Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #2,276
Yes, and so is chewing coca leaves! Great stuff! Makes you so alert!

Face it, caffeine is a drug. You develop tolerance and dependency to it over time, but you can quit.
Physics news on
  • #2,277
BicycleTree said:
Yes, and so is chewing coca leaves! Great stuff! Makes you so alert!

Face it, caffeine is a drug. You develop tolerance and dependency to it over time, but you can quit.

But why would i?

Of course its a drug. Your point?
  • #2,278
You'd quit because it's an unhealthy drug. How many coffee fixes do you need per day? If you keep on drinking coffee you're going to need more and more.
  • #2,279
i like my new avatar..

took it from
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  • #2,280
Look out for holy hand grenades.
  • #2,281
I love it Cronxeh! but is a tigerny? or a bunger?
  • #2,282
If its horny, and its purring.. then it must be.. cronxeh :smile:
  • #2,283
cronxeh said:
i like my new avatar..
You always have such cute avatars. :approve:
  • #2,284

Gale17 called me 'feminine'

I had to reassure her that I am quite heterosexual :smile:
  • #2,285
cronxeh said:
If its horny, and its purring.. then it must be.. cronxeh :smile:

Oh dear, another one corrupted. You used to seem so sweet. :-p
  • #2,286
Moonbear I was beginning to get worried about you.. You disappeared for what.. 3 hours
  • #2,287
cronxeh said:
Moonbear I was beginning to get worried about you.. You disappeared for what.. 3 hours
Yeah, we were about to send out a search party!

cronxeh, Gale doesn't understand yet that a man has to be secure about his masculinity to have cute avatars. Cute avatars are sexy. :approve:
  • #2,288
Gale rides a Harley and I have a bunny avatar :smile:
  • #2,289
cronxeh said:
Moonbear I was beginning to get worried about you.. You disappeared for what.. 3 hours

:redface: :smile: I started reading a book last night (standard plot: crazy psycho is out murdering people, rich, gorgeous woman is a target and hunky cop got assigned as her body guard, and they are falling hopelessly in love while trying to catch the psycho), and I just got to the steamy love scene tonight...been having trouble putting the book down :biggrin:. I should finish it tonight and then can give PF my full attention again. :approve:
  • #2,290
cronxeh said:
Gale rides a Harley and I have a bunny avatar :smile:

A tiger bunny. Cute and fierce. :!)
  • #2,291
Moonbear said:
:redface: :smile: I started reading a book last night (standard plot: crazy psycho is out murdering people, rich, gorgeous woman is a target and hunky cop got assigned as her body guard, and they are falling hopelessly in love while trying to catch the psycho), and I just got to the steamy love scene tonight...been having trouble putting the book down :biggrin:. I should finish it tonight and then can give PF my full attention again. :approve:
A girl I used to work with read "romance novels" and she gave me one to read. After the first five pages of "ample, throbbing, thrusting, you name it, I pitched it into the closet. :bugeye:

Of course "your" book has a plot. :-p
  • #2,292
Evo said:
Of course "your" book has a plot. :-p

Somewhat, yeah. I like the romances where the guy falls hopelessly in love, acting all protective, and discovers the woman is one tough cookie (the author that wrote this one used to write historical romances, so they've always had some sort of plot, though flimsy...but I like the author because she usually has strong women as heroines...often it's the "hero" who gets himself in trouble doing something stupid and the woman has to come to his rescue. :biggrin:) I got hooked on them in college. There were a bunch of us who used to swap books and would sit around reading the love scenes aloud and laughing over them. This one's not so "throbbing manhood" in this one. :smile: Though, there was a moment when he was fumbling for his wallet to find the little package in there. :smile: :smile: Well, hey, at least he was being responsible. :-p
  • #2,293
BicycleTree said:
You'd quit because it's an unhealthy drug. How many coffee fixes do you need per day? If you keep on drinking coffee you're going to need more and more.
I don't need coffee at all. I drink it because it's cheaper than beer. (At least until the effects of the tsunami hit the market.) :rolleyes:

chronhex said:
i like my new avatar..
I bet you'd be more popular if you use one of Evo's spares.

hypatia said:
I love it Cronxeh! but is a tigerny? or a bunger
Can you say bunger without getting a bunch of ******'s? :confused:

chronhex said:
If its horny, and its purring.. then it must be.. cronxeh
Don't mention horny in front of Moonbear! She'll be chasing off after that poor rhino again. :biggrin:
  • #2,294
Moonbear said:
This one's not so "throbbing manhood" in this one. :smile:
Ah yes, I remember now "as she brushed up against him, she could feel his throbbing manhood". :biggrin:

Now where did I put that book...
  • #2,295
You should drink water like I do. Water's cheaper than coffee or beer.
  • #2,296
BicycleTree said:
You should drink water like I do. Water's cheaper than coffee or beer.
Are you nuts?! Fish **** in that stuff!
  • #2,297
hmmm At Speedway I can get a bottle of water for $1.21 or coffee for.89 cents.
  • #2,298
hypatia said:
hmmm At Speedway I can get a bottle of water for $1.21 or coffee for.89 cents.
Here 'Speedway' is a carwash (with attached dogwash, of all things). Just where do they bottle the water from? :rolleyes:
  • #2,299
Moonbear said:
This one's not so "throbbing manhood" in this one.
:eek: :eek: :bugeye: :eek: :bugeye:
:smile: :smile:

The reason I love this thread is you never know what kind of discussion you're going to find. :biggrin:

My smilies are throbbing, by the way.
  • #2,300
Artman said:
:eek: :eek: :bugeye: :eek: :bugeye:
:smile: :smile:

My smilies are throbbing, by the way.
I don't know why I never, until this post, realized how much those little buggers look like exploding clams.
  • #2,301
hypatia said:
hmmm At Speedway I can get a bottle of water for $1.21 or coffee for.89 cents.

Hmmm...I get water free from the tap. Okay, it's not really free, they send me a bill every 3 months, but why should I pay someone else for water in addition to that? :-p It tastes just fine once mixed with coffee. :approve: I don't like plain water, it doesn't have any flavor.
  • #2,302
You can get coffee for 0.89 cents?? It'll never last... they'll mark it up to a full penny before you know it.

The water here is not drinkable (tastes nasty) but you just put a water filter on the faucet and it's cheap and delicious.
  • #2,303
BicycleTree said:
You can get coffee for 0.89 cents?? It'll never last... they'll mark it up to a full penny before you know it.

:smile: I didn't catch that the first time I read it! :smile:
  • #2,304
Moonbear said:
:smile: I didn't catch that the first time I read it! :smile:
Same here.
I've gotten so used to her typos that I don't even notice them any more. :-p

And she's the one who showed me where the spell-check is.
  • #2,305
we hvae a spllechek ?
  • #2,306
Danger said:
Same here.
I've gotten so used to her typos that I don't even notice them any more. :-p
Yeah, really. I mean, she probably doesn't intend to type half of the stupid stuff she posts here... :biggrin:

:rolleyes:She isn't around is she? :rolleyes:
  • #2,307
Artman said:
:rolleyes:She isn't around is she? :rolleyes:
It's difficult to tell, but it's probably not worth the risk. A pissed-off Motowner is not to be taken lightly. (Especially one with a very large unused dictionary to whap you with.) :biggrin:
  • #2,308
Danger said:
It's difficult to tell, but it's probably not worth the risk. A pissed-off Motowner is not to be taken lightly. (Especially one with a very large unused dictionary to whap you with.) :biggrin:
Oh no! She's from Detroit?! What have I done? :cry: :rolleyes:
  • #2,309
Artman said:
Oh no! She's from Detroit?! What have I done? :cry: :rolleyes:
Merely unleashed the wrath of the entire UAW, and possibly Big Augie Santini. You fool! Now none of us are safe! (The UAW are the true secret owners of Microsoft, right?)
  • #2,310
Danger said:
Merely unleashed the wrath of the entire UAW, and possibly Big Augie Santini. You fool! Now none of us are safe! (The UAW are the true secret owners of Microsoft, right?)
Oh no! What a big, stupid, incredibly handsome, fool I've been! :approve: