Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #2,101
Integral said:
Danes, Swedes, Canuk's aren't they all about the same? They're all north of 54'40' .

Yeah they are.
Physics news on
  • #2,102
franznietzsche said:
Yeah they are.
Not to criticize, but... you took 10 minutes to come up with that? :-p
  • #2,103
Danger said:
Wanna huddle for warmth?

So that's why Canadians are so into hugging! Group hugs! (Just for warmth, eh.)
  • #2,104
Moonbear said:
So that's why Canadians are so into hugging! Group hugs! (Just for warmth, eh.)
Of course. That's also why we sell so much hair dye. As I quoted elsewhere, gentlemen prefer blondes because where there's light, there's heat. :approve:
  • #2,105
Danger said:
Of course. That's also why we sell so much hair dye. As I quoted elsewhere, gentlemen prefer blondes because where there's light, there's heat. :approve:

I thought it was because they were more likely to have barbie's dimensions...
  • #2,106
Did you enjoy the fireworks Franzbear? :smile:

Well, your uncle Artman has another surprise for you. :smile: I've come to take you swimming! :smile: I have these special motorized swim trunks for you. :smile: They're still in the prototype stage, but with the electric motor you should be able to get some incredible speeds. :smile:

Of course i still have a few bugs to work out in a method to stop or turn...and I haven't worked out a way to plug it in without using several extension cords...oh and it is kind of heavy...and there is a slight chance of electrocution...

It'll be fun! :smile:
  • #2,107
Danger said:
Dang, my spell check finger must be on vacation today. But I'd be a genious in France.
  • #2,108
Integral said:
I'd be a genious in France.
Okay, now you're just baiting me.

edit: I'd better stick one of these :biggrin: on the end. I'm not sure how seriously people take smilies.
  • #2,109
Artman said:
Did you enjoy the fireworks Franzbear? :smile:

Well, your uncle Artman has another surprise for you. :smile: I've come to take you swimming! :smile: I have these special motorized swim trunks for you. :smile: They're still in the prototype stage, but with the electric motor you should be able to get some incredible speeds. :smile:

Of course i still have a few bugs to work out in a method to stop or turn...and I haven't worked out a way to plug it in without using several extension cords...oh and it is kind of heavy...and there is a slight chance of electrocution...

It'll be fun! :smile:
You're getting my vote again in this year's guru awards. :-p
  • #2,110
franznietzsche said:
I thought it was because they were more likely to have barbie's dimensions...
Nothing that can walk upright has Barbie's dimensions. (Not that it's a requirement...)
  • #2,111
Evo said:
You're getting my vote again in this year's guru awards. :-p
Your Aunt Evo wants to come along and watch you go swimming, Franzbear. You don't mind right? :smile:

Got the generator gased up aunty Evo?

What's that Franzbear? Oh that's just for light and to power the bathing suit. You want to go real fast right? And it get's kind of dark out there in the lake. :smile:
  • #2,112
Oh and don't forget those lead swimfins I got you. Yeah they're a little heavy, but they won't rust and they should last longer than those cheap rubber things everyone else wears. :smile:

This is going to be such fun! :biggrin:

Oh and don't worry about the generator being too noisy, no one will hear you... :devil: I mean it. o:)
  • #2,113
Artman said:
Oh and don't forget those lead swimfins I got you. Yeah they're a little heavy, but they won't rust and they should last longer than those cheap rubber things everyone else wears.
Don't worry about any of this stuff, Moonbear. Kevlar doesn't breathe anyhow. (Take it from one who has worn a bullet-proof vest in Vegas.)
  • #2,114
Artman said:
Oh and don't worry about the generator being too noisy, no one will hear you... :devil: I mean it. o:)

Oh, little franzbear, isn't your Uncle Artman being so silly tonight. :smile: There's no need for that generator and all those extension cords. :smile: I'm sure your electric swim suit will work just fine hooked up to a car battery. It's more portable that way. :smile: Here, we'll just strap the battery to your this...and then we'll run the cables around your this. Nice and tight now, we don't want it to fall off. And then we just connect them to the swimsuit...right there. All set kiddo! :approve:
  • #2,115
Moonbear said:
Oh, little franzbear,

Did something happen involving vast amounts of alcohol that i don't remember :bugeye: :eek: :bugeye: ?
  • #2,116
franznietzsche said:
Did something happen involving vast amounts of alcohol that i don't remember :bugeye: :eek: :bugeye: ?

Well, plenty of things fall into that category. Apparently we've been blessed with a PF e-child. :approve:

At least you're younger than the last father of an e-child of mine (alas, zoobybear and moonshoe never call, never write, I think they've forgotten all about their mother. :rolleyes:)
Last edited:
  • #2,117
Moonbear said:
Well, plenty of things fall into that category. Apparently we've been blessed with a PF e-child. :approve:

At least you're younger than the last father of an e-child of mine (alas, zoobybear and moonshoe never call, never write, I think they've forgotten all about their mother. :rolleyes:)

Aw, its so cute...

*poke* didn't like that...
  • #2,118
franznietzsche said:
Did something happen involving vast amounts of alcohol that i don't remember :bugeye: :eek: :bugeye: ?
Relax pal. She's just angling for child support. You weren't involved. And it wasn't immaculate conception. Just... well, a string fell off of something and to avoid embarrassment she passed it off as a thread-birth.

Hey Evo; How about making this thing a 'stickie' so I don't have to waste precious scheming time looking for it?
  • #2,119
Danger said:
Hey Evo; How about making this thing a 'stickie' so I don't have to waste precious scheming time looking for it?

Nope, that's part of the challenge. It wouldn't be much of a game if it stayed stuck at the top.
  • #2,120
Moonbear said:
Nope, that's part of the challenge. It wouldn't be much of a game if it stayed stuck at the top.
Okay. I guess I wouldn't really want to deprive myself of the 'thrill of the hunt'.
  • #2,121
Danger said:
Okay. I guess I wouldn't really want to deprive myself of the 'thrill of the hunt'.

Now there's a good sport. :approve:
  • #2,122
Moonbear said:
Now there's a good sport. :approve:
So, did you ever get your money back from the manufacturer for that defective tam... item?
  • #2,123
Danger said:
So, did you ever get your money back from the manufacturer for that defective tam... item?

Are you calling little franzbear defective? :mad: It's just special. :smile:
  • #2,124
Moonbear said:
Are you calling little franzbear defective? :mad: It's just special. :smile:

Special...just like like little hannibal lecter. here franzbear, meet the nice hannibal. yes you two go play nice now...
  • #2,125
franznietzsche said:
Special...just like like little hannibal lecter. here franzbear, meet the nice hannibal. yes you two go play nice now...

Wait a minute there franzbear!

You forgot to take the fava beans Mr. Lecter likes so much. *hands franzbear jar of fava beans* Run along now.
  • #2,126
Moonbear said:
Wait a minute there franzbear!

You forgot to take the fava beans Mr. Lecter likes so much. *hands franzbear jar of fava beans* Run along now.

Aw, aren't they cute together?
  • #2,127
Hold up, Hannibal. Here's some spaghetti sauce.
  • #2,128
franznietzsche said:
Special...just like like little hannibal lecter. here franzbear, meet the nice hannibal. yes you two go play nice now...
SEE! I am not the only one who wants to see the demise of this thread...THREAD, this is not THREAD this is a blooming trans Atlantic cable. Only with no information content.

I say it should be unwound, dethreaded, perhaps we could use it to weave a tapestry. The Beyond hope tapestry. It could start with Gregg cradling his little baby site and wading into the vast unknowns of the internet. Slowly he gathers his mentors, and they nurture the cute little forum and watch it grow slowly and carefully. Spreading knowledge and banning crackpots to the bit bucket in the sky. Then one day the Moonbear arrives, then the tribleleddog and the franznigth. Between them the brew up the thread from HELL! Then the true DANGER arose...

KILL it KILL It now before it devours us ALL...
  • #2,129
Integral said:
it should be unwound, dethreaded, perhaps we could use it to weave a tapestry.
Dethreaded...? I must say, Int old bean, you definitely have a way with words. I have no idea what it is, but it's a way.
  • #2,130
Danger said:
Dethreaded...? I must say, Int old bean, you definitely have a way with words. I have no idea what it is, but it's a way.
Some of us just try harder. This thread is setting some new standards, I just hope I get mine low enough to meet them.

Say, don't you ever sleep?? Are you at the end of a day or just starting a new one?
  • #2,131
I really cannot believe that this thread has brought me down to the depths that it has. I was just reading through some the post and found myself laughing out loud. My stepson, sitting across the room at his computer, looks at me and says "What?" ... I am caught.. how many times have I said to him as he is laughing out loud at the contents of his fourms, which surely consistist of childish tolet humor, "Keep it to yourself, it can't be that good."

Sigh, I have lost the moral high ground. :redface:
  • #2,132
Integral said:
This thread is setting some new standards, I just hope I get mine low enough to meet them.
I don't think you have any worries on that account. :rolleyes:

Integral said:
Say, don't you ever sleep?? Are you at the end of a day or just starting a new one?
I'm going to sleep just as soon as I finish typing this response. It's 3:00 am here, and I have to be up at about 7-8 for work. I had to cruise around cleaning up loose threads for a bit. Then I noticed that nobody on my buddy list was on line, so I figured I could quit. Then I saw a question from Joel aimed at me personally, so I answered it and ended up in a bit of a discussion. Just when I got finished with that and figured it was safe to leave, you showed up. Naturally, I couldn't trust you to not be up to something, so I had to check. The thing is, I always feel as if I'm being rude it I just go away in the middle of an exchange, so I wait until everyone else quits. (I'll have to get over that.) It wouldn't be so bad, except I just realized about 15 minutes ago that I had to set the damned clocks ahead. That chopped an hour off my planned sleep, but it's too late to do anything about it.
Anyhow, I'm gone now. Catch you sometime tomorrow.
  • #2,133
Integral said:
I really cannot believe that this thread has brought me down to the depths that it has. I was just reading through some the post and found myself laughing out loud. My stepson, sitting across the room at his computer, looks at me and says "What?" ... I am caught.. how many times have I said to him as he is laughing out loud at the contents of his fourms, which surely consistist of childish tolet humor, "Keep it to yourself, it can't be that good."

Sigh, I have lost the moral high ground. :redface:

Think of it as us helping you bond with your stepson. :biggrin: Or, think of this thread as a toilet humor containment area.
  • #2,134
Moonbear said:
Or, think of this thread as a toilet humor containment area.
Is this any way to speak of your own illegitimate echild.
Poor little Franzbear.

Come on Franzbear, let's go take that swim. Bring the battery your mom gave you.

I think we'll plug you into the generator too. :smile:

Let me start the generator.


There it goes. :smile: Now let's plug in those extension cords...Here let me help you over to the water...Uh, I'll wait back here, I...Uh, don't want to get my shoes wet. o:)

What's that? The water is cold? Not for long, once those cords hit the water, you should warm up pretty quickly. :smile:


Wow, and I thought the fireworks were bright. :-p
  • #2,135
Does anyone remember another thread with a name other than it's title?

franznietzsche's response to discovering the name "Franzbear" given to this thread:
franznietzsche said:
Did something happen involving vast amounts of alcohol that i don't remember :bugeye: :eek: :bugeye: ?

No doubt a night of drunken debauchery and sin. And I have one question for you:

...Where are the pictures? :biggrin: