Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

  • Thread starter tribdog
  • Start date
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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #106
Seriously, something is going to have to be done about that guy.
Physics news on
  • #107
tribdog said:
HEY! A-Hole! pay attention!


I used a proxy's posterior, not my own.

This proxy happens to a rhinocerous btw.

Enjoy, tribdog!
  • #108
Hey franz, I just posted a brain teaser and I used your name in it. Everyone else should try it. I think that, for you franz, the teaser should be to see if you can find it.
  • #109
franznietzsche said:

I used a proxy's posterior, not my own.

This proxy happens to a rhinocerous btw.

Enjoy, tribdog!

Y'know, I really didn't want to have to go there. But, if I must...
*pulls on arm-length glove and retrieves thread*

You can have your rhino back now. He seems a little mad at you. :-p
  • #110
I think that's because I let franz borrow the electroejaculator. I wondered what he wanted that for...
  • #111
Tsu said:
I think that's because I let franz borrow the electroejaculator. I wondered what he wanted that for...

Just when I was watching the thread slip slowly to the bottom of the page with my name still on it as last poster, you just had to sneak in, didn't you? Aren't you supposed to be on vacation basking in tropical sunshine or something? :biggrin:
  • #112
and while Tsu and Moonbear discuss..

*grabs thread AND electroejaculator*
  • #113
Hey MIH,

While you playing with that long, buzzing toy, I think I'll help myself to this little stringy thingy.

<Hmmm...she didn't hear me ! That toy she's splaying with must really be something !>
  • #114
You might have wanted to "yoink" that electroejaculator a little more gently. Poor franz will never be the same again. :blushing:

I better restrategize here. I wasn't too worried while the boys were fighting over the thread, I know I've got more stamina than all those young pups, but my sisters are real scrappers. Now it's going to have to get rough! :devil:

*Grabs thread and ducks behind large boulder for cover.*
  • #115
Moonbear, she never had the thread. You must've grabbed her flaying noodle !

Ooh, just noticed a typo in my previous post. Honestly, that was a typo. :redface:
  • #116
Gokul43201 said:
Moonbear, she never had the thread. You must've grabbed her flaying noodle !

Ooh, just noticed a typo in my previous post. Honestly, that was a typo. :redface:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. That stringy thingy wasn't the thread! :blushing: Us sisters stick together and play a mean passing game! :-p
  • #117
so then who really HAS the thread? Maybe it's all in the concept of "having" or in the concept of "threadness". If I believe I have the thread, or if I am experiencing a "thread-having" sensation, then I must actually have it.
  • #118
Please consider my proof that relativity is wrong. It came to me in a dream last night, and the fact that it has been rejected by all the journals that I sent it to proves that I have stumbled upon something too shocking for the physics community.

[tex]KE = \frac{1}{2}mv^2 [/tex]
This implies that any object is allowed to have only half of its energy. The other have is virtual energy. Virtual energy can be annihilated by virtual anti-energy producing mass. This virtual anti-energy is what gives rise to vacuum polarization.

For more of my proof, go to

Please do not lock this down as the ravings of a heretic. Remember that Galileo was ostracized on this very same basis.
  • #119
:smile: It's the return of for3to0won! Gokul, what are you up to? You didn't think you'd bring in a ringer to get the thread locked so you could claim the prize, did you?
  • #120
Moonbear said:
:smile: It's the return of for3to0won! Gokul, what are you up to? You didn't think you'd bring in a ringer to get the thread locked so you could claim the prize, did you?

IT was good try though. A darn good one actually, had me very confused for a moment.

But this thread is mine, and none shall take it form me. I won the title!
  • #121
Damn you, Moonbear ! :devil: All that work for nought.
  • #122
Gokul43201 said:
Damn you, Moonbear ! :devil: All that work for nought.

Failure is you, da?
  • #123
Gokul43201 said:
Damn you, Moonbear ! :devil: All that work for nought.

What can I say?? for3to0won and I are old friends. We used to chat a bit via PM. :smile: Clever link though. :biggrin:

So, anyway, what's the difference between a thread and a string?
  • #124
Moonbear said:
What can I say?? for3to0won and I are old friends. We used to chat a bit via PM. :smile: Clever link though. :biggrin:

So, anyway, what's the difference between a thread and a string?

you know what's really sad? We've been arguing for about six pages voer who gets to have the last post in this thread. We have no lives.

ON a similar note, i just spent 4.5 hours defining 14.41 million array elements for a solar convection model we've been working on. I was surprised i finished so soon, i was expecting it to take more like 7-8 hours. Yay.
  • #125
franznietzsche said:
you know what's really sad? We've been arguing for about six pages voer who gets to have the last post in this thread. We have no lives.

Don't think you're going to guilt me into giving you this thread just because you have no life. :smile:
  • #126
Moonbear said:
Don't think you're going to guilt me into giving you this thread just because you have no life. :smile:

No, but i am just a little deranged after all that programming. I mean 14.41 million, is a lot of array elements to define, i could *SNAP* at any time now...hehe...hheeeheheeee!
  • #127
Franz: Fourteen million four hundred thousand and three, fourteen million four hundred thousand and four...

Moonbear: Hey franz! 20, 39, 10, 2994, 826.

Franz: One, two, three...
  • #128
Moonbear said:
Franz: Fourteen million four hundred thousand and three, fourteen million four hundred thousand and four...

Moonbear: Hey franz! 20, 39, 10, 2994, 826.

Franz: One, two, three...

When my head explodes, I'm making sure all the juicy parts land on you
  • #129
This really is quite sad.

sh*t f*ck a$$hole
  • #130
for3to0won said:
Please consider my proof that relativity is wrong. It came to me in a dream last night, and the fact that it has been rejected by all the journals that I sent it to proves that I have stumbled upon something too shocking for the physics community.

[tex]KE = \frac{1}{2}mv^2 [/tex]
This implies that any object is allowed to have only half of its energy. The other have is virtual energy. Virtual energy can be annihilated by virtual anti-energy producing mass. This virtual anti-energy is what gives rise to vacuum polarization.

For more of my proof, go to

Please do not lock this down as the ravings of a heretic. Remember that Galileo was ostracized on this very same basis.
This was a brilliant attempt. Bore it to death! Suck it's brains out! I love this!

It's diabolical. A mad scientist thread killer. I can picture it in my head, a Gothic castle, damp walls, steep winding stairs leading to a dark laboratory in
the attic. We enter and see the thread lying strapped to a table, the evil scientist bending over it preparing to remove it's life force yet try and hold it for his own. Sparks are flying everywhere (I think that's because of the electroejaculator in his other hand)...

...How appropoe (sp?) for a Physics forum, but you shall not succeed in your effort to enihalate this thread. I cut the bands that were holding it to the table.

Ha Ha! It's mine again!
  • #131
By the way, I also got the electroejaculator.

So with the thread in one hand and the electroejaculator in the other, I beat the raging beast into submission.

The, uh, thread I mean.
  • #132
But if i say **** **** ******* when a mentor is about they should lock the thread and i would have killed it, is that right? I'm surprised nobody has thought of that yet.
  • #133
You don't want a mentor to close the thread. Evo cheats. She locks the thread THEN sneaks in the last word and steals it for herself.
  • #134
We have thought of it, we're smarter than to try it.
  • #135
I'm still laughing about Gokul's "splaying" remark.
  • #136
tribdog said:
I'm still laughing about Gokul's "splaying" remark.

LOL! I missed that. I thought he meant grabbing the "stringy thingy" was the "typo." :smile:
  • #137
Artman enters, whistling <whhhh whhh whh whhhh whh whhhh> sees the thread, just lying unattended, picks it up and exits with it.

He takes the thread to his new hiding place (since Moonbear burnt down my cabin in the woods ), ties the thread up, and begins to devise an evil way to do it in. :devil: :devil: :devil:
  • #138
Artman said:
Artman enters, whistling <whhhh whhh whh whhhh whh whhhh> sees the thread, just lying unattended, picks it up and exits with it.

He takes the thread to his new hiding place (since Moonbear burnt down my cabin in the woods ), ties the thread up, and begins to devise an evil way to do it in. :devil: :devil: :devil:

Why would you pull it out of a rhino's rectum? i stashed it there for safe keeping and you took it anyway?

Now that is dedication.
  • #139
Meanwhile, Moonbear is out walking along the docks, hoping to pick up a sailor, when she hears a thread-like whimper coming from a houseboat and realizes she has stumbled upon Artman's newest hiding place. She looks around, searching for something to use as a weapon (she isn't carrying her sig sauer because there's just no place to hide a holster under the outfit she's wearing, and marching around docks with a weapon seems to scare off those sailors she's trying to pick up). She spots a boat hook and grabs it. It'll have to do.

She hops down to the boat deck, and enters the cabin. She's got her boat hook ready to attack, but it seems she was lucky enough to find the thread while Artman was out buying supplies to carry out his evil plot. She unties the thread, tucks it in her pocket, tosses the boat hook aside and resumes her hunt for sailors.
  • #140
Dressed in his best sailor suit, franz spots moonbear leaving artman man's boat. Sauntering up, he walks up to her and starts a conversation, the disguis seems to be working, and she's already trying to pick him up.

Deftly flirting he reaches into her pocket, grabs the thread, and then pushes her off the dock and into the water, walking off to his car.