What are some recipes for avocado and lime soup?

  • Thread starter ZapperZ
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In summary, the conversation revolves around Evo's upcoming surgery and everyone is wishing her well and hoping for a speedy recovery. There is also some humorous banter about her potentially getting a boob job or chakra realignment during the surgery. Overall, the group is sending their best wishes and positive thoughts for a successful operation and quick recovery.
  • #281
chroot said:
Two words for you: duck foam.

- Warren

hmm.. is it Duck Whip? Like Cool Whip, but duck flavored?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #282
Moonbear said:
Agar is what bacteria are grown on. People eat that stuff?
It's a new "trend" in cooking, agar, gum arabic, liquid nitrogen. Lot's of nothing with a taste, costs a fortune too in overpriced restaurants.
  • #283
Evo said:
It's a new "trend" in cooking, agar, gum arabic, liquid nitrogen. Lot's of nothing with a taste, costs a fortune too in overpriced restaurants.

I had no idea. I just googled and found some foam recipes:

  • #284
Math Is Hard said:
I had no idea. I just googled and found some foam recipes:


You did better than I did. I kept finding things like rubber ducks when I searched, and eBay has a really cute ducky puzzle made out of foam up for sale. :smile:
  • #285



I found a few versions of avocado and lime soup recipes. The one I had didn't have any "chunky" stuff in it, it was just a puree basically. So, maybe you can work from these to create something edible and safe for your healing stomach.
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  • #286
Moonbear said:



I found a few versions of avocado and lime soup recipes. The one I had didn't have any "chunky" stuff in it, it was just a puree basically. So, maybe you can work from these to create something edible and safe for your healing stomach.
I *love* avocado.
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  • #287
Evo, how about gazpacho, pureed to a fare-thee-well? You'll get nutrients, fiber, and something tasty to eat. You could make up a big batch and refrigerate it, taking out only 1/2 cup or so at a time, or whatever your stomach can handle comfortably. As long as the acid content is not too high (irritating sensitive tissues), it might help you keep comfortable.

If gazpacho is too acidic, maybe you could make a cold pureed soup out of cucumbers, yogurt (or maybe sour cream) etc. I'm sure Google would turn up something along these lines.
  • #288
In Polish "to beat the foam" (not sure how it is in English - it is about beating whites for foam) means "to talk and talk without getting to any conclusions", any long discussion that is just a waste of time fits. That perfectly fits the idea of tasty foam without a nutritional value.
  • #289
turbo, howed you acquire such a knowledge of chilies, etc? I dub you an honorary New Mexican!
  • #290
Well, I guess I can assume you're feeling better if you're talking about food... :smile:
  • #291
binzing said:
turbo, howed you acquire such a knowledge of chilies, etc? I dub you an honorary New Mexican!
I love chilies and have experimented with them and cooked with them for many years. The last few seasons, I have been able to grow my own and not have to rely on the (often crappy) peppers from stores. My home-grown habaneros are light-years ahead of the store-bought stuff. I can just hear Evo's stomach howling in pain right now thinking of my habanero relishes - perhaps she'll be driven to the food thread out of desperation. :devil:
  • #292
Tsu said:
Well, I guess I can assume you're feeling better if you're talking about food... :smile:
Last night Alton Brown was making a pie and I got a craving for pie. I crave sweets maybe once a decade. Of course, nothing sweet in the house.
  • #293
Evo said:
Last night Alton Brown was making a pie and I got a craving for pie. I crave sweets maybe once a decade. Of course, nothing sweet in the house.

not even honey?
  • #294
Evo said:
Of course, nothing sweet in the house.

Take a glance at the mirror o:)
  • #295
Borek said:
Take a glance at the mirror o:)
Awww, shucks.

Usually I'm called bitter and crabby. :biggrin:
  • #296
Should make a visit out here some day. You could check out Hatch, chili capital of the Southwest.
  • #297
This has absolutely nothing to do with anything said here, but all this talk of chilli's and going to the loo just made me remember something.

I worked on a salmon farm up in Scotland and quite often, when lifting the nets out of the water, there'd be jellies (jelly fish) wrapped around the rope so we all wore gloves to avoid the stings, except for one old codger who had hands like leather and to whom the jellies meant nothing since he couldn't feel the stings on his hands.

To cut a long story short, some of the stinging cells must've remained on his hands after one such a lift and, let's just say that he promptly discovered that the skin on his willy wasn't as tough as the skin on his hands after going to the toilet.

You should've heard him...That day, I laughed til I cried :biggrin:
  • #298
Good luck!
  • #299
scientiavore said:
Good luck!
Thank you!
  • #300
phyzmatix said:
. . . one old codger who had hands like leather and to whom the jellies meant nothing . . .

I thought you were going to say you got stung by shaking his hand later, but what actually transpired is a much better story. :eek:
  • #301
Evo said:
Thank you!
You're welcomed, and sorry for the little rant the other day, you know it was nothing personal, take care and good luck.
  • #302
scientiavore said:
You're welcomed, and sorry for the little rant the other day, you know it was nothing personal, take care and good luck.
No problem, you'll do well here! :smile:
  • #303
Redbelly98 said:
I thought you were going to say you got stung by shaking his hand later, but what actually transpired is a much better story. :eek:

  • #304
Moonbear said:



I found a few versions of avocado and lime soup recipes. The one I had didn't have any "chunky" stuff in it, it was just a puree basically. So, maybe you can work from these to create something edible and safe for your healing stomach.
That third recipe is similar to one I like for quacamole - just leave out the chicken stock and flour, and add crème fraiche according to consistency. The lime (acidic) juice helps preserve the avacado, which will go slightly brown when exposed to air.
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