Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #10,256
Evo said:
I know franzbears! true identity, but I'm not talking.
Tell me, tell me! Please! I'm dying to find out, the curiosity is killing me!
Physics news on
  • #10,257
Dawguard said:
Tell me, tell me! Please! I'm dying to find out, the curiosity is killing me!
I think you already know Franzbear! very well. :biggrin:
  • #10,258
Moonbear said:
I think you already know Franzbear! very well. :biggrin:
Ah, so he's one of us, is he? Is it yomamma? Lisa!: c'mon, you can't keep hiding the truth for the imposter forever! Franzbear! hasn't done anything to deserve your help, has he? Or is he bribing you all with chocolates? :-p
  • #10,259
Hmmm...the next person who posts is Franzbear! :devil:
  • #10,260
Trying to incriminate me, are you? Franzbear must be bribing you...sneaky little blighter He'll get his comeupance yet, I'll be sure of that!
  • #10,261
Yep, I just received a rather large chocolate delivery. :approve:
  • #10,262
Hey, I had this here thread kilt!
  • #10,263
yomamma said:
Hey, I had this here thread kilt!
Oh, god, but that conjures up horrible mental images!
  • #10,264
  • #10,265
Dawguard said:
Oh, god, but that conjures up horrible mental images!
You couldn't let me blissfully just see it as a typo, could you?

I think the idea of wearing a kilt has franzbear! in hiding for a while. :wink: He just doesn't have the legs for it.

(Or maybe I've already killed franzbear! and stuffed him in a closet. :devil:)
  • #10,266
oh, I get it now.
  • #10,268
Ah, the many uses of photoshop. Some sagely, others... not.
  • #10,269
yes, now be quiet...
  • #10,270
Yomamma, you stretched the thread out of shape with that image! Hmm...I haven't seen franzbear! in a while...I wonder what could have happened to him? :devil: :smile: :wink:
  • #10,271
ooo.. and what a coincidence, I haven't seen dawguard either...
  • #10,272
yomamma said:
ooo.. and what a coincidence, I haven't seen dawguard either...
I've been sleeping, you know what that is? It's what happens when the sun goes down. Actually, I spent most of last night playing the new Ghost Recon. You really need to stop your baseless acusations yomamma, all it does is make you looke desperate. Now, why would you be so desperate to pin franzbear's fraudulant existence on someone? Could it be that in your wild speculations you hope to cast all doubt from yourself, or is it becuase you have nothing better to do with your time, i.e., get a life!
  • #10,273
Moonbear, how many chocolates to ban someone? :biggrin:
  • #10,274
I'm guessing it would be some fancy Swiss type in a larger quanty then you can afford.
  • #10,275
I'm using Danger's credit card, it's okay...
  • #10,276
Just to be on the safe side swipe a second one. And don't try for mine it is just used to gas up my car so it's limit is very low. Use money that way you don't screw with the places you shop at.
  • #10,277
ooo...I just got the VISTA GUI...very cool
  • #10,278
Sounds a bit gooey. :biggrin:
  • #10,279
Has franzbear sunk so low that we are resorting to horrible puns?
  • #10,280
how many chocolates to get this thread shut down?
  • #10,281
yomamma said:
Has franzbear sunk so low that we are resorting to horrible puns?
Oh, I think franzbear has sunk far lower than that. Though, he's been feeling rather confined lately. :devil:
  • #10,284
What does Uwe Boll have to do with any of this? Sure, he's the spawn of evil like franzbear!, but what else do they have in common?
  • #10,285
I just found it and thought it was funny.
  • #10,286
yomamma said:
I just found it and thought it was funny.
It's always funny to laugh at someone like good ol' Uwe, until you realize that people actually pay him money to make their movies. In a just, utopian society he would be begging for money on a street corner. Wait, there would be no beggars in crap, this means utopia can never exist! :cry:
  • #10,287
Or Uwe Boll shouldn't exist and then we'd have a utopia
  • #10,288
yomamma said:
Or Uwe Boll shouldn't exist and then we'd have a utopia
Everything can't be his fault: third-world country starvation, wars, famine, divorces, murders...these can't posssibly be...can't possibly...can't...

You're right! He is the cause of all evil in the world!

Edit: Yes, another important post mark!
  • #10,289
I was going to rent House of the Dead this weekend for a good laugh...
  • #10,290
Moonbear said:
Yomamma, you stretched the thread out of shape with that image! Hmm...I haven't seen franzbear! in a while...I wonder what could have happened to him? :devil: :smile: :wink:
I've been traveling the proverbial world, doing far more interesting things then conversing with humans. I actually found an celestial being with whom to converse, one who was uniquely interested in my case. As it turns out, I've never existed before, and I came as quite a surprise to beings who thought they knew everything. Anyways, I'm off again, the celestial creature has a fascinating theory about provable metaphysics that I have to hear. Don't bother to expect me to relay it to you, I wouldn't spend the time on people who only contemplate my death.

Oh, one more thing, you really must do something about the use of language here. Not swearing, but strict grammer. I was just rifling through the four hundreds and found that latin had become quite debased near the fall of the empire. Just thought I'd toss that thought in, I'd hate to see this civilization fall. I've no desire to live through a second dark age, the first was bad enough. Now behave, use language well, or I'll be forced to smite you into obedience.