Thread Killer Champions: Franzbear & Moonbear

  • Thread starter tribdog
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In summary, Franzbear is the most prolific thread killer in the forum. He has killed at least 12 threads and is likely responsible for 21 more. His ability to kill threads is not a direct outcome of the evidence (number of last posts). You have to at least factor in the total number of posts by each person (posts in GD) to get a more accurate representation of the killer instinct. Franz and Moonie have so many posts here, they are more likely to be the winning killers. You have to divide the number of kills by the total number of posts during the same period to get a corrected distribution.
  • #2,976
That makes sense :rolleyes:
Physics news on
  • #2,977
Okay, so where did I leave off...

cronxeh said:
I[/URL] wonder which members are angels and which are devils...I think it is a little heavy on the devil side, and the smilie with the halo (who ever that is) better get wings too!
Danger said:
Are you sure you weren't meant to find it? Did it have a name on it?:rolleyes:
Artman said:
Yeah yeah, I can hear the lesson now:

cronxeh - Okay Moonbear let's get started.

Moonbear - But shouldn't we be in a car?

cronxeh - Nah, we'll start here on my couch.

Moonbear - If you say so cronxeh, you're so sweet to...<zip>...What are you doing?

cronxeh - Preparing the stick.

Moonbear - Why did you store the shifter there in that zippered holder? (edited this line because I noticed it sounded REALLY bad the way it was!)

cronxeh - To keep it warm. It works better if it's warm. Now you grab the stick.

Moonbear - Oh. I thought shifting would be hard, but not with you teaching me. It's not hard at all!

cronxeh - Uh...let's just get on with the lesson.

Moonbear - I thought the shift lever would be longer.

cronxeh - This is just a three speed.

Moonbear - I want to drive a big rig.

cronxeh - Look, do you want to learn or not?!

Moonbear - Yeah. I'm sorry.

cronxeh - Never mind. I'm not in the mood any more. The lesson is over. I'm putting the shifter away in it's case. <zip>. I'm going over to the cancer clinic and see if anyone over there wants to learn to drive a stick.

Or something like that. (Just kidding cronxeh and Moonbear.) :biggrin:
I think we have the winner for the devil here!
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  • #2,978
Hmm I was just reading the stupid question thread thinking it was this one. I was confused as hell :cry:
  • #2,979
SOS2008 said:
I think we have the winner for the devil here!
What sweet little innocnet me? o:)

Okay, so I did push the envelope so hard it ended up across the country. But it was just so tempting. :devil: :redface: I couldn't help it. :cry:

(Think they're buying this?) :rolleyes:

Nah me either.
  • #2,980
mattmns said:
Hmm I was just reading the stupid question thread thinking it was this one. I was confused as hell :cry:

That's because it's not a stupid question thread, it's a stupid quetion thread. Get it right! No wonder you were confused. :smile:
  • #2,981
So guess what I almost said today? *waits for awhile, but no reply* I almost said "Meh!" Okay, I am going to do some cooking now...No, no more posts for awhile! But like Arnold says: "I'll be back."
  • #2,982
You know what? When I'm reading one thing and kind of tired but getting into it and then I pick something else and read that instead. The context of the first thing I was reading is still in my head and it makes it all unusual.
  • #2,983
SOS2008 said:
So guess what I almost said today? *waits for awhile, but no reply* I almost said "Meh!" Okay, I am going to do some cooking now...No, no more posts for awhile! But like Arnold says: "I'll be back."

That's okay, I've caught myself nearly saying "LOL" out loud a few times when someone says something funny. :redface:
  • #2,985
  • #2,986
That is either the best or worst advertisement I've ever seen. One of the funniest certainly.
  • #2,987
cronxeh said:

I'm glad you posted that again. I didn't remember to bookmark it last time and really want to get one of their free sample pens to leave lying around the lab for the pen thieves. :smile:
  • #2,988
The Evil Empire (Yankees) won tonight..YES!
  • #2,989
The_Professional said:
The Evil Empire (Yankees) won tonight..YES!

Oh, right, baseball season already started. Seems a little COLD to be baseball season already.
  • #2,990
Okay, I'm back "like a bad dream" -- what's goin' on? Hmm, maybe I should start some vicious rumors (about myself, of course). :-p
  • #2,991
Moonbear said:
Oh, right, baseball season already started. Seems a little COLD to be baseball season already.

And I thought summer is just around the corner.

SOS2008 said:
Okay, I'm back "like a bad dream" -- what's goin' on? Hmm, maybe I should start some vicious rumors (about myself, of course). :-p

We were just talking about you.
  • #2,992
SOS2008 said:
So Artman may be a sick puppy, you're a real funny bunny, eh?

you have a dirty, dirty mind :smile:

want a scrub? (for the dirty mind of course) :smile:
  • #2,993
The_Professional said:
And I thought summer is just around the corner.

Two days ago, I would have believed you, but today it was back to damp and chilly. I have yet to find a research project that will give me an excuse to spend the winters in the tropics. :cool:
  • #2,994
The_Professional said:
We were just talking about you.
You mean a REAL rumor? Cool!
cronxeh said:
want a scrub? (for the dirty mind of course) :smile:
Well, if no sponge bath is in the offering...Yes Doc, I'm sure I could use some help! :eek: Let me get a referral from Moonbear first...
  • #2,995
Moonbear said:
Two days ago, I would have believed you, but today it was back to damp and chilly. I have yet to find a research project that will give me an excuse to spend the winters in the tropics. :cool:

Sounds a lot like the weather in my neck of the woods. 70F this weekend and it was snowing last night and early this morning.

Come to think of it, you do remind me of a biology teacher I had once. That was a fun class.

  • #2,996
Huckleberry said:
Sounds a lot like the weather in my neck of the woods. 70F this weekend and it was snowing last night and early this morning.

Come to think of it, you do remind me of a biology teacher I had once. That was a fun class.


Well, without knowing what neck of the woods you're in, I can still guess you're further north than I am. It was chilly today, but none of that nasty white stuff, thank goodness!
  • #2,997
Me no eat now--done.

My back patio door is open (nearly 10:00 pm). Almost too warm to have it open right now. It was 92 degrees today, and it's supposed to be 94 degrees tomorrow.
  • #2,998
Hey, are we talking about the weather? We'll do anything to keep the thread alive! Yes, tribdog, I'm doing the best I can...
  • #2,999
SOS2008 said:
Me no eat now--done.

My back patio door is open (nearly 10:00 pm). Almost too warm to have it open right now. It was 92 degrees today, and it's supposed to be 94 degrees tomorrow.

Could you do me a tiny favor? Get a BIG fan and set it outside and aim it northeast. Please! :biggrin: I had to turn the heat back on today.
  • #3,000
We had such beautiful, perfect weather in L.A. today. The kind of day that makes you feel glad to be alive. I sat outside in the sunshine today and ate a ripe tangerine from my neighbor's tree, licking the sticky, sweet juice off my wrist, not caring who looked at me.
Tonight it's nice, too. I'll open my window now and let the gentle, cool breeze of honeysuckle drift through while I sleep.
  • #3,001
LOL..hahaa..oh man, that's a good one MIH
  • #3,002
I live in Mass. right on the banks of the Merrimack river. We've had lots of rain the last few weeks and with all the melted snow I thought the backyard might turn into a swimming pool. Thankfully it didn't get near that high, but there were flood warnings in a few parts of the state.
  • #3,003
That would explain the snow this time of year. Mass. is great in the summer and fall, but it's not the place I want to be in winter and spring.
  • #3,004
Math Is Hard said:
We had such beautiful, perfect weather in L.A. today. The kind of day that makes you feel glad to be alive. I sat outside in the sunshine today and ate a ripe tangerine from my neighbor's tree, licking the sticky, sweet juice off my wrist, not caring who looked at me.
Tonight it's nice, too. I'll open my window now and let the gentle, cool breeze of honeysuckle drift through while I sleep.
:cry: It was in the thirties here last night. :cry:

If you didn't have so many suggestive phrases in your post I would have hated it. (Us dirty minded guys are always looking for those. They make our day. Right Danger? Where is he? Probably somewhere imagining MIH licking the sticky sweet juice from something and not caring who was looking, or something like that.) :-p
  • #3,005
Artman said:
:cry: It was in the thirties here last night. :cry:

If you didn't have so many suggestive phrases in your post I would have hated it. (Us dirty minded guys are always looking for those. They make our day. Right Danger? Where is he? Probably somewhere imagining MIH licking the sticky sweet juice from something and not caring who was looking, or something like that.) :-p

She was just trying to be helpful and warm you up. :approve:
  • #3,006
Moonbear said:
She was just trying to be helpful and warm you up. :approve:
Ahhh, I'm feeling all warm and squishy even as we speak. :smile:
  • #3,007
Moonbear said:
Well, without knowing what neck of the woods you're in, I can still guess you're further north than I am. It was chilly today, but none of that nasty white stuff, thank goodness!

That would be ironic if you actually were my biology teacher. Stranger things have happened. For example, when I was stationed in Virginia I was talking with a friend of mine at lunch. He was saying something about his experiences growing up in PA and mentioned a name of a friend of mine that I have known for 20 years who used to live there. After discussing it, turns out we knew the same person.

Once at the beginning of one of my biology classes I was having an argument with a classmate. She was saying "Money is good." and I said "Nobody ever did anything good for want of money." We debated for a little and it turned more into a personal argument. I said "I don't care about your beliefs." She replied something like "Wait another ten years and see what you believe then." The whole thing was a bit pointless and I regret saying some of those things. I felt insulted and discounted her beliefs by saying that I didn't care about them, which I immediately regretted saying but was too angry to take back at that moment.

It's a longshot but if you remember that and once had curly, brown hair then... wouldn't that be awkward?
  • #3,008
Artman said:
:cry: It was in the thirties here last night. :cry:

If you didn't have so many suggestive phrases in your post I would have hated it. (Us dirty minded guys are always looking for those. They make our day. Right Danger? Where is he? Probably somewhere imagining MIH licking the sticky sweet juice from something and not caring who was looking, or something like that.) :-p
Hi folks;
I just got here. There was something I had to take care of first. Did you realize that they've opened a juice bar in the clinic?:-p

For anyone who cares to sympathize, it snowed on me again last night. This morning the snow was gone, but everything was covered with frost. Now the frost is gone and it's about 60ºF. out there. I've heard it said about other places, but I'm pretty sure it started here because we've been saying it since the 40's: if you don't like the weather in Cochrane, wait a minute. :rolleyes:
  • #3,009
Huckleberry said:
It's a longshot but if you remember that and once had curly, brown hair then... wouldn't that be awkward?
She still has, but she wears a wig on her head.:biggrin: And what happens on the thread stays on the thread I hope. :rolleyes:
  • #3,010
Math Is Hard said:
We had such beautiful, perfect weather in L.A. today. The kind of day that makes you feel glad to be alive. I sat outside in the sunshine today and ate a ripe tangerine from my neighbor's tree, licking the sticky, sweet juice off my wrist, not caring who looked at me.
Tonight it's nice, too. I'll open my window now and let the gentle, cool breeze of honeysuckle drift through while I sleep.
Ooooh, way better than the olive tree and bird pooping image I presented. I do have an orange tree and pomegranate bush, so I suppose I could make some foo-foo drinks for the clinic... :-p Let's see, how much should we should charge, more than $3.25, certainly. :smile: