Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #2,346
Danger said:
That's only because you smuggle pheromones home from the lab...

:rolleyes: Shhhhhhhh. Let's keep that our little secret.
Physics news on
  • #2,347
Moonbear said:
:rolleyes: Shhhhhhhh. Let's keep that our little secret.
Okay, but we'll have to negotiate terms... :-p
  • #2,348
Danger said:
Okay, but we'll have to negotiate terms... :-p

I think those pheromones are taking affect.
  • #2,349
Danger said:
Okay, but we'll have to negotiate terms... :-p

What terms do you have in mind?
  • #2,350
Moonbear said:
What terms do you have in mind?
Let's just say the pheremones won't be wasted... :-p

That smilie really needs a longer tongue.
  • #2,351
franznietzsche said:
I think those pheromones are taking affect.

Dangit! Danger, I told you it was our secret, and here you've gone and spilled the beans to franz! That's it, deal's off.
  • #2,352
Moonbear said:
Dangit! Danger, I told you it was our secret, and here you've gone and spilled the beans to franz! That's it, deal's off.
I didn't tell him anything! The little bastard has our thread bugged.
  • #2,353
Danger said:
That's only because you smuggle pheromones home from the lab...

I got it! Now it finally makes sense
  • #2,354
cronxeh said:
I got it! Now it finally makes sense

I don't think I have any tibbet pheromones yet though. :rolleyes:
  • #2,355
Danger said:
I didn't tell him anything! The little bastard has our thread bugged.

:eek: *turns on shower and sink faucets and runs vacuum cleaner* We've got to do a bug sweep now. I knew we'd have trouble with all those spiders running around.
  • #2,356
Moonbear said:
I don't think I have any tibbet pheromones yet though. :rolleyes:
I'm sure he's generating them by the bucketful just from reading this. Now if we could find a female variety...

Moonbear said:
:eek: *turns on shower and sink faucets and runs vacuum cleaner*
I'll have to leave all of that up to you. I just have a bathtub, no shower, and the last time I used my vacuum was about 25 years ago. I don't know if it works.
  • #2,357
Danger said:
I'll have to leave all of that up to you. I just have a bathtub, no shower, and the last time I used my vacuum was about 25 years ago. I don't know if it works.

You don't have a shower? I've never heard of a bathtub that doesn't have a shower in it. Oh, wait, no, there was that ONE house I looked at with the pink bathroom that had the tub in a weirdly shaped nook...reminded me of something out of "I Dream of Jeanie." You couldn't have actually stood up in the tub, because the ceiling over it was too low. Would you like a shower? It's easy to install one (I had to replace the faucets in my tub/shower this past winter and accomplished it without burning down the house...just some banged up knuckles and blisters from working in tight corners...oh, yeah, there were a few cuts from the tile shards when I had to chip out some tile...I'm thinking of replacing all my kitchen knives with tile shards. :smile: Actually, it did get me to seriously consider taking a look at those ceramic knives you see chefs playing with on the Food Network.)

As for the vacuum, please tell me you have all hardwood floors and sweep rather than vacuum. :rolleyes:
  • #2,358
Moonbear said:
Would you like a shower? It's easy to install one please tell me you have all hardwood floors and sweep rather than vacuum. :rolleyes:
Believe me, in this case it's not easy. Remember I said that I live in the house that my grandfather built in 1911? It didn't originally have plumbing, so a corner of his den was walled off to make a bathroom in the 40's or thereabouts. The tub is only enclosed on 2 sides. I'd have to build an entire enclosure from scratch. (Commercial stuff won't fit that tub.)
As for the floors, they are entirely and comfortably carpeted with cat hair. It's very warm and keeps the mice away.
  • #2,359
Danger said:
Remember I said that I live in the house that my grandfather built in 1911?

Don't remember you mentioning that. I bet that's fun to live in.

It didn't originally have plumbing, so a corner of his den was walled off to make a bathroom in the 40's or thereabouts. The tub is only enclosed on 2 sides. I'd have to build an entire enclosure from scratch. (Commercial stuff won't fit that tub.)

Oh, you could do like they do with free-standing clawfoot tubs! You don't need walls around it, you can put a shower curtain all the way around (it's probably harder to get the curtain rods for those old-style tubs nowadays, but they do exist). You don't even need to run the plumbing in the wall if you don't want to. If you have running water to a faucet, you can have a shower. I'll see if I can find a site that illustrates what I'm talking about.

Edit: Oh, that wasn't too hard to find. Here, like this:
Last edited:
  • #2,360
I hate to interrupt, but I think I am a fledgling "thread killer." It started out as just thread jacking. But then I killed a thread. For now I'm only a social thread killer, but I'm worried it could become habitual, and eventually happen all the time even outside GD. :eek:
  • #2,361
There, there, now.. have some spam
  • #2,362
SOS2008 said:
I hate to interrupt, but I think I am a fledgling "thread killer." It started out as just thread jacking. But then I killed a thread. For now I'm only a social thread killer, but I'm worried it could become habitual, and eventually happen all the time even outside GD. :eek:

Well, we can ease your fears. Once you become an accomplished thread-killer, you won't want to leave GD. :biggrin:
  • #2,363
Moonbear said:
Well, we can ease your fears. Once you become an accomplished thread-killer, you won't want to leave GD. :biggrin:

There are things outside of GD? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  • #2,364
franznietzsche said:
There are things outside of GD? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Oh, no, not at all. It's just myth.
  • #2,365
Moonbear said:
Oh, no, not at all. It's just myth.

Oh ok, you had me scared for a second.
  • #2,366
Moonbear said:
Don't remember you mentioning that. I bet that's fun to live in.
In some ways, not in others. I don't want to ever leave it, though.
As for the shower thing, my brother actually has one of the kind in the picture. He's not well off physically, so he had to get a special tub. I do have a flex-hose shower head that comes off of the tap for washing my hair and rinsing off.
I prefer a bath anyhow, though. As I mentioned in another thread, I go into hypothermia if I get wet under normal conditions. A shower isn't too bad, but I prefer a very hot tub.

SOS2008 said:
But then I killed a thread.
There, there, dear... I'm sure you only wounded it. Show me where it is and we'll look after it.
  • #2,367
Danger said:
In some ways, not in others. I don't want to ever leave it, though.

I was being a bit sarcastic. I meant "fun" as in constant headaches trying to repair strange things in an old house not built to accommodate modern conveniences. Though, houses like that have character, which is pretty cool. Sort of a trade-off. I totally understand. One of my friends lives in an old farmhouse, and while it has its share of problems that cause her headaches, it has some really cool things in it that you would never find in a modern house, like a "secret" staircase from the bedroom directly to the kitchen (from the kitchen, the door to that staircase just looks like a closet door).

As for the shower thing, my brother actually has one of the kind in the picture. He's not well off physically, so he had to get a special tub. I do have a flex-hose shower head that comes off of the tap for washing my hair and rinsing off.
I prefer a bath anyhow, though. As I mentioned in another thread, I go into hypothermia if I get wet under normal conditions. A shower isn't too bad, but I prefer a very hot tub.

Showers are better for company. :biggrin: If you prefer baths anyway, then I guess that works out well enough. And the flex hose thing works. I was thinking you didn't have any sort of shower capabilities at all. I also forget that most people don't have hair like I do...I must have a shower to wash my hair, there's just too much of it; normal people can just stick their head under a faucet and be done.
  • #2,368
Moonbear said:
Showers are better for company. :biggrin:

Yeah they are. :approve:
  • #2,369
franznietzsche said:
Yeah they are. :approve:

I really like those newer showers that have two (or more) shower heads. No more fighting over who gets to stand under the hot water.
  • #2,370
Moonbear said:
I really like those newer showers that have two (or more) shower heads. No more fighting over who gets to stand under the hot water.

I've never found it to be a problem with a single one.
  • #2,371
Moonbear said:
I was being a bit sarcastic. I meant "fun" as in constant headaches trying to repair strange things in an old house not built to accommodate modern conveniences. I must have a shower to wash my hair, there's just too much of it; normal people can just stick their head under a faucet and be done.
Most of the house is pretty modernized. The only really serious aggravation is that the kitchen is the only room with 3-prong outlets. Hence I am sitting 4 feet away from it in the middle of the living room so my power bar can reach around the corner.
And despite the age, I still have most of my hair. It's just receding in front, but no bald spot. I keep it very short though (biggest guide for clippers). It used to be longer, but after I did the Head Shave for Cancer thing at the Legion I realized how much easier it is to take care of. About 3 months before the next event, I'll quit cutting it and shaving my beard. (You can get extra sponsorship for a beard sometimes.)
  • #2,372
franznietzsche said:
I've never found it to be a problem with a single one.

That must mean you're the one who hogs all the hot water! :-p
  • #2,373
Moonbear said:
That must mean you're the one who hogs all the hot water! :-p

Well, i wasn't the one under the water, but i certainly wasn't cold...
  • #2,374
Moonbear said:
That must mean you're the one who hogs all the hot water! :-p
Well... cold water makes things shrink, so he probably needs it close to boiling...
  • #2,375
Danger said:
Well... cold water makes things shrink, so he probably needs it close to boiling...

What did i ever do to you?
  • #2,376
franznietzsche said:
What did i ever do to you?
I don't have time to check back, but there must have been something. :-p
  • #2,377
Danger said:
Well... cold water makes things shrink, so he probably needs it close to boiling...

Ooh, that's mean! :smile:

Well, I'm a hot water hog myself, so I can't say too much. But I'm also usually a generous person, which is why the second shower head sounds like a good idea to me. Let the other person get some hot water too.
  • #2,378
Moonbear said:
Ooh, that's mean! :smile:

Well, I'm a hot water hog myself, so I can't say too much. But I'm also usually a generous person, which is why the second shower head sounds like a good idea to me. Let the other person get some hot water too.

When i share showers, no one is cold in there. Although a second one is still generally necessary, otherwise the normal purpose of a shower is kinda defeated.
  • #2,379
franznietzsche said:
When i share showers, no one is cold in there. Although a second one is still generally necessary, otherwise the normal purpose of a shower is kinda defeated.

Well, there goes the water conservation excuse. :rolleyes:
  • #2,380
I don't like the taste of soap. :redface: