US Presidential Primaries, 2008

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  • Thread starter Gokul43201
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In summary, the Iowa Caucus is going to be a close race, with Huckabee and Paul fighting for fourth place.

Who will be the eventual nominee from each party?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
  • #106
A 2% victory in her "firewall state" is hardly a major comeback; esp given that Obama came from 20 points behind! :rolleyes:
Physics news on
  • #107
wow wow wow

Can someone please tell me how 44% of voters who disapprove of the Iraq war voted for McCain?!"

This is the same guy who said "make it 100!" (years in iraq) days before.""


I don't think McCain is that credible with the war..."

how can something like this happen?
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  • #108
Astronuc said:
It's a small win for Clinton, and she didn't end up third. I wonder if her campaign or the media will trumpet this as a comeback like Bill. I hope not.

MSNBC was calling it one of the most electrifying moments or victories in American political history and made it sound as if Hillary was the one who had come back from a 15 point deficit, instead of the other way around. I know many of the polls had predicted a huge Obama win, but those likely flawed vs an actual 15 point comeback in 48 hrs. But that's the spin.
  • #109
Bush Bush Bush Clinton Clinton Bush Bush Clinton?

(who knows Jeb Bush in 2103?)

I thought "anyone" could become President.


Everything controlled by the few elite as usual. When will Americans open their eyes?
  • #110
Giuliani finally beat Ron Paul!


1. McCain
2. Romney
3. Huckabee


1. Uncommitted
2. Clinton
3. Kucinich

Or can we pick uncommitted as an option? It's one of the choices on the ballot.
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  • #111

1. Obama (a neighbor)
2. Clinton (more likely than Edwards?)
3. Edwards (progressive)

I'll get back later on the Republicans.
  • #112
falc39 said:
wow wow wow

Can someone please tell me how 44% of voters who disapprove of the Iraq war voted for McCain?!"

This is the same guy who said "make it 100!" (years in iraq) days before.""


I don't think McCain is that credible with the war..."

how can something like this happen?

Among Republicans, only Ron Paul has been more outspoken against the way Bush has handled Iraq. None the less, all of the candidates, including Democrats, have given very unrealistic plans for Iraq. If you have to read between the lines hoping a particular candidate really means their concern has shifted to the Middle East as a whole rather than being limited to Iraq, then you have a problem.

Still, I think the biggest reservation I have against any Republican candidate (other than Paul) is their endorsement of pre-emptive war as a realistic option for foreign policy.
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  • #113
Astronuc said:

1. Obama (a neighbor)
2. Clinton (more likely than Edwards?)
3. Edwards (progressive)

I'll get back later on the Republicans.

Ha! This game is more fun the nerd sniping! :smile:
  • #114
BobG said:
Among Republicans, only Ron Paul has been more outspoken against the way Bush has handled Iraq. ...
I think that's backwards. Rep Paul has been outspoken on getting to Iraq in the first place but has not been out front on the way the war was managed. Indeed, he differentiated himself from the other candidates by drawing attention to the fact that they may have initially supported the invasion but were now trying to redeem themselves by saying the flaw was in the way the war was managed.
  • #115
BobG said:
Ha! This game is more fun the nerd sniping! :smile:

I'm tyring to get a handle on the R/Ind in Michigan. I was hoping to find some summary on the % of R and Ind in MI. Anybody know of one?

McCain will do well in parts, as Romney and Huckabee will do well in others. I just don't know how to read the mid-west at the moment.
  • #116
mheslep said:
I think that's backwards. Rep Paul has been outspoken on getting to Iraq in the first place but has not been out front on the way the war was managed. Indeed, he differentiated himself from the other candidates by drawing attention to the fact that they may have initially supported the invasion but were now trying to redeem themselves by saying the flaw was in the way the war was managed.

You're right. That's an important distinction. That's what I meant about being uncomfortable with most of the Republican candidates endorsing the idea of pre-emptive wars.
  • #117
Astro, BobG: You folks like to make your picks early, dontcha? What's the tearing hurry?

falc39 said:
Can someone please tell me how 44% of voters who disapprove of the Iraq war voted for McCain?!

This is the same guy who said "make it 100!" (years in iraq) days before.


I don't think McCain is that credible with the war...

how can something like this happen?
Amongst all candidates, I think McCain is probably (one of) the most credible on the war. Most of the people that disagree with him on the war issue might nevertheless admit that he (McCain) knows an awful lot more about the situation and what's the best way to deal with it than any of them can possibly hope to in their positions.
  • #118
Gokul43201 said:
Astro, BobG: You folks like to make your picks early, dontcha? What's the tearing hurry?
Tearing is in fashion now. Getting in touch with your feminine side is an advantage in the primaries.

Or did you mean tearing?
  • #119
gravenewworld said:
I'd much rather vote for a moderate Republican that isn't a religious psychopath like McCain.
You need to look in a different country then. McCain is the only Republican candidate that supports embryonic stem cell research funded federally, and he belongs to what is arguably the most liberal and progressive church in the country (the Episcopal Church).
  • #120
denverdoc said:
MSNBC was calling it one of the most electrifying moments or victories in American political history and made it sound as if Hillary was the one who had come back from a 15 point deficit, instead of the other way around. I know many of the polls had predicted a huge Obama win, but those likely flawed vs an actual 15 point comeback in 48 hrs. But that's the spin.
Gosh! Darn! Makes me wish I was a pollster or political correspondent for a major media organization - NOT! :biggrin:

Electrifying my @$$. :rolleyes: :zzz:
  • #121
Gokul43201 said:
Astro, BobG: You folks like to make your picks early, dontcha? What's the tearing hurry?
Why wait?

After Michigan, then Nevada and South Carolina. It will be interesting to see how Obama does down south.
  • #122
Gokul43201 said:
You need to look in a different country then. McCain is the only Republican candidate that supports embryonic stem cell research funded federally, and he belongs to what is arguably the most liberal and progressive church in the country (the Episcopal Church).

1.) McCain is Baptist. McCain has always kept religion to himself which I respect.

2.) I have no problem voting for a moderate Republican since Congress is controlled by the Democrats. I WILL NOT, like a lot of my other fellow Independents, vote for Hillary.
  • #123
Astronuc said:
Why wait?

Because we all know how valuable the pre-election polls are? :biggrin:
  • #124
Astronuc said:

1. Obama (a neighbor)
2. Clinton (more likely than Edwards?)
3. Edwards (progressive)

I'll get back later on the Republicans.
Candidates need to focus on jobs & health care (insurance), retirement & SS, education, and how to get out of Iraq.

1. Romney (grew up in MI, father 3-time governor)
2. McCain (appeals to workers and middle class)
3. Huckabee (appeals more than the rest)

1. Obama
2. Clinton
3. Edwards (I thought I would make it interesting, but Richardson just dropped out)

1. McCain
2. Romney
3. Huckabee

South Carolina
1. Obama (doing well there)
2. Edwards (homey)
3. Clinton (south will be tough for her)

1. Huckabee (appeals to southern evangelicals)
2. McCain (been there, done that)
3. Romney (may not appeal to evangelicals)

AP: Richardson Ends Presidential Bid
Should've had an Oprahesque moment.
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  • #125
Don't look now - but NY Mayor Bloomberg Weighs 2008 Run

Clinton, McCain Look Ahead to Next Round

The woman who asked the question to which Hillary responded with a teary moment voted for Barak Obama. For other women, it was enough for them to decide to vote for the kinder, gentler Hillary, who has been seen as rather stoic up till now.
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  • #126
I either heard Bloomberg say, or heard it reported that he said that he wouldn't run if Obama is the dem candidate.
  • #127
It's hard to say what Bloomberg's up to. He certainly gets noticed in the press. He's an independent, more or less. I think he was Dem the switchted to Rep, now pretty much considers himself an independent.

It's interesting that he would compete against Hillary. Gov. Elliot Spitzer is pushing hard for her. He needs to spend his energy on administering the business of the state. :rolleyes:
  • #128
Astronuc said:
It's hard to say what Bloomberg's up to. He certainly gets noticed in the press. He's an independent, more or less. I think he was Dem the switchted to Rep, now pretty much considers himself an independent.

It's interesting that he would compete against Hillary. Gov. Elliot Spitzer is pushing hard for her. He needs to spend his energy on administering the business of the state. :rolleyes:
My take on Bloomberg is that he doesn't want either the Clinton insiders or the neo-cons back in the saddle. I could be wrong about that, but he's got enough money to out-spend everybody else in the field and he may have the savvy (and the independence from donors) to tell petro, pharma, HMO's etc to shove it when they want to continue to run our government. He may be just what we need to roll back decades of corruption and polarization that have made the public good subservient to the profits of the powerful.
  • #129
turbo-1 said:
My take on Bloomberg is that he doesn't want either the Clinton insiders or the neo-cons back in the saddle. I could be wrong about that, but he's got enough money to out-spend everybody else in the field and he may have the savvy (and the independence from donors) to tell petro, pharma, HMO's etc to shove it when they want to continue to run our government. He may be just what we need to roll back decades of corruption and polarization that have made the public good subservient to the profits of the powerful.

I don't know much about him yet, but I do consider him a possible option if Hillary is the Dem candidate.
  • #130
CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP, Jan. 10) - John Kerry, the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee, gave Barak Obama a timely endorsement Thursday, snubbing Hillary Rodham Clinton as well as his own vice presidential running mate.

Kerry came to South Carolina to embrace Obama, two weeks before the state's primary and with Obama needing a boost after Clinton's emotional victory over him in New Hampshire.
Michigan, Nevada and South Carolina will set up the candidates for Super Tuesday. It seems a two way race with Clinton and Obama more or less running tie at the moment.

Romney needs Michigan to gain momentum. I think McCain and Huckabee will do well in SC.

In the November election, Independents will probably be a deciding factor.
  • #131
NH has been huge for McCain! He is now polling nationally at 25-30% (neck to neck with Huckabee), when last moneth he was only at about 10-15%. I wonder if his coffers are starting to fill up too?

Now for some speculation: I wonder how an Obama-Bloomberg ticket might do nationally...
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  • #132
Gokul43201 said:
Now for some speculation: I wonder how an Obama-Bloomberg ticket might do nationally...
Interesting. Should appeal to independents, more so than Obama-Clinton.
  • #133
Isn't it about time for the rest of you to get your Michigan predictions in?
  • #134
BobG said:
Isn't it about time for the rest of you to get your Michigan predictions in?
Is Hillary Clinton the only Democrat standing now Barack Obama and John Edwards have taken their names off the ballot?? If so then it's Clinton 1 uncommitted 2 :biggrin:

For Republicans
1 McCain
2 Romney
3 Huckerbee
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  • #135
1 Romney
2 McCain
3 Huckabee

1 Clinton
2 Uncommited
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  • #136
Art said:
Is Hillary Clinton the only Democrat standing now Barack Obama and John Edwards have taken their names off the ballot?? If so then it's Clinton 1 uncommitted 2 :biggrin:

For Republicans
1 McCain
2 Romney
3 Huckerbee

I think Kucinich is still running an invisible campaign (in the invisible primary, no less).
  • #137

1). Clinton

1). Romney
2). McCain
3). Huckabee

The polls are tight, but Romney has been claiming that jobs can be saved, and McCain is saying that the jobs are gone forever. So I will bet that the people of Michigan will go with the positive message that they desperately want to hear.
  • #138
Sorry for getting in this late. Forgot what date today was...been waiting to see if something shook up between Romney and McCain.


1. Clinton
2. Kucinich
3. Gravel

1. Romney
2. McCain
3. Huckabee
  • #139
2. Kucinich
3. Gravel

I'm not passing up a couple of freebees. :biggrin:
  • #140
Mondale takes an early lead for the dems.

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