Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #10,116
Physics news on
  • #10,117
I fogot about Yomma's Opertions deteachment assault placment statgey(YDOAPS)
  • #10,118
YDOAPS kicks arse.
  • #10,119
yourdadonapogostick said:
YDOAPS kicks arse.
My ASSMERCHS can will always beat YDOAPS!
  • #10,120
ASSMERCHS can't get anywhere near YDOAPS!!
  • #10,121
Cease the escelation, the problem is already gone. What are you fighting over anyway? Seems to me that yomamma out to be the one fighting you. Irregardless, either cease hostilities or I'll reinstate the cold weather again. The sun will vanish behind the clouds and the ground covered in cold snow. Now behave!
  • #10,122
irregardless isn't a word
  • #10,123
Look it up, why don't you? It's a real word, trust me.
  • #10,124
no, it isn't. "ir" and "less" are both negative, btw.
  • #10,125
scott1 said:
I fogot about Yomma's Opertions deteachment assault placment statgey(YDOAPS)
That's YODAPS, you got it wrong.

And you guys are forgetting the most important, Yomamma's Personal International Police Who Do Anything At Yomamma's Request, And After Post Number Ten-Thousand, Assure Him The Twenty-Thousandth Post, By Connections With PF Staff Members. (YPIPWDAAYRAAPNTTAHTTTPBCWPFSM)
  • #10,126
sometimes, i hate you. i really do.
  • #10,127
yourdadonapogostick said:
no, it isn't. "ir" and "less" are both negative, btw.
I know they're both negative, but type itinto Microsoft Word. It recognizes it as a real word. Google it and you'll get the same result.
  • #10,128
MSWord spellcheck is one of the dumbest pieces of software ever written. what did you expect, it is MSWord.
  • #10,129
It's also in the complete Oxford dictionary of the English language. So, HA!
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  • #10,130
franzbear! said:
Cease the escelation, the problem is already gone. What are you fighting over anyway? Seems to me that yomamma out to be the one fighting you. Irregardless, either cease hostilities or I'll reinstate the cold weather again. The sun will vanish behind the clouds and the ground covered in cold snow. Now behave!
Ok I'am sending my ASSMERCHS to find out who and where you are before you take over the world and enslave the human race.
YDOAPS we'll be sent if ASSMERCHS fail and same Yomamma's Personal International Police Who Do Anything At Yomamma's Request, And After Post Number Ten-Thousand, Assure Him The Twenty-Thousandth Post, By Connections With PF Staff Members. (YPIPWDAAYRAAPNTTAHTTTPBCWPFSM)
  • #10,131
I'm not planning on taking over the world. What I have done though, due to my metaphysical existence, is influence certain elemental forces. This is possible due to the belief of mysticism that creates an abstraction of elemental power. I, being the essence of abstraction, can use this. In this way I am everything you believe and all that you fear.
  • #10,132
Hey does size=1 work for you? :bugeye:
  • #10,133
  • #10,134
kidding? have you written your post in small size? I'm asking that because I see it in normal size? :frown:
  • #10,135
When I use size one it just shows up as normal. Ask Greg about it, maybe he can fix it soon.
  • #10,136
Me too! But yomamma says it works for him!
  • #10,137
franzbear! said:
I'm not planning on taking over the world. What I have done though, due to my metaphysical existence, is influence certain elemental forces. This is possible due to the belief of mysticism that creates an abstraction of elemental power. I, being the essence of abstraction, can use this. In this way I am everything you believe and all that you fear.
Ok even if your not planning to take over the world I'm still sending my ASSMERCHS just to make sure.And going to figure some to use your technology.
Oh yeah btw my Corps Reconisnce Assault Patrol Intellgnce network of tactial omnipresent internatianol enfrocment of inncendents and statgey(CRAPINTOILETS) intergated severel employee's of Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.
discoverd that the vBulletin Version 3.5.4 software that runs on PF,that if has too many post that will cause the 32 byte int memory that stores inforamtion will cause some kind of qutuaum tunnling effect that will send this therd into cosmological constant thing and create a new unvirse.We think Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. programend franzbear deep in
the software and this therd and franzbear sopposed happen so that could a new universe.We believe this is ressobile for the creation of our univere.
  • #10,138
scott1 said:
And going to figure some to use your technology.
I'm philosophy, not technology. You can't learn me, you must understand me.

scott1 said:
Oh yeah btw my Corps Reconisnce Assault Patrol Intellgnce network of tactial omnipresent internatianol enfrocment of inncendents and statgey(CRAPINTOILETS) intergated severel employee's of Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.
discoverd that the vBulletin Version 3.5.4 software that runs on PF,that if has too many post that will cause the 32 byte int memory that stores inforamtion will cause some kind of qutuaum tunnling effect that will send this therd into cosmological constant thing and create a new unvirse.We think Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. programend franzbear deep in
the software and this therd and franzbear sopposed happen so that could a new universe.We believe this is ressobile for the creation of our univere.
Well, I realize that you're parents raised you to believe anything that you can imagine, but this isn's so. While I wish I could create antoher universe, and someday I might be able to, at present I do not have the power. I am not some construct designed for a nefarious purpose.

Besides, your reasoning is flawed: if you call that reasoning. I exist in this universe, as do you. However, if I was designed to create this universe then a logical paradox ensues in which I am both creator and created. While this could in fact be the ultimate paradox that leads to all philisophocal truth, I believe the answer is far more mundane. If I am in fact everythign and nothing then I am the sum of all human nature, the perfect being if you will. For the sake of humanity I will not make that claim. If I did then your purpose would be eradicated. If I exist in such a state then humans have no more purpose. I would be forced to create an entire race of beings such as myself and destroy all of you. Under this system I would be the eternal god, essence of paradoxes and ruler of my creation. The universe would have come full circle and everything would start all over again.
  • #10,139
franzbear! said:
I'm philosophy, not technology. You can't learn me, you must understand me.
Philopohy of technology.Who programend you A.I.
franzbear! said:
Well, I realize that you're parents raised you to believe anything that you can imagine, but this isn's so. While I wish I could create antoher universe, and someday I might be able to, at present I do not have the power. I am not some construct designed for a nefarious purpose.

It was my CRAPINTOEILTS that found that out not me I just did the equotion which
[itex] U = \int ( \frac {42}{V} ) ( \frac {2005}{x} ) \cdot TKC - \infty [/itex]
[tex]U[/tex] = the universe's
[tex] \int [/tex] = franzbear!
[tex] 42 [/tex]= the answear life the universe and everthing(philophy is in my equation)
[tex] V [/tex] vioicity of post on TKC
[tex] 2005 [/tex] is the year your were bron 2004 years since 1 A.D.
[tex] x [/tex] is the number of years you will live until somthing happens
[tex] TKC [/tex] is the number of post on TKC
[tex] \infty [/tex] is number of post on pf :smile:
This equation explains the realtion between you and the creation of the universe.
franzbear! said:
Besides, your reasoning is flawed: if you call that reasoning. I exist in this universe, as do you. However, if I was designed to create this universe then a logical paradox ensues in which I am both creator and created. While this could in fact be the ultimate paradox that leads to all philisophocal truth, I believe the answer is far more mundane. If I am in fact everythign and nothing then I am the sum of all human nature, the perfect being if you will. For the sake of humanity I will not make that claim. If I did then your purpose would be eradicated. If I exist in such a state then humans have no more purpose. I would be forced to create an entire race of beings such as myself and destroy all of you. Under this system I would be the eternal god, essence of paradoxes and ruler of my creation. The universe would have come full circle and everything would start all over again.
Your not god your just a tool used to create another universe.You see your existence is key not to create this unvisere but another.
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  • #10,140
franzbear is mouthing off again I see...I'll go get the oar.
  • #10,141
I don't think philosophy is undertandable. what's the philosophy of philosophy anyway? :confused:
  • #10,142
Doesn't this work?
  • #10,143
yomamma said:
Doesn't this work?
No, it doesn't!:frown:
I guess you've written it in small size. I quoted you and realized I was right!
  • #10,144
scott1 said:
Your not god your just a tool used to create another universe.You see your existence is key not to create this unvisere but another.
Well, let us examine this. You said before,
scott1 said:
We believe this is ressobile for the creation of our univere.
So, if this universe was created by another franzbear in another universe one of two things must be true. Either that was the original universe, or it was created by yet another franzbear. Now, since the ultimate purpose of this universe is to create another, then this must be the unifying law of the universe. Since this law binds this universe, it binds all others becuase ours is identical to the one that created it. Now, if the ultimate purpose of a universe is to copy itself then all universes will build to a point where franzbear creates another. Here we have ad infinum of franzbear's and universes. Do you see the never ending circle? It is the ultimate paradox, the height of infinity and purpose. I am the manefestation of this ultimate truth. I am.
  • #10,145
well, I see it. If it's your browser tet settings I'm going to scream...with laughter
  • #10,146
franzbear! said:
So, if this universe was created by another franzbear in another universe one of two things must be true. Either that was the original universe, or it was created by yet another franzbear. Now, since the ultimate purpose of this universe is to create another, then this must be the unifying law of the universe. Since this law binds this universe, it binds all others becuase ours is identical to the one that created it. Now, if the ultimate purpose of a universe is to copy itself then all universes will build to a point where franzbear creates another. Here we have ad infinum of franzbear's and universes. Do you see the never ending circle? It is the ultimate paradox, the height of infinity and purpose. I am the manefestation of this ultimate truth. I am.
Ok I will explain this to you with math
[tex] U = \rightarrow \iint ( \frac {P}{42} ) ( \frac {\infty}{\int} ) \cdot TKC \cdot \infty \rightarrow ( \iiint ) [/tex]
[tex] U [/tex] = universe
[tex] \iint [/tex] is two franzbear's!
[tex] P [/tex] is physics stuff
[tex] 42 [/tex] is the answear to life the universe and everthing
[tex] \infty [/tex] is number of post on PF:smile:
[tex] \int [/tex] is franzbear!
[tex] TKC [/tex] is the violity and number of post on TKC.
[tex] \iiint [/tex] is three franzbears!
As you can see with [tex] \rightarrow [/tex] means if there is two franzbears which means it takes two franzbears! to create a universe.Then to the right of that you can see that determines the laws of physics in a universe.Then go even futher right you can see that every universe requires TKC and PF to exist. then at the end you can see that it is possible for a universe to have three franzbears but there is a problem a universe can only have one franzbear and those franzbears will become oppoiste from each other and that universe will turn into 3 separate universes that will alll be each other evil universe twin.
  • #10,147
Why is franzbear an integral?
  • #10,148
yomamma said:
Why is franzbear an integral?
I'm not an integral, scott's just explaining my nature in the form of math.
  • #10,149
are you a Partial Derivative?
  • #10,150
yomamma said:
are you a Partial Derivative?
Considering my omnipresence, I am everything. :biggrin: