Want to Join Our Postcard Club? Here's How!

  • Thread starter Borek
  • Start date
In summary, Evo is starting a club where people can post cards to each other. If you want to join, post here. If you want to exchange postcards with someone, send them your snail-mail address by PM. You will get the return address through the same channel. Send a postcard. Wait. When you get the card, post here.
  • #36
I like postcards - especially from foreign countries (like California or Alaska, for example).
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
Math Is Hard said:
Maybe you could take a picture of it? :smile:
I'll do that tonight when I get home.
  • #38
Borek said:
Out of curiosity I have entered all addresses that you have sent me into Google Earth. Wow. It works. You can even tell who has a black car :wink:

I have a quantum car according to Google Earth :cool:

It is both at work, and at the boat launch. But not at home. hmmm... can particles go through 3 slits at once? Ooops! Off topic.

Being a philatelist, I would greatly appreciate exchanging post cards with the international PF community.

Borek, you are first on my list.

And what a great way to properly stalk my local PF'ers(instead of endlessly driving around their neighborhoods): lisab, Ivan & Tsu, Integral, et al. :rolleyes:
  • #39
BobG said:
I like postcards - especially from foreign countries (like California or Alaska, for example).

I can see Russia from my house! :approve:
If I use Google Earth.
  • #40
OmCheeto said:
I have a quantum car according to Google Earth :cool:

It is both at work, and at the boat launch. But not at home. hmmm... can particles go through 3 slits at once? Ooops! Off topic.

Cool - I need a quantum car!

I guess they only update images a few times a year. I've been looking at Galveston and it seems to be all pre-hurricane images.
  • #41
Math Is Hard said:
I guess they only update images a few times a year.

Depends on place, but in general few times a year is a very high frequency.
  • #42
Borek said:
Depends on place, but in general few times a year is a very high frequency.
Some places get updated more frequently than others. The view of where I live is about 2 years old, but a friend in DC was under a year.
  • #43
MIH, here is your card, it's the best shot I could get of it. Now the surprise is gone. :frown:

The message inside says "May cosmic bliss come down and scratch you on the belly" Happy Birthday

  • #44
oh, Evo! That is so sweet! Is that a Beagle? I love Beagles!
Thank you. This makes my crummy day into a good one :)
  • #45
Math Is Hard said:
oh, Evo! That is so sweet! Is that a Beagle? I love Beagles!
Thank you. This makes my crummy day into a good one :)
Yes, it's a beagle. I'm glad you like it. I guess it will still be a surprise if you get it. Oh, and Dr Foofer just signed it. Your card now has claw marks on it. :redface: I should put it back before he hacks up a furball on it.
  • #46
Speaking of postcards... I came across this website/blog and I am fascinated with it:
PostSecret is an ongoing community art project where people
mail in their secrets anonymously on one side of a postcard.

for instance:




  • #47
Evo said:
I bought MIH a really adorable birthday card a couple of years ago. It's sitting on the table in the hallway. I see it almost every day and it makes me think of her. She'd love it. :redface:

:smile: I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does things like this. Yet another PF support group forms. :biggrin: I have CDs with the photos from my nephew's 3rd birthday party that were supposed to be sent to my sister and mom. They're still on my desk and my nephew is now 5. I just found Christmas cards from last year that I meant to send to a couple of friends. :redface: They weren't just regular Christmas cards either, they were fancy ones that happened to remind me of them, so they're special, but needed extra postage and I didn't know how much. I guess I can still send them this year. :rolleyes: Oh, and there's the present stored with my Christmas stuff that was supposed to be sent to my mom, oh, probably 3 years ago or so. It's clothing and she's not the same size anymore, so no point sending it now. I guess I should just give it to Good Will or something, but again, that would require making a trip to their thrift store and remembering to bring the clothes when I do it. :rolleyes: I desperately need a personal assistant to run errands to the post office for me.
  • #48
Math Is Hard said:
for instance:
:smile: One of my students is still a bit ticked off that I busted him on his flirting in class. Actually, I thought it was WAY too obvious to be real flirting and thought he was just goofing around, but by the shades of red he turned when I told him he would get more work done if he wasn't spending the lab period flirting, I think it really was flirting. :redface: :smile:


  • #49
Moonbear said:
:smile: I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does things like this. Yet another PF support group forms. :biggrin:
Thank goodness I'm not the only one!

Oh, I just remembered we had a US Post Office at work. I hope it's a real staffed one and not self service. I will have to try to find it tomorrow. Oh and we have an employee store somewhere, maybe they sell postcards and there is a custom graphics store. I need to get my little map out and look for these places.
  • #50
OK, bought postcards today :smile:
  • #51
I decided i am crap with photography, so i will send a plain one with some added interest.
  • #52
wolram said:
I decided i am crap with photography, so i will send a plain one with some added interest.
Draw me a doggie on mine.
  • #53
Too bad Zooby is not playing. He has made some lovely postcards out of his abstract colored pencil drawings.
  • #54
That's beautiful. He made some really great drawings.
  • #55
Math Is Hard said:
Too bad Zooby is not playing. He has made some lovely postcards out of his abstract colored pencil drawings.

Zooby? who is Zooby?


last post:
Nov19-07, 04:33 AM
Replies: 47
Atlanta Water Situation Called Dire
Views: 2,214
Posted By zoobyshoe

that's almost a full year. and before I joined this forum. do you think he drank the water?

but that is a beautiful card.

do you have his/her address? I'm ready to invest.

in postcards...
  • #57
I'm wary of giving out me address.
  • #58
~christina~ said:
I'm wary of giving out me address.

1) Talk like a pirate day is over.

2) I agree. I'm only going to exchange cards with people I know pretty well here and have known for a while.
  • #59
~christina~ said:
I'm wary of giving out me address.

Yep watch out guys i am coming pillaging, i can not promise the other.
  • #60
I sent my cards today Monday.
  • #61
Your card is in, MiH. Nice beach.
  • #62
wolram said:
Yep watch out guys i am coming pillaging, i can not promise the other.
I will gladly be pillaged by Wolram. I am going to attempt to find a store on campus today that sells postcards.
  • #63
Andre said:
Your card is in, MiH. Nice beach.

I am glad you liked it! I look forward to checking my mail this evening. Maybe your card will have arrived.

Today I sent two more postcards out to U.S. PFers.
  • #64
Yay i have my one from MIH thank you, i am not sure why every one is looking at that wedge thing and the big oil drum though.
  • #65
Math Is Hard said:
I am glad you liked it! I look forward to checking my mail this evening. Maybe your card will have arrived.

Today I sent two more postcards out to U.S. PFers.

Poor MIH. :frown: Dejectedly checking her empty mailbox, wondering where her postcards are.

Do they deliver mail on Columbus Day where you live? (This has to be the stupidest holiday of the year. I broke out laughing the first time I worked somewhere that gave me Columbus Day off.)
  • #66
BobG said:
(This has to be the stupidest holiday of the year. I broke out laughing the first time I worked somewhere that gave me Columbus Day off.)
We celebrate Columbus Day, but not Constitution Day.
  • #67
Math Is Hard said:
1) Talk like a pirate day is over.
Arrrggg the pirate comes out of me sometimes
2) I agree. I'm only going to exchange cards with people I know pretty well here and have known for a while.
How long is, "awhile" ?

wolram said:
Yep watch out guys i am coming pillaging, i can not promise the other.
Don't you have enough coins, wolram??
  • #68
I actually went to the card store and the post office and neither had post cards.
  • #69
I told you it can be difficult.
  • #70
Borek said:
I told you it can be difficult.

Lisab should have her card by now.

And Wollie should have his by this Friday or Monday(I sent it today).

Borek? Where is my card?...

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