What are some recipes for avocado and lime soup?

  • Thread starter ZapperZ
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In summary, the conversation revolves around Evo's upcoming surgery and everyone is wishing her well and hoping for a speedy recovery. There is also some humorous banter about her potentially getting a boob job or chakra realignment during the surgery. Overall, the group is sending their best wishes and positive thoughts for a successful operation and quick recovery.
  • #36
I thought it was today.

Best wishes from Tsu and I, and get well soon.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
Best wishes, Evo! I hope everything goes well and you recover really quickly. I've heard you get to eat all of the ice cream and Jell-o you want post-op. So, yay!

No wait.

Do great. We'll be here waiting for you.
  • #38
Thanks all! I'm a bit apprehensive, but I'm sure it will be fine. Besides, I like baby food.
  • #39
Hope everything goes well Evo.

As GeorginaS said, milk it for all you can. Make them regret offering all you can eat jello! :biggrin:
  • #40
I got a little queasy by finding what you are up to Evo. Wish you well.
  • #41
We'll balance her out with butt implants!

Besides, anything that strikes her butt or her chest will simply bounce off! Seeeee, I've been thinking ahead. (pointing finger to the top of my head)

yyyyyyyyyeeeeanways...Hope all is well Evo!
  • #42
Evo said:
Besides, I like baby food.

GAAAAAKKKKKKK. Jeez, Sis. That's just disGUSTing!

And don't worry. Everything will be fine.

HERE! Have some clear liquids! :biggrin:


You will be in my thoughts and prayers all day tomorrow. O'Tay? :!)
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  • #43
Good wishes Evo, when you come out you will be jumping 12ft fences.
  • #44
Good luck Evo!
  • #45
Get well soon Evo!

- Warren
  • #46
Wish you the best, Evo!:smile:

Andre said:
All the best, Evo,

and hopefully it's feasible to have somebody, a child perhapes, to communicate the situation and progress tomorrow.

For a momment I thought Evo was going to give birth to another baby!:blushing:
  • #47
I hope all goes well.

Take care.
  • #48
Hope all goes well and that you recover soon, Evo!

(And don't leave us hanging... check in as soon as you can.)
  • #49
rewebster said:
padding?--come on, guys!----if and when you guys would get done, she'd have silicone implants on her elbows, hips and who knows where else!

Oh, now that's a much better plan! Yeah, since you're in the shop already, might as well get the rest of the body work done. :biggrin: Silicone padding on the hips sounds great (though, I think it was Tsu who needed that), along with knees and elbows, maybe something for the chin too, some butt implants, and she might be able to hold off until Kurdt finally gets the padded Kevlar suits ready for all us sisters.

Thinking of you Evo!
  • #50
Good luck, Evo! Wish you a speedy recovery and hope to see you back here soon.
  • #52
Oh now the waiting begins in earnest {paces back and fourth}.
  • #53
With any luck at all, she's out of the OR and recovery already. If I know Evo, she'll be reaching for her laptop by later this evening (now that's IF Evo Child let her take it to the hospital at ALL!11 :biggrin:).
  • #54
Tsu said:
With any luck at all, she's out of the OR and recovery already. If I know Evo, she'll be reaching for her laptop by later this evening (now that's IF Evo Child let her take it to the hospital at ALL!11 :biggrin:).

With Evo's strong personality, I doubt it...she'll probably 'ban' her from the hospital, :biggrin:
  • #55
Ah, but Evo Child is JUST LIKE HER. She'd just laugh at her if Evo tried to ban her from the hospital. :biggrin:
  • #56
Tsu said:
But Evo Child is JUST LIKE HER. She'd just laugh at her if Evo tried to ban her from the hospital. :biggrin:

I'm sure they could come to some sort of arrangement.. like Evo handing over her debit card! :biggrin:
  • #57
cristo said:
I'm sure they could come to some sort of arrangement.. like Evo handing over her debit card! :biggrin:

For emergency only!

And let's not list these emergency cases :wink:
  • #58
Tsu said:
If I know Evo, she'll be reaching for her laptop by later this evening

If I know Evo, she'll probably fall out of the hospital bed mid surgery.
  • #59
What is it with the PF sisters falling ?
  • #60
AhmedEzz said:
What is it with the PF sisters falling ?

Its in their contract.

Talk to us soon Evo.
  • #61
Kurdt said:
Its in their contract.
If they won't fall on their own, we hire someone to push them down.
  • #62
well, still waiting. Hate that time difference. Hang in there, Evo
  • #63
I'm sure she will be fine. :biggrin:
  • #64
Evo Child BETTER have instructions (and follow them) to get on here and let us know when Evo is out of surgery and recovering. By now, she ought to be out and in recovery (though likely far too groggy to tell us this).
  • #65
Eh Gads, no word yet{goes back to pacing}.
  • #66
You don't suppose the Evo Child doesn't follow instructions, do you?

Gads I hate waiting.
  • #67
Grrrrrrrrrr...... I'm starting to get that 'Pit Bull with lipstick' feeling.

OK. Deep breath. Relax. We'll hear something soon...
  • #68
I think this is officially the waiting room thread now. Who wants to play checkers?

I wonder if Evo is up and holding court with the handsome male nurses?
  • #69
I didn't bring my checkerboard, but we could play Go Fish. :biggrin:
  • #70
Math Is Hard said:
I think this is officially the waiting room thread now. Who wants to play checkers?

I wonder if Evo is up and holding court with the handsome male nurses?

"It's time for your sponge bath, Miss Evo..."


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