Today I Learned

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
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In summary: Today I learned that Lagrange was Italian and that he lamented the execution of Lavoisier in France during the French Revolution with the quote:"It took them only an instant to cut off this head and a hundred years might not suffice to reproduce it's...brains."
  • #5,566
gmax137 said:
I think the author picked "fuming" as a pun on the low emissions zone idea.
Probably get caught between the hippies and the rockers, this is going to affect dozens of people.
What a mess.
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  • #5,567
I read the linked article. That LEZ thing looks like a crock to me. I think your response "ok we're never playing in Glasgow" is right on point.
  • #5,568
gmax137 said:
I read the linked article. That LEZ thing looks like a crock to me. I think your response "ok we're never playing in Glasgow" is right on point.
The comments were from the Facebook page written by the organizer (Guitar). It's unfortunate, unlucky and being disappointed is fine. However young people care about the environment, including rockers.
Anyway the radio interview is posted tomorrow, with the organizer.
  • #5,569
T.I.L. New series about Jimmy Savile called " The Reckoning." I just watched the first episode. Pretty grim. Hard for a non UK person to identify with. EDIT Bill Cosby possibly if you are in the US?

Steve Coogan is brilliant in the series.
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  • #5,570
Paul Ehrenfest murdered his disabled son and then shot himself

also learned margittai Neumann János, perhaps the greatest mathematician of the 20th century, was a converted Jew, but the nobility was real, conferred to his father by Emperor Franz Joseph in 1913 so he kept it when he later Germanized his name

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  • #5,571
TIL that John von Neumann in 1955 published a book stating concern about CO2 in the atmosphere causing warming. According to Wikipedia.
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  • #5,572
Hornbein said:
TIL that John von Neumann in 1955 published a book stating concern about CO2 in the atmosphere causing warming. According to Wikipedia.
It's mentioned in passing in Indiscreet, a 1958 film, as part of a rather awkward "nice weather we're having" first date conversation between Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman.
  • #5,573
gmax137 said:
I read the linked article. That LEZ thing looks like a crock to me. I think your response "ok we're never playing in Glasgow" is right on point.
Update (should be last one I promise)

I was mainly worried about the language used in the interview by our spokesperson (for Ozzy too - they are not mentioned) I did not want us to come across as whiney, spoilt brat wannabe bunch of nobodies from Manchester, who expect a major city council in Scotland to bend the rules on emissions just for us.

Unfortunately the newspapers think stories about the environment sell and the national press have ran with it.

Not surprisingly the comments from readers seem to suggest we are a whiney bunch of Mancunian eco terrorists who expect Scotland to bend the rules for us.

Just to re-iterate, I was "disappointed" that's it.

If this is fame and rock and rock roll they can keep it ; ) I did not even get to stay in the pre booked hotel in Glasgow and get some nice images of the city for pf...
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  • #5,574
pinball1970 said:
Just to re-iterate, I was "disappointed" that's it.
Bill Potts: Why are you Scottish?
The Doctor: I'm not Scottish, I'm just cross.
Bill Potts: Is there a Scotland in space?
The Doctor: They're all over the place, demanding independence from every planet they land on.

Sidenote: This doctor has been played by real-life Scotsman Peter Capaldi who was born in Glasgow!
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  • #5,575
"Originally, the team was going to be renamed simply to the Yokohama Whales, but new restrictions on whaling in Japan convinced the company to drop the original name. Some superstitious fans had believed that dead whales put a curse onto the team (the Maruha Corporation was famous for its whale meat products), preventing the Whales from winning championships."
  • #5,577
Being a neighbor is interesting.

. . .Saw my neighbor have about 3 termite/pest control trucks (all different companies) outside his house past few days. I suppose he's getting estimates.

It makes you wonder if YOU'VE got termites. :nb):nb):nb)

I swear, if I see a neighbor have a Mold Remediation van park at his house with guys coming out in hazmat suits, it'd probably poop my pants. :nb):nb):nb):nb):nb):nb)
  • #5,578
The general rule-of-thumb here in Southern California is:
If it is built of wood, you have termites.

It seems that EVERY house for sale has a fumigation tent over it.
(I expect that every purchaser writes that into the purchase contract.)
  • #5,579
Tom.G said:
The general rule-of-thumb here in Southern California is:
If it is built of wood, you have termites.

It seems that EVERY house for sale has a fumigation tent over it.
(I expect that every purchaser writes that into the purchase contract.)
Why is that? Do you all not do preventative termite treatments and try to deter them in other ways? Btw, I think of stucco every time I imagine a CA home. I also think of non-humid, 70-degrees year round weather.

Here in the South, mold is more common than in the northern states. We've got higher humidity and lots of rainy/hurricane-y summer months too.

I don't know which frightens me more - mold or termites. These are wealth-destroyers that invade your private physical space. Some people cannot escape them. There was a couple in the news locally, who were told to leave their home due to black mold. They stayed. They asked where else could they go? They had few resources and all their money tied into their home. It's not an easy situation. Your property value goes down $50,000 easily if you disclose it and it costs 10's of thousands possibly to remediate the mold.

On the other hand, termites could destroy your home's structure to the point that is crumbles.
  • #5,580
kyphysics said:
Do you all not do preventative termite treatments and try to deter them in other ways?
Yes, there is a lot of stucco, also a lot of 'conventional' wood siding.

I suspect many of the termites initially enter thru a leaky roof. Another entry route is poor seals around the window and door frames, it doesn't take much settling or aging of a building to open those cracks. I've also seen them enter thru a nail hole in the stucco.

Once there is moisture inside the walls, you soon have a colony.

From a heavily invested building I have seen them swarm after some decent rain followed by a few days of warm, sunny weather. The moisture and warmth triggers the eggs to hatch and they go off looking for a less crowded home.

Of course they leave behind the egg shells, which often fall out of the indoor cracks around windows and doors. (white, roughly the size of the head of a pin)

Since infestations are within the walls, floors, ceilings, and roof, any preventative treatment would be 'tent and fumigate.'

There is 'pressure treated' lumber available... would you be comfortable living in a poison-saturated box for the rest of you life?

So, we put up with the local wildlife and fumigate when we are overrun, or selling.


p.s. The roofers get a fair amount of business ripping of complete roofs and replacing rafters that have been eaten by the critters.
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  • #5,581
Tom.G said:
There is 'pressure treated' lumber available... would you be comfortable living in a poison-saturated box for the rest of you life?

p.s. The roofers get a fair amount of business ripping of complete roofs and replacing rafters that have been eaten by the critters.
Does pressure-treated always have to mean "toxic" (if that's what you meant by poison-saturated box)?

I ask, b/c I've been learning about woods types just this past week. Going to Home Depot and talking to a crawl space inspector. Most of the beams (the large blocks of wood) are pressure treated, because they support the structure of the house at the foundation/floor the most. Then the joints (smaller cuts of wood) are often untreated (and can rot more easily from moisture).

Roofers here get lots of work from storm damage. There really is no place on Earth, I suppose that is free from some kind of pest or natural weather disasters. I guess if you need a job, one can probably find one as a disaster restoration worker or a pest control guy/gal.

These fit the 3 D's that Americans want to avoid in a job: dirty; difficult; and dangerous.

Going inside a storm torn home with a falling apart ceiling, water up above your ankles, and walls plastered with mold and having to stay for days cleaning it up is not an ideal job to have to do month after month and year after year. A local guy I talked to who does mitigation & restoration says they cannot keep a tech at his company for more than just a few years. People don't like the work.
  • #5,582
If I dealt with mold and/or termites daily for work, I'd be scared I might accidentally bring it home.
  • #5,583
Tom.G said:
There is 'pressure treated' lumber available... would you be comfortable living in a poison-saturated box for the rest of you life?
As far as I know most wood is treated with arsenic, which as a heavy metal isn't volitile.

I live in Bali and there are termites everywhere. No one tents. Most homes are built out of concrete blocks. Mine is of ironwood. They still infest it but the density slows them down.

In Japan hot baths are a big deal during the winter. The room is sealed and is hot and humid the whole time. I never could understand how they didn't get mildew.
  • #5,584
From AAAS news:

From bacteria to blue whales, the number of cells in living things exceeds the estimated number of sand grains on Earth by a factor of a trillion. It’s 1 million times larger than all the stars in the universe. And the number of cells that have ever lived is 10 orders of magnitude larger still, according to new estimates researchers reported last week in Current Biology.
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  • #5,585
TIL that a major source of Vitamin-D for supplements is lanolin, the oil that sheep secrete from their skin. This oil is a by-product of the wool industry. After extraction the oil goes through a process that includes irradiation with UV light.
  • #5,586
Today, I learned that the Parthenon was largely intact until the late 17th century. In 1687, during a military conflict between Venice and the Ottoman Empire, a Venetian mortar struck an Ottoman ammunition bunker inside, and the resulting explosion killed hundreds of Turkish soldiers and heavily damaged the structure.
  • #5,587
Hornbein said:
I live in Bali and there are termites everywhere. No one tents. Most homes are built out of concrete blocks. Mine is of ironwood. They still infest it but the density slows them down.

In Japan hot baths are a big deal during the winter. The room is sealed and is hot and humid the whole time. I never could understand how they didn't get mildew.
Are you sure they didn't get mildew? Is it possible they just treat it frequently?

My uncle worked and lived in Singapore for several years (as an American) and said his office building constantly had mold problems. They had dehumidifiers and constantly sprayed the building. It just kept coming back and back. Singapore is oppressively humid. I've been once for vacation and it's miserable. Beautiful place to live on average, but just so sticky, hot, and humid.

Interesting Bali fact. What are the positives you like about it there?
  • #5,588
kyphysics said:
Are you sure they didn't get mildew? Is it possible they just treat it frequently?

My uncle worked and lived in Singapore for several years (as an American) and said his office building constantly had mold problems. They had dehumidifiers and constantly sprayed the building. It just kept coming back and back. Singapore is oppressively humid. I've been once for vacation and it's miserable. Beautiful place to live on average, but just so sticky, hot, and humid.

Interesting Bali fact. What are the positives you like about it there?
No treatment. I don't understand it. It doesn't seem possible. There was some red stuff that would grow but it wasn't much.

I thought Singapore was OK. I guess it depends on the time of year. Taiwan on the other hand... But who knows, maybe it isn't always that way. Most humid place I ever lived was North Carolina. That was too much.

Bali : nice people, art everywhere, great climate, very religious, good music and dance, beautiful plants, mostly rural, you are never far from a rice paddy. Low cost doesn't hurt. I'm retired, but they welcome Westerners coming in to run a business. Lots of nordic Russians these past five years or so, mostly couples with young children.

I also like Tokyo, a very quiet and clean city which is a stone bargain. No one believes this. Possibly the best music in the world. Dance is great too.
  • #5,589
Hornbein said:
I also like Tokyo, a very quiet and clean city which is a stone bargain. No one believes this. Possibly the best music in the world. Dance is great too.
Tokyo does seem great. But, in absolute terms (not relative to all you get), is it not super expensive to live there?

I agree North Carolina is very humid. I think the entire Southern U.S. is like that. Virginia is mid-Atlantic, so some consider it the South and others think it's not. It's humid here, nonetheless, and this causes problems (mold, fungus, and mildew). . . .At least we don't have alligators wandering into backyards like Florida, though. :-p
  • #5,590
kyphysics said:
Tokyo does seem great. But, in absolute terms (not relative to all you get), is it not super expensive to live there?

I agree North Carolina is very humid. I think the entire Southern U.S. is like that. Virginia is mid-Atlantic, so some consider it the South and others think it's not. It's humid here, nonetheless, and this causes problems (mold, fungus, and mildew). . . .At least we don't have alligators wandering into backyards like Florida, though. :-p
Two years ago I found Tokyo slightly cheaper than rural Michigan. Since then the yen has plunged 30%(!) so it's very cheap now. Osaka is even less. Like I said, no one believes this, especially since in the arts Tokyo is in the same league as New York City, London, and Paris.

The only things that are expensive are taxicabs and music, and I didn't use taxicabs.
  • #5,592
Voyager was launched in 1977 so this is a long study that is still yielding data.

The biology equivalent? A long term experiment still giving results? Lenski came to mind, his study of E. coli evolution began in 1988. That is pretty long.

A quick google however (TIL) there are some pretty strange, longstanding experiments with clocks, Bells and pitch to name a few.
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  • #5,593
Not exactly an experiment but very long lived - Centennial Light.

The world's longest burning light bulb is located right here in Livermore! It was first installed at the fire department hose cart house on L Street in 1901.

Centennial Light - Wikipedia

The Centennial Light is the world's longest-lasting light bulb, burning since 1901, and almost never turned off. It is located at 4550 East Avenue, Livermore, California, and maintained by the Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department.
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  • #5,594
kyphysics said:
I agree North Carolina is very humid. I think the entire Southern U.S. is like that.
The southeastern US is humid, but the southwestern US is not, it's arid. In the summer it gets pretty humid even in the Northeastern US; I have been in Boston in the summer and it's not much different from northern Virginia where I grew up.

kyphysics said:
Virginia is mid-Atlantic, so some consider it the South and others think it's not.
It depends on what part of Virginia. Northern Virginia isn't, but parts of southern and southwestern Virginia certainly seem like it. Climatically it's basically humid if you're not in or close to the mountains.

kyphysics said:
At least we don't have alligators wandering into backyards like Florida, though. :-p
That's not all of Florida, only certain parts. :wink:
  • #5,595
PeterDonis said:
It depends on what part of Virginia. Northern Virginia isn't
My family moved to Fairfax City in 1965. It was still pretty southern then, there were cowpastures within the city limits, most of the businesses were in old wooden buildings. The 'natives' still outnumbered the transplants moving in to work in DC or at the pentagon. The city council had recently re-named Sherman Road to Pickett Road; I guess this fit better with Lee Highway (and Old Lee Highway). Plenty of southern attitude, both the good and the bad.

My brother still lives in the area. I'm always shocked when I visit, northern Va is unrecognizable.
  • #5,597
gmax137 said:
My family moved to Fairfax City in 1965.
Mine did in 1969, and then to Greenbriar in 1970. We moved to Pax River in Maryland in 1971, then to Long Island in 1974, then back to Reston, Virginia in 1977. Even in those six years or so between Greenbriar and Reston, the changes were significant (and included, I think, a significant reduction in the southern attitude you mention, as more and more of the people became transplants--the latter of course included my family). And of course between then and now the changes have been huge. Much of the population of Northern Virginia now lives on land that was farms or woods when I was a kid.
  • #5,598
PeterDonis said:
Reston, Virginia in 1977
Ha ha, I was working summers for an outfit building houses in Reston, '75 through '77. Maybe I carried the lumber for the framers building your house. Or the appliances, one summer all I did was carry them into the (almost finished) kitchens. Avocado or Harvest Gold.
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  • #5,599
gmax137 said:
Or the appliances, one summer all I did was carry them into the (almost finished) kitchens. Avocado or Harvest Gold.
And they are likely still working just fine... :smile:
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  • #5,600
gmax137 said:
Ha ha, I was working summers for an outfit building houses in Reston, '75 through '77. Maybe I carried the lumber for the framers building your house.
My parents weren't the first owners of the house we moved into in 1977; it was built in 1971. But some nearby neighborhoods were built in between; they weren't there when we lived in Greenbriar but they had been built by the time we moved to Reston. So we no doubt saw plenty of houses that had your handiwork in them. :wink:
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