Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #7,036
As long as your minesweeper addiction isn't as bad as Zz's Disney addiction, we'll still let you hang around Franzbear. :-p
Physics news on
  • #7,037
Moonbear said:
Franzbear, how many times have I told you that yomamma is a bad influence on you? Now, come along, we need to buy you new shoes. Just stick your feet in this concrete here and wait for it to harden. Oh, yes, that's just a mold we'll make, and then they can use it to make custom-fitted shoes for you...Okay, that cement looks hard enough now. how do we get your feet back out? Oh, maybe soaking in water will help. Just try to hop along with me here...okay, I'll hang onto your arms while you soak in this river. Oops, oh no! My hands must have gotten wet and slippery and I lost my grip!
Let me help you out of there Franzbear.

<Pulls the soaked Franzbear from the river (still wearing his cement shoes.).>

There you go. Good as new. o:)

Now, let's go try playing chicken with trains again. :biggrin: :devil:

It'll be fun. :biggrin:
  • #7,038
Artman said:
Let me help you out of there Franzbear.

<Pulls the soaked Franzbear from the river (still wearing his cement shoes.).>

There you go. Good as new. o:)

Now, let's go try playing chicken with trains again. :biggrin: :devil:

It'll be fun. :biggrin:

:rolleyes: Franzbear, honey, when will you ever learn? *Drags Franzbear off train tracks in the nick of time*
I think skydiving will be more your style. Leave the shoes on, they'll provide, um, ballast, yeah, that's important for skydiving.

*stuffs sheet into backpack* Okay, Franzbear, here's your 'chute.
  • #7,039
*breaks engine of airplane*

sorry, franzbear it looks like you can't go skydiving today. how about helping me test something i saw on mythbusters today. just get in the pool...don't worry, it worked for them. hmmm, i guess i "forgot" to empty the pool :devil:

*takes aim*
  • #7,040
Quick Franzbear, put this rope around your neck and I'll get my car and drag you out of the pool to safety!

Oh and, you can leave your shoes on. :wink: :-p :biggrin:
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  • #7,041
*cuts rope*
don't listen to uncle artman! bad thread! you know what, let's go to that mob hideout downtown. okay, to get in, you have to say a special password. listen carefully: "police!" k, now kick the door open

  • #7,042
duck, franzbear!
  • #7,043
too late. he's not dead, but he looks like swiss cheese...
  • #7,044
Swiss cheese? Oh no! Franzbear, watch out for those giant rats in the alley!
I'm getting outta here!
  • #7,045
*snatches franzbear when nobody's looking*
  • #7,046
Franzbear, run from the rats! (you know, yomamma, pogo, moonbear, oh and the ones in the alley.) :biggrin:


<Franzbear trying to run in concrete shoes.>
  • #7,047
*sneaks up behind artman, ninja style, with piano wire*
  • #7,048
kicks YDOAPS from behind*

artman, maybe we can kill that thread together!
  • #7,049
uhg.. to think I actually started reading this thread with an intension to read all of it. It's been said that the person who ends a conversation often does it by saying something so profound, no response is necessary. This, of course, is the epitome of wishful thinking.
  • #7,050
Clop clop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clopclop clop...

Franzbear and Artman running from pogo
  • #7,051
a n00b! jelfish!
  • #7,052
yomamma said:
kicks YDOAPS from behind*

artman, maybe we can kill that thread together!
You grab one concrete shoe and take a bus (I think you're still too young to drive) and I'll grab his other concrete shoe and drive the other way.

:rolleyes: What's that Franzbear? Oh we're just trying to help you loose those concrete shoes. Right Yomamma? :biggrin:
  • #7,053
  • #7,054
Jelfish said:
It's been said that the person who ends a conversation often does it by saying something so profound, no response is necessary.
You heard that about this thread? :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :biggrin:
  • #7,055
yomamma and Artman, join me and we can rule the, that's not right...join me and we can kill franzbear :devil:
  • #7,056
yourdadonapogostick said:
yomamma and Artman, join me and we can rule the, that's not right...join me and we can kill franzbear :devil:
I want the galaxy. :approve:
  • #7,057
Artman said:
You grab one concrete shoe and take a bus (I think you're still too young to drive) and I'll grab his other concrete shoe and drive the other way.

:rolleyes: What's that Franzbear? Oh we're just trying to help you loose those concrete shoes. Right Yomamma? :biggrin:

You can't get concrete shoes off that way! Geez, leave you alone for a few minutes, and look at the trouble you're getting into. Franzbear, hold still while I put these grenades on your shoes. Once I pull the pins, just hold VERY VERY still.

*pulls pins and runs*

Kaaaabooooooooommmmmm! Blllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaammmm!
  • #7,058
not enough power. I have eight 12-pound cases of c-4. hold still...

  • #7,059
I wouldn't mind the grenade so much, except I had the concrete shoe and franzbear's leg in my car!
  • #7,060
Artman said:
I want the galaxy. :approve:
ok, how about both?
  • #7,061
What the hell... I think I'll just hide in a corner.
  • #7,062
:rolleyes: Ooh, look at Franzbear flying...and
AAACCCKKKKK! Look out Franzbear! You're headed straight for the propellers on that helicopter getting ready for lift-off.

  • #7,063
okay, I have 200 50-pound cases of C-4. but we''l have to light a fuse so long, that we could get miles away.

*hooks up the c-4*
*lights the incredibly long fuse*
[18 hours later]
lets go and check on him...
  • #7,064
Jelfish said:
What the hell... I think I'll just hide in a corner.
Even corners aren't safe around here. Once you enter this thread, you never leave the same again. :devil:
  • #7,065
Okay, scientists estimate that franzbear is somewhere in the stratoshphere. they can see him falling, it looks like he'll land in sacremento, CA.
  • #7,066
what?! he is still alive?! he is worse than cats. and you know how greg hates cats
  • #7,067
they have word that he's just landed. and the FBI wans us for attempted murder. apperently, one of us is a spy who's been keeping close surveilance on us...
  • #7,068
attempted murder?! that is totally don't get a nobel prize for attempted scientific breakthrough
  • #7,069
I think the spy is jelfish. he never tried to hurt franzbear!
  • #7,070
i never did trust him