Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

  • Thread starter tribdog
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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #7,246
that's it. I'm out. :smile:
Physics news on
  • #7,247
thread killage
  • #7,248
no, i will be the one that kills this thread!
  • #7,249
not a chance :approve:
  • #7,250
mathwonk said:
we'll see if i can kill this leviathan...
Pblackfft. :-p I don't think so. :biggrin:
  • #7,251
yomamma said:
not a chance :approve:
do you want to bet on it?
  • #7,252
mathwonk said:
those guys in the hall of fame are pikers. shoot, i killed 43 threads just in the first 3 pages of the tensor analysis forum alone.

this reminds me of all the times when i come into a room and everyone else leaves.

we'll see if i can kill this leviathan, but i doubt it.

Who's next to post here?
Matt Grime?
  • #7,253
yourdadonapogostick said:
do you want to bet on it?
okay, whoever wins gets a complimentary premium membership from greg.

this is my chance! :rolleyes:
  • #7,254
i will win
  • #7,255
people, wasn't this thread closed? :devil:
a waste of bandwidth..
  • #7,256
not any more
  • #7,257
  • #7,258 me! :devil:
  • #7,259
Monique said:
people, wasn't this thread closed? :devil:
a waste of bandwidth..
Blame Evo. :devil: We warned her it was going to be like dragging around Uncle Bernie, a poor, dead thread, being propped up and abused. We should lock up all these kids around here for abuse of a corpse!
  • #7,260
moonbear is their leader. lock her up! :devil:
  • #7,261
  • #7,262
yourdadonapogostick said:
moonbear is their leader. lock her up! :devil:
Darn, I thought being a leader would have some perks. Can't I at least get some of you to bow down and kiss my feet or something? Maybe wash the windows or take out the trash once in a while? Where have all my minions gone? I made them all those poofy hats and swooshy capes, and they've all abandoned their posts! I better go check the cancer clinic and laundromat, maybe they're all over in one of those places.
  • #7,263
pogo, don't kiss her feet! you'll die! no, no poison, but it's moonbear's feet!
  • #7,264
Moonbear said:
Darn, I thought being a leader would have some perks. Can't I at least get some of you to bow down and kiss my feet or something? Maybe wash the windows or take out the trash once in a while? Where have all my minions gone? I made them all those poofy hats and swooshy capes, and they've all abandoned their posts! I better go check the cancer clinic and laundromat, maybe they're all over in one of those places.
with the poofy hat and the swooshy cape, i thought you wanted me to go fight crime. :smile:
  • #7,265
yomamma said:
pogo, don't kiss her feet! you'll die! no, no poison, but it's moonbear's feet!
If you're that worried, perhaps you should wash my feet before you kiss them. :-p
  • #7,266
  • #7,267
And if feet bother you that much, maybe you should just stay out of this thread, because I've got my shoes and socks off and am stomping all over this thread! :devil:
  • #7,268
I know how to get rid of you!
  • #7,269
Lisa! said:
I know how to get rid of you!
You might have noticed that nobody has managed that yet. Artman is the only other original thread-killer champion left aside from me, and he took a LOOOOOONG break in the middle, so I think even he's lost the endurance challenge.
  • #7,270
Let's see!
  • #7,271
i will be the one that kills this thread!
  • #7,272
no, me!

and who sent me the PM as franzbear?
  • #7,273
I will kill this thread. Franzbear must die!
  • #7,274
Nice joke!
  • #7,275
  • #7,276
Oh I'm really curious how you want to kill this thread with this high amount of cleverness and intelligence! :biggrin: :biggrin: (Take it easy!But think about it)I know I'm confusing sometimes but for sure not this time!
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  • #7,277
this thread will die at my hands...until i go on holiday and the rest of you decide to kill it while i am gone and close it...
  • #7,278
Time will show us!
  • #7,279
yes, it will
  • #7,280
yourdadonapogostick said:
yes, it will

I hate this thread...the world has the power to communicate like never before and this is how we use it.