Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #10,151
So you're a Nazi?
Physics news on
  • #10,152
and you're jewish?
  • #10,153
No, you are mixing apples and oranges. Nazi is either a member of a certian political party, of which I am obviously not, or the adherent to a certain belief. While it is true that I am everything it would include Nazism.

Now, before you call for my death, let me explain. As you know I am paradoxical, so I am the essence of both truth and falsehood. Therefore I am both the falsehoods of Nazis and the what little truth might, and probably can't, be found in their ideolagy.

As for being a Jew, that is dependent on who my parents are. Since I am not flesh and blood I cannot be of any particular race. If you are talking about the religion of judeism, I have already explained my existence as per beliefs.
  • #10,154
You're info says "posts: 3" where else have you posted except for GD? You're just another member pretending to be franzbear. Faker.
  • #10,155
yomamma said:
You're info says "posts: 3" where else have you posted except for GD? You're just another member pretending to be franzbear. Faker.
I posted once in Skepticism and Debunking, once in philosophy, and I honsetly don't know where the third post comes from. I did warn you that once TKC hit 10,000 that I could post anywhere, these three posts are just proof of that.

Besides, even if I am another memeber, you people should be smart enough to figure it out. You'll never find me though, because I don't exist as you could hope to imagine! I'm above and beyond mere human thought.
  • #10,156
Moonbear, get a list of I.P.'s
  • #10,157
Not only won't Moonbear do that, she's too good of a parent to allow someone like you to find me :wink:, it wouldn't do you any good. I'm not posting from any computer, I'm posting from the internet itself.
  • #10,158
You're either Lisa! or YDOAPS.
  • #10,159
yomamma said:
Moonbear, get a list of I.P.'s
I think franzbear!=Moonbear:bugeye: .Didn't you notice the bear at the end of both names.Or I'am just a crazy parnoid concipracy theoriest:confused:
  • #10,160
yomamma said:
You're either Lisa! or YDOAPS.
Proof yomamma, I am awaiting proof. (taps proverbial foot in impatience)
  • #10,161
scott1 said:
I think franzbear!=Moonbear:bugeye: .Didn't you notice the bear at the end of both names.Or I'am just a crazy parnoid concipracy theoriest:confused:
A legacy of my parent, that is all. Or is it? :rolleyes:
  • #10,162
I'd say Dawguard (sp?) or Mk. But neither of them have posted here for awhile. Scitt1 never puts spaces after his periods, you do. But you capitalize some words, unlike YDOPS. Thus you are Lisa!, or someone I have not thought of yet.
  • #10,163
yomamma said:
Scitt1 never puts spaces after his periods, you do. But you capitalize some words, unlike YDOPS. Thus you are Lisa!, or someone I have not thought of yet.
Who's scitt1:confused: . I never herd of him is he that new .
  • #10,164
Theories, theories, but no proofs! Your analysis could point to nearly every member here that actually grammer checks their posts.
  • #10,165
shut up.

(Scott1, sorry. I almost put an i instead of a u in 'shut' :redface:)
  • #10,166
franzbear! said:
Your analysis could point to nearly every member here that actually grammer checks their posts.
Wait just a minuite I just realized somthing!If you were therd then you couldn't make any gramer incorrections because computers have spell check.:approve:
  • #10,167
scott1 said:
Wait just a minuite I just realized somthing!If you were therd then you couldn't make any gramer incorrections because computers have spell check.:approve:
Uh hu, right. You seem to forget the defenition of a "therd". It is the essence of all the posters. I am not a computer, I am not a computer program. You fail to grasp my philisophocal essence.
  • #10,168
franzbear! said:
Uh hu, right. You seem to forget the defenition of a "therd". It is the essence of all the posters. I am not a computer, I am not a computer program. You fail to grasp my philisophocal essence.
So your saying that everone who posted here is you?
cool I made the 10,180 post this better then the 10,000 post:approve:
  • #10,169
no, you're just a sore loser.
  • #10,170
scott1 said:
So your saying that everone who posted here is you?
cool I made the 10,180 post this better then the 10,000 post:approve:
If I had lungs they would be heaving an emormous sigh right now. I am not everyone. I am not everyone. Repeat after me, I am not everyone! I am the essence of everyone! Have you ever read existential philosophy? If you haven't then I recommend starting right now. I am the abstraction of everyone here, and consequentially I am the abstraction of everything!
  • #10,171
it's dawguard. I was wrong.
  • #10,172
yomamma said:
it's dawguard. I was wrong.
Proof, I ask again for proof! Can you give it, I think not!
  • #10,173
yomamma said:
it's dawguard. I was wrong.
Or maybe it's Franzbear(with no !) because he couldn't on to his old account because you chaged his password.
  • #10,174
franzbear! said:
If I had lungs they would be heaving an emormous sigh right now. I am not everyone. I am not everyone. Repeat after me, I am not everyone! I am the essence of everyone! Have you ever read existential philosophy? If you haven't then I recommend starting right now. I am the abstraction of everyone here, and consequentially I am the abstraction of everything!
Ok...your philosophy is starting to get weird.Can you explain this to me in [itex] latex math [/itex]
  • #10,175
STFU. I win you lose. Thread dead.
  • #10,176
Franzbear! would never let you kill this therd!
  • #10,177
franzbear! sux.I'm being so negative today...
  • #10,178
So the solution become clear we must kill Franzbear! Seeing that I'm too tired to debate philosophy I will go for the path of least resistance and give Franzbear his *inoculation* for the avian flu.
  • #10,179
be quiet...
  • #10,180
Why should I? Any ways I'm trying to help you out by killing off FranzBear I will remove one more road block proventing you from killing this thread.
  • #10,181
Have we tried using nitroglycerin on him? If not, we need to get some from the PF storage room.
  • #10,182
Be careful with that stuff. Try some C-4 or semtex it is much more stable and powerful.
  • #10,183
I already third them both. Besides, I already gor it from the storage. I put it in franzbear's lucky charms. shhhh!
  • #10,184
Every bite is like a small explosion of taste in your moulth.
  • #10,185
I also gave him Nitro sandwiches for lunch. Because moonbear isn't around to send him to school, I have to do everything...