song. :smile: I added it to "classics". :approve:
  • #6,837
Danger said:
:eek: That's a nightmare that outstrips Audrey from 'Little Shop of Horrors'! Death is one thing, but decapitation?! :eek:
Yeah, it was a pretty bad one. I sometimes have bad dreams, but I just wake up, realize it was a dream and go back to sleep. This one, I woke up and my heart was pounding, and I had a very hard time relaxing enough to go back to sleep. I've been a tad stressed lately, so I'm guessing it was stress-induced. It would have made a good B-movie. :biggrin:
  • #6,838
SOS2008 said:
BTW, Evo, I keep forgetting to tell you this. I was reading news online and noticed a blip regarding horoscopes and pets that are supposed to be compatible. For Taurus, turtles are considered compatible. Hmmmm...
ROGER! :cry:

Turtles are cool. There was a baby turtle trying to cross a four lane highway the other day, he was halfway across and it was too busy for me to stop. I kept looking in the rearview mirror to see if people were going around him. :frown: I hope he made it.
  • #6,839
I just noticed you sleep in a freezer.

That's dangerous you know, its hard to fit in one of those, unless it is a meat freezer.

I can derive several things from the fact that you sleep in a freezer:

a) You don't smoke. At least whilst you are sleeping, because a cigarette would go out rather quickly in a sub-zero environment.

b) You don't bring nitroglycerine into your sleeping environment, the test tubes would become brittle and break at the seemingly slightest touch, plus, because of rapid temperature changes, the nitroglycerine would effectively exploode.
  • #6,840
Evo said:
ROGER! :cry:

Turtles are cool. There was a baby turtle trying to cross a four lane highway the other day, he was halfway across and it was too busy for me to stop. I kept looking in the rearview mirror to see if people were going around him. :frown: I hope he made it.
I'm like you about that. I worry about animals trying to cross busy roads. I have heard that you shouldn't carry turtles out of the road because they will just wander back to where they were and continue on. I don't know if that true or not.

Did you hear about the man that complained about the deer crossing sign? He said they should move that sign because it wasn't a safe place for the deer to cross, they keep getting hit there.


Oh and thanks for your comment on my armadillo song. I thought you would like that whole exchange. :biggrin:
  • #6,841
Artman said:
I'm like you about that. I worry about animals trying to cross busy roads. I have heard that you shouldn't carry turtles out of the road because they will just wander back to where they were and continue on. I don't know if that true or not.

I have found the most effective thing to do is move them off the road towards the direction they are headed. That's where they want to go, whether its to lay some eggs or return from such activities, and you usually can't convince them otherwise, so facilitate them. Frogs, on the other hand, are a different matter, they just seem to like the road. I went out with my son and his grandfather last night during a nice, warm, rain and the road was littered with frogs. Unfortunately most were hit :frown: , but we captured several including a gray tree frog, a spring peeper, and bullfrog and two american toads. I'll post some pictures next week.
  • #6,842
I've been waiting for the right moment...

not now...


Okay now! This thread is dead.

This thread has been closed by Ivan Seeking
6/10/05 at 10:465 P.M.
  • #6,843
...okay not yet...
  • #6,844
Ivan Seeking said:
This thread has been closed by Ivan Seeking
6/10/05 at 10:465 P.M.
The fumes from that dead deer seem to be affecting your mind.
  • #6,845
  • #6,846
  • #6,847
A mathematician wandered home at 3 AM. His wife became very upset, telling him, "You're late! You said you'd be home by 11:45."
The mathematician replied, "I'm right on time. I said I'd be home by a quarter of twelve."
  • #6,848
I'm reading the whole thread! I'm on post #440...I'm so tired :zzz: I think I'm going to the alley soon because moonbear kicked me out of the freezer :mad
I'm going to read some more thread, and go to the alley.

PS. the first pages of this thread are classics
  • #6,849
Ivan Seeking said:
This thread has been closed by Ivan Seeking
6/10/05 at 10:465 P.M.
Super Mentor powers, huh? Apparently they don't work if you try to use them for evil. :smile:
  • #6,850
dextercioby said:
Yes,MY thread.And Tribdog's.
Ha ha ha ha. It is my thread! Tribdog abandoned it as an infant, and you're just one of those who thinks you can call it yours if you just pop in for a visit whenever you're in town. It's me and only me who has been here every day of this thread's life, taking care of it, nurturing it, raising it into a strong, healthy thread. Nobody gets to kill this thread but me. I've put too much effort into it to let someone else take the credit now.

Now everyone out! I have some work to take care of here! :devil:
  • #6,851
Moonbear said:
Nobody gets to kill this thread but me.
  • #6,852
ha ha ha a. it is my thread! tribdog abandoned it as an infant, and yous is just one of those who thinks yous can call it yours if yous just speed garage in fa a visit wheneva yous is in turf. it's me and only me who as bin in da house every day of dis thread's life, takin care of it, nurturin it, raisin it into a strong, ealthy thread. nobody gets to kill dis thread but me. I've put too much effort into it to let someone else take da credit now.

Courtesy of Da Ali G Tranzlatizor ( )
  • #6,853
cronxeh said:
Courtesy of Da Ali G Tranzlatizor ( )
:bugeye: Oh my. Where did that "speed garage" bit come from? :confused:


I hereby declare this thread killed...nothing left to see...make way, clear need to say any more. Memorial tributes may be made in the "Life of Franzbear" thread.
  • #6,854
Tell Evo to lock it.
  • #6,855
*just passed CPR course*

*gives 2 breath, checks for pulse.. hmm.. starts compressions... 1..2..3.. 15..*

*gives 2 more breathe*.. 15 compressions.. 2 breathes.. 15 compressions.. *does a whole minute, checks for pulse*

*slaps Franzbear* Come on buddy! LIVE! LIVE!

Meanwhile, deep inside the Franzbear's mind:
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  • #6,856
whoa just dug up this info:

"like a chipmunk, can reduce its body temperature to nearly freezing during hibernation and change its heart rate from 350 beats per minute to as low as 4 beats per minute within hours of retiring to its den. "

interesting stuff :bugeye:
  • #6,857
cronxeh said:
*slaps Franzbear* Come on buddy! LIVE! LIVE!

Pull the plug, Evo! Pull the plug!
  • #6,858
Alright.. show me the DNR order, signed by Franzbear and I'll let it go..

sigh.. damn I am getting tired.. did anyone bother calling Evo?
  • #6,859
Dr. Evo is probably attending to another patient elsewhere. I'm sure she has all the paperwork.

In the meantime, no more heroics.
  • #6,860
Ooh, is Moonbear gone? Did Franzbear pass away in her absence? Shall we declare death to the thread and lock it? :devil: