Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #7,001
what is it?
Physics news on
  • #7,002
Aaaaaccccckkkkkk! What are you doing to Franzbear? Look at all this grafitti and pollution!

Ah, good choice of lawyer for him yomamma. :approve:
  • #7,003
yomamma said:
I think that AHHH! would be more appropriate in this case. ask artman...
Yeah, knowing this group AHHHHH! would probably be appropriate.

I have a great idea for something franzbear and I can do when he gets out of jail. I am going to gather the materials and I'll be waiting for him when he gets out. It'll be fun :smile:

(Sure hope you got him a good lawyer, Yoma.)
  • #7,004
Yomamma's lawyer was so good that they let Franzbear out right away on bail. :biggrin:

So now we can go on our little expedition together. :smile:

(It'll be fun) :smile:

What's that Franzbear? What are all the ballons in the car for? It's a secret. you'll find out. :smile: Let's head for the field I selected so we can start our adventure. :smile:

<we arrive at our destination>

Now you just have a seat over there in that lawn chair. You must be exhausted after being stuck in jail and in that freezing cold airplane wheel well. o:) Here you hold this bb gun. While I bring over the ballons...What do we need so many ballons for? They're just a little welcome home to you after your ordeal. o:) Here, I'll tie them to your chair...uhh :rolleyes: so you can see them better. o:) Um, you better hold these concrete blocks for a couple of minutes...just while I tie on more ballons. o:) There, now aren't they pretty? Oh here you can hand me those concret blocks now...You still have that bb gun right?

Franzbear, your chair is rising off the ground. Franzbear you're going too high. Franzbear you're going too high. Franzbear you're going too high. Quick, you better shoot some of the ballons! Franzbear you're going too high. You must be 1000 feet in the air! Shoot some of the ballons! Franzbear! Shoot some of the ballons!

Wow he must be 5000 feet in the air. Oh, this field is close to the airforce base. Wow, they must have called out the fighter squadron! They keep buzzing by Franzbear! Ut oh, I wonder if they see the gun?

Franzbear! Look out I think they're going to shoo...!


Wow. Who'd have thought they could hit all those ballons that fast.
  • #7,005
  • #7,006



  • #7,007
hypatia said:




The mysterious being, dubbed by observers "Lawnchair Franzbear," infiltrated US Airforce restricted airspace, and was shot down when the pilots investigating the craft saw that the alien aircraft's pilot was indeed armed.
  • #7,008
interesting... very interesting
  • #7,009
klusener said:
interesting... very interesting
Do you ever actually talk? :confused:
  • #7,010
Danger! I've seen you out in the "real" forums (you know those science things :smile:), but I haven't come across you in here lately.

Too bad about Franzbear getting shot down. They'll probably take the damaged lawnchair and the poor battered thread to Area 54 for a thorough examination.
  • #7,011
Artman said:
Too bad about Franzbear getting shot down. They'll probably take the damaged lawnchair and the poor battered thread to Area 54 for a thorough examination.
They've got all sorts of scarey looking probes there, and they've been known to dissect any specimens they find! At the least, they'll be snipping away bits for biopsy. Poor poor Franzbear!
  • #7,012
Moonbear said:
They've got all sorts of scarey looking probes there, and they've been known to dissect any specimens they find! At the least, they'll be snipping away bits for biopsy. Poor poor Franzbear!
Yeah. Won't they feel silly when they find out that he is just a mutant, zombie, e-love-child, thread-that-won't-die, created by a bunch of science/pirate nerds from oh, we could be in a lot of trouble.

I'm running away before the men-in-black show up!
  • #7,013
moonbear said:
they've got all sorts of scary looking probes there...

franzbear has been probed with 1462 devices so far. they still have to run a lot more tests. I have a picture of the next one:


you see they take that wire, and that metal arm, and, well...i don't feel comfortable telling the rest...
  • #7,014
I'm not normaly squimish..but the look of that machine...oh the inhumanity!
Someone must go undercover..and help him excape.
  • #7,015
That looks like a good candidate for Letterman's "Is it anything?" segment!

Okay, okay, we'll have to assemble the Minions for another rescue operation. But, Area 54 is a tough one to get into. And if we get caught, well, I don't even want to think about what they'd do to us. *shudders*

Oh, wait! I just got a call from Franzbear for us to come pick him up. It seems they've been probing one of the balloon strings. He's okay!

Okay Franzbear, just start walking. Keep following the sun.
  • #7,016
Moonbear said:
It seems they've been probing one of the balloon strings. He's okay!
So, basically, they wanted to give him an anal probe, but didn't know where to start or when to finish? :biggrin:
  • #7,017
Artman said:
So, basically, they wanted to give him an anal probe, but didn't know where to start or when to finish? :biggrin:

Yep, there are advantages to being a thread. :smile:

(Darn, I had this thread killed the natural way for 17 hours, and Artman had to show up and post. )
  • #7,018
Moonbear said:
(Darn, I had this thread killed the natural way for 17 hours, and Artman had to show up and post. )
You really think I didn't notice that? :rolleyes:

Mine again. :smile:
  • #7,019
Snatches up the thread and runs. You should know I hesitate at nothing to keep this thread as mine, all mine! Forget cutting the apron strings, Franzbear IS the apron strings. :biggrin: :-p
  • #7,020
What a kind mother!she prefer to kill her son by her own hands!Well, I know why she wants to kill him!
  • #7,021
Lisa! said:
What a kind mother!
Yeah, she's a mother alright. :-p

<cautiously snips the apron strings, without harming poor dear Franzbear.>

Come on Franzbear. I know a place where we can go swimming with the dolphins!

They hardly ever get them mixed up with sharks anymore. :smile:

It'll be fun. :smile: o:)
  • #7,022
Artman said:
Yeah, she's a mother alright. :-p

<cautiously snips the apron strings, without harming poor dear Franzbear.>

Come on Franzbear. I know a place where we can go swimming with the dolphins!

They hardly ever get them mixed up with sharks anymore. :smile:

It'll be fun. :smile: o:)

Franzbear, you know full well you shouldn't go in the water without your wetsuit on. I got you a new one; isn't it so cute made to look just like a seal?
  • #7,023
*snatches franzbear*

c'mon! we're goin' bunjee jumpin! I'll tie your cord!
  • #7,024
yomamma said:
*snatches franzbear*

c'mon! we're goin' bunjee jumpin! I'll tie your cord!

See, this is what happens when you haven't read all 8500+ replies here. :rolleyes: Franzbear already went bungee jumping. One of his uncles took him...can't remember if it was his Uncle Artman or his Uncle Toxyn, but he didn't like it much. Seems he had a bad experience with a very worn bungee cord. :frown:
  • #7,025
*snatches franzbear*
we'er going can build the fire :devil:
  • #7,026
Moonbear said:
See, this is what happens when you haven't read all 8500+ replies here. :rolleyes: Franzbear already went bungee jumping. One of his uncles took him...can't remember if it was his Uncle Artman or his Uncle Toxyn, but he didn't like it much. Seems he had a bad experience with a very worn bungee cord. :frown:
Didn't he try a life as a cable once?
Or was that another thread? I forget..
  • #7,027
sorry franzbear

let's go to the zoo! they have a 'pet the lions exhibit'

okay, before you pet them, hide this meat in your shirt so they won't dislike you. now go in through that door that says 'warning, electrical fence'. yes, that one

  • #7,028
i think i smell something...burnt hair?
  • #7,029
burnt thread :wink:

hey, he's moving!

*franzbear ges up*

wait! I thought of the only thing that can kill franzbear!
*takes scissors*
*cuts franzbear in 2*
*cuts him in 4*
  • #7,030
yomamma said:
burnt thread :wink:

hey, he's moving!

*franzbear ges up*

wait! I thought of the only thing that can kill franzbear!
*takes scissors*
*cuts franzbear in 2*
*cuts him in 4*
He's like that magic trick where the magician cuts and cuts and then opens it up and it's still one huge long piece.

Come on Franzbear, let's go play chicken with a train. How do we play? It's easy! :smile: You stand on the tracks and dare the train to turn away first. Well, yeah, most people play chicken with a car, but what's the challange in that? :smile: It'll be fun! :smile: o:)
  • #7,031
hmmm...kentucky fried chicken...

franzbear, you ruined a perfectly good tran, and set of railroad tracks! I'm going to have to punish you! let's see, we have a meat grinder, a pogo stick, and $2,000 worth of electrical equipment. what should I do?
  • #7,032
yomamma said:
...lets see, we have a meat grinder, a pogo stick, and $2,000 worth of electrical equipment. what should I do?
  • #7,033
oh yeah, and my imagination :devil:
  • #7,034
Franzbear, how many times have I told you that yomamma is a bad influence on you? Now, come along, we need to buy you new shoes. Just stick your feet in this concrete here and wait for it to harden. Oh, yes, that's just a mold we'll make, and then they can use it to make custom-fitted shoes for you.
Okay, that cement looks hard enough now. how do we get your feet back out? Oh, maybe soaking in water will help. Just try to hop along with me here...okay, I'll hang onto your arms while you soak in this river. Oops, oh no! My hands must have gotten wet and slippery and I lost my grip!
  • #7,035

Sad! I was really feeling this one too!
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