Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

  • Thread starter tribdog
  • Start date
  • Tags
In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #7,421
Mk said:
Where'd Tribdog go anyway?

yourdadonapogostick, tribdog was a lot funnier. You'll have to study up if you want to win teh this one!

So far, I think there are a few good candidates for this year, but I have my eye on Artman as a good nominee. With only 5 months until the end of the year, I need to start assembling the Sex Party ticket. We had a nearly clean sweep of categories last year. The inaugural ball was pretty popular too. :biggrin:
Physics news on
  • #7,422
yourdadonapogostick said:
i was under the impression that there was more than one kind of award.
Yeah, that's when they do all the guru awards. Community Spirit and Funniest Member were last year's "lighter" categories. It's up to the mentors to choose categories and nominate members though. We all vote after they assemble the initial ballot.
  • #7,423
Sex Party? sounds like my kind of party :biggrin:
  • #7,424
yourdadonapogostick said:
Sex Party? sounds like my kind of party :biggrin:
n00bs arn't invited.
  • #7,425
good thing I'm not a n00b.
  • #7,426
Oh, well all the rest are for the different academic subjects found on different boards in the forum, such as astrophysics, biology, physics, math.
  • #7,427
Mk said:
Oh, well all the rest are for the different academic subjects found on different boards in the forum, such as astrophysics, biology, physics, math.

For a second there I was like, "what the heck is Mk talking about?" So I read up and figured it out. But next time, do us a favor and quote the person you're responding to. I cannot be expected to remember every post and then figure out who is responding to who.
  • #7,428
Townsend said:
For a second there I was like, "what the heck is Mk talking about?" So I read up and figured it out. But next time, do us a favor and quote the person you're responding to. I cannot be expected to remember every post and then figure out who is responding to who.

Oh, I'm sorry. I thought I reloaded the page and that was the last post, I responded rather quickly so I didn't think anyone else had posted before me. o:)
  • #7,429
is there an award for sexiest nuclear engineer/minister? if there is, i think i should get that one.
  • #7,430
i just noticed that my number of sciency posts is 12²
  • #7,431
I just noticed mine is almost (50x10+0)/1
  • #7,432
yourdadonapogostick said:
i just noticed that my number of sciency posts is 12²
awww the cute little nub did a math problem.
  • #7,433
8000 posts, I need at least one in this thread.
  • #7,434
yourdadonapogostick said:
is there an award for sexiest nuclear engineer/minister? if there is, i think i should get that one.
I believe you have to graduate high school before you start calling yourself an engineer. :wink: When you get a few years of college under your belt, you can start hoping.
  • #7,435
Moonbear said:
When you get a few years of college under your belt, you can start hoping.
And if he was a rabbit he could start hopping. (He's got more chance of becomming a rabbit.) :smile:

Moonbear, aren't you supposed to be gone for awhile? How can you expect me to corrupt Franzbear with you hanging around? Now git! So I can get him to loiter in dangerous parts of town, play with explosives, try death defying stunts and other stuff kids do when staying with their uncles. :-p :devil: :-p
  • #7,436
Moonbear said:
I believe you have to graduate high school before you start calling yourself an engineer. :wink: When you get a few years of college under your belt, you can start hoping.
hey, i HAVE the job...i just don't have the training yet. :biggrin:
  • #7,437
Artman said:
loiter in dangerous parts of town, play with explosives, try death defying stunts and other stuff kids do when staying with their uncles. :-p :devil: :-p
Wow! I want Artman to be my uncle~!
  • #7,438
wow, i do too. sounds like fun.:D
  • #7,439
Moonbear said:
I believe you have to graduate high school before you start calling yourself an engineer. :wink: When you get a few years of college under your belt, you can start hoping.
Honestly YDOAPS. Geeze, you need to at least graduate high school.

Damn. Kids these days! :rolleyes:
  • #7,440
uh, no. i have the job and the ID to prove it. i just don't have my training yet.
  • #7,441
Mk said:
Wow! I want Artman to be my uncle~!
I told you I'm a fungi...I mean fun guy. I'm a great uncle, all my nephews and neices thought so, may they rest in peace. :rolleyes: I mean, if you can dig one up, just ask them...:rolleyes: Oh well, sure I'll be your uncle. Now, go play in traffic. :biggrin:
  • #7,442
Artman said:
loiter in dangerous parts of town, play with explosives, try death defying stunts and other stuff kids do when staying with their uncles.

yourdadonapogostick said:
wow, i do too. sounds like fun.:D
Gosh, add wild orgiastic sex to the list and I would want me to be my uncle too.

:rolleyes: Of course if it was on the list, and I was a hillbilly, it would be a possibility.
  • #7,443
Artman said:
:rolleyes: Of course if it was on the list, and I was a hillbilly, it would be a possibility.

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #7,444
Is this really all you guys have been up to?? :rolleyes:
  • #7,445
yomamma said:
Is this really all you guys have been up to?? :rolleyes:

Yep it`s been a quiet day!

Oh you did miss the reapperance of aviator and possibly the quickest banning i`ve ever seen!
  • #7,446
who's aviator? was he a previously banned member?
  • #7,447
i wasn`t too sure who he was either so did a quick search for him, he basiclly annoyed a lot of people trying to drag them into pointless conversations.

Well he came back as luciferus777, you could tellit was the same guy as the grammer was identical, and he basicly started a thread saying all the members of PF were stupid! :mad:

I think he lasted and hour after everyone ganged up on him :approve:
  • #7,448
By decree of the church of...uh, hold on...the Universal Life Church, I declare this thread to be dead.
  • #7,449
yourdadonapogostick said:
By decree of the church of...uh, hold on...the Universal Life Church, I declare this thread to be dead.

Nope it`s still kicking! :approve:
  • #7,450
Some powerfull church if it can't even kill a single PF thread. Mind you franzbear ain't your average thread.
  • #7,451
smurf, you just bought yourself a one-way ticket to hell.
  • #7,452
I hope its buy one get one free! I'm bringing my girlfriend, and damn those tickets are expensive. Too bad I can only afford a one-way...
  • #7,453 that was a fun IRC
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  • #7,454
Welp, it seems like Moonie is finally gone. Heh, heh, heh. :biggrin: Time to take Franzbear out for a spin. :smile:

Come on Franzbear, let's go out and have some fun. Here, you take this hose and hold it over your head. It'll be fun. :biggrin: Now, I'll take this other end and hook it up over there to that tank.

Heh, heh, heh. :biggrin:

What's that Franz? What is the hose for? Oh, nothing. o:) No, no, It's just a hose. Uh, you shouldn't put it in your mouth, but...oh what the heck, you're with your uncle artman, go ahead and put the hose in your mouth. o:) :biggrin:

<Clank,> <clunk,><Chucka chucka,> Oof. That was hard to hook up, whew, but now it's all connected to the tank.

"Hold on over there Franzbear! No, it's okay, you can keep the hose in your mouth." :biggrin:

Now let's put this plastic bag over your head. o:) IT'll be fun. It'll be all dark and stuff. :rolleyes: Until we light the match. :rolleyes:

Hey the bag is getting huge! It's filling up with Franzbear! Franzbear is filling up with gasoline!

Hey franzbear Here is a birthday cake! The candles are all lit. I'll just put it here on the ground...

...and RUN!



Wow, he really went high. :-p :smile: :biggrin: :devil:
  • #7,455
artman, there seems to be a strong gh3y field coming from your direction. very high energy swedons...are you listening to the village people?